85 resultados para Artisanal mercury mining


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The behaviour of metals in aquatic ecosystems is dependent on various environmental factors. Experiments were conducted in five different contact times (0.5, 2, 12, 24 and 48h) between soil sediment and mercury on Cyprinus carpio var communis. It was observed that contact time with soil sediment had significant effect in reducing the toxicity of mercury. Higher the time of contact, greater the effect. Medium hard water (150 mg/L CaC0 sub(3) of total hardness) had the highest effect as compared to other water in reducing the toxicity of mercury when combined with underlying soil sediment. With the increase in contact time, complexation and adsorption of inorganic mercury ions with the dissolved and particulate phases of water and soil sediment were increased; thereby bioaccumulation of mercury ions by scale carp was more. Applicability of the result of this experiment in natural ecosystems was also suggested.


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Lethal and sub-lethal effects of mercury have been studied in Perna viridis and Modiolus carvalhoi. For P. viridis LC30 is 1.0 p.p.m. at 48 h and 0.23 p.p.m. at 96 h. Recorded LC50 values for M. carvalhoi are 0.5 p.p.m. and 0.19 p.p.m. at 48 h and 96 h respectively. The results document that these two species, although inhabiting the same area in the tidal belt, exhibit clear differences in mercury resistance. It is further shown that the duration of exposure affects mortality rates. In sub-lethal concentration, between 0.01 and 0.10 p.p.m. decrease in pedal-gland activity is conspicuous in P. viridis. At concentrations much below LC50 values (at 96 h), although some animals are alive, pedal-gland activity is totally suspended, supporting the assumption that shell closure ability plays a minor role in byssus thread production. In M. carvalhoi total cessation of pedal gland activity occurred at 0.09 p.p.m. of mercury.


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Chitosan from prawn waste was used for the removal of mercury from solutions. Mercuric chloride solutions containing 250, 500, 1000, 10000 and 100000 ng of Hg super(+2)/ml were treated with chitosan samples of different particle size for different periods. The effect of initial concentration of mercury in the solution, particle size of chitosan and time of treatment on the adsorption of Hg super(+2) was studied. The residual mercury content after treatment for ten min. with chitosan of 40 mesh size from a solution of initial concentration 10000 ng/ml was 10 ng/ml whereas it was 50 ng/ml for chitosan of larger particle size (10-20 mesh). From solutions of lower concentrations complete removal of mercury was possible by chitosan treatment. Though the particle size and time of treatment have significant effect, the concentration of mercury in solution is more influential on the removal of mercury from solution.


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Three species of intertidal filter feeding bivalves (Modiolus carvalhoi, Modiolus sp. and Donax spiculum) exposed to mercury and cadmium filtered significantly less volume of water under individual metal and metal mixture stress. Mercury and cadmium in mixtures interacted additively and more than additively (Synergism) in depressing the filtration rate of the bivalves.


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The development of a new mercury-free ternary aluminum anode (CIFTAL) for cathodic protection of marine structures is described. The new anode demonstrated a current efficiency of 83.5% to 85.4% in a current density range of 5.6 to 166.7 mAdmˉ². The current efficiency remained practically stable at 1.4 mAdmˉ² over a test period of 300 days. The service trials of the anode on steel trawlers and aluminum (Indal M 57 S) sheathed wooden boats have shown satisfactory performance in terms of uniform dissolution, current efficiency and driving voltage. In the wake of legislations restricting the use of anodes containing mercury in an endeavor to control the mercury pollution of the near shore aquatic environment, the new anode (CIFTAL) with its stable current output and high current efficiency merits significance in marine cathodic protection.


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Toxicity of inorganic mercury to different life history stages of fresh water fishes, Cyprinus carpio and Cirrhinus mrigala were demonstrated by static bioassays. 48 and 94% of egg hatching occurred in controls at 72 and 24h of experimentation in C. carpio and C. mrigala respectively. While fish eggs in water containing mercuric chloride showed delayed development as compared to the control. LC50, LC100 and safe concentrations of hatchling, fry and fingerling were calculated. Hatchling and fry were observed to be more susceptible as compared to fingerlings of C. carpio and C. mrigala.


