99 resultados para Water Resources


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FAO regularly releases studies on the state of fish resources exploitation (The state of world fisheries and aquaculture)and the development of fisheries by geographic areas. The 1983 and 1985 editions provided interesting discussions on fisheries development trends in the world: the majority of sea-facing countries adopted legislation that extends the national jurisdiction on the waters off their coasts (usually indicated within 200 miles) and establishes exclusive economic zones (EEZs). The huge fluctuations in the abundance of some fish stocks are obstacles to fisheries development. This issue, as well as the need to improve research activities and management of fish stocks is also analyzed in this work. The author highlighted the situation of fisheries in the Western Indian Ocean, with particular attention to tuna fisheries and to inland water resources of Mozambique.


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Seasonal snow cover in the mountains of the Upper Colorado River Basin is a major source of water for a large portion of the southwestern United States. The extent and amount of this snowpack not only reflects changes in weather patterns and climate but also influences the general circulation through modification of the energy exchange between land and atmosphere. ... Satellite observations and remote sensing techniques can enhance the standard snowpack observations to provide the temporal and spatial measurements required for understanding the role of snow in the surface energy balance and improving the management of water resources.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Evaluations of the impact of climate change (such as a greenhouse effect) upon water resources should represent both the expected change and the uncertainty in that expectation. Since water resources such as streamflow and reservoir levels depend on a variety of factors, each of which is subject to significant uncertainty, it is desirable to formulate methods of representing that uncertainty in the forcing factors and from this determine the uncertainty in the response variables of interest. We report here progress in the representation of the uncertainty in climate upon the uncertainty in the estimated hydrologic response.


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Darbhanga district in North Bihar is characterised by thick alluvial soil, moderately good rainfall, high humidity, ample sunshine and numerous water resources in the form of perennial rivers, tributaries, streams, lakes, ponds, pools and puddles. The aquacrops of this district include several species of commercially important fishes, aquatic cash crops such as makhana (Euryale ferox), singhara (Trapa spp.), lotus, lilly, Khubi etc. and molluscs. This paper highlights the commercial significance of these aquacrops and offers suggestions for their sustained development.


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Tripura is a densely populated small state with meagre water resources. 47.51% of the population is constituted by socio-economically backward, illiterate, orthodox, tribal and scheduled castes. Some of them are nomad and a majority of the rest of the population is refugees from Bangladesh, but almost 100% is fish eater. Settlement of tribes in villages, provision of nutritious food and employment therefore calls for proper utilization of every resource they have. The State is poor in water resources but recently has created 21,636.23 ha of new water area. Tripura is rich in pig population, besides poultry birds. Paddy is the main crop cultivated in arable lands. An integration of livestock raising and land based agriculture with pisciculture practices around mini barrages will help in solving the problems to a great extent. The paper is an attempt to outline the prospects of integration of aquaculture with animal husbandry and land based crop culture in Tripura State.


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In order to study of the artificial propagation efficiency in white fish (Coregonus lavaretus) and its fingerlings producing in IRAN, a 9 mounts study project was been done which during it, the characteristics of the matures and brood stocks fishes, the condition of their natural and artificial propagation, and the characteristics of produced frys, were been studied. Throughout the total 82 pieces caught fishes during September til February 2003, 10 pieces of them were the female brood stocks which during the catch time did not have spouse. The study of these fishes showed that there was no significant correlation between their weight and their length. The most and the least absolute fecundity of these brood stocks were 19120 and 11496 respectively. The artificial propagation was been done by 5 males and 4 females broods took which 57602 ova, with 89/2% fertilization rate, earned from them. The incubation period prolonged 55 days in 8°c. At the end of the incubation, 23913 larvae released. So the artificial propagation efficiency was calculated 41/51% in this study. Yolk sack absorption prolonged 4 days. 3 different food treatment were considered for fry breeding which contain of Brachiouns plicatilis as live food, salmon starter food as commercial food, and the mixed of equal amounts of live and commercial foods as third treatment. For each treatment, 3 repeat has been considered. Breeding duration prolonged 13 weeks throughout this period, different characteristics of fry were been studied weekly. The breeding results showed that there was very significant correlation between the weight and the length of frys. However the live food provided better results in growth and survival rate of frys during breeding initial 6 weeks. More ever, commercial food, in some characteristics, provided more acceptable results in comparing the live food after sixth week. The results of this study project showed that the artificial propagation in whitefish is possible in IRAN and the producing of its frys in order to restocking or introducing this species to the other Iranian suitable water resources is executable. Based on the earned information from this study, the suitable time for natural spawning of whitefish in IRAN (Amirkabir dam lake) determined between 10th January til 20th February.


