94 resultados para Domestication and rearing


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The influence of formulated isocaloric diets of different protein levels (30, 35, 40, 45 and 50%) on the growth and ammonia excretion of the Indian major carp Cirrhina mrigala fry was studied for a rearing period of four weeks in the laboratory. Fishmeal, groundnut oilcake and silkworm pupae formed the source of protein in all the diets. As the dietary protein level increased from 30 to 40%, the growth and conversion efficiency increased significantly. Further increase in the protein level resulted in decrease in growth and conversion efficiency. Growth rate, weight gain (%), and gross and net feed conversion efficiencies were maximum at 40% dietary protein level. Ammonia excretion was directly proportional to the level of protein in the diet.


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Fishery and biology of the giant trevally, Caranx ignobilis exploited along the Tuticorin coast of Tamilnadu were monitored during 2001-2006. Fishery occurred round the year with peak landings during April-August. Spawning and recruitment occur almost round the year with peak during November-December. Young ones are abundant in shallow coastal waters and as grows, they move to deeper waters. Growth parameters, L"' and K are estimated respectively as 143.6 cm and 0.69/year and 'to' as -0.0242 year. Estimates show that they grow fast and attain 73, 108, 126 and 134 cm in total length by first, second, third and fourth year respectively. Their weight increment is also fast and attains 5.5 kg, 16.8 kg, 25.9 kg and 33.7 kg respectively during the period. Stock assessment indicated that the stock at present is over exploited and under heavy fishing pressure. Rearing trial in aquarium tank showed that they are compatible to confined rearing conditions. Based on the distribution and biology of the species, their mariculture potential is discussed.


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Six on-farm trials were conducted from 1 August to 23 November 2004 in two different environments such as homestead ditches (10 to 17 square meters) and plastic barrels (240 liters) to develop techniques for nonoculture [sic] of climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis and walking catfish, Clarias batrachus for poor and landless people who have no access to pond. Stocking density for ditch was 10 fry/square meter while that for barrel was 20 fry/cubic meter. The fishes were fed with 3-test diets viz. low-cost formulated feed (rice bran 20%, wheat meal 10%, mustered [sic] oil cake 35%, poultry offal 35%), live foods (chopped snails and clams), and a commercial feed (Saudi-Bangla feed, starter 3: first month and grower-1: subsequent two months) and designated as T1, T2 and T3, respectively. Feeding rate was the same in all the treatments viz. 10% of body weight (first two months), 8% (third month) and 6% (fourth month). T1 and T2 had three replications while T3 had two replications. Water temperature was recorded weekly while fish growth was monitored monthly. After 4 months' rearing, H. fossilis and C. batrachus in ditches and barrels attained higher average weight in T2 followed by T3 and T1 while A. testudineus in barrels also attained higher average weight in T2. The variation in net weight gain by A. testudineus in ditch fed test diets T2 and T3 was not significantly different (P>0.05) though the net gain in both T2 and T3 was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of T1. The yield of climbing perch as obtained from T1, T2 and T3 was 988, 1136 and 1185 kg/ha, respectively while that stinging catfish was 395, 242 and 444 kg/ha and walking catfish was 1605, 2,099 and 1,654 kg/ha respectively. All the three species showed significantly lower growth rate in barrels than in ditches.


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Six treatments each with 12 replications designed to optimize the dose of inducing agent PG to achieve fertilization and hatching success of climbing perch, Anabas testudineus were tested. The females were given single injection of 7-12 mg PG/kg body weight and the males were given 4 mg PG/kg body weight. Fertilization and hatching rate varied from 67±4.55% to 66±3.0% and 59±4.88% to 57±6.21% for the doses of 10, 11 and 12 mg PG/kg of body weight, respectively. The hormone dose had significant (P<0.05) effect on fertilization and hatching. Six mini shallow cisterns (570 cm x 105 cm) were used to investigate the efficacy of zooplankton and Artemia nauplii as feed for spawn rearing. Three-day old spawns were stocked in six mini shallow cisterns at a stocking density of 100 individuals/L of water. Two treatments each with three replications were used to develop culture technique of the climbing perch. In case of treatment-1, the spawns were fed with Artemia nauplii three times daily, while in treatment-2, zooplankton were used as feed in the same manner as in treatment-1. After 14 days of rearing, mean final weight of the fry of treatments-1 and 2 were 95.55±6.71 and 57.69±5.40 mg, respectively. In treatment-1, spawn fed with Artemia nauplii showed significantly (P<0.05) higher mean weight than the spawn fed with zooplankton (treatment 2).


