178 resultados para maturity,


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Citharichthys cornutus and C. gymnorhinus, diminutive flatfishes inhabiting continental shelves in the western Atlantic Ocean, are infrequently reported and poorly known. We identified 594 C. cornutus in 56 different field collections (68–287 m; most between 101–200 m) off the eastern United States, Bahamas, and eastern Caribbean Sea. Historical records and recently captured specimens document the northern geographic range of adults on the shelf off New Jersey (40°N, 70°W). Citharichthys cornutus measured 17.2–81.3 mm standard length (SL); males (20.0–79.1 mm SL) and females (28.0–81.3 mm SL) attain similar sizes (sex could not be determined for fish <20 mm SL). Males reach nearly 100% maturity at ≥60 mm SL. The smallest mature females are 41.5 mm SL, and by 55.1 mm SL virtually all are mature. Juveniles are found with adults on the outer shelf. Only 214 C. gymnorhinus were located in 42 different field collections (35–201 m, with 90% between 61 and 120 m) off the east coast of the United States, Bahamas, and eastern Caribbean Sea. Adults are found as far north as the shelf off Cape Hatteras, NC (35°N, 75°W). This diminutive species (to 52.4 mm SL) is among the smallest flatfishes but males (n=131; 20.3–52.4 mm SL) attain a slightly larger maximum size than that of females (n=58; 26.2–48.0 mm SL). Males begin to mature between 29 and 35 mm SL and reach 100% maturity by 35–40 mm SL. Some females are mature at 29 mm SL, and all females >35.1 mm SL are mature. Overlooked specimens in museum collections and literature enabled us to correct long-standing inaccuracies in northern distributional limits that appear in contemporary literature and electronic data bases for these species. Associated locality-data for these specimens allow for proper evaluation of distributional information for these species in relation to hypotheses regarding shifts in species ranges due to climate change effects.


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The reproductive biology of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) was assessed from 1001 fish (ranging from 121 to 275 cm in eye-to-fork length; EFL) caught by Taiwanese offshore longliners in the western Pacific Ocean from September 2000 to December 2001 and from 843 gonad samples from these fish, The overall sex ratio of the catch was approximately 1:1 dur ing the sampling period, but blue marlin are sexually dimorphic; females are larger than males. Reproductive activity (assessed by histology), a gonadosomatic index, and the distribution of oocyte diameters, indicated that spawning occurred predominantly from May to September. The estimated sizes-at-maturity (EFL50) were 179.76 ±1.01 cm (mean ±standard error) for females and 130 ±1 cm EFL for males. Blue marlin are multiple spawners and oocytes develop asynchronously. The proportion of mature females with ovaries containing postovulatory follicles (0.41) and hydrated oocytes (0.34) indicated that the blue marlin spawned once every 2–3 days on average. Batch fecundity (BF) for 26 females with the most advanced oocytes (≥1000 μm), but without postovulatory follicles, ranged from 2.11 to 13.50 million eggs (6.94 ± 0.54 million eggs). The relationships between batch fecundity (BF, in millions of eggs) and EFL and round weight (RW, kg) were BF = 3.29 × 10 –12 EFL5.31 (r2 = 0.70) and BF = 1.59 × 10–3 RW 1.73 (r2= 0.67), respectively. The parameters estimated in this study are key information for stock assessments of blue marlin in the western Pacific Ocean and will contribute to the conservation and sustainable yield of


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Age, growth, and reproductive data were obtained from dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus, size range: 89 to 1451 mm fork length [FL]) collected between May 2002 and May 2004 off North Carolina. Annual increments from scales (n=541) and daily increments from sagittal otoliths (n=107) were examined; estimated von Bertalanffy parameters were L∞ (asymptotic length)=1299 mm FL and k (growth coefficient)=1.08/yr. Daily growth increments reduced much of the residual error in length-at-age estimates for age-0 dolphinfish; the estimated average growth rate was 3.78 mm/day during the first six months. Size at 50% maturity was slightly smaller for female (460 mm FL) than male (475 mm FL) dolphinfish. Based on monthly length-adjusted gonad weights, peak spawning occurs from April through July off North Carolina; back-calculated hatching dates from age-0 dolphinfish and prior reproductive studies on the east coast of Florida indicate that dolphinfish spawning occurs year round off the U.S. east coast and highest levels range from January through June. No major changes in length-at-age or size-at-maturity have occurred since the early 1960s, even after substantial increases in fishery landings.