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Schizothorax zarudnvi, is an endemic fish of east country waters. (Triple lagoons of Hamoon and relevant water resources) that in the world it is reported in this resource specially. This fish named Hamoon mahi is one of the most economically valuable species in this region. Because of the recent years droughts, Hamoon logoon has been drive since 2000. Also, semi-wells (a semi natural resource) were affected drastically by recent drought years and their volume reduced to nearly one third of their real volume and resulted in changing at growth and reproduction physiology process in Schizothorax zanidnyi, brood stocks. Beginning of this project was done from October 2003. It's field studies begun (brood catching) since November 2001 by two methods including entangling gairs and at semi wells of Sistan that (Beach seine) had maximum rate of preparing qualified brood stocks. Broods transferred to Cyprinidea reproduction work shop of Zahak and after taking primary measures they stored in to the edaphic pools. Increasing the success safety factor (coefficient) for artificial reproduction of Sthizothorax zarudnyi , identifying the appropriate tune for Hormonal acceptance (physiological preparation of broods) is needed , so this important work was done regularly by histological studies and GSI measurements since November. Highest GSI rates of females (%80.51) and highest IV stage abundance of sexual maturity (%l 00) were observed an march. On the base of this date, Hormone therapy was done on broods on march. The used hormones are as follows Hypophysis. extraction, GnRHa and Anti Dopamin at the dozes of 3-6 ml, 20-30kg and 10-15 ml per kg body weight respectively and 2-3 times from 11-12-80 they were injected. Injected broods kept in to two circumstances, flow-through (rounded pool) and stagnant systems. In stagnant system 14 and 19 individuals of female and male (Schizothorax zauiulnri) broods, respectively injected in 11th, 15111, 19th, and 24th of march 1380. Non of the injected broods in 11 and 15 and 19th march (in stagnant Condition) answered to Hormone therapy. After final injection broods had general less activity and a few of them died. Mean temperature of brood pond waters (daily) which were injected. Fluctuated between 10-25-13. 63°c but injected broods on 24th march had different characteristics. They had pale color and had few fecundity. In this stage of injection they hadn't any successful vulation. After injection, Mean daily water temperature was 15, 88-17, 54°c. In Flowing system, 13-16 individual of males and females respectively were injected on 15th, 19th, 22th and 23th march. None of injected producers on 15th and 19th march with mean daily water temperature of 10, 25-12°c were prepared for spawning but injected producers on 22nd an 23th march with mean daily water temperature of 13.5-1 rc responded about 75-100 percent. (Schizothorax zarudnyi) brood stocks were prepared for spawning after 353-428 hours/day from final injection. Diameter of obtained eggs (before fertilization) was between 1.9-2.3 min and of fertilized eggs was 3.8mm. Fertilized eggs of (Schizothorax zarudnyi) were hatched after 6-7 days with mean water temperature of 17.08°c. Mean length of on one day larvae was 9.47 mm. Larvae was 9.47 mm. Larvae adsorbed the whole yolk sac after , 5-6 days at 17- 1°c and were prepared for releasing in to edaphic pools. Because of the lack of necessary and complementary facilities in the region , they had to release them in to veniros and growing them for 8 days. At the end of 18th day , 35000 larvae (at first) released into an edaphic pond with a volume of 150m2. After growing them for one moth , mean length and weight of new hatched larvae was 29.41 mm and 1.12►r , respectively. With respect to results of this investigation , artificial reproduction of (Schizothorax zarudnyi) Can be possible at 14-17°C and flowing water with Hormonal treatment. It -s breeding has increased development than other cultural specious in the region. Due to high economical value of this specious in Sistan and ti-s specialization east waters of Iran and having high resistance and proper growth There is a need of it's development and reproduction and culture in fish culture fanns (edaphic ponds• two-purpose pools) at the region and country.


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The book is written by Mariarosa Dalla Costa and Monica Chilese; translated by Silvia Federici; Common Notions; NY.2014. It is a vigorous critique of where globalization and industrialization in fishing have led global water resources to, and the direct role that humankind has played in this destructive relationship.


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The aquatic ecosystem of the Upper Victoria Nile is part of a wider complex of water bodies (lakes and rivers) in Uganda that is of immense socioeconomic importance, especially the fisheries. A source of food, income, energy, irrigation and drinking water, the protection, sustainable use and management of the Upper Victoria Nile water resources are vital to Uganda's economy. The Upper Victoria Nile,due to its abundance of socio-economic benefits,provides a significant contribution to Uganda's economy. The fisheries contribute to the sector as a major source of the export earnings, second to coffee (NEMA,1996), sustain small fishing villages,provide income and generally improve nutrition. Apart from the socio-economic significance of the fisheries,the riverine features of the Upper Victoria Nile, especially its hydropower potential,distinguish this river from the rest of the aquatic ecosystems in the country.