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Results of experimental rearing of Penaeus indicus without supplemental feeding in unfertilized brackish water ponds in fore-shore of Chilka lake are presented in this paper. Higher rate of survival was recorded where advanced juveniles were stocked and lower rate of survival was recorded where early juveniles were stocked. The average growth rate recorded from the rearing experiments was higher than the average growth rate of Penaeus indicus recorded from the adjoining Chilka Lake which indicates the promising future of prawn farming in and around the lake. Analysis of gut contents revealed that Penaeus indicus could efficiently utilise algal and higher plant matter present in the ponds. No noticeable differences in daily growth rates were noticed between early and advanced juveniles in rearing experiments.


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Fermented vegetable and kitchen wastes are available as feeds for not only zoea but also mysis and up to certain points in the postlarval stages of sugpo, Penaeus monodon. It is recommended that the hatchery use fermented wastes as larval feed for P.monodon when diatoms or brine shrimp nauplii are lacking or in short supply. Among three stages namely, zoea, mysis and postlarva, the survival rate during postlarva particularly after P SUB-4 was quite low. The problems encountered are as follows: (a) how to prevent fermented particles from lumping, (b) how to prevent them from easily sinking to the bottom, and, (c) how to prevent bacteria and fungi, particularly Lagenidium sp blooming.


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The sensitivity of Lagenidium, isolated from Penaeus monodon, Scylla serrata , to 34 antimycotics was determined. Effects on the development of vesicles, zoospores and mycelial growth were evaluated. Although mycoidal levels of the chemicals tested will be ideal for lethal treatment on control of the fungus, the high dose required may be lethal to the host, thus the use of mycostatic concentrations is more practical. Treatments of rearing water containing larvae, adult shrimps or crabs should be done only after preliminary tolerance experiments using at least the mycostatic dose prove to be safe for the hosts. Mycocidal doses can be used for determining disinfection doses of equipment and facilities used in rearing procedures as well as for destroying batches of infected larvae.


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The effects of 3 temperature treatments on activity, feeding, growth, development and survival of young milkfish (Chanos chanos) were investigated under laboratory conditions. It is believed that the results may be applied to develop a land-based mass production technology in rearing milkfish fry to fingerlings.


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Penaeus indicus harvested after three months of rearing in brackishwater ponds and averaging 6.9 g for females and 5.6 g for males were stocked in two 12 cu m flowthrough ferrocement tanks at 240 females and 200 males per tank. The females were ablated on one eyestalk in one tank and remained unablated in the other tank; all males were unablated. Ablated females spawned up to 7 times per female; unablated females spawned up to only 3 times during the two month duration of the experiment. Ablated females produced a total number of 17.5 x 106 eggs, 6.6 x 106 nauplii, and an average of 23,480 eggs/spawning and 37.8% hatching rate from a total of 757 spawnings. Unablated females produced a total of 2.0 x 106 eggs, 1.1 x 106 nauplii, and an average of 26.990 eggs/spawning and 53.9% hatching rate from a total of 74 spawnings. Survival of ablated females was 53.5% compared to 69.4% for unablated females; males in both tanks averaged more than 90% survival.


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Mud crablings, Scylla sp. were reared, for a period of six weeks in fiberglass aquarium under laboratory conditions, to determine the effect of four different stocking densities of 1, 2, 3 and 4 crabling/l of water on their survival and growth. Salinity of water was maintained at 25 ppt throughout the rearing period. Stocking rates of 1, 2, and 3 crabling/l resulted in a similar (p>0.05) survival rates of 75, 74, and 83.5%, respectively, that of 4 crabling/l resulted in significantly lower (p<0.05) survival rate of 56%. No significant difference was observed among different stocking densities in average growth of carapace length (CL), carapace width (CW) and body weight (BW).


