126 resultados para Comparative organization
Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) eggs were incubated to study the efficiency of hatching in hapa and hatchery. During incubation the recorded temperature was 21-28 degree C and 20-31 degree C, dissolved oxygen 6-9 ppm. and 3-5 ppm., total alkalinity 180-250 ppm. and 28-62 ppm. respectively in the hatchery (model C.I.F.E. D-80) and hapa. CO sub(2) was totally absent in the hatchery, but recorded 3-10 ppm. in the hapa. The flow of water was maintained at 1.25 l/minute/jar in the hatchery. Under the above environmental conditions the eggs hatched in 42-51 hrs. in the hatchery and 61-81 hrs. in the hapa from egg to spawn thereby establishing the hatchery to be a better hatching system for carp eggs.
Principles adopted by China for the development of reservoir fisheries are discussed. Production of some of reservoirs of China with that of India is compared. The reasons for obtaining higher production in China have been recognised as: emphasis on utilization of all resources for food production; direct feeding; use of selected varieties of fast growing carps; keeping 15 pigs per hectare of water area for application of pig void and application of manure; production of fingerlings at the reservoir sites enclaving coves and bays; grading and removing obstructions from bottom; rational harvesting and stocking and improvement of reservoir shore areas as a whole. Some of these measures which could be implemented in Indian conditions are briefly described.
The comparative toxicity was evaluated using four detergents, viz, linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), branched alkylbenzene sulfonate (BAS), sodium sulfonate (SS) and alfa-olefin sulfonate (AOS) on an estuarine fish, Ambassis commersonii, abundant in Kali estuarine system. Standard toxicity bioassay method was followed as per APHA (1980). AOS concentration in "Mega" soap was determined by the standard MBAS method described in APHA (1980). The results indicate that LAS was the most toxic detergent to fish relative to the other types and the other of toxicity was LAS > AOS > SS > BAS. A significant correlation was seen between observed and calculated mortalities for all the detergents. Some behavioural responses of fishes to all detergents were also observed.
Aquous extracts of 24 species of green seaweeds, 13 of Caulerpa Lamour and 11 of Ulva Linn, were collected from the coastal areas near Karachi, Pakistan and tested for haemagglutination against human erythrocytes of blood groups A,B,AB and O and compared. All the species of Caulerpa and seven of Ulva exhibited a positive activity, the former genus (a member of Bryopsidophyceae) appeared to possess more phycohaemagglutinins than the latter (a member of Ulvophyceae). The haemagglutinic activity proved to be quite helpful in the distinction of various species of both the genera.
To ensure a greater vertical opening while under tow, a trawl net with a bulged belly was made and compared with a conventional design under actual fishing conditions. It was found that the new design landed 31.8% more fish. Since the percentage lateral spread was relatively less for the bulged belly net, it was inferred that this net had higher head line height, while under operation and this was further substantiated by a greater catch of off—bottom fishes. Further, half the quantity of twine can be saved by changing the conventional trawl to that of bulged belly type.
This study was undertaken with a view to finding out the comparative fishing ability and economic performance of different fishing vessel sizes 9.15m (30'), 9.76m (32') and 10.97m (36') designed by the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology and operating along the Kerala coast. Data were collected from selected vessels of these sizes for four consecutive fishing seasons from 1964-65 to 1967-68. The catch/unit effort and total effort per year for the 10.97m (36') vessels were much better than those for the 9.76m (32') vessels. The yearly landings and the crew remuneration for the former were about twice those of the 9.76m (32') vessels. The economic efficiency of the 10.97m (36') vessels was also much better. The decline in landings per year in both size groups was more due to the reduction in the effort per year than the decline in catch/unit effort.
Comparative study on growth of fry in nursery system of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) and Existing strain of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was performed. The trials were conducted in a series of hapa for two months. The initial mean weight of GIFT and Existing strains of tilapia were 1.03 and 1.12g, respectively and the stocking density for both the strains was maintained at 150/m³. Fishes were fed with supplementary feed 31.29% of protein level. After two months the final cumulative mean weight of GIFT and Existing strain were observed to be 8.38 and 5.51g, respectively. The net gain for weight of GIFT and existing strain were estimated to be 666% and 368% and the mean survival were 95.75% and 81.25%, respectively. The GIFT strain showed significantly (P<0.05) higher net gain in growth in weight and also higher (P<0.01) survival than that of existing strain.
