127 resultados para WINTER RAINFALL ZONE


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The length-weight relationship (LWR) parameters of 23 small pelagic fish species (belonging to 13 families) from the south-southeast Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone in 1996 and 1997 are presented. The b values varied between 2.72 and 3.53. The samples for this study were collected during hydroacoustic surveys covering an area of 700 000 square km.


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Economic analysis of the trawl fishery of Brunei Darussalam was conducted using cost and returns analysis and based on an economic survey of trawlers and B:RUN, a low-level geographic information system. Profitability indicators were generated for the trawl fleet under various economic and operational scenarios. The results show that financial profits are earned by trawlers which operate off Muara, particularly those with high vessel capacity, and that these profits could be further enhanced. On the other hand, a similar fleet operating off Tutong would generate profits due mainly to high fish biomass. Trawling operations offshore are deemed financially unfeasible. Incorporating realistic opportunity costs and externalities for existing trawl operations off Muara results in economic losses.


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B:RUN is a low-level GIS software designed to help formulate options for the management of the coastal zone of Brunei Darussalam. This contribution presents the oil spill simulation module of B:RUN. This simple module, based largely on wind and sea surface current vector parameters, may be helpful in formulating relevant oil spill contingency plans. It can be easily adapted to other areas, as can the B:RUN software itself.


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This contribution is the first part of a four-part series documenting the development of B:RUN, a software program which reads data for common spreadsheets and presents them as low-resolution maps of slates and processes. The program emerged from a need which arose during a project in Brunei Darussalam for a 'low level' approach for researchers to communicate findings as efficiently and expeditiously as possible. Part I provides a overview of the concept and design elements of B:RUN. Part II will highlight results of the economics components of the program evaluating different fishing regimes, sailing distances from ports and fleet operating costs. Environmental aspects will be presented in Part III in the form of overlay maps. Part IV will summarize the implications of B:RUN results to coastal and fishery resources management in Brunei Darussalam and show how this approach can be adapted to other coastlines and used as a teaching and training tool. The following three parts will be published in future editions of Naga, the ICLARM Quarterly. The program is available through ICLARM.


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The article highlights briefly the economics of different types of fishing units operating along the Indian coast; analyzes the exploitation trend of major marine fishery resources in relation to its potential yield; and suggests policy measures for optimum exploitation of resources, conservation and management.


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From December to February in most years from 1967 to 2007, observers counted gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, from shore sites south of Carmel in central California. In addition to gray whales, other cetacean species were also recorded. These observations were summarized and compared among survey platforms and to ocean conditions. Eleven cetacean species were identified including eight odontocete species (killer whale, Orcinus orca; Pacific white-sided dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens; common dolphin, Delphinus spp.; bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, northern right whale dolphin, Lissodelphis borealis; Risso’s dolphin, Grampus griseus; Dall’s porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli; and harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena) and three mysticete species (humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae; minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata; and blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus). As expected, the detection of certain species among survey platforms (shore-based census watches, 25-power “Big Eye” binocular watches, and aerial surveys) was limited by species surfacing behavior and/or bathymetric preference. Comparisons among the shore-based census efforts showed a significant difference in sightings rates from 1967–84 (n = 14, mean = 0.11, SD = 0.11) to 1985–2007 (n = 11, mean = 1.48, SD = 0.47; t-Test: p < 0.001, df = 23). The warm period observed during the 1990’s may partially explain the increase in sighting rates and diversity of species observed at the census site compared to the much cooler temperatures of the 1970’s.


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Fifty-one deepwater and other shark species of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, which currently are not included in any Federal fishery management plan, are described, with a focus on primary distribution. Many of these shark species are not well known, while others which are more common may be of particular interest. Owing to concerns regarding possible increases in fishing effort for some of these species, as well as possible increases in bycatch rates as other fisheries move farther offshore, it is important that these sharks be considered in marine ecosystem management efforts. This will necessitate a better understanding of their biology and distribution. Primary distribution maps are included, based on geographic information system (GIS) analyses of both published and unpublished data, and a review of the literature. The most recent systematic classification and nomenclature for these species is used.


