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This study includes an analysis of the trawl survey that was carried out by the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project in May, 1997. The objective of the survey was to assess the biomass and the potential yield of clupeids and the carrying capacity of the beach seine fishery in the entire Kainji Lake (Nigeria). The biomass of the beach seine by-catch was also estimated. The density (kg /km super(3)) of the clupeids was higher in the Bussa and Foge than in the other stations. The lowest density of clupeids was in the Anfani station followed by Jetty, both in the southern basin. These stations were the deepest parts of all the areas trawled, measuring between 37-120 m of depth. There was an inverse correlation between depth trawled and the catch rates of clupeids, though the correlation was poor. The average annual biomass of the clupeids was estimated at 36,769.85 Mt in the entire Lake with an MSY of 11,705.95 Mt. The smaller species, Sierrathrissa leonensis, made up about 97% of the total clupeid population in the lake and occurred at a shallower depth than the larger species Pellonula afzeliusi. From the clupeid production statistics in 1996, it is estimated that the MSY is already overshot by 34%. Therefore, about 698 beach seines instead of the present 810 would be sufficient for sustainable exploitation of the clupeid stocks. Because of the substantial by-catch in the beach seines, this fishing method was banned from Kainji Lake in 1997. An offshore open water seine net is recommended to replace the beach seines on the lake. The number of these nets should not exceed 500. The current ban on beach seine is supported by this study. Nevertheless, and since the ban may not be 100% effective, effort should concentrate on maintaining that the number of beach seines must be kept at most at the present level. Recommendation is made against the introduction of the pair trawling not only from an economic point of view but also for resource conservation, legal and social reasons. The development of this fishery could pose a serious danger to continuity of stocks. It is proposed that priority be given to the development of an open water seine which is at the same level of exploitation as the beach seine and requires similar cost to acquire. (PDF contains 39 pages)


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Although maritime regions support a large portion of the world’s human population, their value as habitat for other species is overlooked. Urban structures that are built in the marine environment are not designed or managed for the habitat they provide, and are built without considering the communities of marine organisms that could colonize them (Clynick et al., 2008). However, the urban waterfront may be capable of supporting a significant proportion of regional aquatic biodiversity (Duffy-Anderson et al., 2003). While urban shorelines will never return to their original condition, some scientists think that the habitat quality of urban waterfronts could be significantly improved through further research and some design modifications, and that many opportunities exist to make these modifications (Russel et al., 1983, Goff, 2008). Habitat enhancing marine structures (or HEMS) are a potentially promising approach to address the impact of cities on marine organisms including habitat fragmentation and degradation. HEMS are a type of habitat improvement project that are ecologically engineered to improve the habitat quality of urban marine structures such as bulkheads and docks for marine organisms. More specifically, HEMS attempt to improve or enhance the physical habitat that organisms depend on for survival in the inter- and sub-tidal waterfronts of densely populated areas. HEMS projects are targeted at areas where human-made structures cannot be significantly altered or removed. While these techniques can be used in suburban or rural areas restoration or removal is preferred in these settings, and HEMS are resorted to only if removal of the human-made structure is not an option. Recent research supports the use of HEMS projects. Researchers have examined the communities found on urban structures including docks, bulkheads, and breakwaters. Complete community shifts have been observed where the natural shoreline was sandy, silty, or muddy. There is also evidence of declines in community composition, ecosystem functioning, and increases in non-native species abundances in assemblages on urban marine structures. Researchers have identified two key differences between these substrates including the slope (seawalls are vertical; rocky shores contain multiple slopes) and microhabitat availability (seawalls have very little; rocky shores contain many different types). In response, researchers have suggested designing and building seawalls with gentler slopes or a combination of horizontal and vertical surfaces. Researchers have also suggested incorporating microhabitat, including cavities designed to retain water during low tide, crevices, and other analogous features (Chapman, 2003; Moreira et al., 2006) (PDF contains 4 pages)


