105 resultados para Tehran
Sea- level variations have a significant impact on coastal areas. Prediction of sea level variations expected from the pre most critical information needs associated with the sea environment. For this, various methods exist. In this study, on the northern coast of the Persian Gulf have been studied relation to the effectiveness of parameters such as pressure, temperature and wind speed on sea leve and associated with global parameters such as the North Atlantic Oscillation index and NAO index and present statistic models for prediction of sea level. In the next step by using artificial neural network predict sea level for first in this region. Then compared results of the models. Prediction using statistical models estimated in terms correlation coefficient R = 0.84 and root mean square error (RMS) 21.9 cm for the Bushehr station, and R = 0.85 and root mean square error (RMS) 48.4 cm for Rajai station, While neural network used to have 4 layers and each middle layer six neurons is best for prediction and produces the results reliably in terms of correlation coefficient with R = 0.90126 and the root mean square error (RMS) 13.7 cm for the Bushehr station, and R = 0.93916 and the root mean square error (RMS) 22.6 cm for Rajai station. Therefore, the proposed methodology could be successfully used in the study area.
The changes in time and location of surface temperature from a water body has an important effect on climate activities, marine biology, sea currents, salinity and other characteristics of the seas and lakes water. Traditional measurement of temperature is costly and time consumer due to its dispersion and instability. In recent years the use of satellite technology and remote sensing sciences for data acquiring and parameter and lysis of climatology and oceanography is well developed. In this research we used the NOAA’s Satellite images from its AVHRR system to compare the field surface temperature data with the satellite images information. Ten satellite images were used in this project. These images were calibrated with the field data at the exact time of satellite pass above the area. The result was a significant relation between surface temperatures from satellite data with the field work. As the relative error less than %40 between these two data is acceptable, therefore in our observation the maximum error is %21.2 that can be considered it as acceptable. In all stations the result of satellite measurements is usually less than field data that cores ponds with the global result too. As this sea has a vast latitude, therefore the different in the temperature is natural. But we know this factor is not the only cause for surface currents. The information of all satellites were images extracted by ERDAS software, and the “Surfer” software is used to plot the isotherm lines.
This work presents the development and application of a three-dimensional oil spill model for predicting the movement of an oil slick in the coastal waters of Singapore. In the model, the oil slick is divided into a number of small elements for simulating of the oil processes of spreading, advection, turbulent diffusion. This model is capable of predicting the horizontal movement of surface oil slick. Satellite images and field observations of oil slicks on the surface in the Singapore Straits are used to validate the newly developed model. Compared with the observations, the numerical results of the oil spill model show good conformity. In this study, the 3d model was generated using the geometrical data of Singapore Straits waters by GAMBIT which is a pre-processor of FLUENT programmed.
Making use of sea, as a place for dumping of wastes and other materials from human activities wasn’t forbidden before creation of the convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matters (London Convention). Therefore, industrial countries, without any specific consideration, were dumping their wastes into the world’s seas. Many years and before the beginning of rapid development of industry, the great self- purification of seas were preventing some of discharging problems. But gradually, the increase of industrial development activities, exceeded the production of wastes and other matters, and this led to the misuse of world’s seas and oceans as a dump site. One of the most important consequences of 1972 Stockholm World Conference was to focusing world attention on threats have jeopardized marine environment balance. World countries` leaders committed in Stockholm to begin protecting the environment. Finally, this movement at marine environment section led to the creation of London Convention in the same year. London Convention was concluded for cooperating between countries at December 29, 1972 to promote effective control of all marine environment polluting resources and to prevent marine pollution by dumping wastes and other matters. Then it was opened for signature to other countries. At last, after 15 states signature, this convention was entered in to force at August 30.1975. Ratification and execution of London Convention resulted in coordinated performance of countries in marine waste management. Common actions with supports and cooperation of different international, regional, governmental and non-governmental organizations and agencies prevent marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matters. Due to the importance of wastes in our marine and coastal areas, investigation of the performance of London Convention can identify the lack of regulations and lack of regulation supports about marine pollution prevention by dumping of wastes and other matters in Iran. Considering this issue, proper protection of seas will be achieved. London Convention has been studied here to achieve intended purposes. In first chapter, generalities about marine environment, including the importance and necessity of marine environment protection, with the focus on some internal and international resources of environmental law accompanying with marine pollution and its recourses, and finally, due to the study theme, dumping of wastes and other matters at seas with its impacts have been investigated .In the section of international measures, a brief history of marine pollution and marine environment international law with international law framework, exclusively for controlling of wastes and other material discharge at seas and oceans has been reviewed. In second chapter, obligations, amendments, and annexes of London Convention have been investigated and classified. The obligations have been categorized in to legal obligations and technical and organizational obligations. In former section, subject ,purpose, territory, exceptions, rights and duties of parties, convention amendments,… and in latter, special requirements for wastes assessment, determination of pollutants` permissible limit, site selection and type of discharge selection, design principles for marine environment quality monitoring program, and discharge license issuance mechanism have been studied. In third chapter, due to the examination of convention performance in Iran, the internal law system for marine environment conservation and its pollution has been mentioned in detail. Considering this, two issues have been compared .firstly, convention obligations with regional treaties that Iran as a party to them and secondly, Iranian internal law there of .Finally, common and different aspects of these issues have been determined. At last, recommendations and strategies for convention enforcement and conformity of its obligations with internal regulations have been presented. Furthermore, translation of convention English text has been reviewed and its protocol has been translated.
