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The distribution of phenolases in certain species of Penaeid prawns has been studied. Attempts were made to locate the regions of maximum enzyme activity in the prawns. The relative dopase activity has been examined in extracts from head, tail, shell with cuticles and muscle. The head juice and tail extracts were found to register very high order of enzyme activity. Metapenaeus affinis, Metapenaeus monoceros and Penaeus indicus record comparatively higher enzyme activity than Parapenaeopsis stylifera and Metapenaeus dobsoni, no definite relationship has been found between the relative activity of the enzyme and size grade at least in one species examined. Experiments were done to determine the pH optima of the enzyme and the influence of pH on its deactivation. Exposure to higher temperatures up to 55°c was shown to activate the crude enzyme considerably. The possible implications of the observations have been discussed.


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The design and construction of the otter board is a subject of great importance for economy in trawling. This review incorporates a historical resume tracing the change and development• of otter boards. The size of the otter board and its relationship with the horse power of the engine and size of the net and the methods of rigging are dealt with. The factors influencing the horizontal spread are discussed. The effect of the angles of attack, heel and tilt and the ground reaction on the force coefficients have been reviewed and discussed with particular reference to flat rectangular otter boards used for bottom trawling. A short account of other designs of otter boards used for improved efficiency is given. Suggestion for improving the efficacy of otter boards based on the work hitherto done has been made. The contributions relating to the various aspects of design and performance of trawl boards carried out till 1969 have been considered.


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Pond culture trials of Lates calcarifer (Bloch) were initiated in the ponds of Kharland Research Station, Panvel, from 1985 up to 1989 by adopting varying methods of inputs of commonly available organic substances comprising de-oiled cake of groundnut, rice bran and raw cattle dung. Although provision of zooplankton generated under phased fertilisation technique resulted in considerable yield level, subsequent trials in combination with direct feed methods gave higher yield. Trials during 1990-91 adopting similar feed input techniques were continued but by stocking the seed of both Lates and Oreochromis mossambicus with yield percentage around 72.23 for Lates and 27.73 for Oreochromis. Trials were further continued during next three years. In relation to the organic input levels the yields rate for seven months period was in the range of 119.4 kg/ha to 250.4 kg/ha for Lates. In case of Oreochromis the yield rate varied between 28.5 to 153.32 kg/ha indicating the influence of differential stocking rates and size of the seed of two species.


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Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus is one of the important aquaculture species in Bangladesh. Over the last few years spectacular development has been taking place in Thai pangas farming in Mymensingh district. Due to availability of easy breeding and culture techniques as well as quick return, more and more people are converting their rice fields into pangas farms overnight. The present study was carried out to examine health and disease status of Thai pangas mainly through clinical, histopathological and bacteriological techniques. In addition, for collecting primary data on disease and health status of Thai pangas and the resultant socioeconomic impacts on rural households, questionnaire interview and participatory rural appraisal tools were used with selected farming households in three upazilas of Mymensingh district. The most prevalent diseases as reported by the farmers were red spot, followed by anal protrusion, tail and fin rot, pop eye, dropsy and gill rot. Other conditions like cotton wool type lesion, ulceration and white spot were reported but with lower incidence. Four isolates of Aeromonas hydrophila were recovered from kidney and lesion of diseased fish. Hemorrhage over the body especially near mouth and caudal region was noticed in the fishes associated with aeromonad infection. Internally, kidney, liver and spleen became swollen and enlarged. The isolates varied with their pathogenicity. All the four isolates were sensitive to Nitrofurantoin, Cotrimoxazole and Tetracycline but were resistant to Amoxycilline. An attempt was made to treat diseased fish with extracts from neem leaf, garlic and turmeric. Recovery of infection was monitored through mortality and histopathology. General histopathological changes of different organs were also studied. Extract from neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf gave better result. Telangiectasis, lamellar hypertrophy and hyperplasia hemorrhage, lamellar fusion, necrosis of lamellar epithelial cells, presence of parasites and their cysts were the major pathology of gills. Hemorrhagic lesion, pyknotic nuclei and melanomacrophage centers (MMC) were found in the liver of fish. Major pathologies in kidney of fish included presence of MMC, necrotic and ruptured kidney tubules, severe haemopoietic necrosis, and hemorrhage. The economic loss due to disease in Thai pangas farming was estimated from the difference between expected production and actual production. On an average, Thai pangas farmers of Mymensingh incur a loss of Tk. 23,104/ha/cycle due to fish disease (3.6% of expected total production). The loss, however, varied with location and size of farms, type of farmers and management practices. The study also highlighted fish health management related problems and recommended further work for the development of user-friendly farmer-oriented fish health management packages.