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We propose a new equation to describe the relation between otolith length (OL) and somatic length (fork length [FL]) of fish for the entire lifespan of the fish. The equation was developed by applying a mathematical smoothing method based on an allometric equation with a constant term for walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) —a species that shows an extended longevity (>20 years). The most appropriate equation for defining the relation between OL and FL was a four-phase allometric smoothing function with three inflection points. The inflection points correspond to the timing of settlement of walleye pollock, changes in sexual maturity, and direction of otolith growth. Allometric smoothing functions describing the relation between short otolith radius and FL, long otolith radius and FL, and FL and body weight were also developed. The proposed allometric smoothing functions cover the entire lifespan of walleye pollock. We term these equations “allometric smoothing functions for otolith and somatic growth over the lifespan of walleye pollock.”


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This study investigates the temporal stability of length- and age-at-maturity estimates for female Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) in the Gulf of Alaska and eastern Bering Sea. Females reached 50% maturity (A50) at 4.4 years in the Gulf of Alaska and at 4.9 years in the eastern Bering Sea. Total body length at 50% maturity (LT50) was significantly smaller (503 mm) in the Gulf of Alaska than in the eastern Bering Sea (580 mm). The estimated length- and age-at-maturity did not differ significantly between winter and spring in either the Gulf of Alaska (1999) or Bering Sea (2003) areas. The results of this study raised the spawning biomass estimate of female Alaskan Pacific cod from 298×103 t for 2005 to 499×103 t for 2006. The increased spawning biomass estimate resulted in an increased over-fishing limit for Pacific cod.


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Cod captured by commercial fi shery in the Bornholm Basin in quarter 2 of 2001 were not suitable for the mechanical processing due to low condition and weight. The absolute mean weight of cod captured by the commercial fishery in the Arkona Sea and Bornholm Basin in the same quarter during the last fi ve years was studied to describe its development. The results of a GLM (Generalized Linear Model) analysis showed similar development of body weight in the Bornholm Basin and in the Arkona Sea between 2007 and 2011. The mean weight of cod in the Bornholm Basin increased from 2007 to 2008 in both areas followed by a relative stable weight until 2009 and a decrease until 2011. In the Arkona Sea the mean weight of cod 2009 has decreased in comparison to 2008, then have increased 2010 slightly and last have decreased in 2011. The analyses showed that the weight of cod is signifi cantly infl uenced by length, age and maturity of individuals.


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The western butterfish (Pentapodus vitta) is numerous in the bycatch of prawn trawling and recreational fishing in Shark Bay, Western Australia. We have thus determined crucial aspects of its biological characteristics and the potential impact of fishing on its abundance within this large subtropical marine embayment. Although both sexes attained a maximum age of 8 years, males grow more rapidly and to a larger size. Maturity is attained at the end of the first year of life and spawning occurs between October and January. The use of a Bayesian approach to combine independent estimates for total mortality, Z, and natural mortality, M, yielded slightly higher point estimates for Z than M. This result indicates that P. vitta is lightly impacted by fishing. It is relevant that, potentially, the individuals can spawn twice before recruitment into the fishery and that 73% of recreationally caught individuals are returned live to the water.


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We studied a small artisanal fishery for the spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) off Margarita Island in northeastern Venezuela. We analyzed data from 413 fishing trips directed at A. narinari over a 29-month sampling period (August 2005–December 2007). These trips yielded 55.9 metric tons and 1352 individuals from which a subsample of 846 females and 321 males was used for biological data. Maximum fishing effort and landings occurred between February and May, and catch per unit of effort was highest between December and February and between July and October with an overall average of 3 individuals and 133 kg per trip. The overall sex ratio was significantly different from 1:1 with a predominance of females. Females ranged in size with disc widths (DW) from 64 to 226 cm. Males ranged in size between 97 and 190 cm DW. There was no statistically significant difference between male and female length-weight relationships. Mean fecundity was estimated at 3.09 embryos per female, and the largest embryo measured 44.5 cm DW. Females in different maturity stages were found in all months, except November 2007, the month when all females were immature. Postgravid females occurred mainly during the periods of January–May and July–October. Mean length (L50) at maturity was estimated at 129.2 cm DW for males and 134.9 cm DW for females. This study provides much needed information on the biology and life history of A. narinari for the management of an intensive, directed, small-scale fishery for this little known species in northeastern Venezuela.