The aims of this thesis were evaluation the type of wave channel, wave current, and effect of some parameters on them and identification and comparison between types of wave maker in laboratory situations. In this study, designing and making of two dimension channels (flume) and wave maker for experiment son the marine buoy, marine building and energy conversion systems were also investigated. In current research, the physical relation between pump and pumpage and the designing of current making in flume were evaluated. The related calculation for steel building, channels beside glasses and also equations of wave maker plate movement, power of motor and absorb wave(co astal slope) were calculated. In continue of this study, the servo motor was designed and applied for moving of wave maker’s plate. One Ball Screw Leaner was used for having better movement mechanisms of equipment and convert of the around movement to linear movement. The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) was also used for control of wave maker system. The studies were explained type of ocean energies and energy conversion systems. In another part of this research, the systems of energy resistance in special way of Oscillating Water Column (OWC) were explained and one sample model was designed and applied in hydrolic channel at the Sheikh Bahaii building in Azad University, Science and Research Branch. The dimensions of designed flume was considered at 16 1.98 0. 57 m which had ability to provide regular waves as well as irregular waves with little changing on the control system. The ability of making waves was evaluated in our designed channel and the results were showed that all of the calculation in designed flume was correct. The mean of error between our results and theory calculation was conducted 7%, which was showed the well result in this situation. With evaluating of designed OWC model and considering of changes in the some part of system, one bigger sample of this model can be used for designing the energy conversion system model. The obtained results showed that the best form for chamber in exit position of system, were zero degree (0) in angle for moving below part, forty and five (45) degree in front wall of system and the moving forward of front wall keep in two times of height of wave.
Application of chitosan loaded with metal oxide nano particles to remove lead present from sea water
Chitosan is a natural polymer obtained by deacetylation of chitin. After cellulose chitin is the second most abundant polysaccharide in nature. It is biologically safe, non-toxic, biocompatible and biodegradable polysaccharide. Chitosan loaded with zinc oxide nanoparticles have gained more attention bio sorbent because of their better stability, low toxicity, simple and mild preparation method and high sorption capacity. Chitosan loaded with zinc oxide nanoparticles have been prepared of chitosan. The physicochemical properties of nanoparticles were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Analysis. Its sorption capacity for lead and cadmium ions studied. Factors such as initial concentration of lead ions, cadmium ions sorbent amount, contact time, pH and temperature were investigated. It is found that chitosan loaded with zinc oxide nanoparticles could sorb lead and cadmium ions effectively, this sorption rate was affected significantly by initial concentration of lead and cadmium ions, sorbent amount, contact time, pH of solution. The maximum of percentage of lead sorption was 98 % with initial concentration 3 mg/l and sorbent amount 0.05 g, pH 11 in 45 min and cadmiumwas90 %with initial concentration 3mg/l and sorbent amount 0.05 g, pH 11 in45 min. Consequently chitosan loaded with zinc oxide nanoparticles demonstrated greater fixation ability for lead ions than cadmium ions.
