232 resultados para ECOLOGICAL IMPACTS


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Few detailed studies have been made on the ecology of the chalk streams. A complex community of plants and animals is present and much more information is required to achieve an understanding of the requirements and interactions of all the species. It is important that the rivers affected by this scheme should be studied and kept under continued observation so that any effects produced by the scheme can be detected. The report gives a synopsis of work carried out between 1971 and 1979 focusing on the present phase 1978-1979. It assumes some familiarity with the investigations carried out on the River Lambourn during the preceding years. The aims of the present phase of the project may be divided into two broad aspects. The first involves collecting further information in the field and includes three objectives: a continuation of studies on the Lambourn sites at Bagnor; comparative studies on other chalk streams; and a comparative study on a limestone stream. The second involves detailed analyses of data previously collected to document the recovery of the Lambourn from operational pumping and to attempt to develop simple conceptual and predictive models applicable over a wide range of physical and geographical variables. (PDF contains 43 pages)


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The investigations described in this report were carried out to fulfill three distinct but interrelated objectives. In 1973 the Thames Conservancy were making plans for a second stage of their groundwater scheme which would take water from the chalk aquifers in the valley of the Kennet and they wanted basic information on the ecological state of this river and its upper tributaries. Little appeared to be known about limestone streams and a preliminary study of one of the streams in this area was desirable as a basis for planning more detailed studies if these were needed later. At a progress meeting held in March 1976 the problems and opportunities presented by the developing drought conditions were considered. It was concluded that the ecological effects of the exceptionally low natural flows should be studied and that it would be important to assess the ecological impact of the groundwater scheme if it was brought into operation that year. This could only be done on the Lambourn and the Winterbourne and it was decided that considerable effort should be diverted there for this purpose and that the field observations should be extended to cover any recovery period after the end of the drought. To make this possible it was agreed that the studies of invertebrates and detritus on the Kennet should be reduced considerably and that the proposed study of the limestone stream should be abandoned. The revised objectives were as follows: A detailed ecological study of several sites on the Kennet and its tributaries above Kintbury, extending over at least two years and involving observations on wate r weeds , invertebrates, fish, detritus and the trophic relationships within the river community. Quantitativ e and qualitative sampling of water weeds and invertebrates during one year at a number of sites on several chalk streams to determine whether the patterns and relationships found in the Lambourn are also found at the other sites. Observations on the Lambourn at Bagnor were to continue for most of the period to look for long-term fluctuations and to enable these sites to act as controls with which the other sites could be compared. Further detailed studies on the Lambourn and the Winterbourne to assess the impact of low flows, trial pumping and the operation of the groundwater scheme.


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This report to the Thames Water Authority and Central Water Planning Unit is on research carried out in conjunction with the Stage 1 Group Pumping Test of five boreholes in the upper Lambourn Group for a period of three months in September, October and November 1975. The aim of the study was to assess the ecological effects of the pumpin g of five bore-holes in the upper Lambourn. That is, to determine how the seasonal sequence of ecological events in the river differed from what would hav e occurred had no pumping taken place. Since this 'experiment' has no control it is not possible to make a direct assessment. Nevertheless, by careful monitoring of ecological events before, during and after the pumping it is possible to document changes in th e river and by reference to the data already available for the Rive r Lambourn, normal seasonal changes in the flora and fauna can be separated from changes which may be attributable to the pumping and subsequent events.


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At the present time hydrobiological indicators are widely used for the control of surface water quality. Results of the applying of methods suggested at the 1st Soviet-American seminar (1975), development of improved methods and estimation of their usefulness for various conditions are presented in this report. Among the criteria permitting an estimation of the degree and character of changes in water quality and their connection with the functioning of river ecosystems in general, the biological tests of natural waters appears to be the most universal one and is being carried out in two main directions — ecological and physiological. This study summarises approaches in both directions.


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The European Water Framework Directive requires member states to restore aquatic habitats to good ecological status (quality) by 2015. Good ecological status is defined as slightly different from high status, which, according to the Directive, means negligible human influence. This poses problems enough for restoration of natural habitats but artificial reservoirs are not excluded from the Directive. They must be restored to good ecological potential. The meaning of good ecological status is linked to that of 'high' ecological status, the pristine reference condition for aquatic habitats under the Directive. From the point of view of an ecologist, this is taken to mean the presence of four fundamental characteristics: nutrient parsimony, characteristic biological and physical structure, connectivity within a wider system and adequate size to give resilience of the biological communities to environmental change. These characteristics are strongly interrelated. Ecological potential must bear some relationship to ecological status but since the reference state for ecological quality is near absence of human impact, it is difficult to see how the criteria for ecological status can be applied to a completely man-made entity where the purpose of the dam is deliberately to interfere with the natural characteristics of a river or former natural lake. Rservoirs are disabled lakes, ususally lakcing the diversity and function provided by a littoral zone. Nonetheless, pragmatic approaches to increasing the biodiversity of reservours are reviewed and conclusions drawn as to the likely effectivemess of the legislation.


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Protozoa feed on and regulate the abundance of most types of aquatic microorganisms, and they are an integral part of all aquatic microbial food webs. Being so small, aerobic protozoa thrive at low oxygen tensions, where they feed (largely unaffected by metazoan grazing) on the abundance of other microorganisms. In anaerobic environments, they are the only phagotrophic organisms, and they live in unique symbiotic consortia with methanogens, sulphate reducers and non-sulphur purple bacteria. The number of extant species of protozoa may be quite modest (the global number of ciliate species is estimated at 3000), and most of them probably have cosmopolitan distributions. This will undoubtedly make it easier to carry out further tasks, e.g. understanding the role of protozoan species diversity in the natural environment.