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Undaria pinnatifida was registered in Ría Deseado (47º45´S, 65º55´W _ southern Patagonia) by the first time in spring 2005, colonizing the intertidal and shallow subtidal. A seasonal survey in 2006 showed that U. pinnatifida was established in a sheltered zone inside the estuary, along a coastal fringe of 8 km between Punta Cascajo and Cañadón del Puerto. This continuous distribution was only interrupted in the mouth of canyons that flow into Ría Deseado, where the bottom is conformed by mud and sand. The sporophytes were mainly found colonizing the rocky bottom in the lower intertidal, bordering the Macrocystis pyrifera population. The highest density and biomass of sporophytes (12.13 ind. m-2; 254.60 g m-2) were registered during spring, when the population was mainly conformed by individuals of medium sizes. The lowest density and biomass (0.33 ind. m-2; 5.69 g m-2) were registered in autumn. Juvenile sporophytes recruited throughout the year, but presented the highest percentage in the population during autumn and winter. First mature sporophytes appeared in spring and attained their maximum size in summer. After this, the sprophytes decayed and disappeared. Environmental factors such as rocky bottoms availability and water transparency may be the main factors determining the sporophytes distribution in Ría Deseado. The field experiment point out that M. pyrifera population is an important factor controlling the dispersion of U. pinnatifida towards the subtidal. SPANISH: Undaria pinnatifida fue registrada en la Ría Deseado (47º45´ S, 65º55´ W _ Patagonia austral) durante la primavera de 2005, colonizando el intermareal y submareal somero. Los relevamientos estacionales realizados durante el 2006, revelaron que U. pinnatifida se encontró establecida en una zona protegida en el interior de la ría, ocupando una franja costera de aproximadamente 8 km de largo entre Punta Cascajo y el Cañadón del Puerto. Esta distribución casi continua sólo presentó algunas interrupciones en la boca de los cañadones que desembocan en la ría, donde el fondo predominante es de tipo areno-fangoso. Los esporofitos de U. pinnatifida ocuparon preferentemente el fondo rocoso del intermareal inferior, limitando con la población de Macrocystis pyrifera. La densidad y biomasa más altas de esporofitos (12,13 ind. m-2; 254,60 g m-2) fueron registradas en primavera, cuando la población se encontró compuesta principalmente por individuos de tallas intermedias. La densidad y biomasa más bajas (0,33 ind. m-2; 5,69 g m-2) fueron registradas durante el otoño. Los esporofitos juveniles se reclutaron a lo largo de todo el año, pero alcanzaron su mayor proporción en la población durante el otoño y el invierno. Los esporofitos reproductivamente maduros aparecieron durante la primavera y alcanzaron su talla máxima durante el verano, luego del cual comenzaron a deteriorarse y a desaparecer. Factores como la disponibilidad de fondos rocosos y la transparencia de las aguas podrían actuar como los principales factores determinantes de su distribución en la ría. El experimento de campo realizado revela que los bosques de M. pyrifera actúan también como un importante factor de control, limitando la dispersión de U. pinnatifida hacia el submareal.


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This is the episodic variations in stream water chemistry associated with acid rainfall and run-off and the effect on aquatic ecosystems, with particular reference to fish populations in North West England produced by the North West Water Authority in 1985. This report looks at the biological, physical and chemical information collected over a five year period from over 100 sites on upland streams in the North West Region of which drained rocks of low buffering capacity. In both Lake District and South Pennine sites striking differences were found between the composition of invertebrate communities inhabiting acid-stressed and less acid-stressed streams. Electric fishing surveys showed that acidic streams (geometric mean pH <5.5) generally had abnormally low densities of salmonids ( < 0 .2m2) and that 0+ fish were very few or absent. The latter indicates recruitment failure. Salmon were more sensitive than trout to low pH.


