72 resultados para Curtis, Charlotte , 1928-1987


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This memorandum has four parts. The first is a review and partial synthesis of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Reports by Dr. Ernest Estevez of the Mote Marine Laboratory to the Board of County Commissioners of Sarasota County, Florida. The review and synthesis emphasizes identification of the most important aspects of the structure of the Myakka system in terms of forcing functions, biological components, and major energy flows. In this context, the dominant primary producers, dominant fish species and food habits, and major environmental variables were of articular interest. A major focus of the review and synthesis was on the river zonations provided in the report and based on salinity and various biological indicators. The second part of this memorandum is a review of a draft report by Mote Marine Laboratory on evaluation of potential water quality impacts on the Myakka River from proposed activities in the watershed. This Memorandum's third part is a review of resource-management related ecosystem models in the context of possible future models of the Myakka River Ecosystem. The final part of this memorandum is proposed future work as an extension of the initial reports.


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The bays and estuaries of the southeast United States coast generally are thought to serve as nursery areas for various species of coastal sharks, where juvenile sharks find abundant food and are less exposed to predation by larger sharks. Because these areas typically support substantial commercial and recreational fisheries, fishing mortality of sharks in the nurseries particularly by bycatch, may be significant. This two-year project assessed the relative importance of two estuaries of the southwest Florida Gulf coast, Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor/Pine Island Sound, as shark nursery areas, and examined potential fishing mortality of these young sharks in the nurseries.


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At decadal period (10-20 years), dynamic linkage was evident between atmospheric low pressure systems over the North Pacific Ocean and circulation in a Pacific Northwest fjord (Puget Sound). As the Aleutian low pressure center shifts, storms arriving from the North Pacific Ocean deposit varying amounts of precipitation in the mountains draining into the estuarine system; in turn, the fluctuating addition of fresh water changes the density distribution near the fjord basin entrance sill, thereby constraining the fjord's vertical velocity structure. This linkage was examined using time series of 21 environmental parameters from 1899 to 1987. Covariation in the time series was evident because of the strong decadal cycles compared with long-term averages, interannual variability, and seasonal cycles.


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The introduction of the controlled hatchery system "Model CIFE D-81" resulted in a production of 60 lakhs Indian major carp seed in the drought area of eastern Uttar Pradesh. The hatchery system provided optimum temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH for breeding and hatching and also removed the metabolites generated. The technology is simple and the success of the program attracts pisciculturists.


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The demersal fish stock of Wadge Bank is one of the important fish resources for both Sri Lanka and India. Sivalingam and Medcof (1957) have given an account of its history, general features and relative productivity. According to records the total fishing effort on the bank had been fluctuating and very recently the number of boats operating on the bank has suddenly increased, and there is a possibility that still more will begin operating on the bank in the near future (Mendis, 1965). The increased fishing effort with the possibility of still further increase calls for proper management practices by those concerned, in order to obtain the maximum sustained yield from the demersal stock. For this purpose a detailed study of the past performance of the fishery is essential. With this in view all records of commercial operations up to 1960 are being analysed by the present author and are to be published in a series. This is the first paper in the series and gives a detailed analysis of the first commercial trawling operations from 1928 to 1935. Since there had been a major break of about 10 years between this and the present fishery this data is being analysed separately.


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The southern part of the Sofala Bank (in Mozambique) was investigated. A net of closely spaced hydrographic stations were obtained and a current meter mooring consisting of two current meters and a bottom pressure recorder was deployed. High salinity shelf water was observed near shore with a maximum salinity above 36.6 ppt. Both average and tidal currents are discussed. The mean currents are steered by the continental slop and seem to be influenced by the wind. The tides have strong semidiurnal components, with a major axis of 53 cm/s perpendicular to the coast at 60m depth. The possibility that the tides may transport passive drifters with a diurnal vertical migration pattern up to a few kilometers a day is considered.


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An historical account is given of the development of the Lake Albert fisheries since Worthington's survey in 1928. It is noted that the development of the fisheries was related to, and dependent upon, improvements in the type of gear and canoes, an incFease in the number of canoes and outboard engines in use, improved marketing facilities and better road communications. Summarized data, collected mainly since 1954, has been analysed and tabulated to show annual exports to the Congo, total annual catches 'and annual catches of individual species. A change in the relative abundance of the various species in the annual catches is described. It is noted that this change was caused by a change-over from large to small mesh size gill-nets, and that it was associated with an increased demand within Uganda for the smaller species of fish, such as Aleste's baremose and Hydrocynus forskahlii. A brief description of fish processing and marketing in the Lake Albert region is given, which emphasizes the suitability of salt-cured fish to the social and physical environment of the area. Finally, a summary of a recent survey of the potential fish resources of the lake is given in the discussion, and estimates of the 1965 catch at the north and south ends of the lake are compared with the findings of the survey. This showed that there is little danger of overfishing the Alestes baremose stocks of the Wanseko area at the 1965 rate of exploitation of the species, and that the total catch for 1965 at the south end of the lake was well below the estimated annual sustainable yield from the area.


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The yield equation given by BEVERTON and HOLT (1957) has several parameters which are difficult to estimate for tropical freshwater fish species. Nevertheless, some simplifying assumptions can be made and the most relevant parameters used to enable the construction of yield isopleths. Tilapia esculenfa has the following parameters: maximum length (L ∞=33.8 c.m. growth rate (K) = 0.32, natural mortality rate (M)=0.17 and the length at maturity (1 m)=22 cm. The optimum yield is obtained by catching the fish at a length of first capture of 26 em and a fishing mortality rate of 0.5. Tilapia nilotica with L ∞=49 cm, 1 m=36 cm, K=0.50 and M= 0.30 gives optimum yield when caught at a length of first capture of 35-36 cm with a fishing mortality rate of 0.5-0.6. The stuned Tilapia nilotica of Lake Albert has L ∞=17 cm, K=2.77,1 m=12 cm and M=3.37. With such a very high natural mortality, maximum yields would be obtained hy using a length of first capture less than 9 cm and a fishing mortality rate exceeding 1.8.