109 resultados para regime changes


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The red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) is a popular gamefish found throughout the coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico and along the eastern seaboard as far north as Massachusetts. Juvenile red drum grow extremely rapidly, especially during the warmer months, but adults grow very little. In fact, the change in growth with age is so abrupt that the standard von Bertalanffy curve has proven inadequate— the predicted lengths of younger fish are generally too large and the predicted lengths of older fish too small (see Beckman et al., 1988; Murphy and Taylor, 1990).


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Triennial bottom trawl survey data from 1984 to 1996 were used to evaluate changes in the summer distribution of walleye pollock in the western and central Gulf of Alaska. Differences between several age groups of pollock were evaluated. Distribution was examined in relation to several physical characteristics, including bottom depth and distance from land. Interspecies associations were also analyzed with the Bray-Curtis clustering technique to better understand community structure. Our results indicated that although the population numbers decreased, high concentrations of pollock remained in the same areas during 1984–96. However, there was an increase in the number of stations where low-density pollock concentrations of all ages were observed, which resulted in a decrease in mean population density of pollock within the GOA region. Patterns emerging from our data suggested an alternative to Mac-Call’s “basin hypothesis” which states that as population numbers decrease, there should be a contraction of the population range to optimal habitats. During 1984–96 there was a concurrent precipitous decline in Steller sea lions in the Gulf of Alaska. The results of our study suggest that decreases in the mean density of adult pollock, the main food in the Steller sea lion diet, combined with slight changes in the distribution of pollock (age-1 pollock in particular) in the mid-1980s, may have contributed to decreased foraging efficiency in Steller sea lions. Our results support the prevailing conceptual model for pollock ontogeny, although there is evidence that substantial spawning may also occur outside of Shelikof Strait.


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Dating of annually varved sediments of Santa Barbara Basin down to AD 1650 in absence of precise radiometric methods was achieved by (1) counting varves and determining mean annual sedimentation rates from x-radiographs, and (2) correlation with historical rainfall and tree-ring records.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): A net snow accumulation time series is presented. It is derived from a 102.5 m ice core retrieved from Mt. Logan at an altitude of 5340 m a.s.l. Annual increments are identified using stable isotopes, trace chemistry, and beta activity. ... The resulting time series of nearly 300 years seems to indicate a lower mean accumulation from AD 1700 to the mid-19th century than after that time. The last 100 years of the series correlates significantly with certain instrumental station records at mid-northern latitudes.


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Long-term changes in chlorophyll production were predicted from environmental variables for the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and Suisun Bay using Box-Jenkins transfer function models. Data used for the analyses were collected semimonthly or monthly between 1971 and 1987. Transfer function models developed to describe changes in chlorophyll production over time as a function of environmental variables were characterized by lagged responses and described between 39 and 51 percent of the data variation. Significant correlations between environmental variables and the California climate index (CA SLP) were used to develop a conceptual model of the link between regional climate and estuarine production.


