108 resultados para Cascade reservoirs


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How to regulate phytoplankton growth in water supply reservoirs has continued to occupy managers and strategists for some fifty years or so, now, and mathematical models have always featured in their design and operational constraints. In recent years, rather more sophisticated simulation models have begun to be available and these, ideally, purport to provide the manager with improved forecasting of plankton blooms, the likely species and the sort of decision support that might permit management choices to be selected with increased confidence. This account describes the adaptation and application of one such model, PROTECH (Phytoplankton RespOnses To Environmental CHange) to the problems of plankton growth in reservoirs. This article supposes no background knowledge of the main algal types; neither does it attempt to catalogue the problems that their abundance may cause in lakes and reservoirs.


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It is often difficult to define ‘water quality’ with any degree of precision. One approach is that suggested by Battarbee (1997) and is based on the extent to which individual lakes have changed compared with their natural ‘baseline’ status. Defining the base-line status of artificial lakes and reservoirs however, is, very difficult. In ecological terms, the definition of quality must include some consideration of their functional characteristics and the extent to which these characteristics are self-sustaining. The challenge of managing lakes in a sustainable way is particularly acute in semi-arid, Mediterranean countries. Here the quality of the water is strongly influenced by the unpredictability of the rainfall as well as year-to-year variations in the seasonal averages. Wise management requires profound knowledge of how these systems function. Thus a holistic approach must be adopted and the factors influencing the seasonal dynamics of the lakes quantified over a range of spatial and temporal scales. In this article, the authors describe some of the ways in which both long-term and short-term changes in the weather have influenced the seasonal and spatial dynamics of phytoplankton in El Gergal, a water supply reservoir situated in the south of Spain. The quality of the water stored in this reservoir is typically very good but surface blooms of algae commonly appear during warm, calm periods when the water level is low. El Gergal reservoir is managed by the Empresa Municipal de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento (EMASESA) and supplies water for domestic, commercial and industrial use to an area which includes the city of Seville and twelve of its surrounding towns (ca. 1.3 million inhabitants). El Gergal is the last of two reservoirs in a chain of four situated in the Rivera de Huelva basin, a tributary of the Guadalquivir river. It was commissioned by EMASESA in 1979 and since then the company has monitored its main limnological parameters on, at least, a monthly basis and used this information to improve the management of the reservoir. As a consequence of these intensive studies the physical, chemical and biological information acquired during this period makes the El Gergal database one of the most complete in Spain. In this article the authors focus on three ‘weather-related’ effects that have had a significant impact on the composition and distribution of phytoplankton in El Gergal: (i) the changes associated with severe droughts; (ii) the spatial variations produced by short-term changes in the weather; (iii) the impact of water transfers on the seasonal dynamics of the dinoflagellate Ceratium.


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Year-to-year changes in the weather have a pronounced effect on the quality of the water abstracted from many reservoirs in the UK. In upland reservoirs, the most common weather-related problem is the appearance of coloured water following dry summers and the re-wetting of peat during the winter (Naden & McDonald 1989; George 2000). In lowland reservoirs, the most serious weather-related issue is the growth of bloom- forming species of algae during warm, calm summers (National Rivers Authority 1989). Both of these problems are likely to get worse as the climate becomes warmer and extreme variations in the weather become more common. In this article, the authors describe some of the ways in which recent changes in the weather have influenced the quality of the water stored in a large reservoir in the south-east of England. The reservoir selected for study is the Queen Elizabeth II (QEII), a bankside reservoir situated in the Thames valley. The quality of water stored in this reservoir is generally very good but summer blooms of algae have become increasingly common in recent years.