This paper deals with the qualification of water and sediment particularly those of benthos, as well as their interaction results, through careful laboratory researches within 24 experimental sites around the bank of Bandar Taheri, Persian Gulf water of Iranian borders, under 13th phase south Pars project. Samples were carried to the laboratories and careful experimental tests such as physical chemical, heavy metal, nitrate ammoniac, toc and other biologic tests including various type of benthos count were performed. Data gained through Shanon and Dankan statistical analyses were also studied to determine the water, sediment and pollution rate. Resulted information would classify the area as less polluted area which is rather away from critical environmental zone, another word the area could be liable to change to an undesired one while the density rates of principal metals follows the Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd>N pattern.
Increasing the amount of detergent industries in world in spite of having abundant benefits; entering a new kind of contamination into environment and attract the attention of environment liable of different countries to itself. Entering detergents into an aqueous solution cause pollution of water sources and environment in respect of appearing e problem and charges like: nutritive phenomenon, decomposition of hard group of detergent and producing foam. After using Detergents, they were poured into rivers, seas and lakes and have destructive effect on environment. A lot of hygiene problems were attributed to the water having detergents more than allowed value. So, it is specified the importance of eliminating detergents from contaminated water and it is application for secondary use. In order to attain to this aim, we can use inorganic nano and micro-caolin. In this study the adsorptive properties of detergent on the micro and nano caolin adsorbents were studied and the effect of various parameters like the amount of adsorptive materials, initial concentration of detergent, speed of stirring, electrolyte, temperature, time and pH were determined. The surface area of micro- and nano-caoline was reported 11.867 and 49.1438 m2 g-1, respectively. That increasing in nano-caoline surface area confirms increasing in capacity and more rate of adsorption. The results gained by this research recommend using micro- and nano-caolin as a plentiful, available and effective adsorbents. Also in comparison, using nano-caoline was recommended in order to have more effectiveness.
Pure Water, is a crucial demand of creature life. Following industrial development, extra amount of toxic metals such as chromium enters the environmental cycle through the sewage, which is considered as a serious threat for organisms. One of the modern methods of filtration and removal of contaminants in water, is applying Nano-technology. According to specific property of silicate materials, in this article we try to survey increased power in composites and various absorption in several morphologies and also synthesis of Nano-metal silicates with different morphologies as absorbent of metal toxic ions. At first, we synthesize nano zink silicate with three morphologies considering context and the purpose of this survey. 1) Nano synthesis of zink silicate hollow cavity by hydrothermal method in mixed solvent system of ethanol/glycol polyethylene. 2) Zink nano wires silicate in a water-based system by controlling the amount of sodium silicate. 3) Synthesis of nano zink silicate membrane. After synthesizing, we measured the cadmium ion absorbance by synthesized nano zink silicates. Controlling PH, is the applied absorption method. Next step, we synthesized nano zink-magnesium silicate composite in two various morphologies of nanowires and membrane by different precent of zink and magnesium, in order to optimize synthesized nano metal silicate. We used zink nitrate and magnesium nitrate and also measured cadmium absorption by synthesized nano metal silicates in the same way of PH control absorption. In the 3rd step, in order to determine the impact of the type of metal in nano metal silicate, we synthesized nano magnesium silicate and compared its absorption with nano zink silicate. Furthermore, we calculated the optimal concentration in one of synthesizes. Optimal concentration is the process which has the maximum absorption. While applying two methods of absorption in the test, finally we compared the effect of absorption method on the absorption level. Below you find further steps of synthesis: 1) Using IR, RAMAN, XRD spectroscopy to check the accuracy of synthesis. 2) Checking the dispersion of nano particles in ethanol solution by light microscope. 3) Measuring and observing particles with scanning electron microscope (SEM). 4) Using atomic absorption device for measuring the cadmium concentration in water-based solutions. The nano metal silicates were synthesized successfully. All of synthesized nano absorbents have the cadmium ion absorbency. The cadmium absorption via nano absorbents depend on various factors such as kind of metal in nano silicate and percent of metal in nano metal silicate composite. Meanwhile the absorption and PH control of medium containing the absorbent and solution would affect the cadmium absorption.
