113 resultados para bycatch


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Trials with the “topless” version (with reduced upper panel) of the bottom trawl resulted in a 63 % reduction of cod bycatch in numbers, compared to the complete trawl. Flounder catches increased by 120 % on average. Further modification of the net opening height to optimize the trawl performance are underway.


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Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), an endangered species, has experienced a several-fold increase in abundance in the Hudson River in recent decades. This population growth followed a substantial improvement in water quality during the 1970s to a large portion (c. 40%) of the species' summertime nursery area. Age structure and growth were investigated to evaluate the hypothesis that improvements in water quality stimulated population recovery through increased survival of young of the year juveniles. Specimens were captured using gill nets bi-monthly from November 2003 to November 2004 (n = 596). Annuli in fin spine sections were used to generate estimates of sturgeon age. Based upon a marginal increment analysis, annuli were determined to form at an annual rate. Age determinations yielded a catch composed of age 5-30 years for sizes 49-105cm Total Length (n = 554). Individual growth rate (von Bertalanffy coefficients: TL, = 1045mm, K = 0.07) for the population was similar to previous growth estimates within the Hudson River as well as proximal estuaries. Hindcast year-class strengths, based upon a recent stock assessment (Bain et al. 2000) and corrected for gill net mesh selectivity and cumulative mortality indicated high recruitments (28,000-43,000 yearlings)during 1986-1992, which were preceded and succeeded by c.5-year periods of lower recruitment (5,000-1 5,000 yearlings). Recruitment patterns were corroborated by trends in shortnose sturgeon bycatch from a Hudson utilities-sponsored monitoring program. Results indicated that Hudson River shortnose sturgeon abundance increased due to the formation of several strong year-classes occurring about five years subsequent to improved water quality in important nursery and forage habitats in the upper Hudson River estuary. (PDF contains 108 pages.)


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Nearshore 0-group western Baltic cod are frequently caught as bycatch in the commercial pound net fishery. Pound net fishermen from the Danish Isle of Funen and Lolland and the German Isle of Fehmarn have recorded their catches of small cod between September and December 2008. Abundance patterns were analysed, particularly concerning the influence of abiotic factors (hydrography, meteorology) and the differences between sampling sites. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) differed by site and location, whereas CPUE were highest at Lolland. Correlation between catch and wind/currents were generally weak. However, wind directions and current speeds seem to affect the catch rates. Finally an algorithm was developed to calculate a recruitment index for western Baltic cod recruitment success based on previous analyses.


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At present the fishery for the brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) is one of the most economically rewarding fisheries in Europe. Due to the small size of the target objects this fishery has to be carried out with rather small meshes. As it is, however, performed on the nursing grounds of important fish species it encounters a severe bycatch problem. On this basis, EU Council regulation 850/98 demands the use of either sieve nets or sorting grids from 1 July, and to pass pertaining national bye-laws. Germany discusses to use either sieve nets of 70 mm mesh opening or sorting grids of 20 mm bar distance, and tries to achieve a harmonization of the byelaw with neighbouring countries of The Netherlands and Denmark to ensure equal conditions on the same fishing grounds.


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The reduction of discards will only be achieved, if more effective methods of catch selection will be developed and used. In principle, the unavoidable by catch of commercial fish should be used for human consumption, independent of the requirements for minimum length and existing catch quotas. The amount of such bycatch should be charged to the total catch quota and preferably be used for processing of fish portions with skin (carcasses with skin), because this kind of processing results in higher yields and nutrional advantages compared to fillet processing. Unfortunately, nowadays, in the German fishery and fish trade this traditional form of supply is only of minor importance because of the predominance of fillets and fillet products. However, cooperation between fishing industry and fish trade and a good advertising of processed fish portions with skin could overcome this problem. In the pelagic fishery of herring, mackerel and other similar pelagic species the bycatch of small sized specimen of these species can be a problem. These small sized fish can principally be processed to traditional fish products, but the processing costs for them are much higher. The prospects for processing of the bycatch into minced fish meat, fish protein concentrate or fish protein hydrolysate are very poor under the existing regime in the German fishing industry. A further way for processing of the bycatch, which can not be used for human consumption, is the production of fishmeal. However, only three German factory ships dispose of fish meal plants. Under the current economic conditions, i.e. because of limited storage capacity, the Ger-man trawler and cutter fleet is not able to transport the bycatch for fish meal production ashore.


