77 resultados para Rush Hour.


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Diel feeding chronology of sandwhiting, Sillago sihama was examined from stomach collections taken during the months of April, July and December'99 in Mulki estuary along Dakshina Kannada coast, India. Significant differences in mean stomach content weight were found between several consecutive 3 hour periods with peak fullness occurring in early morning and evening hours. The rate of gastric evacuation of natural food (crustacea, polychaetes and fish) was measured in the field was best described by an exponential model, with an estimated evacuation time of 8.0 h at a temperature of 28.5 ± 1.2°C. Stomach content analysis indicated that this species is a carnivore on a wide range of benthic, epibenthic and planktonic prey. The principal food items of S. sihama were crustaceans, polychaetes and fish. Fishes less than 100 mm TL preferred mainly crustaceans while larger ones depends on polychaetes, crustaceans and fish. The feeding activity of S. sihama was influenced by tidal cycle.


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An attempt was made to prepare an intermediate moisture (around 44% moisture) marinated (pH around 4) fish product. Fillets from Sciaenid fish (each fish weighing 70-80 gm) were dipped in a solution containing 7% acetic acid, 20% common salt and 1% propionic acid for 2 hours. After soaking, the soaked fillets were partially dried to about 44% moisture. Three effective hurdles like low pH (by using 7% acetic add and 1% propionic acid), low water activity (by using 20% salt and partially drying the fillets) and preservative (1% propionic add), were used to prepare a shelf-stable product at room temperature. The dried product was sprayed with 0.0 5% BHA in 50% alcohol and further dried for 10 minutes to remove added water and alcohol, thereby another hurdle (preservative) against fat oxidation. The product was packed in 300 gauge polythene bags and stored in transparent screw cap plastic jars. Fortnightly samples were drawn and subjected to biochemical, bacteriological and organoleptic evaluation to study its storage characteristics. The product was in good acceptable form up to 4 months at ambient temperature. The product needed one hour soaking in water with two changes of water in between to make it free from excess salt and acid smell.


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Apart from the use of statistical quality control chart for variables or attributes of food products in a food processing industry, the application of these charts for attributes of fishery products is explained. Statistical quality control chart for fraction defectives is explained by noting defective fish sausages per shift from a sausage industry while control chart for number of defectives is illustrated for number of defective fish cans in each hour of its production of a canning industry. C-chart is another type of control chart which is explained here for number of defects per single fish fillet sampled a1l random for every five minutes in a processing industry. These statistical quality control charts help in the more economic use of resource, time and labour than control charts for variables of products. Also control charts for attributes exhibit the quality history of finished products at different times of production thereby minimizing the risk of consumer rejection.


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Effect of incorporating chlorotetracycline (CTC) in ice up to 5 ppm level on the keeping quality of prawns has been studied. A shelf life extension by nearly six days is obtained for the CTC-iced sample over the control. The headless prawns absorbed greater amounts of CTC than whole prawns during storage in CTC-ice. Traces of the antibiotic are found in the muscle of the CTC-iced prawns even after cooking for one hour. The cause of destruction of CTC when used for prawn preservation is discussed.


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Comparative fishing operations were carried out with 0.55; 0.75 and 1.00 buoyancy-weight relations of bottom trawl in order to find out the optimum relation. Two nets, 18.26 m. (60') two seam nylon and 16.16 m. (23') two seam cotton trawls, were used for the experiment. The results showed that the total catch per trawling hour with 0.75 B-W relation was 16.5% and 32.08% more than that with 0.55 and 1.00 B-W relation for nylon net used. A similar trend was noticed with cotton trawl also as the catch rate with 0.75 B-W relation was 13.89% and 25.78% more than that with 0.55 and 1.00 B-W relations. However, the analysis of catch composition indicated that the off bottom fishes like lactarius, upenoides sp., synagris sp. etc., were of more percentage with 1.00 B-W relation, near bottom fish like saurida, sciaenids etc., were more with 0.75 B-W relation, while the bottom fishes like soles, prawns, skates and rays etc., were more with 0.55 B-W relation.


