72 resultados para Colorado and Southern Railway


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Feeding habits and feeding strategy of red rockfish (Sebastes capensis) were studied from fish captured along most of the range of this species in coastal waters of South America. Stomach contents of 613 individuals, collected during 2003, were analyzed. Fish were obtained from six locations along the Chilean (23°S to 46°S) and Argentinian (43°S) coasts. The main prey items were Mysidacea (75.06% IRI), Osteichthyes (6.29% IRI),and Rhynchocinetes typus (6.03% IRI). Predator sex and size did not significantly affect the diet, but significant differences were found between locations. Four geographical areas, discriminated by prey occurrence and frequencies, were determined: three on the Pacific coast and one on the Atlantic coast. These areas correspond roughly with biogeographic zones described for the Chilean and southern Argentinian coasts. The feeding strategy index (FSI) indicated a specialized feeding strategy for S. capensis for most of its range. However, the FSI does not include the behaviour of a predator, and the FSI must be interpreted carefully for fishes like S. capensis that are passive ambush feeders. The abundance and availability of different prey may explain both the geographic differences in dietary composition and the specialized feeding strategy of S. capensis.


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Bottom trawl surveys were conducted in the southwest monsoon season in 1996 (survey 1) and in the northeast monsoon season in 1996-97 (survey 2) throughout Vietnamese waters. The surveys mainly covered the depth zone 50-200 m but in the northeast monsoon season the depth zone 20-50 m was included in the northern and southern areas. Overall, 273 trawl hauls were conducted. The total biomass for Vietnamese waters in the depth zone 20-200 m was estimated at 700 000 t . Biomass estimates are given for the most abundant species. A relatively higher mean catch-per-unit effort (CPUE) was obtained from survey 2 than from survey 1 and in partcular at depth ranges 50-100 and 100-200 m in south Vietnam. Overall, the dominant families were Monacanthidae (34%), Carangidae (15%), Trichiuridae (9%) and Synodontidae (6%).


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During the 1990s, sea otter (Enhydra lutris) counts in the Aleutian archipelago decreased by 70% throughout the archipelago between 1992 and 2000. Recent aerial surveys in the Aleutians did not identify the eastward extent of the decline; therefore we conducted an aerial survey along the Alaska Peninsula for comparison with baseline information. Since 1986, abundance estimates in offshore habitat have declined by 27– 49% and 93 –94% in northern and southern Alaska Peninsula study areas, respectively. During this same time period, sea otter density has declined by 63% along the island coastlines within the south Alaska Peninsula study area. Between 1989 and 2001, sea otter density along the southern coastline of the Alaska Peninsula declined by 35% to the west of Castle Cape but density increased by 4% to the east, which may indicate an eastward extent of the decline. In all study areas, sea otters were primarily concentrated in bays and lagoon, whereas historically, large rafts of otters had been distributed offshore. The population declines observed along the Alaska Peninsula occurred at roughly the same time as declines in the Aleutian islands to the east and the Kodiak archipelago to the west. Since the mid-1980s, the sea otter population throughout southwest Alaska has declined overall by an estimated 56–68%, and the decline may be one of the most significant sea otter conservation issues in our time.


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Commercial trawling on the Atlantic slope areas off Brazil intensified in the late 1990’s owing to the expansion of coastal trawling areas and the operations of a chartered foreign fleet. Between 2000 and 2003, 59 fishing trips conducted by 10 chartered trawlers were intensely monitored by observers and satellite vessel monitoring systems, totaling 9,069 tows and 30,085.2 trawling hours. Fishing operations occurred in northern, northeastern, southeastern, and southern sectors of the Brazilian coast in 60–1,173 m depths. Total retained and processed catch were 8,074.6 t and 6,479.8 t, respectively. Argentine hake, Merluccius hubbsi; and Argentine shortfin squid, Illex argentinus, were the primary species taken contributing to 41.1% and 28.6% of the overall catch, respectively. The silver John dory, Zenopsis conchifera; monkfish, Lophius gastrophysus; Brazilian codling, Urophycis mystacea; and the black grouper, Epinephelus nigritus, composed 23% of total processed catch, and the remaining 7.2% was composed of deep-sea shrimps (family Aristeidae) and other teleosts and elasmobranches. The occupation of slope areas included an early exploratory phase, followed by directed phases of the upper slope (300–500 m), aiming principally at the Argentine hake, and the lower slope (>700 m), targeting valuable concentrations of deep-sea aristeid shrimps. The role of chartering for slope trawling development was critically addressed. We conclude that chartered vessels were efficient explorers and were particularly important in areas not available to the technologically limited national fleet. Because the charters were market-oriented and had elevated profit demands, however, those vessels quickly turned from exploration to exploitation and competed with national trawlers in shallower areas and produced significant impacts on Brazil’s modest deep-sea resources.


