86 resultados para SHELL UTILIZATION
Observations (76 nos) on height-length and whole weight-meat weight relations of mussels (Perna viridis), both wild and cultured were made. From the length of mussel the height can be worked out by the equations (logarithmic scale), 1. y = 0.360+0.988 x for wild; 2. y = 0.334+1.011 x for cultured, where x is the length (cm) and y is the height (cms). So also to any height the corresponding meat weight can be obtained by the regression equation. log w=-0.8178+1.9769 log H for wild variety (1) log w=-1.3049+2.8385 log H for culture-variety (2) where w is the meat weight (g) and H is the height (cm) of the mussel. Fourteen observations on size weight measurements of dams were made. The yield varied from 8.9 to 13%. The length-height relationship worked out for clams (Villorita sp) is y=0.485+1.005 x for length x and height y.
Sixty one observations on length-breadth and whole weight-meat weight relations of India crab (Scylla serrata) were made. From the length of crab (cm) the whole weight (gm) can be computed by the equation: log W=-0.1708+2.3341 log L. Similarly for any given length (cm) the meat weight (gm) can be found by the relation, log w=-1.5745+3.0148 log L.
The characteristics of the fish and prawn seed resources of the Gulf of Kutch are described. Results of experiments conducted in a primary low saline reservoir of a solar salt works to study their utility for aquaculture are reported. The prospective role of aquaculture in augmenting fish production along the coast is also discussed.
Stages of development of P. placenta from the straight-hinge veliger to the adult are described. Mature larvae metamorphose at lengths from 220-230 m. Larvae probably attach byssally to the water surface at metamorphosis and remain in the plankton for some time before finally settling on the mud bottom.
The effect of addition of pure chitin from prawn shell, deproteinised prawn shell, demineralized prawn shell and dry prawn shell in casein based control diet on albino rats was studied. The diets contained 0.5% chitin and 10% protein. The results obtained in the studies show that the weight gain and feed conversion were maximum in the control diet. While addition of pure chitin slightly brought down the weight gain, addition of deproteinsed prawn shell have the minimum weight gain showing that presence of minerals adversely affects both feed consumption and weight gain in the case of albino rats. Although it was reported that addition of pure chitin at 0.5% in the commercial feed of broiler chicken gave increased weight, in the case of albino rats the weight gain was slightly reduced compared to control diet.
A total of 234 species of fish have been recorded from the St Martin Island. Of which, 98 species are coral associated. The total number of recorded mollusc and crab species stands at 187 and 7 species respectively. A total of 66 coral species were recorded, of which 19 are fossil corals, 36 living corals and the rest are under 6 families of subclass Octocorallia (soft corals). A total of 14 species of algae have been recorded from the St. Martin's Island. There is an estimated amount of 1500 MT red sea weed biomass available around the St. Martin's Island. The island contains some of the most unique, benthic community associations in Bangladesh, not found anywhere else in the South Asian region. The unique marine communities have very high scientific value for research and monitoring and there are only a few examples worldwide, where coral-algal communities dominate rocky reefs. The economy of the island is based on fishing. It is estimated that, about 1650 MT of fish are caught annually. Over-exploitation of renewable marine and coastal resources (e.g., rocky reef fisheries, coral and shell extraction; removal of coastal vegetation from inter-tidal and sub-tidal habitats) is a major threat to this ecosystem. Destructive fishing practices, mainly the use of rock-weighted gill nets over the inshore boulder reefs is of prime aggravates. Proper implementation of the rules and regulation for Ecologically Critical Areas (ECA's), alternative livelihood for the local people and further research should be immediately taken for sustainable utilization and to save the rich biodiversity of the only coral island in Bangladesh.
Seaweeds have been used as food, medicine, fertilizers, soil conditioner and source of salt. Realizing the potentials of seaweeds, research and development thrusts have been geared towards improving and developing its product applications. Today, various applications of seaweeds have been developed and improved. The major success in the seaweed industry is the development of phycocolloids with the following specific applications: 1) agar; 2) carrageenans; and, 3) alginates.
Annual cycle of gonad development and spawning in pearl oyster, Pinctada ficata (Gould) in Nakhiloo, Northeast Persian Gulf, was investigated over two years from August 1994 to June 1996. Gonadal condition was assessed by staging criteria to describe gametogenic development from histological preparations of randomly collected individuals of all sizes. A bimodal gametogenic pattern with summer and autumn spawning periods was evident throughout the study. Gametogensis commenced in November-December which proceeded by major gonadal maturation during February-April. Summer spawning was observed from April to July with major spawning at the latter end. During spawning peak in July, low level of gametogensis was noticed. Gametogenic activity was picked up again in August-September which proceeded by autumn spawning from September to December. Towards the end of spawning season, incidence of gonadal inactivation increased. Minimum level of gonadal activity was observed in November. Temperature regime appears to have influential role in regulation of gametogenic and spawning processes. Gonadal development and spawning trends were similar in both sexes. P. radiaata was found to be protandrous hermaphrodite which matured as a male at shell height greater than 20 mm. Biseivality was uncommon and the sex ratio was about 1:1. Ultrastructure of gametes were investigated in the Pictada fucata (Gould). "Auxiliary cells" closely accociated with developing oocytes were observed. Each oocyte seems to be associated with only one secretory cell. which is characterized by an abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum at the onset of vitellogenesis. Contact between this cell and a developing oocytes is maintained by a desmosome-like junction which can be observed when the vitelline coat is formed. these "auxiliary or nursing cells" seem to play a tropic role in vitellogenesis, and may be involved in the formation of the vitelline coat of the oocytes. Oocytic degeneration is observed in this species, it is a continuous phenomenon of varing intensity throughout the year. The ultrastructural changes resulting in lysis of the oocyte are described. Mature spermatozoa consist of a broad, cap-shaped acrosomal vesicle, subacrosomal material, a round nucleus, two triplet substructure centrioles surrounded by four spherical mitochondria, and a flagellum anchored to the distal centriole and plasma membrane. Spermatozoa of Plucata closley resemble to those of other investigated Pteriidae. Changes in proximate composition of soft tissue and gonadal cycle of Pinctada fucata was studied. Mobilization and utilization of stored reserves are apparent during gametogenesis and gonadal maturation. Protein reserves are utilized during spermatogenesis while reserved carbohydrates form the main energy donor in oogenesis. The role of lipid as am.: energy reserve is second to that of carbohydrate.