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Commercial samples of frozen shrimp of different styles of presentation and size grades were tested for sensory, physical (cooked yield and pH) and biochemical characteristics (moisture, total nitrogen, water extractable nitrogen, nonprotein nitrogen, alpha amino nitrogen, total volatile nitrogen and trimethylamine nitrogen). The test results are compared and correlated. The order of preference of the samples were HL>PUD>P & D. There was significant correlation between sensory score of cooked sample and WEN, NPN and ∞ – NHsub(2)-N values. TVN and TMA-N did not exhibit any correlation with sensory score. It is inferred that in quality measurement of frozen shrimps of commerce the quantity of water soluble components and the total dry matter can be used to support the sensory test results.


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The effects of stocking density (10, 15, 50 & 75 fish in 65L tank) and ammonia excretion on the growth of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (12.19 ± 1.21 g) were investigated. Increasing stocking density of Nile tilapia from 15 fish/tank (2.81 g fish/L) to 75 fish/tank (14.07 g fish/L) resulted in associated increase in ammonia level (1.48 ± 0.87 mg/L to 26.44 ± 11.4 mg/L) and significantly lower growth rates. Significantly better feed conversion ratios were found for fish reared at lower (15 fish/tank) stocking densities compared to higher (75 fish/tank) stocking densities. Individual growth rates were significantly better for fish reared at a lower stocking density 15 fish/tank compared to higher stocking density 75 fish/tank and size variation (coefficient of variation in weight) were positively correlated with stocking density. Although water exchange did not have a significant effect on the growth of Nile tilapia for fish stocked at 10 fish/tank (1.88 g fish/L) and 50 fish/tank (9.38 g fish/L), however, the fish in the higher stocking density (9.38 g fish/L) groups and without water exchange, significantly changed the coloration of their bodies (silver to black) which may be due to the lower oxygen levels combined with higher ammonia levels. Ammonia level increased with increasing stocking density and without water exchange. In this study, it may be suggested that when fish reared at higher stocking densities then water exchange must be taken in to consideration so as to help avoid environmental and physiological stress to the fish.


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The order Zoantharia (Zoanthids) is one of the most neglected orders of cnidarians in the Persian Gulf. The present study aims to investigate the biodiversity of this order with morphological and molecular examination in the Persian Gulf. For this purpose, 123 colonies of zoanthids with variety of shape and colors have been collected from intertidal and shallow water zone of four islands, i. e. Hengam, Qeshm, Larak and Hormoz. After sampling, morphological characteristics of each specimen were recorded based on in situ photographs. Then DNA was extracted using the cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) method. Both mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA (mt 16S rDNA) and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene fragments were amplified and sequenced. The results of preliminary morphological identification integrated with two mitochondrial markers sequencing demonstrated the presence of five different species in this region; Zoanthus sansibaricus, Palythoa mutuki, Palythoa cf. mutuki, Palythoa tuberculosa and Neozoanthus persicus?. Although at first sight, morphological properties were not successful to delineate zoanthid species, they become reliable criteria to identify and delineate species in field studies after molecular identification.


