91 resultados para P31 - Socialist Enterprises and Their Transitions


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An investigation on the infestation of monogenetic trematodes of Barbodes gonionotus was conducted during the period from July '97 to June '98. Host specimens were collected from local fish farms and also from local fish markets of Mymensingh. Samples of P. ticto and P. sarana were also examined. Two species - Dactylogyrus lampam (Lim and Furtado 1986) and Dactylogyrus siamensis (Chinabut and Lim 1993) the Thai parasites were recorded from B. gonionotus and D. lampam, from our indigenous fish P. sarana. Two species of Gyrodactylus were also recorded from B. gonionotus. Both prevalence and intensity of infestation were moderate in B. gonionotus. Prevalences were recorded higher in larger fishes and mean intensity in intermediate size group fishes. Infestations were higher in winter months. Adaptations of the foreign parasites in Bangladesh waters, their transmission in local fishes and invasion of the local parasites to this exotic fish have been discussed. Suggestions have also been made to protect the introduction of new species in our waters.


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Darbhanga district in North Bihar is characterised by thick alluvial soil, moderately good rainfall, high humidity, ample sunshine and numerous water resources in the form of perennial rivers, tributaries, streams, lakes, ponds, pools and puddles. The aquacrops of this district include several species of commercially important fishes, aquatic cash crops such as makhana (Euryale ferox), singhara (Trapa spp.), lotus, lilly, Khubi etc. and molluscs. This paper highlights the commercial significance of these aquacrops and offers suggestions for their sustained development.


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Five species of crabs and three species of fishes were the main marine organisms found damaging embankments owing to their burrowing nature. Among crabs, Scylla serrata was in the highest percentage, while among fishes, Boleopthalamus dussumieri was recorded in maximum percentage calcium carbide 10-15 per burrow was effective in eradicating the crabs.


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In two previous papers, the Eurotatorian fauna of Sri Lanka has been systematically dealt with. Description of 104 species is given in the previous papers. In the present study an additional twenty-two species are described. Of these two are new. The composition of the Sri Lanka Rotifera is discussed in relation to the fauna of other parts of the world. The distribution of the species in different types of habitats is studied on the basis of samples. A complete list of all Rotifera recorded from Sri Lanka so far is given for easy reference. Examples of localities where species were collected are also given.


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Bacterial flora associated with tail rot/fin rot of Carassius auratus, Xiphophorus helleri and hemorrhagic ulcers of Clarias spp were studied. Sensitivity pattern of 33 isolates comprising Aeromonas spp, Pseudomonas spp and Gram-positive rods from diseased C. auratus, X. helleri and Clarias spp were screened against six broad-spectrum antibiotics viz. ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol, co-trimoxazole, gentamycin, nitro-furantoin and oxytetracycline. Ciprofloxacin was the most effective in inhibiting bacteria at 0.05-0.10 µg/ml level. About 44% of Pseudomonas spp. was resistant to nitrofurantoin. Resistance to oxytetracycline was seen in 27% of Aeromonas spp Gram-positive rods were comparatively more resistant to antibiotics. The multiple antibiotic resistances were seen in 21% of the bacterial isolates of diseased fish.


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Two fish species each from carnivorous (Clarias batrachus, Channa punctatus), omnivorous (Cyprinus carpio, Cirrhinus reba), and plankton feeder (Catla catla, Labeo rohita) were collected from freshwater sources under natural habitat to study their total lipid (TL) and lipid-fractions. Significant relationship between these parameters was also worked out. The variation of total lipid and lipid-fractions in tissues of freshwater fishes were not significantly different (P>0.05). But a higher trend of total lipid and glyceride (TGL) contents were found in carnivores followed by omnivores and least in plankton feeders. The trend was reverse for total phospholipid, cholesterol and free fatty acids. TGL content in all class of fishes was significantly related with TL (P<0.01), phospholipid (PL) (P<0.001), cholesterol (P<0.05), free fatty acids (P<0.05) and monoglycerides (P<0.001). Similarly total lipid was linearly related with total glycerides (TL=-3.02 + 0.10 TGL) and phospholipid (TL=7.13-0.12 PL). From this study it is concluded that almost all lipid-fractions of freshwater fishes can be predicted easily from total lipid content of the tissue.


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(GIFT) (Oreochromis niloticus) and Silver barb (Barbodes gonionotus) in rice fields and their effects on the yield of rice was carried out in nine experimental rice plots. Three treatments viz., treatment-1 with 0. niloticus (T1), treatment-2 with B. gonionotus (T2) and treatment- 3 was kept as control (T3, without fish) were used in this study. Fertilizers such as, Urea (178 kg ha-1), T.S.P (125 kg ha-1) and M.P. (67 kg ha-1) were applied in each treatment. The fishes were stocked @ 6250 ha·1 and the experiment was continued for a period of 107 days. The values of water quality parameters such as, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and chlorophyll-a were found within suitable level. Between the two species, higher specific growth rate was recorded in 0. niloticus than that of B. gonionotus. But B. gonionotus showed much higher survival (72%) than that of 0. niloticus (35%). Similar to survival, higher production (244 kg ha-1) and income (Tk. 6399 ha-1) were recorded in B. gonionotus than those of 0. niloticus (142.8 kg ha'1 and Tk. 2137 ha-1). Significant differences (pand straw were observed between the treatments with fish and without fish.