Offshore structures with numerous applications in different environments throughout the world and used at different depths. Due to the expansion of marine industries, including offshore oil industry in Iran , particularly in the Persian Gulf region, in order to more accurately model these structures and to prevent incidents such as the Overturning of the platform serious damage to the South Pars Phase ١٣ was platforms, the use New Technic is essential technologies. One of the methods that are used in the construction of offshore wind turbines, using a pre-pile. In this method, a template is constructed with the dimensions specified in the workshop. After making templates using special vessels for placement in the desired location on the sea bed is carried, then the template is placed on the sea bed, Then, using a hammer for Pile Driving Operation Started Vibration hammer and fit the template of 3 or 4 piles of crushed within this template on the seabed . The next step piling, templates have been removed from the site And Jacket placed on piles. The system was installed on the deck on piles and Consequently Deck Load pile inserted on .It should be noted that the design of these types of platforms, base diameter of the pile diameter independent of the choice as one of the major advantages of this system is. This thesis examines a Template Fixed Platform in the oil Soroush Using the Pre-Piling and the Common Piling systems in the Persian Gulf were studied and the effect of different design compared to the Pre-Piling Platforms Persian Gulf were evaluated. The results suggest that Pre-Piling system compared with conventional systems piling in the Persian Gulf, as a more appropriate model structure and behavior Top Model economic efficiency is selected. It should be noted that all calculations and analyzes were performed using Software Abaqus.
In this study, the effect of anti-corrosion inhibitor addition to epoxy coating, on the disbanding rate was evaluated. First to determination of mechanism, the bare steel substrates were immersed in the 3.5% NaCl solution and the solution containing 1 mM anti corrosion. The Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy was performed after 5 and 24 hour. The results indicated a lower corrosion rate in the presence of inhibitor. During the time, charge transfer resistance, was decreased for the substrates immersed in NaCl solution, and increased for the substrates immersed in NaCl solution containing 1 mM anti corrosion. This result can be related to more stability of corrosion products in presence of anti-corrosion and film formation. The coated substrates, with four different concentration of anticorrosion in coating, were protected under -1.2 voltage in the 3.5% NaCl solution. After 12 and 24 hour, the EIS test and disbanding area measurement, were evaluate. The lower disbanding rate, more charge transfer resistance and less double layer capacitance for the coating containing 0.75w% inhibitor, were observed. The result of Pull-off test after 1 day immersion in 3.5% NaCl solution, showed more wet adhesion for the coating containing 0.75w% inhibitor. The images of FE-SEM electron microscope and surface analyses EDX on the coated substrate after disbanding and the bare substrate immersed in 3.5w% NaCl containing 1 mM inhibitor, were proved the formation of stabilized film.
In this study, thermal, exergetic analysis and performance evaluation of seawater and fresh wet cooling tower and the effect of parameters on its performance is investigated. With using of energy and mass balance equations, experimental results, a mathematical model and EES code developed. Due to lack of fresh water, seawater cooling is interesting choice for future of cooling, so the effect of seawater in the range of 1gr/kg to 60gr/kg for salinity on the performance characteristics like air efficiency, water efficiency, output water temperature of cooling tower, flow of the exergy, and the exergy efficiency with comparison with fresh water examined. Decreasing of air efficiency about 3%, increasing of water efficiency about 1.5% are some of these effects. Moreover with formation of fouling the performance of cooling tower decreased about 15% which this phenomena and its effects like increase in output water temperature and tower excess volume has been showed and also accommodate with others work. Also optimization for minimizing cost, maximizing air efficiency, and minimizing exergy destruction has been done, results showed that optimization on minimizing the exergy destruction has been satisfy both minimization of the cost and the maximization of the air efficiency, although it will not necessarily permanent for all inputs and optimizations. Validation of this work is done by comparing computational results and experimental data which showed that the model have a good accuracy.