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Spirulina is a filamentous cyanobacteria with many applications in food and drug industries, as a food in human, aquaculture, vet and poultry industries… . Semi and mass culture of Spirulina carries out in different countries. This study was carried out in five phases in order to produce this microalga in Iran. The first phase, Spirulina pure stock was imported from Indonesia. After identification of species, it was cultured in laboratory until we took 20 liters of biomass. The semi-mass culture was carried out in green house. Cell concentration and size of Spirulina were recorded during culture daily and their growth rates were calculated. After two weeks, when the size of Spirulina was suitable, biomass of Spirulina was harvested then accumulated Spirulina weighted and dried in 24 hours in laboratory. In order to microbiological study, the samples of Spirulina (dry and fresh) were cultured on blood agar medium and coliforms were counted. The chemical composition of produced Spirulina was measured by standard methods. Fatty acid and amino acid profiles were acquired by GC and HPLC instruments, respectively. The amount of chlorophyll in Spirulina was determined by spectroscopy method. Also astaxanthin pigment as an important carotenoid was measured by HPLC in Spirulina and Penaeus semisulcatus larvae fed on Spirulina. At final phase of this project, larva fed on produced Spirulina (biomass and dry powder) was compared to Z plus, microencapsulated Spirulina (M.C.F) and Chaetoceros algae as control. This experiment was carried from zoa to early post larvae stage then survival and growth rate of larvae were recorded. The growth rate of larvae was evaluated with ANOVA test and survival rate of treatments was assessed by Log Rank (Mantel –Cox) test. Also during larvae stage, two parameters of water such as nitrate and nitrite were measured in zoa, mysis and post larvae stages. The results of this study were shown that colifom counts were 1.85×106 and 92.3×105 coliform per ml in fresh and dry spirulina, respectively. Protein percent of dry spirulina was 50.93 % (dry weight) and the amount of astaxanthin in spirulina and larvae fed on spirulina were 0.21 and 0.01 mg/kg, respectively. The most survival rate of larvae were observed in zoa III (88.8%) with Z plus supplement treatment, in mysis III (76.5%) combination of Z plus and dry spirulina in comparative between treatments. Larvae growth (4.5mm) of control in early post larvae was the best.


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Cichlids are known for their explosive radiation especially in the African Great Lakes marked with a high level of lake endemism. These fishes have been characterized mainly along trophic and habitat differences, by variation in morphological structures such as teeth and jaws and by differences in body shape and coloration. Cichlids are important as a microcosm of macroevolution. The explosive radiation, young evolutionary scale, and the isolation of groups characterized with high levels of endemism and presence of living fossils makes the group important for evolutionary and genetic studies. Lake Victoria region cichlids which are isolated and relatively more recent in evolution were the last to be appreciated in their diversity. Recently Ole Seehausen has found scores of rock fishes in Lake Victoria which were up to then thought to be absent from the Lake and only known to occur in Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika. Greenwood put together the species groups of Lake Victoria, and later in the early 1980's revised the classification of haplochromine species to reflect the phyletic origin and interrelationship of the various groups in Lake Victoria region. Melan Stiassny has been interested in early evolution of cichlids while the likes of Paul Fuerst and Lees Kaufman and Axel Meyer have been interested and are working to explain the speciation mechanisms responsible for the explosive radiation and evolution of cichlids. Locally S.B Wandera and his student Getrude Narnulemo are spearheading the biodiversity and taxonomic studies of cichlids in Lake Victoria region


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Food and feeding, condition factor, breeding periods, growth and size at first maturity of a small pelagic cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea (P.) in Lake Victoria are determined. Fishing gears and methods that have been used in the exploitation of the species and could be harmful to the fishery are outlined. Management measures leading to possible sustainable exploitation of the fishery are suggested. Adult R. argentea feed on zooplankton during daytime. Juveniles feed on planktonic early instars of lakefly larvae. Although the species breeds throughout the year, two breeding peaks were observed during the drier months of August and December January. Least breeding was observed in the rainy months of April-May and October November. Fishes from the open water station at Bugaia showed higher numbers of breeding individuals than those from inshore areas. The mean monthly condition factor of fish from Napoleon Gulf confirmed breeding peaks as obtained from the number of fish with ripe gonads. The species showed a mean instantaneous growth rate (K) of 1.75 and attains length infinity (Lx) of 54mm. Females of the species in these waters show a reduced size at maturity as compared to ten years ago when exploitation of the species was at minimal levels. The males have however not changed much.


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This paper reports the results of a retail price survey at Lusaka markets on split, smoked, dried bream (Tilapia spp.) in 1968-69 and dried Lake Tanganyika sardines (Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa tanangicae) in 1969-70. During the survey periods the average prices of these products maintained a level 70% to 130% higher than those fixed by the Government. Price fluctuations in relation to season, size and quality of the products were discussed. The prices were affected by season and size of the products but not by quality in terms of appearance and smell of the non-cooked products.