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This article outlines the outcome of work that set out to provide one of the specified integral contributions to the overarching objectives of the EU- sponsored LIFE98 project described in this volume. Among others, these included a requirement to marry automatic monitoring and dynamic modelling approaches in the interests of securing better management of water quality in lakes and reservoirs. The particular task given to us was to devise the elements of an active management strategy for the Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir. This is one of the larger reservoirs supplying the population of the London area: after purification and disinfection, its water goes directly to the distribution network and to the consumers. The quality of the water in the reservoir is of primary concern, for the greater is the content of biogenic materials, including phytoplankton, then the more prolonged is the purification and the more expensive is the treatment. Whatever good that phytoplankton may do by way of oxygenation and oxidative purification, it is eventually relegated to an impurity that has to be removed from the final product. Indeed, it has been estimated that the cost of removing algae and microorganisms from water represents about one quarter of its price at the tap. In chemically fertile waters, such as those typifying the resources of the Thames Valley, there is thus a powerful and ongoing incentive to be able to minimise plankton growth in storage reservoirs. Indeed, the Thames Water company and its predecessor undertakings, have a long and impressive history of confronting and quantifying the fundamentals of phytoplankton growth in their reservoirs and of developing strategies for operation and design to combat them. The work to be described here follows in this tradition. However, the use of the model PROTECH-D to investigate present phytoplankton growth patterns in the Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir questioned the interpretation of some of the recent observations. On the other hand, it has reinforced the theories underpinning the original design of this and those Thames-Valley storage reservoirs constructed subsequently. The authors recount these experiences as an example of how simulation models can hone the theoretical base and its application to the practical problems of supplying water of good quality at economic cost, before the engineering is initiated.


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The Mediterranean region is characterised by a variable climate with most of the rain falling during the winter and frequent summer droughts. Such warm, dry periods are ideal for the growth of large algal blooms that often consist of potentially toxic Cyanobacteria. This makes the management of water for human use particularly challenging in such a climate and it is important to understand how such blooms can be avoided or at least be reduced in size. PROTECH (Phytoplankton RespOnses To Environmental CHange) is a model that simulates the dynamics of different species of phytoplankton populations in lakes and reservoirs. Its distinct advantage over similar models is its ability to simulate the relative composition of the algal flora, allowing both quantitative and qualitative conclusions to be drawn e.g. whether Cyanobacteria could be a potential problem. PROTECH has been applied primarily to lakes and reservoirs in northern Europe. Recently, however, the model has been applied to water bodies in lower latitudes, including Australia to a water supply reservoir in the south of Spain, El Gergal. El Gergal is the last in a chain of reservoirs that supply water to the city of Seville. It was brought into service in April 1979 and has a maximum storage volume of 35 000 000 m3. This article summarises the application of PROTECH in order to simulate the following problems: • the effect of a large influx of Ceratium biomass into El Gergal from another reservoir • the effect of using alternative water sources instead of the Guadalquivir River (used occasionally to raise water levels in El Gergal) • the effect of installing tertiary sewage treatment on the Cala River • the effect of simulated drought conditions on phytoplankton in the reservoir.


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This abstract summarises the 1953-1955 surveys of the distribution of benthos in the Rybinsk Reservoirs. It includes the mean biomass of benthos.


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In the Ukraine there are several thousand large, medium and small lakes and lake-like reservoirs, distinguished by origin, salinity, regional position, productivity and by construction a significant number of large and small water bodies, ponds and industrial reservoirs of variable designation. The problem of national systems necessitates the creation of specific schemes and classifications. Classifying into specific types of reservoir by means of suitable specifications is required for planning national measures with the objective of the rational utilisation of natural resources. It is now necessary to consider the present-day characteristics of Ukranian lakes. In the case of the Ukraine it is possible to use two approaches - genetical and ecological. This paper uses the genetical system to classify the lake-like water bodies of the Ukraine.


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Despite the fact that it is a long time sinc e the methods of collection and quantitative estimatio n of protozoa were worked out data on the abundance of these animals in freshwaters are not very numerous. Nevertheless, Infusoria and Rhizopoda at high densities are widespread in the water and sediments of lakes and reservoirs. In order to find ou t the importance of infusoria as a food source for cyclopoids we carried out experimental investigations using C14. For this three species of cyclopoids, widely distributed in open regions of Rybinsk reservoir were selected: Cyclops vicinus, Mesocyclops oithonoides and Kesocyclops leuckarti. The data presented give evidence that the species investigated are able as predators to consume infusorian plankton arid bacteria in the form of flocs or small clumps of detritus.


