254 resultados para European Atlantic
Die 26. Jahrestagung der WEFTA fand vom 22. bis 26. September 1996 erstmalig in Polen statt. Gastgeber war P. Bykowski vom Institut für Seefischerei (MIR) in Gdynia, das im Jahre 1996 sein 75jähriges Jubiläum feiern konnte . Die Tagung wurde von etwa 70 Delegierten aus den 16 WEFTA Mitgliedsstaaten und Gästen aus den USA, Rußland, Israel und Litauen besucht. Die Konferenz wurde von Z. Polanski, dem Direktor des Institutes und von M. Brzeski, dem Zweiten Bürgermeister der Stadt Gdynia eröffnet. In 10 Vortragssektionen und einer Postersektion wurden den Teilnehmern insgesamt 38 Vorträge und 24 Poster geboten.
The pressures placed on the natural, environmental, economic, and cultural sectors from continued growth, population shifts, weather and climate, and environmental quality are increasing exponentially in the southeastern U.S. region. Our growing understanding of the relationship of humans with the marine environment is leading us to explore new ecosystem-based approaches to coastal management, marine resources planning, and coastal adaptation that engages multiple state jurisdictions. The urgency of the situation calls for coordinated regional actions by the states, in conjunction with supporting partners and leveraging a diversity of resources, to address critical issues in sustaining our coastal and ocean ecosystems and enhancing the quality of life of our citizens. The South Atlantic Alliance (www.southatlanticalliance.org) was formally established on October 19, 2009 to “implement science-based policies and solutions that enhance and protect the value of coastal and ocean resources of the southeastern United States which support the region's culture and economy now and for future generations.” The Alliance, which includes North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, will provide a regional mechanism for collaborating, coordinating, and sharing information in support of resource sustainability; improved regional alignment; cooperative planning and leveraging of resources; integrated research, observations, and mapping; increased awareness of the challenges facing the South Atlantic region; and inclusiveness and integration at all levels. Although I am preparing and presenting this overview of the South Atlantic Alliance and its current status, there are a host of representatives from agencies within the four states, universities, NGOs, and ongoing southeastern regional ocean and coastal programs that are contributing significant time, expertise, and energy to the success of the Alliance; information presented herein and to be presented in my oral presentation was generated by the collaborative efforts of these professionals. I also wish to acknowledge the wisdom and foresight of the Governors of the four states in establishing this exciting regional ocean partnership. (PDF contains 4 pages)
The bay anchovy occurs along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts, from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Yucatan, Mexico (Hildebrand 1963), except for the Florida Keys where it is apparently absent (Daly 1970). (PDF contains 22 pages)
The 25th annual meeting of WEFTA was held in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, in November 1995 as an "International Seafood Conference". In 12 sessions 40 oral presentations and 60 posters were presented. The topics included among others: Quality assurance, consumer demands and behaviour, processing, packaging, distribution, nutrition, storage, analytical methodology. The conference was attended by 210 participants from 33 countries.
Financial support is going to be applied for from the European Commission in order to establish the European Fish Ageing Network (EFAN). The project, which was planned and initiated from Norway (Floedevigen) is supposed to be a concerted action from 14 European Countries involving about 35 institutions. The primary aim of the network is to coordinate the research in age reading, especially the improvement of data bases for reference material, the transformation of research (e.g. daily ring formation in otoliths) to each interested reader. Moreover, the applied financial support is supposed to be preliminary spent for travel of researcher and technicians to other institutes where the same fish species are aged. Reference material is supposed to be sent to the institutes for check-reading. Specific workshops will be held in cases where heterogeneous results occur from check-reading the reference material.
Factors affecting the fitness of juvenile salmon are discussed. Although fitness from the genetic point of view is defined as the relative capacity of carriers of a given genotype to transmit their genes to the gene pool of the following generations, growth and survival of individuals are also components of fitness, and are influenced by responses to competition, which is the major topic of this article including implications for management. In order to better understand the relationships of density-dependent survival in Newfoundland, egg depositions were manipulated experimentally in the Freshwater River. Figures demonstrate the relationship between stock (number of eggs per 100 m2 of river) and recruitment (number of smolts per l00 m2 of Atlantic salmon, and also the percentage survival from egg to smolt stage related to potential egg depositions.
There are many ways of practising freshwater nature conservation: from strict legislative protection of individual species considered rare or threatened to protecting whole lakes or long stretches of rivers; from practical conservation management at a local scale to integrated catchment management at the river basin scale; and from the encouragement of better habitat management through codes of good practice to statutory control of pollution or abstraction. Whatever the mechanism, an essential pre-requisite is a way of choosing where to put the effort, especially when resources for nature conservation are severely limited. The aim of this article is to review the contribution from four specific international measures to the task of assigning priorities for conservation. The 1990s saw the introduction of two European directives (the Habitats Directive (HD) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD)) and one international convention (the Biodiversity Convention (CBD)) each with the potential for influencing, to a greater or lesser extent, the conservation of freshwater habitats and species. This article also discusses a much older convention – the Ramsar Convention – adopted in 1971 specifically to help tackle the conservation and management of wetlands and aquatic ecosystems. Although the authors have focused mainly on the UK, the subject is relevant to other parts of Europe and beyond. The article explores the degree to which these measures help in identifying the most important fresh waters for conservation, and asks whether or not they present the right conservation message to a wide audience.
Popular articles about the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) usually state that ‘the Atlantic salmon is an anadromous species’, e.g. publications by the Atlantic Salmon Federation (North America), Atlantic Salmon Trust (UK), and WWF (World Wildlife Fund), and the life history is depicted as migration of juveniles from fresh water to the marine environment, with a return to where the fish were born as spawning adults. This article reviews the life history tactics of Atlantic salmon in Newfoundland.
The translation of this section of the larger publication ”Opredelitel' presnovodnykh bespozvonochnykh evropeiskoi chasti SSSR. (Plankton i bentos)” provides identification keys to the larvae and pupae of chironomids that occur in the Soviet Union. The morphology of the larvae of Chironomidae is described in the introductory part.
The composition of the food of the European grayling and the character of its feeding has been studied fully enough, but this knowledge is scattered in the literature and often contradictory. rare exceptions, analysis of the results of different investigations. Therefore the proposed short outline of the history of the study of the problem with a description of the basic data on the feeding of the grayling in different geographical areas is presented as expedient and opportune, primarily in relation to the determination of immediate problems and the trend of research.
Scholars recently derived simple models from published data for the prediction from water temperature of hatching times for the eggs of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). A similar model to predict eyeing time for salmon eggs was obtained and used in this study, largely by analogy, to develop equations which might be used to obtain very approximate estimates of eyeing and swim-up times for salmon and brown trout. As the models were based on data for constant temperatures and some of them also had a very inadequate data base, it was desirable that they should be tested, as far as possible, against field and hatchery observations. The present report is a brief summary based on such data as have been obtained to date. None of the data sets were ideal for the purpose and the various inadequacies are discussed later in this report.