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Octopuses are commonly taken as bycatch in many trap fisheries for spiny lobsters (Decapoda: Palinuridae) and can cause significant levels of within-trap lobster mortality. This article describes spatiotemporal patterns for Maori octopus (Octopus maorum) catch rates and rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) mortality rates and examines factors that are associated with within-trap lobster mortality in the South Australian rock lobster fishery (SARLF). Since 1983, between 38,000 and 119,000 octopuses per annum have been taken in SARLF traps. Catch rates have fluctuated between 2.2 and 6.2 octopus/100 trap-lifts each day. There is no evidence to suggest that catch rates have declined or that this level of bycatch is unsustainable. Over the last five years, approximately 240,000 lobsters per annum have been killed in traps, representing ~4% of the total catch. Field studies show that over 98% of within-trap lobster mortality is attributable to octopus predation. Lobster mortality rates are positively correlated with the catch rates of octopus. The highest octopus catch rates and lobster mortality rates are recorded during summer and in the more productive southern zone of the fishery. In the southern zone, within-trap lobster mortality rates have increased in recent years, apparently in response to the increase in the number of lobsters in traps and the resultant increase in the probability of octopus encountering traps containing one or more lobsters. Lobster mortality rates are also positively correlated with soak-times in the southern zone fishery and with lobster size. Minimizing trap soak-times is one method currently available for reducing lobster mortality rates. More significant reductions in the rates of within-trap lobster mortality may require a change in the design of lobster traps.


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Novel data on the spatial and temporal distribution of fishing effort and population abundance are presented for the market squid fishery (Loligo opalescens) in the Southern California Bight, 1992−2000. Fishing effort was measured by the detection of boat lights by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS). Visual confirmation of fishing vessels by nocturnal aerial surveys indicated that lights detected by satellites are reliable indicators of fishing effort. Overall, fishing activity was concentrated off the following Channel Islands: Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, and Santa Catalina. Fishing activity occurred at depths of 100 m or less. Landings, effort, and squid abundance (measured as landings per unit of effort, LPUE) markedly declined during the 1997−98 El Niño; landings and LPUE increased afterwards. Within a fishing season, the location of fishing activity shifted from the northern shores of Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands in October, the typical starting date for squid fishing in the Bight, to the southern shores by March, the typical end of the squid season. Light detection by satellites offers a source of fine-scale spatial and temporal data on fishing effort for the market squid fishery off California, and these data can be integrated with environmental data and fishing logbook data in the development of a management plan.


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In May 2001, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) opened two areas in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean that had been previously closed to the U.S. sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) dredge fishery. Upon reopening these areas, termed the “Hudson Canyon Controlled Access Area” and the “Virginia Beach Controlled Access Area,” NMFS observers found that marine turtles were being caught incidentally in scallop dredges. This study uses the generalized linear model and the generalized additive model fitting techniques to identify environmental factors and gear characteristics that influence bycatch rates, and to predict total bycatch in these two areas during May-December 2001 and 2002 by incorporating environmental factors into the models. Significant factors affecting sea turtle bycatch were season, time-of-day, sea surface temperature, and depth zone. In estimating total bycatch, rates were stratified according to a combination of all these factors except time-of-day which was not available in fishing logbooks. Highest bycatch rates occurred during the summer season, in temperatures greater than 19°C, and in water depths from 49 to 57 m. Total estimated bycatch of sea turtles during May–December in 2001 and 2002 in both areas combined was 169 animals (CV=55.3), of which 164 (97%) animals were caught in the Hudson Canyon area. From these findings, it may be possible to predict hot spots for sea turtle bycatch in future years in the controlled access areas.


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Waters off the Falkland Islands are subject to a specialized multispecies ray fishery and were first fished by a Korean fleet in 1989. More than twenty different rajid species have been recorded from catches around the islands, and five species accounted for 87.04% of the total catch during 1993−2002. Catches peaked in 1993 at 8523 metric tons, and specific fishing licenses — R (second season) and F (first season) — were first introduced in 1994 and in 1995, respectively (Agnew et al. 2000; Falkland Islands Government, 2002; Wakeford et al., in press).


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The Pacific threadfin (Polydactylus sexfilis) is considered one of the premier Hawaiian food fishes but even with catch limits, seasonal closures, and size limits, catches have declined dramatically since the 1960s. It was identified as the top candidate species for stock enhancement in Hawaii, based on the decline in stocks, high market value, and importance of the fishery. In the stock enhancement program for Pacific threadfin, over 430,000 fingerlings of various sizes were implanted with coded wire tags and released in nursery habitats along the windward coast of Oahu between 1993 and 1998. Because few Pacific threadfin were present in creel surveys conducted between 1994 and 1998, Oahu fishermen were offered a $10 reward for each threadfin that was caught (for both hatchery-reared and wild fish). A total of 1882 Pacific threadfin were recovered from the reward program between March 1998 and May 1999, including 163 hatchery-reared fish, an overall contribution of 8.7% to the fishery. Hatchery-reared fish accounted for as high as 71% of returns in the release areas. Hatchery-reared fish were recovered on average 11.5 km (SD=9.8 km) from the release site, although some had moved as far away as 42 km. Average age for recovered hatchery-reared fish was 495 days; the oldest was 1021 days. Cultured Pacific threadfin juveniles survived and recruited successfully to the recreational fishery, accounting for 10% of fishermen’s catches on the windward side of Oahu. Recruitment to the fishery was highest for the 1997 release year; few juveniles from earlier releases were observed. Presence of a few large, fully developed females in the recreational fishery suggested that hatchery-reared fish can survive, grow, and reproductively contribute to the population. Implementation of an enhancement program that is focused on juveniles and perhaps large females, as part of an integrated fishery management strategy, could speed the recovery of this fish population.