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A number of wide-ranging monitoring studies have been performed in order to estimate the degree of mercury (Hg) contamination in freshwater ecosystems. Knowledge regarding contamination of different levels of the food chain is necessary for estimation of total pollutant input fluxes and subsequent partitioning among different phases in the aquatic system. The growing international concern about this environmental data is closely related to the strongly developing ecological risk assessment activities. In addition,freshwater monitoring outputs hold a key position in the estimation of the Hg dose consumed by the human population as it is highly dependent on fish consumption. So monitoring of Hg in the tissue of edible fish is extremely important because of contaminated fish has caused serious neurological damage to new born babies and adults. Mercury tends to accumulate in fish tissue, particularly, in the form of methyl mercury, which is about 10 times more toxic than inorganic mercury. The Anzali lagoon is one of the biggest wetland of Guilan province, which joins to the Caspian sea. Many Chemical and industrial factories plus agricultural runoffs and urban and rural sewages are major polluting sources of the Anzali wetland. Since many of those polluting sources drain their wastes directly or indirectly into the Anzali wetland and their sewages may be polluted with Hg, this study was conducted to find out the bioaccumulation of Hg bioaccumulation in pike (Esox lucius) food chain from Anzali lagoon, Iran. Sampling were carried out from July 2004 to July 2005, in addition 318 speciments of 9 fish species were collected. T-Hg was measured by LECO AMA 254 Advanced Mercury Analyzer (USA) according to ASTM standard No D-6722. Each sample was analyzed 3 times. Accuracy of T-Hg analysis was checked by running three samples of Standard Reference Materials; SRM 1633b, SRM 2711 & Sra 2709. Detection limit was 0.001 mg/kg in dry weight. The Accuracy degree of analyzor equipment with RSD<%0.05 (N=7) was between %95.5 and %105. In overal eigth fish species were distingushed in the gut content of 87 speciments of pike with age 1-5 year and maximum length 550mm. The max. and min. concentration of T-Hg in dorsal muscle of pjke was 0.2ppm in one year and 1.2ppm in five year class. The mean of T-Hg significantly increased with age and length increased (P<0.05).Mercury accumulation pattern in pike was as well as muscle > liver > spleen (P<0.05). THg content in female was higher than male(P<0.05). In contrast the mean of THg concentration in dorsal muscle of eigth fish species as prey was 0.282, 0.261, 0.328, 0.254, 0.256, 0.286, 0.322 and 0.241 ppm for Carassius auratus gibelio, Hemiculter leucisculus, Blicca bjoerkna transcaucasica, Chalcalburnus mossulensis, Rhodeus sericeus amarus, Gambusia holbrooki, Alburnus charusini hohenackeri & Scardinius Erythrophthalmus respectively.Liner regresion indicated that high degree of relationship between age of pike and Uptak/Intake ratio (R2=%99.12) and indicated that the mercury bioaccumulation in the pike dorsal muscle increased with age increased. BFA was >1 and and indicating the mercury biomagnification in the pike food chain. Trophy level of pike in the Anzali lagoon was estimated as well as 3.5 and 4 . It is generally agreed that Hg concentration in carnivorous fish are higher than in noncarnivorous species.


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Fresh water and fish are important to the people who live in the Lake Victoria region therefore the quality of the water and fish is of major importance (Johnson & Odada, 1996). It is well known that dirty water and spoilt fish can lead to poor health and lower standards of living, and that quality can be affected by the pollution in the environment. Even though Lake Victoria is very large, it is relatively shallow and the water remains in the lake basin for a long time (Bootsma & Hecky, 1993). There are a number of environmental issues in Lake Victoria, including water hyacinth~over-population and increased farming causing problems with the lake ecosystem. All these factors combine to keep contaminants within the lake for long time, which will lead to gradually increasing concentrations in the lake. Pollution is a term that covers a wide variety of chemicals and physical changes and their adverse effects on the environment. Here we focus on contaminants, which are unwanted chemicals introduced to the environment. Contaminants include a very wide variety of chemicals, both man-made and natural, for example, mercury, pesticides and herbicides, heavy metals, and natural plant and algae toxins. Many contaminants do not always lead to adverse effects immediately, but can gradually induce long-term problems leading to chronic illnesses and physical damage. A few contaminants have very rapid impacts resulting in immediately obvious changes such as death or injury. Sources of contaminants are varied. Contaminants can get in the lake by the way of agricultural treatment of crops near the lake, industrial effluent, intentional introduction such as fish poisoning byfishermen, natural sources such as heavy metals from particular types of rocks, and even some plants naturally release their toxins. Contaminant sources are not always found near Lake Victoria.


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The artisanal fish preservation methods in Uganda are characterized by extreme operating conditions. Consequently, vital nutritional components diminish in value and quantity which renders fish consumer nutritionally insecure. To establish the magnitude of nutritional loss, duplicate samples of Mukene Rastrineobola argentea were collected from Kiyindi landing site on L. Victoria and Moone landing site on L. Kyoga. Each set of duplicate samples was divided into five portions and kept on ice. For each preservation method a portion was processed into respective products at Food Bioscience and Agri-Business Laboratories aside from the control (fresh) sample. Both preserved and control samples were analysed for nutrient loss at Department of Chemistry, Makerere University using AOAC methods. The composition of fatty acids was determined by methanolysis gas chromatography and Mass spectrophotometry of the resultant methyl esters. The results indicate that nutrients of all preserved samples did not vary significantly from the control except for some fatty acids. The Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in fresh samples declined from 6.72% to 1.08% in deep-fried samples constituting 83.93% nutrient loss. The sum ratio w3:w6 as well as EPA: DHA (Docosahexaenoic) ratio in fried samples also varied significantly (p<0.5) lower than 0.668 and 0.20 for the average of either preservation methods and experts recommended ratio respectively. Further research has been recommended to ascertain the causative factor, since Mukene frying is being promoted in the Great lakes region as alternative method to sun-drying. In conclusion, regular consumers of fried Mukene do not benefit much from the nutritional and health attributes of Omega 3 and 6.


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Michael Rojas, a 24-year-old artisanal fisher from Caballo Island in Costa Rica, believes that youth can pursue fishing in an artisanally responsible and sustainable way.