86 resultados para Biological cycle
The year 2004 marked the 75th anniversary of the Freshwater Biological Association. The author reflects the history of the Association focusing on the main events of the last 25 years since 1979.
Ephemera danica Müller, 1764 (Ephemeroptera) is one of the largest mayflies found in the British Isles with some females reaching over 30 mm. It is a common and widespread species found in rivers, lakes and streams throughout Europe and is particularly abundant in many of the lowland rivers of the British Isles. The larvae are burrowers – mainly found where silt accumulates below macrophytes. This article gives a general overview of research work on the factors affecting the life cycle of Ephemera danica over a seven year period (1995–2002) on two rivers, the River Test at Leckford in Hampshire and the North Wey at Tilford in Surrey.
This article introduces a new listing of published scientific contributions from the Freshwater Biological Association (FBA) and its later Research Council associates – the Institute of Freshwater Ecology (1989–2000) and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (2000+). The period 1929–2006 is covered. The authors offer also information on specific features of the listing; also an outline of influences that underlay the research, and its scientific scope.
Until now observations on the temporal variation of size of freshwater copepods have not provided much information. Other observers only mention in passing this or that phenomenon from which it is possible to deduct termporal variations. In this study Cyclops strenuus s.l., a freshwater species of fairly wide distribution, is studied in two water bodies. The author studies the systematic, placing of inhabitants described as C. strenuus Fischer in both locations, their annual life cycle, and their annual size variations.
In a lake the nitrogen compounds are liable to regular cycling in which nitrate is reduced and ammonium oxidised. As a nitrate maximum is regularly established in the upper part of the hypolimnion of a stratified summer lake, the authors have dealt in particular with the oxidising side of the nitrogen cycle. Described here are partial results of the nitrification in Plusssee. The Plusssee was chosen, since it is almost entirely without inflows, and, lying in a wooded basin, is well protected from the wind, and therefore stably stratified. In order to determine the number of autotrophic nitrificants the distribution of the Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter spores in the lake were analysed. From the estimates on the determination of spore numbers of the heterotrophic nitrificants, 14 species in the pure culture were isolated and examined from morphological, biochemical and taxonomic viewpoints.
In studying sexual attraction in gammarids of the group pulex, it has seemed necessary to dissociate the processes of moulting and ovogenesis in order to recognize their respective effects on this phenomenon. For this purpose a synthetic hormone, ecdysterone, was utilized. In the first instance the author followed the action of the hormone on isolated females in vitellogenesis. It was proved that the behaviour of Gammarus pulex and Gammarus fossarum vis-a-vis the ecdysterone used proves to be very close to that of isopods that was observed in Orchestia gammarellus in earlier research. Although they were in vitellogenesis, the females saw their intermoult cycle shortened.
Parasitic and infectious diseases of fish, of wide distribution in fish-rearing ponds, retard to a significant extent the development of fish culture in the Ukraine. One of the diseases of fish attracting attention in connection with the general distribution of its causative agent, the fungus Saprolegnia parasitica Coker, in water-bodies of various types, appears to be dermatomycosis. The aim of this investigation is to study the conditions favouring the development of S. parasitica. Among the studied factors were water temperature and oxygen content.
Utilization of the heavy isotope of nitrogen as a tracer has found numerous applications in soil biology. It allows better definition of different stages of the nitrogen cycle, in particular the immobilization-mineralization cycle. In this work, the authors report the results of calculations of natural isotope ratios of nitrogen in samples of water, soil and vegetation prevailing in Dombes and discuss the possibilities of errors and coefficients of fractionation.
The winter eggs of Daphnia pulex, after passing safely through the winter , develop and hatch in the spring, multiplying by themselves, while some males emerging among them with the changes in environment produce fertile eggs, which are universally known as winter eggs . This study researches the factors governing the development of winter eggs through experiments.
Rivers in Teesdale and its fish population have been monitored for several years. This report briefly describes the life cycle of British salmonid fishes and indicates the main ways in which this life cycle is influenced by discharge and related effects. Some highlights of the research results for 1977 - 1981 are briefly stated and proposals for future research are listed. Some practical implications of the results are discussed. (PDF contains 34 pages)
An article looking at the numerical distribution of bacteria in lakes, the types most commonly present and the nitrogen-cycle, in Lake Windermere. The methodology is explained, including the sampling frequency and depths, and bacteria culturing techniques. Water bodies other than Lake Windermere were also sampled and these are detailed, including a water reservoir. A summary of the work into horizontal of bacteria is given, including a table showing the number of bacteria per millilitre at different distances from inflow into Windermere. A summary of the work into vertical distribution is also given, including two figures, one showing seasonal variation during 1938-9 in numbers of bacteria at different depths in Winderemere, and the other showing the relationship between the numbers of bacteria at 10 metres depth in Windermere and the rainfull during the previous 7 days. A summary of the types of bacteria found, as well as work on the nitrogen cycle in Esthwaite Water, Lake Windermere and Blelham Tarn are given.
An article reviewing the methods of biological surveillance of chalk-streams developed and commonly used at that time, with a focus on their application to the River Frome catchment in Dorset. In evaluating the surveillance methods, the author looks at sampling methods (including cores and kick-sampling), the level of identification of macroinvertebrates, and temporal and spatial variations. Responses of indices to organic pollution are also discussed. A number of accompanying figures are also included.
This interim progress report for the 9 months from January 1987 to September 1987 aims to provide insights into the mechanisms by which populations of particles (in this instance, phytoplankton) behave in relation to fluvial flow and, thus, to better model the dispersive properties of rivers and the ecological principles governing the distribution of potamoplankton generally. The author has been able to show with dye-tracers that significant water retention in pool reaches occurs within the range of (low) discharges obtaining, in accord with the Aggregated Dead Zone model and to an extent comparable with streams and small rivers investigated previously.
A brief history of the Freshwater Biological Association is given in this article. The association has been in existence for fifty years, having been founded in 1929.
Recent work carried out in the English Lake District (Esthwaite Water and Blelham Tarn) is reported. The seasonal growth cycle, diel growth cycle, photosynthesis, vertical distribution and migrations, horizontal distribution, and the interaction of environmental factors, were investigated.