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•Major Outcomes from the 2009 PICES Annual Meeting: A Note from the Chairman (pp. 1-3, 8) •PICES Science – 2009 (pp. 4-8) •2009 PICES Awards (pp. 9-10) •New Chairmen in PICES (pp. 11-15) •PICES Interns (p. 15) •The State of the Western North Pacific in the First Half of 2009 (pp. 16-17, 27) •The State of the Northeast Pacific in 2009 (pp. 18-19) •The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Events (pp. 20-21) •2009 PICES Summer School on “Satellite Oceanography for the Earth Environment” (pp. 22-25) •2009 International Conference on “Marine Bioinvasions” (pp. 26-27) •A New PICES Working Group Holds Workshop and Meeting in Jeju Island (pp. 28-29) •The Second Marine Ecosystem Model Inter-comparison Workshop (pp. 30-32) •ICES/PICES/UNCOVER Symposium on “Rebuilding Depleted Fish Stocks – Biology, Ecology, Social Science and Management Strategies” (pp. 33-35) •2009 North Pacific Synthesis Workshop (pp. 36-37) •2009 PICES Rapid Assessment Survey (pp. 38-40)


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•2010 PICES Science: A Note from the Former Science Board Chairman (pp. 1-4) •2010 PICES Awards (pp. 5-7) •The First Year of FUTURE: A Progress Report (pp. 8-13) •New Chairmen in PICES (pp. 14-19) •Pacific Ocean Interior Carbon Data Synthesis, PACIFICA, in Progress (pp. 20-23) •2011 PICES Calendar (p. 23) •Ecosystems 2010: Global Progress on Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management (pp. 24-26) •PICES 2010 Rapid Assessment Survey (pp. 27-29) •PICES Workshop on “An Introduction to Rapid Assessment Survey Methodologies for Application in Developing Countries” (pp. 30-31) •The State of the Western North Pacific in the First Half of 2010 (pp. 32-34) •PICES Interns (p. 34) •The State of the Bering Sea in 2010 (pp. 35-37) •The State of the Northeast Pacific in 2010 (pp. 38-40)


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•2011 PICES Science: A Note from the Science Board Chairman (pp. 1-6) •2011 PICES Awards (pp. 7-9) •Beyond the Terrible Disaster of the Great East Japan Earthquake (pp. 10-12) •A New Era of PICES-ICES Scientific Cooperation (p. 13) •New PICES Jellyfish Working Group Formed (pp. 14-15) •PICES Working Group on North Pacific Climate Variability (pp. 16-18) •Final U.S. GLOBEC Symposium and Celebration (pp. 19-25) •2011 PICES Rapid Assessment Survey (pp. 26-29) •Introduction to Rapid Assessment Survey Methodologies for Detecting Non-indigenous Marine Species (pp. 30-31) •The 7th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions (pp. 32-33) •NOWPAP/PICES/WESTPAC Training Course on Remote Sensing Data Analysis (pp. 34-36) •PICES-2011 Workshop on “Trends in Marine Contaminants and their Effects in a Changing Ocean” (pp. 37-39) •The State of the Western North Pacific in the First Half of 2011 (pp. 40-42) •Yeosu Symposium theme sessions (p. 42) •The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Events (pp. 43-44) •News of the Northeast Pacific Ocean (pp. 45-47) •Recent and Upcoming PICES Publications (p. 47) •New leadership for the PICES Fishery Science Committee (p. 48)


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•2012 PICES Science: A Note from the Science Board Chairman (pp. 1-6) ◾2012 PICES Awards (pp. 7-9) ◾GLOBEC/PICES/ICES ECOFOR Workshop (pp. 10-15) ◾ICES/PICES Symposium on “Forage Fish Interactions” (pp. 16-18) ◾The Yeosu Declaration, the Yeosu Declaration Forum and the Yeosu Project (pp. 19-23) ◾2013 PICES Calendar (p. 23) ◾Why Do We Need Human Dimensions for the FUTURE Program? (pp. 24-25) ◾New PICES MAFF-Sponsored Project on “Marine Ecosystem Health and Human Well-Being” (pp. 26-28) ◾The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Trends (pp. 29-31) ◾Continuing Cool in the Northeast Pacific Ocean (pp. 32, 35) ◾The State of the Western North Pacific in the First Half of 2012 (pp. 33-35) ◾New Leadership in PICES (pp. 36-39)