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The processes of synthesis and destruction of organic matter play an important role in the ”self-cleaning” of reservoirs. The basic problem of this investigation consists of the role of phytoplankton in enriched waters of the Klyaz'minsk water reservoir through the solution of oxygen and its part in the ”self-cleaning” of the water reservoir. Observations on the interesting process of photosynthesis and the breakdown of organic matter was conducted by us on the eastern stretch of water in the Klyaz'minsk Reservoir during the growing periods of 1945 to 1948, by the widely applied bottle method (Vinberg 1934). This study reports mainly on the he vertical distribution of photosynthesis and respiration in plankton of the reservoir.


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This is the final report on the research project to develop predictive models to quantify algal blooms in relation to environmental variables. The project's objectives were to develop models simulating the impact of vertical structure and mass transfer upon the dynamics of planktonic algae, including cyanobacteria, in lakes and reservoirs, to assess the potential of sedimentary phosphorus to sustain algal growth following reduction in external loading and to expand and enhance formulations to predict behaviour of blue-green algal populations and to incorporate these into a model software package. As part of the project a strategy for the production of a user-friendly packaging for the modelling software PROTEC-2 adaptable to particular sites was developed.


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Usually stenobiotic species are used as hydrobiological indicators of the degree of pollution in natural waters. Cladocera are eurybiotic organisms, therefore their role as specific indicators of the water quality is considered to be insignificant. However, considering new methods Cladocera at present are more and more often used as indicators of oligo- and mesosaprobic waters as well as of the presence of considerable amounts of easily degradable organic matter. Work over many years on the biology of Polyphemus pediculus, this striking representative of the order Cladocera, convinced the author of the possibility of using this species not only as an indicator of water purity but also for the estimation of the degree of water pollution as well as of water characteristics such as colour, turbidity, oxgen content and chemical composition. P. pediculus is one of the most common and abundant species of planktonic crustaceans in shallow waters of reservoirs, rivers, lakes, ponds and temporary water bodies.


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The ”Vollenweider model” is a sophisticated mathematical statement about the long-range behaviour of (mainly temperate) lakes and their ability to support phytoplankton chlorophyll. Misapplication of the model, against which Vollenweider himself warned, has led to many misconceptions about the dynamics of plankton in lakes and reservoirs and about how best to manage systems subject to eutrophication. This contribution intends to frame the most important issues in context of the phosphorus- loading and phosphorus-limitation concepts. Emphasis is placed on the need to distinguish rate-limitation from capacity-limitation, to understand which is more manageable and why, to discern the mechanisms of internal recycling and their importance, and to appreciate the respective roles of physical and biotic components in local control of algal dynamics. Some general approaches to the management of water quality in lakes and reservoirs to eutrophication are outlined.


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This article discusses problems of modelling the seasonal succession of algal species in lakes and reservoirs, and the adaptive selection of certain groups of algae in response to changes in the inputs and relative concentrations of nutrients and other environmental variables. A new generation of quantitative models is being developed which attempts to translate some important biological properties of species (survival, variation, inheritance, reproductive rates and population growth) into predictions about the survival of the fittest, where ”fitness” is measured or estimated in thermodynamic terms. The concept of ”exergy” and its calculation is explored to examine maximal exergy as a measure of fitness in ecosystems, and its use for calculating changes in species composition by means of structural dynamic models. These models accomodate short-term changes in parameters that affect the adaptive responses (species selection) of algae.


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A discussion is presented on the current problems facing the freshwater fisheries of Sri Lanka, following the decision taken by the Government to abolish the Inland Fisheries Division of the Fisheries Ministry and to stop aid to freshwater fisheries and aquaculture on the grounds that such practices are not in accordance with the history and tradition of the people of Sri Lanka. Without government subsidies, help and regulation, the freshwater fishery and aquaculture sectors are in grave danger of complete collapse. The need for a comprehensive management plan for the multiple use of the country's reservoirs is stressed.


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The case presented in this article clearly indicates that reservoir and lake resource systems, reservoirs in the Asian context lakes plus reservoirs in the African context, have been given a lower priority than deserved.