64 resultados para 156-949A


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Large quantities of self-brine accumulating in curing tanks during the process of commercial fish salting is mostly wasted at present. This liquor exuded from the fish during the process of salting contains considerable amounts of soluble proteins and minerals. Due to the presence of organic matter the self-brine quickly putrefies causing nauseating smell. This renders the whole surroundings insanitary and often leads to health hazards to neighboring localities. Any economic method of utilising this waste brine and converting it into some useful product will be a tangible help to the fish curing industry. Hence, a method is given for converting this waste self-brine into a cheap and efficient fertilizer.


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An attempt was made to breed goldspot mullet, Liza parsia in captivity through hormone induction. The fish started spawning 35-36 hours after a single dose of 2ml ova prim per kg body weight. Hatching of fertilized eggs completed within 42-48 hours after spawning. The mean hatching rate (%) was 71.33±12 corresponding to the fertilization rate (%) of 64±12. The larvae started its first external feeding on the third day and attained a length 2.5±0.25 mm. The salinity of both breeding and rearing cisterns was 20‰ and temperature was maintained at 22-23°C.


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The Farm Pond, University of Ife, was impounded by the construction of a dam, below the confluence of two small streams, between March and July, 1967. The pond is located at an altitude of 122.4 m. 0.D., its outline is an indented trapezium occupying 445 dkrn' at maximum fill. Natural food is fed into the pond by its two inlets, and the pond is often coloured a darkish brown due to the abundance of plankton. In 1969, on the recommendation by the Fishery Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ibadan, about four standard head-pans of poultry droppings per 40 dkm2 per month were spread uniformly over the pond during 1969 and 1970. Also four pounds of triple superphosphate per acre per month were spread for a period of six months. The pond was drained a number of times in 1970. However, the lowest average level of 1.37 m was recorded in April, 1970, before drainage began; and the maximum depth of 5.7 m was recorded in September and October, 1970.


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Aquaculture in Tanzania is still on a subsistence level and most of the ponds are maintained as part time job. The ponds are too small, shallow and over crowded with stunted Tilapia spp. In the present paper the results of experiments conducted in ponds at Nyegezi with T. esculenta and T. zillii are presented. This was part of an overall project of developing techniques of fish cultures with Tilapia under the limited existing conditions at Nyegezi. In a mono - species culture experiement with Tilapia zillii in nine month's time an average size of 172.8 mm/115.0 g was attained. In another experiment with T. zillii and T. esculenta in thirteen month's time, T. zillii attained an average size of 180.2mm/106.6 g and T. esculenta 193.6 mm/118.8 g. In another experiment with intensive feeding schedule an average size of 179.3 mm/126.6 g was attained by T. zillii and 191.0 mm/125.0 g by T. esculenta in four month's time. A locally prepared supplimentary feed with local Brewery Waste and Fish Meal (10:1) was readily accepted by both species of Tilapia. T. zillii voraciously fed on Cabbage leaves, Cauliflower leaves, Chinese cabbage leaves, Cassava leaves and on the common weed Comalina sp. Though all the items mentioned above were readily accepted by T. zillii feeding with Comaltna sp. was the easiest and most convenient because of its availability. In an intensive feeding experiment with vegetable leaves/Comalina sp. and the locally prepared supplimentary feed the fishes attained table size in four months time. Cement cistens of 5 X 3 X 1½ m size could be conveniently used for breeding both species of Tilapia. T. zillii had semi adhesive eggs and they were deposited on the sides of the cement wall. The number of young ones in a brood ranged from 160 to 314 in T. esculenta and 687 to 4,356 in T. zillii.