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Rex sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus) have a wide distribution throughout the North Pacific, ranging from central Baja California to the western Bering Sea. Although rex sole are an important species in the commercial trawl fisheries off the U.S. West Coast, knowledge of their reproductive biology is limited to one study off the Oregon coast where ovaries were analyzed with gross anatomical methods. This study was initiated to determine reproductive and growth parameters specific to rex sole in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) stock. Female rex sole (n=594) ranging in total length from 166 to 552 mm were collected opportunistically around Kodiak Island, Alaska, from February 2000 to October 2001. All ovaries were analyzed by using standard histological criteria to determine the maturity stage. Year-round sampling of rex sole ovaries confirmed that rex sole are batch spawners and have a protracted spawning season in the GOA that lasts at least eight months, from October to May; the duration of the spawning season and the months of spawning activity are different from those previously estimated. Female rex sole in the GOA had an estimated length at 50% maturity (ML50) of 352 mm, which is greater than the previously estimated ML50 at southern latitudes. The maximum age of collected female rex sole was 29 years, and the estimated age at 50% maturity (MA50) in the GOA was 5.1 years. The von Bertalanffy growth model for rex sole in the GOA was significantly different from the previously estimated model for rex sole off the Oregon coast. This study indicated that there are higher growth rates for rex sole in the GOA than off the Oregon coast and that there are differences in length at maturity and similarity in age at maturity between the two regions.


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The population biology and status of the painted sweeplips (Diagramma pictum) and spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus) in the southern Arabian Gulf were established by using a combination of size-frequency, biological, and size-at-age data. Transverse sections of sagittal otoliths were characterized by alternating translucent and opaque bands that were validated as annuli. Comparisons of growth characteristics showed that there were no significant differences (P>0.05) between sexes. There were well defined peaks in the reproductive cycle, spawning occurred from April to May for both species, and the mean size at which females attained sexual maturity was 31.8 cm fork length (LF) for D. pictum and 27.6 cm (LF) for L. nebulosus. The mean sizes at first capture (21.1 cm LF for D. pictum and 26.4 cm LF for L. nebulosus) were smaller than the sizes for both at first sexual maturity and those at which yield per recruit would be maximized. The range of fishing-induced mortality rates for D. pictum (0.37−0.62/yr) was substantially greater than the target (Fopt=0.07/yr) and limit (Flimit=0.09/ yr) estimates. The range of fishing-induced mortality rates for L. nebulosus (0.15/yr to 0.57/yr) was also in excess of biological reference points (Fopt=0.10/yr and Flimit=0.13/yr). In addition to growth overfishing, the stocks were considered to be recruitment overfished because the biomass per recruit was less than 20% of the unexploited levels for both species. The results of the study are important to fisheries management authorities in the region because they indicate that both a reduction in fishing effort and mesh-size regulations are required for the demersal trap fishery.


