82 resultados para Comparative Morphometrics


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The present work was undertaken to enlighten upon the comparative efficiency of different glazes in improving the quality of frozen crab meat (Scylla Serrata).


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The merits and demerits of cotton, polyethylene and combination of the two materials ascertained on the basis of cost, wear and tear, maintenance, total catch and qualitative analysis of the catch are discussed by making comparative fishing experiments with the three trawl gears made of these materials. The study can be concluded with a suggestion for switching over to polyethylene twisted monofilaments for better, in case of bottom trawls without in any way adversely affecting the catch of shrimps and at the same time for enhanced fish catch. Even though the combination net is found to be equal in efficiency as the polyethylene net this idea cannot be conveniently adopted from the point of view of economy.


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Fishing experiments were conducted simultaneously with frame nets and trammel nets in the Hirakud Reservoir and the results indicated the relative superiority of frame nets, whose catch rate was two times more than that of the trammel nets.


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Comparative fishing operations with the conventional two seams net and a 29.26 m. long wing shrimp trawl of four seam type were undertaken. The result showed that the four seams net gave nearly twice prawn catch than that of the conventional type. It was also found that the four seams net can be developed into a combination trawl for the effective exploitation of both prawns and fish along the coasts off Kakinada.


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Results of comparative fishing operations conducted with three nets of identical design made of nylon, twisted polyethylene monofilament and high density polyethylene (HDPE) tape twines are presented in this communication. Since the tape net recorded the highest prawn and fish catch, monofilament and nylon following in order, it can be recommended to the fishing industry as one of the cheapest and effective fishing materials evolved for trawl fabrication.


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Fish protein concentrate and functional fish protein concentrate samples were prepared from eviscerated meat of cat fish (Tachysurus jella Day). Functional fish protein concentrate is found to be lighter, less gritty and rehydrates more rapidly than fish protein concentrate. Functional FPC is seen to have higher PER and biscuits containing it at levels of 5 and 7 percent are less hard compared to FPC.


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A radical and revolutionary change from the hitherto employed shrimp trawling is reported for better productivity and economy in deep sea trawling with medium and large vessels. Studies carried out off Veraval with a 13.7 m. four seam shrimp trawl as conventional single-rig and two 6.8 m four seam shrimp trawls as double-rig from a 15.2 m fishing vessel showed an increase of 98% shrimp catch by double-rig over single-rig at 86.3 % of the power utilised by the latter. It has also been worked out, theoretically, how better this available power can be utilised for further improvement of catch. An increase of 15% head rope length in case of double-rig over the optimum single-rig gear of any vessel is recommended.


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The amino acid, mineral and proximate composition of mullet (Mugil oeur), mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), crab (Scylla serrata) and prawn (Penaeus indicus) are reported. The data are used for comparing the nutritional quality of the fish and shell fish. Further, the amino acid composition is screened for their adequacy to meet the FAO/WHO recommended pattern of essential amino acids.


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V shaped all steel boards, with their inherent stability to tide over obstacles and mud, interchangeability of starboard and portside boards are found to be superior to conventional flat rectangular boards for bottom trawling. These are cheaper in construction, offer less resistance and give longer service. Comparative trials with the two types of boards showed significant difference in tension between the boards but not in catch or horizontal opening.


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The efficiency of four different drying surfaces, namely, cement platform, palmyrah leaf mat, aluminum tray and stretched net for drying fish were studied using sciaenids, mullet and perch. All the drying surfaces were found to be equally efficient. The cheaper and locally available palmyrah leaf mat or stretched net can replace costly cement platform and aluminium tray for efficient drying of fish.


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Length-weight relationships of two commercially important freshwater prawns, Macrobrachium idella and M. scabriculum, have been worked out separately for the two sexes of the two species. 't' test showed that growth departs significantly from the isometric growth in the case of both sexes of M. idella and in the female of M. scabriculum. Therefore, the cubic formula W = CL^3 may be applied only in the case of males of M. scabriculum. In all the other cases W = CL^n may be followed.


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Four chemical extenders in 7 different concentrations (potassium chloride, sodium chloride, glucose, sodium citrate, Ringer s solution, cow serum and milkfish (Chanos chanos) serum) were compared in the preservation of milkfish sperm. Results showed milkfish serum to be the most suitable of the various extenders tested. This may be attributed to suitable osmotic potential and/or presence of proteins which may have directly or indirectly influenced sperm viability. The effects of milkfish serum on the motility and fertilizing capacity of sperm at different durations of storage however need to be investigated.


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Moisture and salt content in cured fish products from various centres on the west coast of India are compared. The moisture contents varied in samples from different centres, whereas the salt content remained more or less uniform. The deviations from the Indian standard specification were highly significant in both cases. The high mean moisture values and low salt values with respect to accepted standards are indicative of the improper drying and poor salting.


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The study was conducted in collaboration with the ECFC project of the FAO (BGD/97/017) in Cox's Bazar to develop a low cost solar tunnel dryer for the production of high quality marine dried fish. The study areas were Kutubdiapara, Maheshkhali and Shahparirdip under Cox's Bazar district. Three different models of low cost solar dryer were constructed with locally available materials such as bamboo, wood, bamboo mat, hemp, canvas, wire, nails, rope, tin, polythene and net. Size of the dryers were: 20x4x3 ft ; 30x3x3 ft and 65x3x3 ft with the costs of Tk. 3060, 3530, 9600 for dryer 1, 2 and 3, respectively having different models. The drying capacities were 50, 150, 500 kg for dryer 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The average temperature range inside the dryers were 29-43°C, 34-51°C and 37-57°C for dryer 1, 2 and 3 respectively as recorded at 8:30h to 16:30h. The relative humidity were in the ranges of 22-42%, 27-39% and 24-41 % in dryer 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The fish samples used were Bombay duck, Silver Jew fish and Ribbon fish. The total drying time was in the range of 30-42, 28-38 and 24-34 hours to reach the moisture content of 12.3-14.5, 11.8-14.3, and 11.6-14.1% in dryer 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Among these three fish samples the drying was faster in Silver Jew fish followed by Bombay duck and Ribbon fish in all the three dryer.


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Brood catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis were collected from Tamirabarani river basin of Tamil Nadu, India and kept in cement tanks. Three inducing hormones viz, Ovaprim, Ovatide and WOVA-FH were injected at the rate of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 ml/kg body weight in order to induce oocyte maturation and ovulation. After 10-13h of injection at a water temperature of 27±-0.5°C, stripping of eggs and in vitro fertilization was done. Ovaprim gave maximum (94.67%) hatching rate followed by Ovatide (90.33%) and WOVA-FH (77.33%).