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Pacific hake, Merluccius productus, the most abundant groundfish in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME), is a species of both commercial significance, supporting a large international fishery, and ecological importance, connecting other species as both predator and prey. Coastal Pacific hake migrations are characterized by movements between northern summer feeding areas and southern winter spawning areas, with variations in annual abundance, distribution, and the extent of these movements associated with varying climate-ocean conditions. In general, warm (cool) years with enhanced (reduced) stratification and poleward (equatorward) transport are often related to good (poor) recruitment, increased (decreased) northward distribution, and reduced (enhanced) growth. However, the classic periodic pattern of annual migration and distribution may no longer be fully representative. Based on recent advances in the understanding of climate-ocean variability off the U.S. west coast, we hypothesize that the annual movements of Pacific hake are more responsive to climate-ocean variability than previously thought, and further, that changes observed in Pacific hake distributions may reflect long-term changes in climate-ocean conditions in the CCLME. Therefore, an updated model of these relations is key to effective monitoring and management of this stock, as well as to devising scenarios of future change in the CCLME as a result of climate variations. The current state of knowledge of the relationship between the Pacific hake and its environment is reviewed, highlighting emerging ideas compared to those of the past, and priorities for future research are suggested.


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Aboriginal Australians consumed oysters before settlement by Europeans as shown by the large number of kitchen middens along Australia's coast. Flat oysters, Ostrea angasi, were consumed in southeastern Australia, whereas both flat and Sydney rock oysters, Saccostrea glomerata, are found in kitchen middens in southern New South Wales (NSW), but only Sydney rock oysters are found in northern NSW and southern Queensland. Oyster fisheries began with the exploitation of dredge beds, for the use of oyster shell for lime production and oyster meat for consumption. These natural oyster beds were nealy all exhausted by the late 1800's, and they have not recovered. Oyster farming, one of the oldest aquaculture industries in Australia, began as the oyster fisheries declined in the late 1800's. Early attempts at farming flat oysters in Tasmania, Victoria, and South Australia, which started in the 1880's, were abandoned in the 1890's. However, a thriving Sydney rock oyster industry developed from primitive beginnings in NSW in the 1870's. Sydney rock oysters are farmed in NSW, southern Queensland, and at Albany, Western Australia (WA). Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, are produced in Tasmania, South Australia, and Port Stephens, NSW. FLant oysters currently are farmed only in NSW, and there is also some small-scale harvesting of tropical species, the coarl rock or milky oyster, S. cucullata, and th black-lip oyster, Striostrea mytiloides, in northern Queensland. Despite intra- and interstate rivalries, oyster farmers are gradually realizing that they are all part of one industry, and this is reflected by the establishment of the national Australian Shellfish Quality Assuarance Program and the transfer of farming technology between states. Australia's oyster harvests have remained relatively stable since Sydney rock oyster production peaked in the mid 1970's at 13 million dozen. By the end of the 1990's this had stabilized at around 8 million dozen, and Pacific oyster production reached a total of 6.5 million dozen from Tasmania, South Australia, and Port Stephens, a total of 14.5 million dozen oysters for the whole country. This small increase in production during a time of substantial human population growth shows a smaller per capita consumption and a declining use of oysters as a "side-dish."


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A sample of daily observations on the activities of Australian vessels longlining for yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, during 1987-90 was analyzed, using a production junction approach, to determine the effects of vessel characteristics and operational practices and conditions. Significant differences were found between the tuna fisheries in the northern and southern regions of the inshore yellowfin tuna fishery in the east Australian Exclusive Economic Zone. The type of vessel used, and fishing practices such as soaktime, patrolling the longline, and choice of surface water temperature were found to have significant effects on yellowfin tuna catch rates.