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Mixed rearing of tilapia (Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia, GIFT) with shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in brackishwater rice-shrimp system was assessed for its impact on dry season's shrimp production. The experiment was conducted in pre-selected farmer's field located at Paikgacha Upazila of Khulna district and designed with three different densities (treatment) of GIFT, viz, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5/m² with a constant stocking density of shrimp at 3/m². Each treatment had three replications. There had a set of control treatment where GIFT was not stocked. Results of the experiment revealed that tilapia did not exert any significant effect (p>0.05) on the water quality variables, even on survival rate of shrimp (p>0.05) under farm level condition in rice-shrimp rotational system, but a density dependent negative effect (P<0.05) on the growth of shrimp led apparently lower production rate of shrimp. Though tilapia provided the major augment of total production (p<0.05) in the respective treatments than in monoculture of shrimp, but not that of the economic return. However, economic loss due to sudden shrimp crop failure might be partially minimized by the tilapia crop.


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A 90 day feeding trail was conducted to investigate the effect of vitamin E on the growth and breeding performance of Ompok pabda. A total of 84 healthy female brood fish (41.10±0.44g) were divided into 4 treatments i.e. treatment T1 T2, T3 and T4 having three replications each. The fish were fed twice a day with a standard feed (40% protein) having 4 doses of vitamin E viz. 0 (served as control), 50, 100 and 150mg vitamin E/kg feed. At the end of the feeding trial, the brood fish were induced to breed with PG extract to observe the effect of vitamin Eon feed. After rearing for 90 days with the experimental feeds, it was found that weight gain and specific growth rate of brood fish fed with 100mg vitamin E/kg feed (treatment T3) was the highest (14.78±0.38g and 2.99±0.11) while 150mg vitamin E/kg feed (treatment T4) fed fish gave the poorest result (2.97±0.89g and 1.21±0.32). There was no significant difference in terms of length gain of brood fish among the different treatments. The brood fish were induced to breed with equal dose of PG extract (18 and 12mg PG/kg body weight for female and male respectively) to observe the dietary effect of vitamin E on breeding performance. The highest ovulation, fertilization and hatching rate of eggs were found to be 81.48±6.41%, 84.04±3.53% and 68.59±5.03% respectively in the brood fish of treatment T1 while the poorest (33.33±00%, 52.35±5.02% and 45.70±7.24% respectively) were found in the brood fish under treatment T4. The results suggest that inclusion of 100mg vitamin E/kg feed is best for enhancing the breeding performance of O. pabda brood fish indicating that vitamin E content has a positive impact on reproduction of fish. The present results also imply that inclusion of higher level of vitamin E exerts an antagonistic effect in terms of growth and breeding performance of this species.


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An 8 weeks feeding trial was conducted in a static indoor rearing system to investigate protein to energy ratio (PIE ratio) in walking catfish Clarias batrachus. Six fishmeal based diets of two protein levels (25 and 35%), each with three lipid levels (5, 10 and 15%) resulted in P/E ratios ranging from 13.57 to 21.97 mg protein kJˉ¹ gross energy (GE) were fed to 50 fish in triplicate. Fish were fed 6% of their body weight three times per day adjusted fortnightly. Significantly higher (p<0.05) growth rates in terms of weight gain, % weight gain and specific growth rate (SGR) were evident in fish fed with higher protein diet. The highest growth rate was found by fish fed 35% protein, 17.06 kJˉ¹GE with a P/E ratio of 20.55 mg protein kJˉ¹GE. Significantly better (p<0.05) feed conversion ratio (FCR) was also evident in fish fed with higher protein diet and best FCR was found by fish fed 35% protein, 10% lipid, 17.06 kJˉ¹GE with a P/E ratio of 20.55 mg protein kJˉ¹GE. Significantly indifferent (p>0.05) values of protein utilisation were found in between the both (higher and lower) protein diets. Higher lipid deposition (p<0.05) in whole body was observed with increasing dietary lipid level at each protein diet and as higher (p<0.05) for the lower protein diets. The study reveals that C. batrachus performed best the diet containing 35%, 17.06 kJ gˉ¹ and 20.55 mg protein kJ gˉ¹ GE protein, gross energy and P/E ratio respectively.