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The submerged vegetation of Lake Kariba is described in relation to degree of slope (lake morphometry), depth and light transparency. The direct gradient analysis technique - canonical correspondence analysis and the TWINSPAN classification programs were used to analyse the data set. The western end of the lake with low transparency has a low species diversity (with Vallisneria aethiopica dominating). Species diversity increases with increased transparency in the other parts of the lake. The classification revealed monospecific communities for all species as well as mixed communities with Lagarosiphon as the associate species with the broadest distribution. The ordination revealed a first axis strongly related to the depth and transparency gradients and the second axis related to slope.


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We evaluated the effectiveness of wooden artificial reefs (ARs) as fish habitat. Three types of ARs, made of cedar logs, broadleaf tree logs, and PVC pipes, respectively, were deployed in triplicate at 8-m depth off Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, Sea of Japan, in May 2004. Fish assemblages associated with each of the nine ARs were observed by using SCUBA twice a month for four years. Fish assemblages in the adjacent habitat were also monitored for two years before and four years after reef deployment. In the surveyed areas (ca. 10 m2) associated with each of the cedar, broadleaf, and PVC ARs, the average number of fish species was 4.14, 3.49, and 3.00, and the average number of individuals was 40.7, 27.9, and 20.3, respectively. The estimated biomass was also more greater when associated with the cedar ARs than with other ARs. Visual censuses of the habitat adjacent to the ARs revealed that the number of fish species and the density of individuals were not affected by the deployment of the ARs. Our results support the superiority of cedar as an AR material and indicate that deployment of wooden ARs causes no reduction of fish abundance in adjacent natural reefs.


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Environmental variability affects the distributions of most marine fish species. In this analysis, assemblages of rockfish (Sebastes spp.) species were defined on the basis of similarities in their distributions along environmental gradients. Data from 14 bottom trawl surveys of the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands (n=6767) were used. Five distinct assemblages of rockfish were defined by geographical position, depth, and temperature. The 180-m and 275-m depth contours were major divisions between assemblages inhabiting the shelf, shelf break, and lower continental slope. Another noticeable division was between species centered in southeastern Alaska and those found in the northern Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands. The use of environmental variables to define the species composition of assemblages is different from the use of traditional methods based on clustering and nonparametric statistics and as such, environmentally based analyses should result in predictable assemblages of species that are useful for ecosystem-based management.


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The abundance and population density of cetaceans along the U.S. west coast were estimated from ship surveys conducted in the summer and fall of 1991, 1993, 1996, 2001, and 2005 by using multiple-covariate, line-transect analyses. Overall, approximately 556,000 cetaceans of 21 species were estimated to be in the 1,141,800-km2 study area. Delphinoids (Delphinidae and Phocoenidae), the most abundant group, numbered ~540,000 individuals. Abundance in other taxonomic groups included ~5800 baleen whales (Mysticeti), ~7000 beaked whales (Ziphiidae), and ~3200 sperm whales (Physeteridae). This study provides the longest time series of abundance estimates that includes all the cetacean species in any marine ecosystem. These estimates will be used to interpret the impacts of human-caused mortality (such as that documented in fishery bycatch and that caused by ship strikes and other means) and to evaluate the ecological role of cetaceans in the California Current ecosystem.


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This study examines the vulnerability of fish pr oduction in Uganda, particularly as it r elates to the predicted impacts from climate change, using the concept of the value chain. The value chain approach has been recommended as a useful tool to study specific challenges facing a sector resulting from various drivers of change, including climate. Critically, such analyses can reveal context-specific response strategies to enhance a sector (Jacinto and Pomer oy 2010). The specific purpose of the study was to identify curr ent and potential impacts of climate change and corresponding adaptation strategies in fish value chains. The study builds upon information fr om earlier value chain analyses on fisheries and aquaculture production in Uganda to provide a more in-depth understanding of issues facing the fish industry, in particular, those to be incorporated in the CGIAR Resear ch Program Livestock and Fish.


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This study summarizes previously published and updated empirical relations for the estimation of production/biomass ratios in benthic invertebrates; of natural mortality in benthic invertebrates and finfish; and of respiration from production and vice versa in animal populations. AMS-EXCEL spreadsheet containing these equations is available from the author via Email. They are also included in the Ecopath with Ecosim software.


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A brief review of the status of the ECOPATH modeling approach and software is presented, with emphasis on the recent release of a Windows version (ECOPATH 3.0), which enables consideration of uncertainties, and sets the stage for simulation modeling using ECOSIM. Modeling of coral reefs is emphasized.


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South Africa's marine resources are essentially fully exploited and in some cases over exploited. The Government of National Unity has embarked on the ambitious Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) to: meet the basic needs; develop the country's human resources; build economy; and democratize the state and society. Although fisheries can only be expected to play a minor role in contributing to RDP, the Programme have a role to play in managing South Africa's living marine resources. The role of RDP in fisheries management is presented together with fisheries management approaches to help achieve the aims of the RDP.


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The article provides insights on agroecosystem modeling and analysis with ECOPATH II.