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Harbor seals (Phoca fvitulina) are an abundant predator along the west coast of North America, and there is considerable interest in their diet composition, especially in regard to predation on valued fish stocks. Available informationon harbor seal diets, primarily derived from scat analysis, suggests that adult salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii), and gadids predominate. Because diet assessments based on scat analysis may be biased, we investigated diet composition through quantitative analysis of fatty acid signatures. Blubber samples from 49 harbor seals captured in western North America from haul-outs within the area of the San Juan Islands and southern Strait of Georgia in the Salish Sea were analyzed for fatty acid composition, along with 269 fish and squid specimens representing 27 potential prey classes. Diet estimates varied spatially, demographically, and among individual harbor seals. Findings confirmed the prevalence of previously identified prey species in harbor seal diets, but other species also contributed significantly. In particular, Black (Sebastes melanops) and Yellowtail (S. flavidus) Rockfish were estimated to compose up to 50% of some individual seal diets. Specialization and high predation rates on Black and Yellowtail Rockfish by a subset of harbor seals may play a role in the population dynamics of these regional rockfish stocks that is greater than previously realized.


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The purpose of this paper is to summarize the biggest northern California floods of the 20th century. Flooding in California can occur from different causes. At least three types of floods occur: 1. Winter general floods, which cover a large area. 2. Spring and early summer snowmelt floods unique to the higher-elevation central and southern Sierra Nevada, which occur about once in 10 years on the average. 3. Local floods from strong thunderstorms, with intense rain over a relatively small area. These originate in moist tropical or subtropical air and include the flash floods of the desert and other areas of southern California when remnants of eastern Pacific hurricanes get carried into the state.


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Lake Albert and Albert Nile are a major source of fisheries resources sustaining the riparian communities in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Like all shared bodies of Uganda Lake Albert and Albert Nile fisheries are faced with immense exploitation pressure one time described as the tragedy of the commons. In Uganda, the lake is shared by five riparian districts namely: Buliisa, Bundibugyo, Hoima, Kibaale and Nebbi. The lake covers a total estimated surface area of 5,270 square kilometers with approximately 60% within Ugandan waters. It is located in the western part of the great rift-valley at an altitude of 618 m above Sea level. The central parts of the lake are characterized by steep escarpments whereas the northern and southern parts lie in a plain of the rift valley. The plains are gently sloping, resulting in shallow swampy inshore waters in many places. The major inflowing rivers are the Semliki and Kafu in the south, and the Victoria Nile at the northern tip. The lake has a diverse fish fauna with a gradient of multi-species fisheries in different parts of the lake. The overall objective of the Frame Survey was to provide information on the facilities and services at landing sites and the composition, magnitude and distribution of fishing effort to guide development and management of the fisheries resources of Lake Albert and Albert Nile. The specific objectives were to provide information on: a) The number of fish landing sites; b) The facilities available at the fish landing sites to service the sector including accessibility; c) The service providers especially fisheries staff at fish landing sites; d) The number of fishers; e) The number and types of fishing crafts and their mode of propulsion; f) The number, types and sizes of fishing gears used on the lake and their mode of operation.


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Lake Albert and Albert Nile are a major source of fisheries resources sustaining the riparian communities in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Like all shared bodies of Uganda Lake Albert and Albert Nile fisheries are faced with immense exploitation pressure one time described as the tragedy of the commons. In Uganda, the lake is shared by five riparian districts namely: Buliisa, bundibugyo, Hoima, Kibaale and Nebbi. The lake covers a total estimated surface area of 5,270 km2 with approximately 60% within Ugandan waters (Walker, 1972). It is located in the western part of the great rift-valley at an altitude of 618 m above Sea level. The central parts of the lake are characterized by steep escarpments whereas the northern and southern parts lie in a plain of the rift valley. The plains are gently sloping, resulting in shallow swampy inshore waters in many places. The major inflowing rivers are the Semliki and Kafu in the south, and the Victoria Nile at the northern tip. The lake has a diverse fish fauna with a gradient of multi-species fisheries in different parts of the lake.


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This 1952 report gives details of findings in the Southern and Southern Highlands Provinces. Accordingly in this publication a return is made to the more usual method of presentation, a summary being given of work done, with detailed sectional reports.