531 resultados para Niembsch von Strehlenau, Nikolaus, 1802-1850.


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Malformation rates in fish embryos have been monitored for several years in the Southern North Sea. Their occurrence was interpreted to be related to pollution because malformation rates were highest in near coastal waters known to receive high pollution loads. For embryos of all species investigated synchronous trends for the fluctuation of malformation rates over the time were registered in the areas covered with intermediate prevalences at the beginning of the studies in 1984 and maxima in 1987. Thereafter malformation rates of all species decreased significantly followed by an increase in 1996. It was found that a significant negative correlation between surface water temperature and prevalences of malformed embryos of dab (Limanda limanda) and other species existed over time and space. These correlations became increasingly visible with decreasing concentrations of organochlorines in livers of dab. From these findings it is concluded that temperatures possibly predispose developing fish embryos to the impact of pollutants.


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Colour measurements were performed on smoked Norwegian salmon sides using an objective method based on the CIELab-system. The influence of a freeze/thaw cycle was evaluated. Already after a short frozen storage of 8 hours a signiticant colour difference could be noticed. This was manifested by an increase in lightness as well as in redness and yellowness as result of the freeze/thaw cycle. These colour changes were observable by eyes too.


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During the 160th research cruise of the FRV "Walther Herwig III" in the North Sea in May 1995 an ice-storage experiment with whiting was performed. Gutted whiting with and without spleen was stored in melting water-ice. Freshness and/or spoilage were monitored by measuring sensory, chemical, physical and microbiological indicators. It was found that besides the classical sensory assessment on the cooked sample and the EU-quality grading scheme, the microbiological counts were of major importance for the determination of the degree of freshness or spoilage. The cfu (colony forming units) of spoilage bacteria on the skin correlated significantly with time in ice. A very good correlation was also found for the cfu of spoilage bacteria with the sensory assessed odour of the cooked fillet sample. The measurement of the fish tissue with the Intellectron Fischtester VI and the determination of the creatine content in fillet are both suitable freshness and spoilage indicators. The pH-value measured in different body compartments and in musele homogenate and the ammonia content are only of limited value for freshness determination. Removal of kidney did not influence the shelf life.


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Data on the fat content in the edible part of mackerel in correlation to the length are given for nine different fishing grounds. The samples were taken in spring and summer in the North Sea, west and south of the British Isles and in the bay of Biscay.


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Seit der Einführung der Plattfisch-Schutzzonen existiert das Problem der Kontrolle der maximalen Antriebsleistung von Fischkuttern. Nachdem in den letzten Jahren die Motoren der in den Schutzzonen zugelassenen Fahrzeuge zunehmend zu einer höhren Leistungsabgabe umgebaut wurden, entstanden zum Teil erhebliche Wettbewerbsverzerrungen in der EU- Flotte und eine nicht kontrollierte Steigerung des Fischereiaufwandes in den Schutzzonen durch Nichtbeachtung der Vorschriften.


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Investigations on the avoidance reactions of pelagic schooling fish (herring and sprat) released by an approaching fishery vessel were carried out during the 378th cruise of FRC "Solea" from 25 September to 3 October 1995 in the Arkona Sea, southern Baltic. An echosounder system EK 500/BI500 with a 38 kHz transducer mounted on a towed body as weIl as a 120 kHz hull mounted transducer were used. Fish densities were measured synchronously as well as under the ship as at a laterally distances from the ship by the transducer of the towed body. By these means the variation of fish densities up to a certain distance from the ship is possible. The advantage of using an echo integrating system for these measurements is, that it works also for not schooling fish and under conditions where schooling fish disperse (e.g. at night).


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Die 150. Reise des FFS "Walther Herwig III" wurde im Juli/August 1994 als Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Institute für Biochemie und Technologie und dem Institut für Fischereiökologie durchgeführt, um einen Überblick über die Schadstoffbelastung (anorganische und organische Schadstoffe, Radioaktivität) von Wasser, Sediment und Biota in der Barentssee zu erhalten. Das Institut für Biochemie und Technologie hat in diesem Forschungsprogramm den Teil "Bestimmung der Schwermetallgehalte im verzehrbaren Anteil (Filet) von Fischen und anderen Meerestieren" übernommen.