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Shrimping in the waddensea is frequently considered to significantly reduce the numbers of juvenile plaice . This investigation aims to reveal the seasonal and regional differences regarding discards in the German waddensea and sets the results in relation to the bycatch projects with German participation. Furthermore, methodological aspects are evaluated to find possible effects on the estimation of the netted numbers. The bycatch problem exists predominantly throughout the summer season, but high catches of juvenile plaice can occur occasionally in autumn. The discard issue seems to be most important in the East Frisian region, while the Elbe and Schleswig-Holstein areas are of lesser importance. Considering the distribution of the fish in the environment is as indispensable as sampling of the shrimp fleet with optimum representativity. There are indices that the contribution of the Dutch shrimp fleet to the discard mortality of juvenile plaice was underestimated in the recent past. A combination of time and area closures as restrictions in combination with the extensive application of selective gears could possibly gain the best protection for the affected species.


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Trials for the determination of the magnitude of bycatch reduction by sorting grids used in the commercial brown shrimp fishery were carried out from September to December 1997. Trawls with 9 m beam length were used on different fishing grounds in the estuary of the Elbe River near Cuxhaven. The sorting grids tested were made of stainless steel bars spaced at 18, 20, 22, 26 and 30 mm, built into a cylindrical stainless steel frame with a diameter of 65 cm at an angle of attack of 45 degrees. This frame was positioned between the forenet and codend. Simultaneous hauls were made with a trawl of equal construction but without a sorting grid, and the weighed catch components (fish, discard shrimps and commercial size shrimps) separated by means of a riddle were compared. The composition of the sorted out part of the catch of the sorting grid net could be calculated by comparise the corresponding catch components in both the standard trawl and the sorting grid trawl. According to this the total catch of the beam trawl with the sorting grid is reduced by 18 to 38 % depending on the space between the bars. 7 to 31 % of the sorted out part of the catch consists of fish. The use of the sorting grid, however, also leads to losses of 4 to 12 % in Oktober. Per hour of towing this means a loss of 10,3 % commerical size shrimps with a sorting grid of 18 mm space between the bars and of 12,4 % for a 26 mm grid.


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The present contribution summarizes results of fishery investigations with gillnets and longlines in the winter cod fishery which had been carried out in the western Baltic region from 1996 to 1999 by the Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei with financial aid of the country Schleswig-Holstein. The main goal of these investigations was to point out technological possibilities for a reduction of unwanted bycatches of sea ducks in gillnetting. As it is obviously impossible to reduce the local and temporal bycatch problem by means of different gillnet constructions or tactical measurements, only the temporary avoidance of fishing grounds with high abundance of ducks or the change to longlining as catch method with reduced duck bycatches may be an effective solution.


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Trials for the determination of the magnitude of bycatch reduction by the sievenets used in the commercial brown shrimp fishery were carried out from September to December 1997. Trawls with 9 m beam length were the subjected to the investigation. They were used on different fishing grounds in the estuary of the Elbe near Cuxhaven. Sievenets with 50, 60 and 80 mm mesh opening were tested in 29 hauls and 31.6 h total duration. A trawl of equal construction without sievenets fished synchronously was used for comparison. The proportional catch composition in the codend was determined by weighing the catch components (fish, discard shrimps and commercial size shrimps) as separated by means of a riddle. The composition of the sorted out part of the catch could be calculated by comparison of the corresponding catch components both in standard trawl and sievenettrawl. According to this the total catch of a beam trawl with sievenet is diminished by 9 to 34 % depending on the mesh opening of the sievenet. 32 to 58 % of the sorted out part of the catch consists of fish. Use of a sievenet, however, also leads to a loss of 6 to 15 % of commercial size shrimps. Per hour of towing this means a loss of 8.7 kg commercial size shrimps with a sievenet of 60 mm mesh opening and of 1.8 kg for a mesh size of 80 mm.