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Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that profitably affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and /or activation of one or a limited number of bacteria in the intestine that can enhance host health status. Immunoster (IS) and Immunowall (IW) are prebiotics and immunostimulants derived from the outer cell wall of brewers yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These substances contain MOS and �-glucans. After a four-week acclimatization period to rearing conditions and basal diet, 450 farmed great sturgeon juveniles weighing 95.58 ± 9.38 g were randomly distributed into 15 fiberglass tanks (2 × 2 × 0.53 m) in five treatments (Control, IS 1%, IW 1%, IS 3%, and IW 3%) in three replicates (completely randomized design) and kept at a density of 30 fish per tank for a period of 8 weeks at water temperature 20.55 ± 5.11ºC, dissolved oxygen 6.73 ± 0.35 mg L-1 and pH 7.92 ± 0.09. IS and IW were added at two levels of 1% and 3% to the basal diet in place of cellulose, except the control. At the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the trial, carcass analysis was done to determine the moisture, protein, fat, ash, and total carbohydrate. Also, blood samples were collected to measure hematological, biochemical and immune indices. At the end of the trial, final weight, final length, body weight increase (BWI), specific growth rate (SGR), average daily growth (ADG), protein efficiency ratio (PER), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and condition factor (CF) in fish fed on IS and IW in both levels 1% and 3% showed some differences. These differences were significant in IS 3% and IW 1% and 3% compared with the control (P<0.05). HSI showed no significant difference (P>0.05) and survival rate was 100% in all treatments. Crude protein of carcass in fish fed on IS and IW at 1% and 3% showed an increase in comparison with the control. There was significant difference between IS 3% and the control in crude protein of carcass (P<0.05). Fish fed on IS and IW at 1% and 3% showed various results in hematological and biochemical factors. It was observed significant difference in MCV between IW 1% and IS 3% compared with the control (P<0.05). Although there was an increase in values of hematocrit, hemoglobin (except IS 1%), WBC (except IW 3%), MCH, neutrophil, total protein, albumin (except IS 3%), K+, and lysozyme in fish fed on IS and IW compared with the control, it was no significant (P>0.05). The maximum count of WBC and the highest value of Ca2+ were seen in IW 1%. The maximum count of lymphocyte, the highest values of total protein, albumin and IgM were recorded in IW 3%. IS 1% had the maximum count of neutrophil and the highest concentration of lysozyme. Based on obtained results, it can be declared that IS and IW at two levels of 1% and 3% can enhance growth performance and feed efficiency and also improve some hematological, biochemical, and immune indices in farmed great sturgeon juveniles.


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The effect of vitamins C and E on some of growth factors of cultured Acipenser ruthenus was studied in this thesis. For this purpose diets supplemented with a combination of 100 and 400 mg/kg vitamin C, L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate and 100 and 400 mg/kg vitamin E, D-alpha-tocopherol,were each fed to sterlet in 2 replications for 15 weeks. Fifteen fish with average weight of 350.92±14.28 gr were distributed to each of 18 tanks after adaptation with experimental diet. After 5 weeks, there were significant differences in RBC, ESR, HCT and differential counting of white blood cells among the treatments (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in the amount of WBC among the treatments (P>0.05). After 10 weeks, there were significant differences in the amounts of Monocytes, Lymphocytes and Eosinophils (P<0.05), but there was no significant differences in the amount of other hematologic factors (P>0.05). At the end of the experiment (15th week) only WBC, RBC, Monocyte, lymphocyte and neutrophil showed significant differences between the treatments (P<0.05) and other hematologic factors did not show any significant differences between the treatments (P>0.05). The results of biochemical indices analysis showed significant differences (P<0.05) among treatments for all of the parameters for 5th weeks, total protein and glucose for 10th week and only cholesterol for 15th week. The carcass analysis at the end of experiment showed that only the amount of carbohydrate, protein and ash were significantly difference between the treatments (P<0.05). The results of growth parameters at the end of 3th, 9th, 12th and 15th week showed significant differences between the treatments (P<0.05), but at the end of 6th week only GR was significantly different between the treatments (P<0.05). After concerning acute stress test including reduce water volume, cutting the aeration for 30 minutes at the end of experiment, cortisol and glucose significantly increased (P<0.05) compared with prestress period, but the lowest response to the stressor was observed in fish fed by E400 C 400 mg/kg. On the other hand the survival was 100% during the experiment and no mortality was occurred during this period. Results of this study indicate that Vitamins C and E can have remarkable effects on hematological, biochemical and growth indices in different growth periods. So regarding the effects of vitamin C and E on some growth indices, it seems that the diet containing E400 C 100 mg/kg can be considered as the optimum diet in the rearing condition for this weigth range of fish.