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Barrier islands are ecosystems that border coastal shorelines and form a protective barrier between continental shorelines and the wave action originating offshore. In addition to forming and maintaining an array of coastal and estuarine habitats of ecological and economic importance, barrier island coastlines also include some of the greatest concentrations of human populations and accompanying anthropogenic development in the world. These islands have an extremely dynamic nature whereby major changes in geomorphology and hydrology can occur over short time periods (i.e. days, hours) in response to extreme episodic storm events such as hurricanes and northeasters. The native vegetation and geological stability of these ecosystems are tightly coupled with one another and are vulnerable to storm-related erosion events, particularly when also disturbed by anthropogenic development. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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The nearshore waters along the Myrtle Beach area are oceanographically referred to as Long Bay. Long Bay is the last in a series of semi-circular indentations located along the South Atlantic seaboard. The Bay extends for approximately 150 km from the Cape Fear River in North Carolina to Winyah Bay in South Carolina and has a number of small inlets (Figure 1). This region of the S.C. coast, commonly referred to as the “Grand Strand,” has a significant tourism base that accounts for a substantial portion of the South Carolina economy (i.e., 40% of the state’s total in 2002) (TIAA 2003). In 2004, the Grand Strand had an estimated 13.2 million visitors of which 90% went to the beach (MBCC 2006). In addition, Long Bay supports a shore-based hook and line fishery comprised of anglers fishing from recreational fishing piers, the beach, and small recreational boats just offshore. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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Soft engineering solutions are the current standard for addressing coastal erosion in the US. In South Carolina, beach nourishment from offshore sand deposits and navigation channels has mostly replaced construction of seawalls and groins, which were common occurrences in earlier decades. Soft engineering solutions typically provide a more natural product than hard solutions, and also eliminate negative impacts to adjacent areas which are often associated with hard solutions. A soft engineering solution which may be underutilized in certain areas is shoal manipulation. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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Die Konzepte für das Fischereimanagement haben in den vergangenen hundert Jahren eine tiefgreifende Wandlung durchgemacht. Sie entwickelten sich in der zweiten Hälfte des vergangenen Jahrhunderts von monospezifischen Ansätzen, in denen einzelne Populationen oder Bestände weitgehend isoliert betrachtet wurden, zum Multispecies-Management, das auch Wechselbeziehungen zwischen genutzten Arten berücksichtigte. Die stark verbesserten Ortungs- und Fangtechniken und die Nutzung noch unterfischter Fanggründe und Bestände hielten die Anlandungen eine Zeitlang auf hohem Niveau. Die rückläufigen Weltfischereierträge in den letzten Dekaden des vergangenen Jahrhunderts, der Kollaps wichtiger Fischereien und die auch von der Fischerei zu verantwortende fortschreitende Degradierung mariner Ökosysteme zeigten jedoch, dass eine nachhaltige Nutzung der fischereilichen Ressourcen bei gleichzeitiger Erhaltung der Ökosysteme mit diesen Konzepten nicht möglich ist. Angesichts dieses Offenbarungseids und unter dem zunehmenden Druck der Naturschützer wurden daher die Konzepte des ökosystemverträglichen Fischereimanagements (EBFM, ecosystem-based fisheries management) und des räumlichen Fischereimanagements (SM, spatial management) entwickelt, bei denen die Prioritäten umgedreht sind: Das Management geht nicht mehr vom Fischereiobjekt, sondern vom Ökosystem aus, das horizontal und vertikal in Zonen unterteilt wird, die zu verschiedenen Zeiten befischt oder unter Schutz gestellt werden können. EBFM zielt darauf ab, gesunde Ökosysteme inklusive der Fischereien zu erhalten, die von diesen Ökosystemen ohne Schädigung getragen werden. Möglicherweise sind diese neuen Konzepte nur wenig realistischer als die Ideen vom langfristigen Dauerertrag oder dem der nachhaltigen Fischerei, die der realen Welt überdimensionierter Fangflotten, unersättlicher Märkte und zahlreicher politischer Fehlentscheidungen nicht standhielten. Die traurige Tatsache ist, dass nicht nur die Fischerei, sondern auch die marinen Ökosysteme sich in einem sehr schlechten Zustand befinden. Um dem abzuhelfen, sind u.a. Schutzgebiete vorgesehen, in denen die Fischerei eingeschränkt oder verboten ist. Zusammen mit anderen Nutzungen wie Offshore-Windparks bedeutet diese neue Raumordnung einen massiven Eingriff in die bisherigen Rechte und Gewohnheiten der Fischer. In dieser Arbeit werden vor dem Hintergrund der Ökosystem-Degradierung einige grundlegende ökologische Zusammenhänge in natürlichen, befischten und geschützten marinen Systemen diskutiert. Dabei stützen wir uns auf empirische und experimentelle Befunde aus Nord- und Ostsee sowie anderen marinen Ökosystemen. Unter dem Strich sollten Schutzgebiete im Rahmen der neuen Managementkonzepte langfristig auch der Fischerei dienen; inwieweit allerdings eine Fischerei unter der künftigen Raumordnung noch sinnvoll ist, steht dahin.