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An attempt is made to assess the available resources of demersal fishes for bottom trawling off Kakinada, in inshore waters. From the experimental fishing operation during 1964-66, the average catch per hour was 52.79 kg for 9.13 m (30') OAL mechanised boat. The catch composition was dominated by prawns and sciaenids forming 45% of the total catch. The average catch per trawling hour was more during the quarter April - June. An assessment on productive depth range has indicated that catch rate is increasing with increase in the depth of fishing.


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Zoea 2(Z SUB-2 ) Mysis 1 (M SUB-1 ) and Postlarva 1 (P SUB-1 ) of P. monodon artificially spawned in closed-system concrete hatchery tanks were bioassayed for their tolerance to the antibiotic furanace. The setup consisted of four 20-liter capacity plastic basins previously conditioned for 15 days with freshwater in full sunlight. During the experiment, each basin was filled with 5 liters of seawater to which was added filtered Chaetoceros and Brachionus to give densities of 5 . 0-7 . 5 x 10 SUP-4 cells/ml and 10-20 individuals/ml, respectively. The following are the properties of the water used throughout the experiments: salinity, 26-32%; pH, 7 . 3-8 . 4; temperature, 25-30 degree C; dissolved oxygen, 4 . 5-8 . 4 ppm; nitrite, 0 . 36-0 . 99 ppm; and ammonia, 0 . 10-0 . 30 ppm. To each basin were added 50 healthy larvae of specific stages of P. monodon. After an initial acclimation of one hour in the medium, preweighed amounts of the antibiotic were added and thoroughly dissolved. The concentrations tested were 1 . 0, 2 . 0 and 3 . 0 ppm. One basin always served as control. After 24 hours of exposure, the surviving population in each basin was counted. The survivors were then examined thoroughly under the microscope for unusual behavior and morphological defects brought about by the exposure. To minimize wide variations in the medium as a result of feeding and other manipulations, the systems were all prepared at 9:00 a.m. each time, and the feeds on two instances, one at 5:00 p.m. and another at 5:00 a.m. Fifteen trials conducted with Z SUB-2 showed survival ranges of 68% to 98% with a mean of 77 . 6% in the controls; 32% to 94% with a mean of 65 . 7% at 1 ppm, and 0% to 56% with a mean of 36 . 5% at 2 ppm. There were no survivors at 3 ppm. Interpolation from the survival-dose curve gave a 24-hr LC SUB-50 of approximately 1 . 6 ppm.


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Copper is used to deter the growth of bacterial, fungal and protozoan disease organism in fishes. Zoeae (Z SUB-1 ), myses (M SUB-1 ) and postlarvae (P SUB-1 ) were exposed to copper sulfate at concentrations of 0 . 025, 0 . 05, 0 . 75, 0 . 1 and 0 . 2 ppm from 24 to 96 hours. The number of surviving larvae were counted at the end of each 24-hour period and the percentage of survival is determined for each dose level. The LC SUB-50 for each of the larval stages was interpolated from the data whenever possible. Three trials with 2 replicates per trial were conducted. The physico-chemical characteristics of the bath taken before and at the end of the experimental period show insignificant differences between initial and final values in each trial. Results indicate that mortality rates of all larval stages increased with exposure time and that mortality rates of the experimental group is higher than the control. Interpolation of the LC SUB-50 is possible only for the 48-h and 72-h exposure times for both zoeae and myses and for the 48-h exposure time for the postlarvae. This is due to the high survival percentage of the 24-h group and the low survival percentage (below 50%) of the larvae exposed for 96 hours. The 48-hour LC SUB-50 for Z SUB-1 , M SUB-1 and P SUB-1 are 0 . 225, 0 . 350 and 0 . 125 ppm respectively. Postlarvae seem to be more sensitive than either of the 2 larval stages having a lower 48-h LC SUB-50 and a low survival rate after 72 hours. The larvae were observed to lose their balance and were lethargic, producing few swimming movements so that they were mostly confined to the bottom of the aquaria. Moribund larvae observed under the microscope had a faster but weak heartbeat compared to healthy larvae. Slight or complete loss of feeding ability indicated by empty guts and delayed molting of Z SUB-1 to Z SUB-2 were also noted.


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Four dry pelleted feeds containing 20%, 30%, 40% and 45% protein were formulated incorporating casein as the main source of protein for use in carp nutrition studies. The caloric content in all the feeds was maintained constant. The method of processing is described. The formulated diets were tested for water stability. This test has revealed that the diet containing 20%, 30% and 40% protein had better stability than that containing 45% protein. This was due to the relatively higher fat content in the former three diets. However, all the feeds were sufficiently stable at the end of one hour in which time carps are known to utilise supplementary diets.


