126 resultados para Jesolo, paesaggio, tutela, flora, fauna, architettura rurale, giardino botanico
A knowledge of the specific composition of Ceylon fish fauna is essential to any programme of development of commercial fisheries, or the study of Ceylon's ichthyology and the need for cataloguing it has been keenly felt for many years. The need for cataloguing the whole of Ceylon's flora and fauna was stressed by the Natural Science Section of the Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science during its 1952 annual sessions and it was then that the writer agreed to help satisfy this need by compiling an up-to-date check list of species of two families of fishes, the Clupeidae and the Carangidae, which are important in the beach seine fishery which he was studying at that time. In the course of this work it was decided to expand the check-list to make it comprehensive of all species of fish that have been recorded from Ceylon to date and to supply keys for their identification. This has involved a screening of the pioneer works of Bennet (1834) and Day (1878-1889) and the many subsequent references to Ceylon fish scattered through various scientific journals and other publications, some of them long out and now almost unobtainable.
Freshwater animals are of importance in the economy of most countries. In recent years the scientific cultivation of freshwater fish for food has been spreading throughout South-East Asia and the Far-East. New and useful species of fish have been introduced into many countries including Ceylon where the older system of trapping any variety of fish that is available is being replaced by scientifically planned management with a view to increasing the production of good quality fish. Considerable quantities of food mainly in the form of fish are being taken from our freshwaters, providing a cheap source of much needed protein in the diet of the villager. More recently large quantities of freshwater fish are being consumed by the urban population.
Total bacterial load in the haemolymph of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii varied from 6.2x10⁴ to 1.9x10⁷ CFU/ml whereas in the hepatopancreas, bacterial load varied from 1.9x10³ to 2.9x10⁵ CFU/g. The total bacterial load in the pond water varied from 2.6x10² to 4.1x10⁵ CFU/ml. The isolated bacterial genera in the haemolymph and the hepatopancreas of prawn were Streptococcus, Acinetobacter, Micrococcus, Aeromonas, Vibrio, Flavobacterium, Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas, whereas the detected bacterial genera in pond water were Micrococcus, Streptococcus, Vibrio, Flavobacterium, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Aeromonas. Among the detected genera, Vibrio and Staphylococcus were found to be dominant genera in the haemolymph of the sampled prawn throughout the study period whereas Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas were dominant in pond water.
In various areas along the coast in the vicinity of Monterey there are many colonies of the Polychaete worm Dodecaceria pacifica. An attempt has been made to find out something of the distribution, size, structure and the flora and fauna associated with these colonies.
This is the first of a series consequent to "A guide to the freshwater fauna of Ceylon" by A. S. Mendis and C. H. Fernando, Bull. Fish. Res. Stn. Ceylon No. 12, 160 pp. (1962). The purpose of this series is to make the above-mentioned work more comprehensive. The present supplement is restricted to the Arthropoda.
Under stable conditions of stratification of the sea, evidence of generic differences of the associated bacterial flora of the water masses has been obtained, between surface and sub-surface water. Gram negative rods, especially pseudomonads and achromobacters were more frequent at the surface. The fermentative and oxidase negative flora was more frequent in sub-surface water. The surface water in general had a greater variety of bacterial types while the sub-surface water had a flora with a greater range of biochemical activity. These results are discussed in relation to the hydrological condition of the water masses and the bacterial flora of freshly caught fish.
This is the second supplement to "A guide to the freshwater fauna of Ceylon" by A. S. Mendis and C. H. Fernando, Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon, No. 12, 160 pp. (1962). In the present supplement additions and corrections are made in the sections on Protozoa, Annelida and Arthropoda. The sections on Platyhelrainthes and Nematoda have been expanded and the Acanthocephala added. A list of species recorded and the hosts of the parasitic forms are included. In the "Guide", the insects with only larval stages in aquatic habitats were mentioned only briefly and no species lists were included. In this supplement this gap is largely filled by added notes and inclusion of species lists of all these groups except the Neuroptera, Lepidoptera, Tabanidae, Syrphidae and Stratiomyidae. The orders Neuroptera and Lepidoptera have relatively few members in freshwater habitats and the families Tabanidae, Syrphidae and Stratiomyidae have forms with larvae in aquatic habitats and also in moist places which are not true freshwater habitats. At this time, it is not possible to separate those forms living in freshwater habitats. Short diagnoses of six additional families are given, namely, the ixidae, Psychodidae, Tabanidae Stratiomyidae, Rhagionidae and Sciomyzidae. Keys are provided for the Odonata and Ephermeroptera larvae down to the family level. An attempt has been made to make the references more comprehensive. Works dealing specifically with the Ceylonese fauna are of course included, but in addition those which are of use in diagnosis of local genera and species have been cited.