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Although there have been a number of studies on aquatic conditions and the flora and fauna of Lake Titicaca over many decades, most of this work has been centred on the offshore regions of the main lake. Water quality there has been degrading and abundant growth of Lemna spp. has been developing. Lemna spp., commonly called floating duck-weed or ‘lenteja de agua’ in Puno, occurs perennially in most parts of the inner Puno Bay shore-line. In this article, the authors compare water quality changes over recent decades in shore-line regions of Inner Puno Bay and their possible effects on the distribution, abundance and biomass of Lemna spp..


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Egeria densa (PLANCH.) ST. JOHN, a submerged plant invader, forms a wide submerged plant zone, particularly along the west coast of the south basin, Lake Biwa. The macrophyte occupies over 82% of the plant zone in the basin and its biomass reaches 93% of the total. The estimated annual net production was approximately 1 kg dry wt./m2 in a dense area, which is about 4.5 times as much as the net production by phytoplankton in an offshore area of the basin. Although the area covered by the macrophyte is only 5.8% of the total of the basin, it produced about one-tenth of the total annual primary production. In the most productive season Egeria produced 46% of the total primary productivity. Thus, the macrophyte never be neglected when one considers the energy flow or material circulation in the basin. This study was initiated in order to clarify the role of submerged macrophytes, particularly E. densa, in Lake Biwa. The following points are reported in this paper: the distribution of macrophytes in the south basin; seasonal change in standing crop of E. densa; seasonal change in values related to production, utilizing a model proposed by Ikushima with its parameters experimentally determined.


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The zooplankton and macrobenthic communities of Lake Victoria were sampled by lift net and Ponar grab, respectively. The zooplankton comprised copepods and cladocerans, rotifers and aquatic insect larvae. Most taxa exhibited wide distribution in the lake, with the exception of rotifers which were rare in deep offshore waters. The main components in the macro-benthos were chaoborid and chironomid larvae and molluscs. Caridina nilotica (Roux) and other groups were rare in the samples. Zooplankton density ranged from 100000 or more to 4 million ind. m2 and increased from the shallow inshore to deep offshore waters. Numerical dominance of cyclopoids and nauplius larvae was a common feature at all stations sampled. Most macrobenthic taxa were also widely distributed, although chaoborid and chironomid larvae were rare in the samples. Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) and larval Lates niloticus (L.) ate mainly cyclopoid copepods, while cichlids showed a strong preference for adult insects. High ecological stability of the cyclopoids, and the zooplankton community in general, despite radical ecosystem changes in recent years, coupled with what appears to be high predation pressure, offers good prospects for the pelagic fishery in the lake.


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Recent surveys have indicated an increase in haplochromine biomass recorded from the bottom trawl and in the beam trawl. The haplochromines recovering in the offshore waters belong to three species in the zooplanktivorous trophic group: Yssichromis laparogramma (Greenwood and Gee), Yssichromis fusiformis (Greenwood and Gee) and Astatotilapia lacrimosa (Boulenger). In this paper, the species composition and relative abundance of the zooplanktivorous haplochromines recorded from the bottom and frame trawl surveys in the various parts of the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria are discussed.


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This review examines water quality and stress indicators at levels of organisation from the individual to the community and beyond by means of three case studies concentrating on rocky shores within the north-east Atlantic. Responses of dogwhelks (Nucella) to tributyltin pollution from antifouling paints is examined as the main case study. There are effects at the individual level (development of male sexual characteristics in the female leading to effective sterility) and population level (reduction in juveniles, few females and eventual population disappearance of dogwhelks in badly contaminated areas) but information on community level effects of dogwhelk demise is sparse. Such effects were simulated by dogwhelk removal experiments on well studied, moderately exposed ledges on shores on the Isle of Man. The removal of dogwhelks reduced the size and longevity of newly established Fucus clumps that had escaped grazing. Removal of dogwhelks also increased the likelihood of algal escapes. In a factorial experiment dogwhelks were shown to be less important than limpets \{Patella) in structuring communities but still had a significant modifying effect by increasing the probability of algal escapes. Community level responses to stress on rocky shores are then explored by reference to catastrophic impacts such as oil spills, using the Torrey Canyon as a case study. Recovery of the system in response to this major perturbation took between 10-15 years through a series of damped oscillations. The final case study is that of indicators of ecosystem level change in response to climate fluctuations, using ratios of northern \{Semibalanus balanoides) and southern (Chthamalus spp.) barnacles. Indices derived from counts on the shore show good correlations with inshore sea-water temperatures after a 2-year lag phase. The use of barnacles to measure offshore changes is reviewed. The discussion considers the use of bioindicators at various levels of organisation.