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This study was made as an attempt to investigate the optimum packing density and the ice quantity suitable for the transport of Penaeus monodon juveniles. The results revealed that prawns of 40 mg size can be packed to as much as 3,000 per bag. While packing densities above 3,000 per bag containing 8 L seawater and 16 L oxygen can be used only for short transport periods. On the other hand in the ice-quantity experiment, mortality rate was less than 1% in all the bags containing 300 g, 600 g, 900 g and 1200 g of ice. A packing temperature of 20~’C must be maintained hence, 50 g of ice per hour should be allowed per box, counting from the moment the box is sealed to the time it is estimated to be opened.


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Effect of delayed icing on the quality of Penaeus monodon iced after three hours of harvest was studied in plastic and bamboo baskets. After harvest of three hours at ambient temperature (28°-32°C), ice was added to the shrimp at a ratio of 1:1 (shrimp:ice) and stored for 21 hours in both the baskets. Quality evaluation was carried out through visual assessment, biochemical analysis and microbial analysis for 24 hours. The organoleptic evaluation and scoring was done from the time of harvest treated as 0 hour and the average score was 10. At 9th hour after iced condition quality of shrimp was found reduced to the next stage (acceptable) with a score ranged from 8.4-6.5 in both baskets. This acceptable stage was observed throughout the experiment for bamboo basket whereas in the plastic basket the quality was reduced to a small extent with a score of 6.4 (moderately acceptable). Till the end point of the experiment the quality of shrimp was acceptable in respect to biochemical analysis. The microbial load was found log sub(10) 3.99±0.12 cfu/g to log sub(10) 4.33±0.21 cfu/g and log sub(10) 4.01 ±0.12 cfu/g to log sub(10) 4.83±0.19 cfu/g in the bamboo and plastic basket respectively. The importers or buyers suggests for immediate icing to maintain good quality but results of the present experiment suggest that the quality does not vary drastically for first three hours.


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An investigation was carried out on the quality changes of Catla (Catla calla) stored immediately (0 h) in ice, after 6 hours in ice and at ambient temperature. The samples were examined for organoleptic and microbiological parameters in summer. Organoleptically, the acceptability of fish varied between 16-20 days in both the iced storage conditions and 12-13.5 hours at ambient temperature (28°C). When fish were organoleptically just acceptable on the 16th day of storage, bacterial load were 6.23 and 6.17 log10 cfu/g, respectively for 0 hour and after 6 hours iced fish. But on the 20th day of storage, when fish were just unacceptable SPC were 6.51 and 6.62 log10 cfu/g. In case of ambient temperature storage condition standard plate count was 8.36 log10 cfu/g on 13.5 hours, when fish were organoleptically just unacceptable. At the time of rejection for fish stored in ice (0 hour and after 6 hours) on 20th day, gram negative and gram positive values were 55.45%, 44.55% and 44.52%, 55.48% respectively. While fish were rejected after 13.5 hours at ambient temperature gram negative and gram positive bacteria were found as 43.02% and 56.98%. The differences in SPC, gram positive and gram negative bacteria between the storage times were statistically significant (p<0.05).