Three nematodes, two acanthocephalans and three cestodes were collected by dissecting 15 species of fish. Of these parasites only Hedruris sp. a larval nematode is responsible directly for the death of fish, since it is found in predatory species a reduction of these might prove of considerable consequence to fish, production. Bothriocephalus gowleonensis, a cestode probably introduced from China with Chinese carp, was recorded in an indigenous carp Puntius sarana. This parasite causes heavy mortality in grass carp in China and is a potential danger to local species. A single crustacean parasite was recorded. It is likely that they are widespread. No protozoa were recorded but there can be little doubt that they occur in local freshwater species and may be of considerable importance in fisheries. Several predators (insects, fish and other vertebrates) were recorded and are doubtless of considerable importance. However, the role of parasites and of predators (especially fishes) in relation to the productivity of fisheries can hardly be assessed at present and needs further study. A study of the fauna found at the shallow edges of 21 irrigation reservoirs showed an abundance of fauna in the low-country reservoirs whilst the up-country reservoirs had a poor fauna. The fauna showed insects, crustacea and mollusca in this order of abundance. The presence of insect and molluscs feeding fish in our fauna shows that these rich sources of food are being utilised.
Las marismas son ecosistemas regularmente inundados por el mar. Esta característica condiciona su flora y su fauna, que deben vivir en un medio sucesivamente cubierto y descubierto por el agua y caracterizado por su alta salinidad. La costa atlántica de la Patagonia (Argentina) alberga abundantes y variadas marismas, hasta el momento poco conocidas y aún menos estudiadas. El autor contesta la pregunta si pueden vivir plantas y animales terrestres en lugares regularmente cubiertos y descubiertos por las mareas, y pasar así la mitad de sus vidas sumergidos en agua de mar. Contesta sobre qué son las marismas y quiénes las habitan, en particular las de la Patagonia Argentina, la importancia del ambiente: su uso y valoración. Este artículo de divulgación incluye el mapa con marismas desde el sur de Brasil hasta la Patagonia austral sí como otras lecturas sugeridas.
A pesar de que el clima de la Antártida tiene características adversas al florecimiento de la vida, en ciertas áreas costeras de ese continente hay una asombrosa riqueza y abundancia de especies tanto vegetales como animales. Punta Cierva (península Antártica) es uno de los sitios con gran diversidad de especies, de interés particular para realizar estudios ecológicos; se incluyen diversos relevamientos de flora y fauna terrestres en el lugar realizados por diferentes investigadores. Es aconsejable definir nuevos sitios de interés científico, similares a Punta Cierva, a fin de a asegurar la preservación de los ecosistemas, apuntando a una estrategia efectiva para conservar la biodiversidad. Al final del artículo de divulgación científica se adjunta pequeño glosario y lecturas sugeridas.
This supplement to the “Guide to the freshwater fauna of Ceylon” by A. S. Mendis and C. H. Fernando. Bull Fish. Res. Stn. Ceylon 12, 160 pp. (1962) includes a number of additional records to the fauna and nomenclatural changes designed to bring the names of the Rotifera, and Hydracarina up to date. This latter involves a complete change in naming of Rotifera to keep in line with modern nomenclature synonymizing species where necessary. A major study on the water mites of India by Cook (1067) has necessitated considerable changes in the naming of Ceylonese species. Besides the Rotifera and Hydracarina the Ilemiptera-Heteroptera have received attention as regards the Corixidae and new generic and specific records from published and unpublished material has been included. A major difficulty in studying freshwater animals (for that matter any animals) is the lack of suitable illustrations of local forms. An attempt has been made to fill this gap for the Rotifera and Turbellaria, It is hoped that in future supplements other groups can be similarly dealt with.
New Ceylonese records namely, Euscelimena gavialis (Sauss.), Paranemobius pictus Sauss. and semiaquatic cockroaches of the genus Rhabdoblatta were found in the collection of Saltatorid and Dictyopterid insects.
An estimation of the total industrial catch of the shallow water shrimp by-catch for the period 1986-1990 is presented. By-catch species compositions based on landings and onboard samples at ex-Emopesca/Beira (Marbeira) and Pescamar are also presented. The by-catch is essentially composed by 2nd and 3rd commercial fish categories, other crustaceans and cephalopods appearing in varying proportions in the catch. The total catch of shrimp by-catch estimated for the period is approximately 17 to 25 thousand tons per year.
Catch composition and bathymetric distribution of demersal fish caught along the coast of Mozambique between parallels 16 degree 20' and 19 degree 30' S at depths of 11 to 180 metres are given. The shrimp by-catch was also studied.
This report of the research cruise (7 to 23 June 1981) surveying pelagic marine resources of the Sofala Bank (Mozambique) describes the size composition, distribution, length-weight relationships and sex-ratio of the fish captured. Decapterus russellii, D. macrosoma, Selar crumenophthalmus and Rastrelliger kanagurta represented 21.7% of the total catch. The by-catch was also studied.