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Climate modeling using coastal tree-ring chronologies has yielded the first summer temperature reconstructions for coastal stations along the Gulf of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. These land temperature reconstructions are strongly correlated with nearby sea surface temperatures, indicating large-scale ocean-atmospheric influences. Significant progress has also been made in modeling winter land temperatures and sea surface temperatures from coastal and shipboard stations. In addition to temperature, the pressure variability center over the central North Pacific Ocean (PAC), which is related to the strength and location of the Aleutian Low pressure system, could be extended using coastal tree rings.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Past work has shown that surface zonal equatorial wind stress, zonally integrated from one side of the Pacific to the other, is the key variable for estimating long-term El Niño behavior in the eastern Pacific. ... We used detrended COADS pressure in the eastern and western equatorial Pacific and post-1960 detrended Florida State University equatorial wind stress zonally averaged across the Pacific to verify this relationship.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The effects of gradual climate change (ie, multi-decadal) on biological communities are not well understood for most natural systems, owing principally to the lack of quantitative observations in early studies. ... We resurveyed invertebrate species on an intertidal transect in central California, first established and surveyed in 1931, to assess shifts in community structure.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Annual, winter, and summer mass balance measurements at South Cascade Glacier in the North Cascade Mountains of Washington State constitute a continuous time series 36 years long, from 1959 to 1994. ... The long-term trends at South Cascade Glacier are decreased winter accumulation and increased summer ablation, neither of which is conducive to glacier growth, so the trend in the Pacific Northwest is clearly away from an ice-age type of climate at the current time. The data also demonstrate that a glaciologically significant long-term change in snow precipitation can occur rapidly, in as short an interval as 1 year, much more rapidly than changes in temperature.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Bidecadal radiocarbon measurements on tree rings provide a detailed series of carbon-14 activities at isotopic equilibrium with atmospheric carbon dioxide. ... Most marine environments do not permit development of a comparable series of carbon-14 ages with which to compare the terrestrial tree ring series. However, we have recently begun work on such a series using material from the varved sediments of the Santa Barbara Basin off southern California. ... We now have a nearly continuous record of carbon-14 dates representing the age of the water over the upper 100 meters. ... The ocean reservoir ages show an increase prior to 1450 and a progressive decrease with time after 1450. Although there may be other explanations, we believe this trend is principally the result of changes in large-scale upwelling of water from below 500 meters. These changes were probably also associated with changes in the intensity of the California Current.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Paleoclimatic variations in western North America depend on a hierarchy of temporal and spatial controls that can be examined using a combination of modeling studies and data synthesis. ... The regional vegetation response to large-scale changes in the climate system of the last 21,000 years is used as a conceptual model to help explain earlier vegetation and climate at two localities.


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Tidal and sea level changes during 1991 at a coastal station (Jeddah) in the central part of the Red Sea are investigated. Analysis shows higher sea levels in winter and lower in summer. The amplitude of change at Jeddah is above 50cm. Analysis of wind stress at Jeddah indicates an insignificant contribution of the cross-shore component, while a major part of the changes in the sea level can be accounted for by the long-shore component.


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Fresh Bombay ducks and Bombay ducks dried (a) without any pre-treatment or (b) after brining with NaCl solutions of 15% and 7.5% concentrations for 18 hours were analyzed for moisture, ash, minerals, vitamins, fat, free fatty acids, peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid value, total protein, total amino nitrogen, soluble proteins and trimethylamine contents. All the dried samples were stored in (a) tightly closed tin containers or (b) polythene bags and analyzed for the above mentioned constituents every 1½ months. It was observed that brining did not exercise any marked influence on keeping properties. Organoleptic observations showed that fish stored in tin containers kept better and longer than those stored in polythene bags.


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Preliminary study has been made of the changes in common 5' nucleotides in oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) and two Penaeid prawns of Indian waters during chill storage. The course of nucleotide degradation has been followed in the fresh fish and shell fish during ice storage. The level of inosine monophosphate (IMP) in prawns showed significant but steady decrease during ice storage and this appears to serve as useful indication of length of storage. Comparison has been made on the pattern of nucleotide changes in block frozen fish and individually quick frozen fish stored at -23°C.


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Liza parsia were exposed to sublethal (0.02 ppm) concentration of DDT for 15 days. The gill responded initially with copious secretion of mucus, oedematous separation of epithelial cells from the basement membrane and fusion of secondary gill lamellae. Hyperplasia of the cells lining primary gill lamellae and lamellar telangiectases (or aneurysms) was frequently seen after day 10 of exposure. Kidney exhibited hypertrophy of the epithelial cells lining proximal convoluted tubules which was followed by shrinkage in glomerular tufts, increase in Bowman's space, appearance of amorphous eosinophilic materials in the lumina of the tubules and focal necrosis on day 10 of the treatment. Hyaline droplets and casts were also encountered in the epithelial cells and lumina of the proximal tubules. Liver revealed an initial dilation of canaliculi and increased secretion of bile. Thereafter, the displacement of nuclei towards periphery of the hepatocytes, disorganization of blood sinusoids, pyknotic changes in nuclei, cytolysis and vacuolation as well as focal necrosis were noticed after day 10 of the intoxication.