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Nisin is a widely used naturally occurring antimicrobial effective against many pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms. It has been proposed that reduced efficacy of nisin in foods can be improved by technologies such as encapsulation to protect it from interferences by food matrix components. The aim of this study was using of spray dried encapsulated nisin with zein in concentration of (0.15 and 0.25 g/kg) and sodium citrate (1.5 and 2.5%) and treatments with both of them to extent the shelf life of filleted trouts packaged by Modified Atmosphere Packaging (45% CO2, 50% N2 ,5% O2) and stored at 4±1 °C for 20 days. Furthermore, to evaluate the antimicrobial efficiency of encapsulated nisin and soudium citrate the trouts fillets was inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus as an index pathogenic bacteria. Assessment of chemical spoilage indexes such as (Proxide value, Thiobarbituric acid, total volatile base nitrogen and pH) , microbial parameters (Total Plate Count, Psychrotrophic count, Lactic acid bacteria count), Staphylococcus aureus cont in treatments which were inoculated with 5 logcfu/g of this bacteria and sensory evaluation of fillets including (smell, color, texture and total acceptability) was carried out in days of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20. The results revealed that treatment with both exposure of nisin and sodium citrate showed significantly lower chemical spoilage indexes in comparison with controls (vaccum packed and MAP) (P<0.05). Furthermore, (nisin 0.25 g/kg sodium citrate 2.5%) treatment which was exposed to the maximal level used of both materials was significantly the lowest treatment with (Proxide value, Thiobarbituric acid, total volatile base nitrogen and pH) of 9.95 (meq O2/kg) , 1.55 (mgMA/kg), 29.65 (mgN/100g) and 6.65 , respectively and according to the maximal recommended level of this indices , shelf life of fillets in this treatment was esstimated 20 days.The control (vaccum packed) treatment was significantly the highest treatment with (Proxide value, Thiobarbituric acid, total volatile base nitrogen and pH) of 15.17 (meq O2/kg), 3.03 (mgMA/kg), 38.4 (mgN/100g) and 6.95 , respectively and according to the maximal recommended level of this indices , shelf life of fillets in this treatment was estimated 11 days. Also, in microbial point of view (nisin 0.25 g/kg- sodium citrate 2.5%) treatment was the lowest treatment with Total Plate Count, Psychrotrophic count, Lactic acid bacteria count and Staphylococcus aureus count of 6.7, 6.83, 5.25 and 6.04 logcfu/g respectively, and conrol (vaccum packed) treatment was the highest treatment with 9.15, 9.41, 7.7 and 9.01 logcfu/g respectively. According to the lower results of chemical and microbial indices and higher sensory evaluated scores assessed in this research for encapsulated nisin in comparison with free nisin , it was concluded that encapsulation of nisin with zein capsules may improve the efficiency of nisin. The measuremented values of Mass yield, Total solids content of capsules, Encapsulation efficiency, In vitro release kinetics in 200 hour for encapsulated nisin in this study was 49.89, 62, 98.31 and 69% respectively and Encapsulated particle size was lower than 674.21 μm for 90% of particles. As a consequence, nisin , in particular encapsulated nisin, and sodium citrate alone or together with and Modified Atmosphere packaging might be considered as effective tools in preventing the quality degradation of the fillets, resulting in an extension of their shelf life.


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Effects of post-ovulatory and post-stripping retention time and temperature on egg viability rates were studied in kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum). Eggs were retained inside (in vivo storage) or outside the ovarian cavity with ovarian fluid (in vitro storage) at various temperatures. Two experiments were performed: 1) Partial volumes of eggs were stripped and fertilized at 24- hour intervals for 96 hours post-ovulation (HPO) (at 11 °C) and at 12-hour intervals for 72 HPO (at 14 °C), and 2) stored eggs were fertilized after 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours post-stripping (HPS) at temperatures of 4, 10, 12, and 26 °C. In the first experiment, the highest eyeing and hatching rates (76% and 60% at 11 °C; 81% and 71% at 14 °C) and the lowest eyed-egg mortalities (20% at 11 °C; 12% at 14 °C) occurred in the eggs fertilized immediately (0–24 HPO at 11 °C and 0–12 HPO at 14 °C) after ovulation. Egg viability, as shown by successful eyeing and hatching rates, was completely lost by 72–96 HPO at 11 °C, and 60–72 HPO at 14 °C. In the second experiment, the maximum eyeing (87%) and hatching (75%) rates of eggs took place at 0 HPS followed by 8 HPS (> 80% and > 70%, respectively) at 4 °C. As storage temperature increased, egg viability decreased: 80%, 70%, and 50% viable at 8 HPS at 4, 10, and 12 °C, respectively. The eggs stored at 26 °C lost their viability almost completely after 4 HPS. Eyed-egg mortality increased from 13% at 0 HPS to 48.2% at 4 HPS at 26°C. These results demonstrate that egg stripping should take place within 168 °C-hours after ovulation and that complete loss of viability of the eggs occurs by 672°C-hours after ovulation. The in vivo storage method is more effective compared to in vitro storage. Also successful in vitro storage of eggs can be used atleast within 8 hours at temperatures ranging from 4 to 12ºC.