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The eco-biological of the spiny eel, Mastacembelus pailcalus in the river Padma, adjacent flood plains and ponds were influenced by various physico-chemical factors such as water temperature, water transparency, pH, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide and alkalinity. Flood plain areas are the best habitat for the M. pancalus with maximum abundance.


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The effect of the physicochemical parameters of water and soil on the distribution of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and their nitrogen-fixing capacity was studied. Four species of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, e. g. Azotobacter chroococcum, A. vinelandii, A. beijerinckii and A. armeniacus, were recorded from water and soil samples of Mumbai coast. A higher number of bacterial populations were observed in sediment than in water samples. A positive correlation was observed between the dissolved organic matter and nitrogen fixing bacterial populations of water as well as between available phosphorus and the nitrogen-fixing bacteria of sediment. The nitrogen-fixing capacity of A. chroococcum was found to be 1.076 nmol C sub(2) H sub(4)/l/d and that of A. vinelandii was 0.965 nmol C sub(2) H sub(4)/l/d. Station 1 showed higher level of nitrogenase activity in comparison to other four stations.


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A total of 45 ponds used for fish polyculture were investigated in three zones of Bangladesh to identify the differences among the zones in respect to aqua-ecology, culture practices, fish productivity and health management. Four hundred and fifty fish from three zones were clinically examined by naked eye and histopathology. Out of total number of fish examined, 45 fish from Dhaka zones were examined for parasites and bacteria in addition to histopathology. Faded and haemorrhagic gill, skin, fin, scale loss and lesions were observed during fish examination. Aeromonas spp. Pseudomonas spp. and Streptococcus spp. were isolated respectively from 56%, 46% and 39% affected fish. Among the five water quality parameters analyzed, the highest average hardness and alkalinity respectively were recorded in Rajshahi (156 ppm and 142 ppm) followed by Dhaka (146 ppm and 132 ppm) and Chittagong (81 ppm and 90 ppm). The highest average pH was recorded in Mymensingh (7.52) followed by Rajshahi (7.13) and Chittagong (7.05). Water holding capacity of soil in Rajshahi zone was poor compared to other zones and farmers were found to be reluctant to fish farming.


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Mass mortality of Thai pangas (Pangasius hypophthalmus) is reported to be a big threat to monoculture of the species in Bangladesh. Twenty affected and twenty control Thai pangas ponds were investigated around Mymensingh district in order to identify the causes of pangas mortality. Sixty affected and sixty unaffected fish samples were examined and compared to find the fish-level variables associated with the disease. A range of haemorrhagic signs on snout, skin and fins were recorded during examination with naked eyes. Aeromonas spp. and Edwardsiella spp. were isolated from 87% and 80% of the affected fish, respectively. Even 4% of the seemingly healthy fish carried Aeromonas spp. on their skin. Among the four water quality parameters monitored, remarkably higher total ammonia (1.5 ppm) was found in water of the affected ponds compared to that of the unaffected ones (0.4 ppm). High ammonia in affected water caused by excessive organic decomposition and poor pond management might have reduced the immunity of fish, which predisposed them for bacterial invasion and consequent disease outbreak.


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The triglyceride fatty acid components from the heart lipid of Puntius sarana of different sizes have been characterized by thin-layer and gas liquid chromatography. Csub(10) to Csub(24) acids including both odd-numbered and branched chain acids were detected. The major constituents were ante-iso Csub(10), Csub(10), Csub(12:2), Csub(14), Csub(16), Csub(16:1),Csub(17), Csub(18) , Csub(18:1), Csub(18:2), Csub(18:3) and Csub(20:4) while twenty other acids were detected in lower proportion. The composition of these acids and their variation with size of fish have been investigated and discussed.


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Scores of publications on spiny lobsters and their fishing techniques are available from various parts of the world. A variety of fishing gears which vary in design and operation are employed for exploiting lobsters. A review of the work carried out on spiny lobsters with special reference to their distribution, fishing gear, fishing methods, baits and crafts in India, Sri Lanka, United States, Australia, South Africa, United Kingdom, Ireland and Portugal based on selected literature are considered and discussed.


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Modern fishing boats have to be built not only on perfect lines but also with sound and strong construction materials that will ensure a long lasting trouble free service commensurate with the heavy capital investment involved. Choice of construction materials for fishing boats need careful scrutiny as they have to perform too well under most aggressive environments-sea-water and marine atmosphere. A number of alternative boat-building materials are now available whose comparative merits and demerits as well as comparative costs are brought out in this paper.


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Polythene lined thermocole insulated plywood boxes (second-hand tea chests) could be successfully used for transport of fresh iced fish. It was found that a minimum of 25 mm thermocole insulation was necessary during summer (April to June) and 15 mm during winter (Nov. to March). By using these insulated boxes the initial fish to ice ratio could be brought down to 1:0.75 and still further to 1:0.5 at the height of winter in Jan. and Feb. These second-hand tea chests are robust and are able to stand a minimum of 5 trips to and fro. The moulded polystyrene boxes are not suited for long distance transport. Another redeeming feature in the entire operation was that there was practically no loss of fish due to spoilage in transit. 100% of the fish transported was in acceptable condition and could be marketed. In the non-insulated boxes used by the trade, the loss due to spoilage ranged from 10% to 25%, and this could be completely eliminated by the use of these insulated boxes.