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A general model for yield-per-recruit analysis of rotational (periodic) fisheries is developed and applied to the sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) fishery of the northwest Atlantic. Rotational fishing slightly increases both yield- and biomass-per-recruit for sea scallops at FMAX. These quantities decline less quickly when fishing mortality is increased beyond FMAX than when fishing is at a constant rate. The improvement in biomass-per-recruit appears to be nearly independent of the selectivity pattern but increased size-at-entry can reduce or eliminate the yield-per-recruit advantage of rotation. Area closures and rotational fishing can cause difficulties with the use of standard spatially averaged fishing mortality metrics and reference points. The concept of temporally averaged fishing mortality is introduced as one that is more appropriate for sedentary resources when fishing mortality varies in time and space.


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Tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus) and thornback ray (Raja clavata) are the two most captured elasmobranch species by the Azorean bottom longline fishery. In order to better understand the trophic dynamics of these species in the Azores, the diets of thornback ray and tope shark caught in this area during 1996 and 1997 were analyzed to describe feeding patterns and to investigate the effect of sex, size, and depth and area of capture on diet. Thornback rays fed mainly upon fishes and reptants, but also upon polychaetes, mysids, natant crustaceans, isopods, and cephalopods. In the Azores, this species preyed more heavily upon fish compared with the predation patterns described in other areas. Differences in the diet may be due to differences in the environments (e.g. in the Azores, seamounts and oceanic islands are the major topographic features, whereas in all other studies, continental shelves have been the major topographic feature). No differences were observed in the major prey consumed between the sexes or between size classes (49−60, 61−70, 71−80, and 81−93 cm TL). Our study indicates that rays inhabiting different depths and areas (coastal or offshore banks) prey upon different resources. This appears to be related to the relative abundance of prey with habitat. Tope sharks were found to prey almost exclusively upon teleost fish: small shoaling fish, mainly boarfish (Capros aper) and snipefish (Macroramphosus scolopax), were the most frequent prey. This study illustrates that thornback rays and tope sharks are top predators in waters off the Azores.


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Bycatch studies have largely ignored population level effects on fish species of little commercial interest. Here we analyze bycatch of the lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) in the bait-shrimp trawl fishery in Hernando Beach, Florida, providing the first fisheries data for this species. Based on catch per unit of effort (CPUE), size, sex, and reproductive status of trawled H. erectus, 1) approximately 72,000 seahorses were caught annually by this fleet, from a population of unknown size, 2) trawling affected population cohorts differentially because of temporal and spatial variation in CPUE and population size, and 3) a greater proportion of females than males was removed in trawling. Our findings suggest that trawling may affect seahorse populations through direct mortality, social disruption, and habitat damage. However, the lack of specific abundance or catchability estimates for H. erectus means that the precise impact of trawling on this fish remains uncertain. This paper focuses attention on the need for research and monitoring of small fishes that are caught incidentally in nonselective gear.


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Between March 2000 and April 2001 two commercial fishing vessels fished for toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) off South Georgia using pots. A significant number of lithodid crabs (three species of Paralomis spp.) were caught as bycatch. Paralomis spinosissima occurred in shallow water, generally shallower than 700 m. Paralomis anamerae, not previously reported from this area and therefore representing a considerable southerly extension in the reported geographic range of this species, had an intermediate depth distribution from 400 to 800 m. Paralomis formosa was present in shallow waters but reached much higher catch levels (and, presumably, densities) between 800 and 1400 m. Differences were also noted in depth distribution of the sexes and size of crabs. Depth, soak time, and area were found to significantly influence crab catch rates. Few crabs (3% of P. spinosissima and 7% of P. formosa) were males above the legal size limit and could therefore be retained. All other crabs were discarded. Most crabs (>99% of P. formosa, >97% of P. spinosissima, and >90% of P. anamerae) were lively on arrival on deck and at subsequent discard. Mortality rates estimated from re-immersion experiments indicated that on the vessel where pots were emptied directly onto the factory conveyor belt 78–89% of crabs would survive discarding, whereas on the vessel where crabs were emptied down a vertical chute prior to being sorted, survivorship was 38–58%. Of the three, P. anamerae was the most vulnerable to handling onboard and sub-sequent discarding. Paralomis spinosissima seemed more vulnerable than P. formosa.