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Eel trapping seems to be one of the possibilities to replace the German eel trawl fishery on cutters in the Baltic with a high amount of unwanted and discarded bycatch by a more effective method. To prepare our own practical application the highly developed mechanized eel trap fishery on a commercial vessel in the Netherlands was studied. The results of this study are described in the this article.


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An EU funded research project was started in 1998 by institutes from Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany to reduce the adverse environmental impact of demersal trawls. In the frame of this project the Institute for Fishery Technique of the Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, Hamburg, is developing a jet beamtrawl replacing the heavy tickler chains of a traditional flatfish beam trawl by water jet nozzles placed at the lower side of the beam with the jets directed towards the sea bottom. First trials on the dutch research vessel “Tridens” were performed in March 1998. Catch and bycatch of a jet beamtrawl and a traditional beamtrawl were compared. The efficiency of the jet beamtrawl was not satisfactory and will have to be improved.


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Comparative fishing trials were conducted in the river Elbe estuary using 9 m commercial brown shrimp beam trawls. To avoid the bycatch of fish a metal sorting grid of the Nordmöre type was used. The elliptical grid was constructed of 6 mm stainless steel bar with a spacing of 20 mm between the bars and housed in a cylindrical frame of 800 mm diameter. It was installed in the extension piece just in front of the codend. The inclination of the grid was 45 degrees. A fish outlet was provided in the upper panel of the trawl at the upper edge of the grid. A series of 8 tows of 15 min duration at a towing speed of 3 kns was done. For evaluation the catch of the main codend was compared to the portion of the catch escaped through the grid. The presence of the grid caused a 97.4 % reduction of the catch of lump sucker, a 90.6 % reduction of the catch of sea scorpion, a 79.3 % reduction of the catch of cod, a 58.8 % reduction of the catch of armed bullhead, a 39.6 % reduction of the catch of dab, a 34.7 % reduction of the catch of flounder, a 32.3 % reduction of the catch of smelt, a 19.8 % reduction of the catch of plaice and a 14.5 % reduction of the catch of brown shrimp.


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Due to the increasing environmental awareness of the public, marine environmental protection became a general interest. Since fishery is one of the strongest direct influences of man on the marine ecosystem, it became criticised, especially because of the discarding of unused fish, which is considered as a waste of the resource. In the different types of fisheries the calculation of the amounts of discards in relationship to the landings vary strongly. One of the reasons is, however, the different use of the terms 'bycatch' and 'discard'. Thus it is important to work with equal terms and definitions, so that fishermen, protectionists and ecologists talk the same language. This contribution tries to define the following terms achieving a generally acceptable terminology which is also explained by the attached diagram.