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This study examined the sexual differentiation and reproductive dynamics of striped mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in the estuaries of South Carolina. A total of 16,464 specimens were captured during the study and histological examination of sex and maturity was performed on a subsample of 3670 fish. Striped mullet were sexually undifferentiated for the first 12 months, began differentiation at 13 months, and were 90% fully differentiated by 15 to 19 months of age and 225 mm total length (TL). The defining morphological characteristics for differentiating males was the elongation of the protogonial germ tissue in a corradiating pattern towards the center of the lobe, the development of primary and secondary ducts, and the lack of any recognizable ovarian wall structure. The defining female characteristics were the formation of protogonial germ tissue into spherical germ cell nests, separation of a tissue layer from the outer epithelial layer of the lobe-forming ovarian walls, a tissue bud growing from the suspensory tissue that helped form the ovary wall, and the proliferation of oogonia and oocytes. Sexual maturation in male striped mullet first occurred at 1 year and 248 mm TL and 100% maturity occurred at age 2 and 300 mm TL. Female striped mullet first matured at 2 years and 291 mm total length and 100% maturity occurred at 400 mm TL and age 4. Because of the open ocean spawning behavior of striped mullet, all stages of maturity were observed in males and females except for functionally mature females with hydrated oocytes. The spawning season for striped mullet recruiting to South Carolina estuaries lasts from October to April; the majority of spawning activity, however, occurs from November to January. Ovarian atresia was observed to have four distinct phases. This study presents morpholog ical analysis of reproductive ontogeny in relation to size and age in South Carolina striped mullet. Because of the length of the undifferentiated gonad stage in juvenile striped mullet, previous studies have proposed the possibility of protandric hermaphrodism in this species. The results of our study indicate that striped mullet are gonochoristic but capable of exhibiting nonfunctional hermaphroditic characteristics in differentiated mature gonads.


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The annual ovarian cycle, mode of maturation, age at maturity, and potential fecundity of female Rikuzen sole (Dexistes rikuzenius) from the North Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan were studied by 1) histological examination of the gonads, 2) measurement and observation of the oocytes, and 3) by otolith aging. The results indicated that ovulation occurs from September to December and peaks between September and October. Vitellogenesis began again soon after the end of the current season. Maturity was divided into eight phases on the basis of oocyte developmental stages. Mature ovaries contained developing oocytes and postovulatory follicles but no recruiting oocytes, indicating that this species has group-synchronous ovaries and is a multiple spawner. Almost all females matured first at an age of 1+ year and spawned every year until at least age 8+ years. Potential fecundity increased exponentially with body length and the most fecund fish had 15 times as many oocytes as the least fecund fish. Potential fecundity and relative fecundity were both positively correlated with age from 1 to 6+ years, but were negatively correlated, probably because of senescence, in fish over 7 years. These results emphasize that the total productivity of a D. rikuzenius population depends not only on the biomass of females older than 1+ but also on the age structure of the population.


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Some results of a line of research explored by the author in recent years, and concerning the small-scale fisheries of Mexico are discussed. Clarity of goals for fisheries management is stressed as a departure point before taking any step towards model building. Age-structured simulation models require input data and parameters such as growth rates, natural mortality, age at first capture and maturity, longevity, the longest possible catch records series, and estimates of numbers caught per age group. The link between each cohort and the following can then be established by means of the Ricker stock recruitment or the Beverton-Holt models. Simulation experiments can then be carried out by changing fishing mortality. Whenever data on profits and costs and catch are available, these can also be analyzed. The use of simulation models is examined with emphasis on the benefits derived from their use for fisheries management.


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The population parameters of the two most abundant sciaenids comprising the trawl catch in the Palk Bay/Gulf of Mannar area are presented. The following parameters were estimated: 233 mm (L sub( infinity )), 1.26 yr super(1) (K), -0.08 yr (t sub(0)), 4.24 yr super(1) (Z) and 2.24 yr super(1)(M) for Pennahia anear, 284 mm (L sub( infinity )), 1.08 yr super(1) (K), -0.05 yr (t sub(0)), 4.41 yr super(1) (Z) and 1.92 yr super(1) for Nibea maculata. Length at first capture was 97 mm for P. anea and 124 mm for N. maculata. These lengths were noted to be less than the corresponding length at first maturity for both species. The exploitation rates (E) derived indicate that the two species are heavily fished, which may account for the decline in sciaenid catches from 1988 to 1992.


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Vital statistics are presented for 38 marine species of Vanuatu based on previous studies conducted in the area, with parameters describing growth (6 species, 13 sets of parameters), mortality (estimates of M for 6 species), length-weight relationship (32 species), and reproduction (length at first maturity for 26 species, months of reproduction for 18 species). The species covered belong mainly to the family Lutjanidae.