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A decade-long time series recorded in southern Monterey Bay, California demonstrates that the shallow, near-shore environment (17 m depth) is regularly inundated with pulses of cold, hypoxic and low pH water. During these episodes, oxygen can drop to biologically threatening levels, and pH levels were lower than expected. Weekly water chemistry monitoring revealed that the saturation state of aragonite (the more soluble form of calcium carbonate) was often below saturation and had a moderate positive relationship with pH, however, analytical and human error could be high. Pulses of hypoxia and low pH water with the greatest intensity arise at the onset of the spring upwelling season, and fluctuations are strongly semidurnal (tidal) and diurnal. Arrival of cold, hypoxic water on the inner shelf typically occurs 3 days after the arrival of a strong upwelling event and appears to be driven by upwelling modulated by internal tidal fluctuations. I found no relationship between the timing of low-oxygen events and the diel solar cycle nor with terrestrial nutrient input. These observations are consistent with advection of hypoxic water from the deep, offshore environment where water masses experience a general decline of temperature, oxygen and pH with depth, and inconsistent with biochemical forcing. Comparisons with concurrent temperature and oxygen time series taken ~20 km away at the head of the Monterey Canyon show similar patterns but even more intense hypoxic events due to stronger semidiurnal forcing there. Analysis of the durations of exposure to low oxygen levels establishes a framework for assessing the ecological relevance of these events. Increasing oceanic hypoxia and acidification of both surface and deep waters may increase the number, intensity, duration and spatial extent of future intrusions along the Pacific coast. Evaluation of the resiliency of nearshore ecosystems such as kelp forests, rocky reefs and sandy habitats, will require consideration of these events.


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The Bassam artificial inlet was opened (in September 22, 1987) in order to revacuate offshore invasive aquatic plants. This has considerably modified the hydro-sedimentary environment of the lagoonal domain at Grand-Bassam. Tidal currents effect has confered the lagoonal waters an estuarine feature, the saline intrusion (25-35%o) increased beyond the Moossou bridges up to the confluence of the Comoe river. This has led to a cleaning of the river lower course and above all to the bottoms of the lagoon, which were previously confined. The remobilization of mud (from lagoonal bottoms around Bouet Island) evacuated offshore, has exposed lagoonal and oceanic sandy features. This new system remains fragile, with the seasonal (low river-flow) clogging.


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Primary and secondary productions and nutrient regeneration in the Mauritanian upwelling area were studied by following a drogue for 9 days, from the point of upwelling till the water mass dives under offshore waters. The lag between phytoplanktonic bloom, zooplanktonic peak and bacterial activity is very short and may be explained by a well-settled biological cycle connected with an undercurrent. Organic production was estimated in two ways: (1) from chlorophyll 'a' values, considering a C/Chla ratio of 25 during the 5.5 day phytoplankton growth period, primary production computed by this method reaches 13.5 g C/m2; (2) from 14C values net primary production calculated for the same period reaches 10.5 g C/m2 and total organic production (net production + organic excretion) reaches 19.5 g C/m2. Organic production computed ratios, delta O/ delta C/ delta N/ delta Si/ delta P are equal to 130/43/11/7.4/1. Secondary production and 'grazing' are estimated from mesozooplankton respiration values and have a huge increase during the bloom. Net secondary production is assessed to be 1.0-4.2 g C/m2 for 6 days. Evidence of nutrient regeneration as ammonia, phosphate and silicate is given and regeneration rates are calculated. Zooplankton excretion plays an important part in nitrogen and phosphorus regeneration. Bacterial activity is induced by zooplankton organic excretion, then increased by phytoplankton decomposition at the end of the bloom.


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The evolution of a plankton copepod population in the Mauritania upwelling was studied by following a drogue for 9 days, from the point of upwelling till the water-mass dives under offshore waters. The Shannon index of specific diversity and the tropic structure allow separation into several stages in the studied succession. The upwelling brings near the shore a rather poor, highly diverse fauna, with a low filter-feeder rate. The phytoplanktonic development induces an increase in the copepod number. The filter-feeders become dominant and the diversity decreases. When the increase of copepod number stops, the diversity decreases and the omnivore and carnivore rate increases.