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English: Recent calls for a more holistic approach to fisheries management have motivated development of trophic mass-balance models of ecosystems that underlie fisheries production. We developed a model hypothesis of the pelagic ecosystem in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (ETP) to gain insight into the relationships among the various species in the system and to explore the ecological implications of alternative methods of harvesting tunas. We represented the biomasses of and fluxes between the principal elements in the ecosystem with Ecopath, and examined the ecosystem's dynamic, time-series behavior with Ecosim. We parameterized the model for 38 species or groups of species, and described the sources, justifications, assumptions, and revisions of our estimates of the various parameters, diet relations, fisheries landings, and fisheries discards in the model. We conducted sensitivity analyses with an intermediate version of the model, for both the Ecopath mass-balance and the dynamic trajectories predicted by Ecosim. The analysis showed that changes in the basic parameters for two components at middle trophic levels, Cephalopods and Auxis spp., exert the greatest influence on the system. When the Cephalopod Q/B and Auxis spp. P/B were altered from their initial values and the model was rebalanced, the trends of the biomass trajectories predicted by Ecosim were not sensitive, but the scaling was sensitive for several components. We described the review process the model was subjected to, which included reviews by the IATTC Purse-seine Bycatch Working Group and by a working group supported by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. We fitted the model to historical time series of catches per unit of effort and mortality rates for yellowfin and bigeye tunas in simulations that incorporated historical fishing effort and a climate driver to represent the effect of El Niño-Southern Oscillation-scale variation on the system. The model was designed to evaluate the possible ecological implications of fishing for tunas in various ways. We recognize that a model cannot possibly represent all the complexity of a pelagic ocean ecosystem, but we believe that the ETP model provides insight into the structure and function of the pelagic ETP. Spanish: Llamamientos recientes hacia un enfoque más holístico al ordenamiento de la pesca han motivado el desarrollo de modelos tróficos de balance de masas de los ecosistemas que sostienen la producción pesquera. Desarrollamos una hipótesis modelo del ecosistema pelágico en el Océano Pacífico oriental tropical (POT) con miras a mejorar los conocimientos de las relaciones entre las distintas especies en el sistema y explorar las implicaciones ecológicas de métodos alternativos de capturar atunes. Con Ecopath representamos las biomasas de los elementos principales en el ecosistema, y los flujos entre los mismos, y con Ecosim examinamos el comportamiento dinámico del ecosistema con el tiempo. Parametrizamos el modelo para 38 especies o grupos de especies (denominados “componentes” del modelo), y describimos las fuentes, justificaciones, supuestos, y revisiones de nuestras estimaciones de los distintos parámetros, relaciones basadas en dieta, capturas retenidas de las pesquerías, y descartes de las mismas en el modelo. Realizamos análisis de sensibilidad con una versión intermedia del modelo, para el balance de masas de Ecopath y las trayectorias dinámicas predichas por Ecosim también. El análisis demostró que cambios en los parámetros básicos para dos componentes en niveles tróficos medianos, Cefalópodos y Auxis spp., ejercieron la mayor influencia sobre el sistema. Cuando se alteraron el Q/B de los Cefalópodos y el P/B de los Auxis spp. de sus valores iniciales y se balanceó el modelo de nuevo, las tendencias de las trayectorias de la biomasa predichas por Ecosim no fueron sensibles, pero la escala fue sensible para varios componentes. Describimos el proceso de revisión al que fue sujeto el modelo, inclusive revisiones por el Grupo de Trabajo sobre Captura Incidental de la CIAT y un grupo de trabajo apoyado por el Centro Nacional para Síntesis y Análisis Ecológicos. Ajustamos el modelo a series de tiempo históricas de capturas por unidad de esfuerzo y tasas de mortalidad de atunes aleta amarilla y patudo en simulaciones que incorporaron esfuerzo de pesca histórico e impulsos climáticos para representar el efecto de variaciones a escala de El Niño-Oscilación del Sur sobre el sistema. El modelo fue diseñado para evaluar las posibles implicaciones ecológicas de la pesca atunera de varias formas. Reconocemos la imposibilidad de que el modelo represente toda la complejidad de un ecosistema oceánico pelágico, pero creemos que el modelo del POT mejora los conocimientos de la estructura y función del POT pelágico.


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Information on bycatches of sharks collected by observers of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) between 1993 and 2004 is presented in this data report. This report contains two sections. The first section summarizes information used by the staff of the IATTC to review and revise IATTC observers’ at-sea species identifications of Carcharhinus falciformis, C. limbatus, and C. longimanus. The revisions were based on 1) data collected on species-specific diagnostic characteristics as part of a special sampling program conducted between March 2000, and March 2001 and 2) a review of observers’ archival field notes for the 1993-2004 period. The second section summarizes the shark bycatches reported by IATTC observers between 1993 and 2004, incorporating the revisions of observers’ at-sea identifications. The IATTC-observed shark bycatch data are summarized as tables with annual tallies of observed bycatches and maps of the spatial distributions of the average bycatches per set and size compositions of the bycatches.