Southeast region of the country has hot and dry weather which causes to happen heavy rainfall in short time period of warm seasons and to occur river flooding. These precipitations are influenced by monsoon system of India ocean. In these thesis, It was tried to evaluate the relation between thermal anomaly of sea surface in India ocean and Arab sea which effects on southeast monsoon precipitations of Iran, For evaluation of this happening in southeast, data were collected from 7 synoptic observation stations of Bandar Abbas, Minab, Kerman , Bam, Chabahar, Iranshahr, Zahedan and 17 rain gauge stations during June to September of each year from 1980 to 2010. Rainy days were determine and then some information about synoptic circulation models, maps of average pressure of sea surface, geopotential height of 700hP surface, geopotential height of 500hP surface, temperature of 850 hPa surface, humidity of 700 hPa surface, vertical velocity of 700 hPa surface, vertical velocity of 500 hP and humidity of 2 meters height for 6 systems were extracted from NCEP/NCAR website for evaluation. By evaluation of these systems it was determined that the monsoon low pressure system tab brings needed humidity of these precipitations to this region from India ocean and Arab sea with a vast circulation. It is seen that warm air pool locates on Iran and cold air pool locates on west of India at 800 hPa surface. In a rainy day this warm air transfers to high latitudes and influences the temperature trough of southeast cold air pool of the country. In the middle surfaces of 700 and 500 hPa, the connection between low height system above India and low height system above the higher latitudes causes the low height system above India to be strength and developed. By evaluation of humidity at 2 meters height and 700 hPa surface we observe that humidity Increases in the southeast region. With penetrating of the low height system of India above the 700 and 500 hPa surfaces of southeast of Iran, the value of negative omega (Rising vertical velocity) is increased. In the second pace, it was shown the evaluation of how the correlation between sea surface temperature anomaly in India Ocean and Arab sea influences southeast monsoon precipitation of Iran. For this purpose the data of water surface temperature anomaly of Arab sea and India ocean, the data of precipitation anomaly of 7 synoptic stations , mentioned above, and correlation coefficient among the data of precipitation anomaly and water surface temperature anomaly of Arab Sea, east and west of India ocean were calculated. In conclusion it was shown that the maximum correlation coefficient of precipitation anomaly had belonged to India Ocean in June and no meaningful correlation was resulted in July among precipitation anomaly and sea surface temperature anomaly for three regions, which were evaluated.
In this study, consider to the mechanism of controlled depletion paint, has been made the Antifouling (A/F) paints that use these in a paint system which applied on the steel. As a first step, it is necessary to prove that the system subject to investigation does fit into the mechanisms proposed for the CDPs system. According to this, the machine was designed and built as for ASTM D5108-90, D4939-89. Specimens immersed in natural sea water and were rotating by 60 r/min rotor. Painted specimens were tested for 59 days. The main objective of this study was to investigate if new antifouling paint are less toxic than traditional paint and more efficient. For this reason, Zineb and Ziram which is an ingredient in antifouling paints, was also studied. Zineb and Ziram are known as booster biocides in A/P composition. We used the Zineb and Ziram and synthesis of these in a A/F paints. The concentration of booster biocides are 3% and 6% in paints. We use scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for evaluation of paint film. The settlement and the growth of living organism on immersed surfaces was observed during 59 days. According to reports, the growth of organism was observed for A/F paint contains, 3% Zineb after 20days,3%Ziram after 24days and 3% Zineb +Ziram after 30days. By measuring leached rate of the Zn in A/F paints, we figured out the effectiveness of booster biocides on the growth of organism, for example in the absence of booster biocides, the critical released rate for preventing biofilm for A/F paint with ZnO is 15 μg/cm2day. This despite the fact that this figure for A/F paint contain Zineb is 4 μg/cm2, Ziram is 3 μg/cm2 and Zineb +Ziram is 2 μg/cm2.
Dehram group includes Faraghan, Dalan and Kangan formations. Kangan formation ages lower terias. That is one of the important reservoir rocks of southern Iran and Persian Gulf. In this research Kangan formation is studied in two A and B wells. Based on 75 studies on thin section, four carbonate litho acies association A, B, C, D with 12 subfacies are identified. A lithofacies association includes 4 subfacies: A1, A2, A3 and A4. B lithofacies association consists of 3 subfacies: B1, B2 and B3. C lithofacies association consists of 3 subfacies: C1, C2, C3 and D lithofacies association includes 2 subfacies: D1 and D2. On the base of studies lithofacies association of Kangan formations are formed in 3 environments of: Tidal Flat, Lagoon and Barrier Shore Complex in a Carbonated Platform Ramp type. Diagenetic processes have effected this formation. The most important Diagenetic processes are: Cementation, Anhydritization, Micrization, Neomorphism, Bioturbation, Dissolution, Compaction, Dolomitization and Porosity. Sequence staratigraphy studies were performed base on the vertical and horizontal relationship of lithofacies association and well logging in gamma ray and sonic type that causes the identification of two sedimentary sequences: First sedimentary sequence includes: Transgressive System Tract (TST) and High Stand System Tract (HST). The lower boundary of this sequence is in Sequence Boundary 1 (SB1) which shows unconformities of Dalan and Kangan that are Permian-terias unconformities. The upper boundary is in Sequence Boundary 2 (SB2) type that is identified by carbonate facies associated by anhydrite nodular. Second sedimentary sequence includes: TST and HST. Lower and upper boundaries of these sequences are both in SB2 type. The lower and upper boundary is made of carbonate facies with anhydrite nodular.