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One of the supposed effects of the observed ozone depletion is the increase of solar UV-B irradiation at the seasurface. This will cause an impact on certain compartments of marine ecosystems. Especially, sensitive developmental stages of pelagic fish embryos might be affected. Embryos of dab (Limanda limanda) and plaice (Pleuronectes plalessa) were experimentally exposed 10 different amounts of UVB irradiation in a sunshine simulator. This programmable device allows the dosage of realistic solar irradiation in quality and guantity. Experiments were carried out in March 1995 and February 1996. Either artificially inserninated and reared emhryos of dab and plaice or embryos caught in the German Bight were exposed to simulated solar irradiation. The 1995 experiments served to identify the effective irradiation dosages. For the 1996 experiments irradiation applied was much lower, being dose to realistic valucs expected over the North Sea as a consequence of ozone depletion. The following end points were studied: 1. Mortality, 2. sublethal morphological effects (malformations), 3. DNA damage, 4. changes in buoyancy of embryos measured as changes in osmolarity of the perivitelline fluid. Conditions for the simulation of daylight were a c1oudless sky with a solar zenith distance of 34 % (air mass 1.2). The adopted ozone depletion was 40 % corresponding to 180 DU (Dobson Units) instead of 300 DU. In the 1995 experiments time and dosage dependent influenccs on mortality and buoyancy of embryos of dab and plaice were found. Even in those embryos which were protected from the UV-B spectral range a loss of buoyancy was registered after 12 hours in the simulator. No diffcrences in DNA integrity as determined by DNA unwinding of exposed and control embryos were found. Also with lower amounts of irradiation in the 1996 experiments dosage dependent acute mortality, malformations, and impact on the buoyancy of the emhryos was registered. Sublethal effects occurred as well in embryos protected against UV-B in the exposure chambers, but were not found in the dark controls. The impact of low dosages of UV-B on the buoyancy of pelagic fish embryos might indicate an important ecological threat and deserves further studies.


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A widespread belief among fishermen that sidetrawlers show a better selectivity than sterntrawlers was investigated in a comparative fishing exercise in the Baltic. In contrary to earlier observations during this experiment in May no essential differences with regard to the selectivity of the trawls used could be found for both types of fishing vessels. Possible explanations for the result are discussed.


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North-Sea whiting shows a much shorter shelf life in melting ice than other gadoid fishes like saithe, cod and haddock. It can be stored for a maximum of 14 days in ice before being rated as unfit for human consumption. Appropriate freshness indicators for whiting are: sensory tests, dimethylamine- and trimethylamine oxide-nitrogen, creatine content. Of most value for whiting is the determination of thc electric resistance by the fishtester VI.


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An iced storage experiment with plaice was conducted during the 1l5th cruise of FRV "Walther Herwig II" in the North Sea. Iced stored plaice were rated by sensory methods as saleable until day 18 of iced storage and as edible until day 20. In addition to the sensory tests the Fischtester VI readings and the pH-value measured in muscle homogenate proved to be useful freshness indicators, while TVB-N is a typical spoilage indicator.


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In 1993 and 1994 hatching and rearing of cod eggs and larvae from the western stock was carried out aiming at data about the reproduction biology of this species. This paper describes the hatching methods and first results of the correlation between various biotic and abiotic factors, naturally fertilized eggs from a broodstock, and the amount of viable larvae.


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From the beginning of the oil and gas exploration in the North Sea the impact of offshore installations, especially pipelines, on the fishery has been thoroughly discussed and investigated. Since fishing activities in the vicinity of pipelines are not prohibited, special precautions have to be taken to prevent towed fishing gear from being fouled by a pipeline. Until now all recommendations for the installation of pipelines are based on the results of tests with trawls crossing one pipeline. New problems will arise if parallel pipelines are installed as planned in the near future.