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Otolith thermal marking is an efficient method for mass marking hatchery-reared salmon and can be used to estimate the proportion of hatchery fish captured in a mixed-stock fishery. Accuracy of the thermal pattern classification depends on the prominence of the pattern, the methods used to prepare and view the patterns, and the training and experience of the personnel who determine the presence or absence of a particular pattern. Estimating accuracy rates is problematic when no secondary marking is available and no error-free standards exist. Agreement measures, such as kappa (κ), provide a relative measure of the reliability of the determinations when independent readings by two readers are available, but the magnitude of κ can be influenced by the proportion of marked fish. If a third reader is used or if two or more groups of paired readings are examined, latent class models can provide estimates of the error rates of each reader. Applications of κ and latent class models are illustrated by a program providing contribution estimates of hatchery-reared chum and sockeye salmon in Southeast Alaska.


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Two bycatch reduction devices (BRDs)—the extended mesh funnel (EMF) and the Florida fisheye (FFE)—were evaluated in otter trawls with net mouth circumferences of 14 m, 17 m, and 20 m and total net areas of 45 m2. Each test net was towed 20 times in parallel with a control net that had the same dimensions and configuration but no BRD. Both BRDs were tested at night during fall 1996 and winter 1997 in Tampa Bay, Florida. Usually, the bycatch was composed principally of finfish (44 species were captured); horseshoe crabs and blue crabs seasonally predominated in some trawls. Ten finfish species composed 92% of the total finfish catch; commercially or recreationally valuable species accounted for 7% of the catch. Mean finfish size in the BRD-equipped nets was usually slightly smaller than that in the control nets. Compared with the corresponding control nets, both biomass and number of finfish were almost always less in the BRD-equipped nets but neither shrimp number nor biomass were significantly reduced. The differences in proportions of both shrimp and finfish catch between the BRD-equipped and control nets varied between seasons and among net sizes, and differences in finfish catch were specific for each BRD type and season. In winter, shrimp catch was highest and size range of shrimp was greater than in fall. Season-specific differences in shrimp catch among the BRD types occurred only in the 14-m, EMF nets. Finfish bycatch species composition was also highly seasonal; each species was captured mainly during only one season. However, regardless of the finfish composition, the shrimp catch was relatively constant. In part as a result of this study, the State of Florida now requires the use of BRDs in state waters.


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There has been much recent interest in the effects of fishing on habitat and non-target species, as well as in protecting certain areas of the seabed from these effects (e.g. Jennings and Kaiser, 1998; Benaka, 1999; Langton and Auster, 1999; Kaiser and de Groot, 2000). As part of an effort to determine the effectiveness of marine closed areas in promoting recovery of commercial species (e.g. haddock, Melanogrammus aegelfinus; sea scallops, Placopecten magellanicus; yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea; cod, Gadus morhua), nontarget species, and habitat, a multidisciplinary research cruise was conducted by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), National Marine Fisheries Service. The cruise was conducted in closed area II (CA-II) of the eastern portion of Georges Bank during 19–29 June 2000 (Fig. 1). The area has historically produced high landings of scallops but was closed in 1994 principally for groundfish recovery (Fogarty and Murawski, 1998). The southern portion of the area was reopened to scallop fishing from 15 June to 12 November 1999, and again from 15 June to 15 August 2000. While conducting our planned sampling, we observed scallop viscera (the noncalcareous remains from scallops that have been shucked by commercial fishermen at sea) in the stomachs of several fish species at some of these locations, namely little skate (Raja erinacea), winter skate (R. ocellata), red hake (Urophycis chuss), and longhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus). We examined the stomach contents of a known scavenger, the longhorn sculpin, to evaluate and document the extent of this phenomenon.


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The goal of our study was to understand the spatial and temporal variation in spawning and settlement of gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) along the West Florida shelf (WFS). Juvenile gray snapper were collected over two consecutive years from seagrass meadows with a benthic scrape and otter trawl. Spawning, settlement, and growth patterns were compared across three sampling regions (Panhandle, Big bend, and Southwest) by using otolith microstructure. Histology of adult gonads was also used for an independent estimate of spawning time. Daily growth increments were visible in the lapilli of snapper 11–150 mm standard length; ages ranged from 38 to 229 days and estimated average planktonic larval duration was 25 days. Estimated growth rates ranged from 0.60 to 1.02 mm/d and did not differ among the three sampling regions, but did differ across sampling years. Back-calculated fertilization dates from otoliths indicated that juveniles in the Panhandle and Big Bend were mainly summer spawned fish, whereas Southwest juveniles had winter and summer fertilization dates. Settlement occurred during summer both years and in the winter of 1997 for the southern portion of the WFS. Moon phase did not appear to be strongly correlated with fertilization or settlement. Histological samples of gonads from adults collected near the juvenile sampling areas indicated a summer spawning period.