The communication deals with the results of comparative fishing operations conducted to study the effectiveness of rectangular flat and rectangular curved otter boards. Based on the analysis of data gathered during the course of actual field trials, following conclusions have been drawn: the average catch per hour of trawling was more by 22 kg during attachment of rectangular curved otter boards. The average horizontal spread between rectangular curved otter boards in action was more by 13% and works out to 50% of the head-rope length of the net including sweeps. The towing resistance of the gear with horizontally curved otter boards was more by 10%.
The importance of small trawlers for the economic exploitation of the inshore demersal fisheries is well recognized and accordingly mechanized boats of sizes 30' and 32' fitted with engines of h.p. ranging from 30 to 45 came into existence particularly at Kakinada. The need to work out the most suitable trawling gear for these classes of boats becomes imperative and as an appurtenance to this, comparative fishing experiments were attempted with different trawls. In the present communication certain observations made on the relative catch efficiency of two different trawl nets used in combination with two different shaped otter boards are given.
Fresh silver pomfret, black pomfret and hilsa were canned at absolutely fresh and iced conditions and the qualities of the final products were studied comparatively in relation to the initial quality of the raw materials. Under identical conditions a maximum quantity of cook-drip and nitrogen contents were found to be lost in black pomfret and minimum in hilsa. Silver pomfret and black pomfret iced for 3 days gave fairly good products on canning while hilsa came out only as a satisfactory product on canning after the same ice storage period of the raw material.
The present study on growth rate of different body parts in relation to total length, in the male and female Puntius sarana (Ham.) did not show any significant heterogeneity except in snout length (p.01). The growth rate of snout length was found to be higher in females (b=0.0377) than in males (b=0.0266). Since the growth rate of most of the body parts was found to be homogeneous in both the sexes, the common regression co-efficient "b" was calculated on pooled data to represent the growth rate of different body parts against total length, the linearity of regression lines indicated isometric growth.
The paper deals with sex-wise growth rate of different body parts in relation to total length in Rita paviinentata (Gunther). Growth rates calculated on pooled data by using the common regression coefficient 'b' reveals isometric and homogeneous nature in sexes.
Throughout the year the Fisheries Departments of Tanzania and Uganda continued to forward to EAFFRO data on the commercial fisheries of the lake. Regular records of commercial fishing activity In Kenya waters have not been received, appropriate information has been made available on request from the Chief Fisheries Officer. None of the research staff at EAFFRO have been assigned to a detail ed survey of the statistica1 data available, although severa1 research officers have taken the opportunity of analysing the data appropriate to their own research programmes. As recorded in the last Annual Report, an important feature of the UNDP Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project will be to undertake the relevant statistical surveys essential to the proper.
Introduction The laboratory at Jinja is being developed as a centre for hydro-biological research in East Africa, It has been built and is at present wholly financed from a grant from the Central Research allocation of the Colonial Development Fund. The building contains six laboratories in addition to a library, common room and general office. A maximum number of ten research workers could be given laboratory accommodation. However, shortage of living accommodation will limit the numbers who can work here for the next year or two.
The Annual report covers Research work of the Organization carried out during the period 1975. Its explains the following research work: Haplochromis Studies, Electrophoresis,The Ecology of Haplochromis in the northern waters of Lake Victoria Limnology, Aquatic Pollution and Biochemical Studies The Biology of Synodontis in Lake Victoria Riverine Fisheries, Inshore Fishery of the Kenyan-Waters of Lake Victoria Biostatistics, the Inshore Fisheries of the Western part of Lake Victoria, The Offshore Fisheries of Kenyan Waters of Lake Victoria Lake Mobutu Sese Seko: Stock Assessment and Ecological Studies Fishery Economics, The Biology of Bagrus docmac in Lake Victoria Fishery Resource Surveys of Lake Wamala and Kijanebalola