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Sea cucumbers belong to phylum Echinodermata, order Holothuroidea are an abundant and diverse group of Invertebrates, with over 1400 species occuring from the intertidal to the deepest oceanic trenches. Sea cucumbers are important components of the food chain in temperate and coral reef ecosystems and they play an important role as deposite feeders and suspension feeders. Rapid decline in populations may have serious consequences for the survival of other species that are part of the same complex food web,as the eggs, larve and juveniles constitute an important food source for the other marine species including crustaceans, fish and mollusks. In addition sea cucumbers are often called the earthworms of the sea, because they are responsible for the extensive shifting and mixing of the substrate, and recycling of detrital matter. Sea cucumbers consume and grind sediment and organic material into finer particles , turning over the top layers of sediment in lagoons , reefs and other habitats and allowing the penetration of oxygen. While the taxonomy of the holothurian families is generally well known , the distinction of similar species is difficult. There are relatively few holothurian taxonomist.Most sea cucumber species can be identified by Holothurin taxonomists by using the calcareous skeletal ossicles found in the body wall. In this study , at first a sea cucumber from Kish island in Persian gulf has recognized. Individuals collected from west and east extend far away into north and south of coral reefs by diving. I have checked them morphologically and anatomically.Then with key to the orders of the Holothuroidea, They belong to the Aspidochirotida with key to the families of Aspidochirotida, they were in Stichopodidae families and with key to the genus of Stchopodidae, they were Stichopus. Then ossicles were extracted at National Museum of Natural History, by Dr David Pawson. The ossicles were measured on a transect across a slide prepared from the mid-dorsal region of each specimen.The one we have in the shallow waters of Kish island, is Stichopus hermanni, a massive holothurian, body broad, considerably flattened ventraly ,the dorsal side slightly arched and the lateral sides almost vertical; body wall fairy thick and soft ; mouth subterminal; anus central; tentacles usually 20 in number of length and leaf shaped. Numerous ossicles consisting of table with large discs having usually 7 to 15 peripheral holes, but often irregular or incomplete and spire of moderate height ending in a group of spinelets, rosettes of variable development, and c-shaped rods. Color (exept papillae)partly remained after preservation in alcohol which is found at the depth of 4 to 8 meters, on coral reef. Furthermore, the sexual reproductive cycle was described using standard methods. Gonads were removed and transferred to Bouin's fixative for four weeks and then processed according to standard embedding technique. To prevent the loss of tubule contents during embedding, the tubule sections, were cut well beyond the segment selected for sectioning. For each individual, six sections, each section with 5µm diameter by microtome were cut from tubules. These sections were first placed on gelatin coated slides (the gelatin was heated to 42°c) and then transferred to the oven at 37°c for one hour. This technique usually prevents the fragil tubules from breaking and the loss of gametes. The slides were stained with Eosin and Hematoxylin, and good resolution of the various cell types achieved.A second series of slides was stained with the Periodic Acid Schiff(PAS) to identify polysaccharides(glycogen). Monthly sampling was occurred.The sexual reproductive cycle was defined through the combined use of these criteria: Monthly percentages of the gonad stages for each sex, the monthly gonad index (GI) , given as the ratio of the wet gonad weight (G) to the dray weight (DW)and the monthly percentage of individuals that undetermined sex. The gonad consists of two tufts of tubules on which saccules develop. Gonadal development was classified into five stages: post spawning, recovery, growth, advanced growth, and mature stage that were adapted from the earlier studies of holothurians. Histological preparations showed that the sex of larger individuals could be identified by the presence of oogonia and young oocytes in females, and spermatogonic stages in males.The mean diameter of the tubules and gonadal mass follow annual cycles, increasing from late winter through spring, and dropping abruptly after spawning in the summer. Gametogenesis is generally a prolongate process and begins in March. By summer the ovarian tubules contain oocytes with diameter of 120-240 pm and the testicular tubules contain an abundance of spermatozoa (diameter 5-6 gm ).Following spawning the predominant activity within the spent tubules is phagocytosis of the residual gamets.The active phase of gametogenesis (March to July), coincides with an increasing photoperiod regim, and an accelerated gametogenesis occurs in July when temperature is high. Throughout the year, the gonad of Stichopus hermanni is larger in males than in females, and this is due to the number of tubules in the testis rather than to tubules length or diameter.