867 resultados para Fisheries management
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Cooperative Shark Tagging Program (CSTP) is part of continuing research directed to the study of the biology of large Atlantic sharks. The CSTP was initiated in 1962 at the Sandy Hook Laboratory in New Jersey under the Department of Interior's U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). During the late 1950's and early 1960's, sharks were considered a liability to the economy of resort communities, of little or no commercial value, and a detriment to fishermen in areas where sharks might damage expensive fishing gear or reduce catches of more commercially valuable species.
Since 1984, annual bottom trawl surveys of the west coast (California–Washington) upper continental slope (WCUCS) have provided information on the abundance, distribution, and biological characteristics of groundfish resources. Slope species of the deep-water complex (DWC) are of particular importance and include Dover sole, Microstomus pacificus; sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria; shortspine thornyhead, Sebastolobus alascanus; and longspine thornyhead, S. altivelis. In the fall of 1994, we conducted an experimental gear research cruise in lieu of our normal survey because of concerns about the performance of the survey trawl. The experiment was conducted on a soft mud bottom at depths of 460–490 m off the central Oregon coast. Treatments included different combinations of door-bridle rigging, groundgear weight, and scope length. The experimental design was a 2 ´ 2 ´ 2 factorial within a randomized complete-block. Analysis of variance was used to examine the effects of gear modifications on the engineering performance of the trawl (i.e. trawl dimensions, variation in trawl dimensions, and door attitude) and to determine if catch rates in terms of weight and number of DWC species and invertebrates were affected by the gear modifications. Trawl performance was highly variable for the historically used standard trawl configuration. Improvements were observed with the addition of either a 2-bridle door or lighter ground gear. Changes in scope length had relatively little effect on trawl performance. The interaction of door bridle and ground gear weight had the most effect on trawl performance. In spite of the standard trawl’s erratic performance, catch rates of all four DWC species and invertebrates were not significantly different than the 2-bridle/heavy combination, which did the best in terms of engineering performance. The most important factor affecting DWC catch rates was ground gear. Scope length and the type of door bridle had little effect on DWC catch rates. Subsequent revisions to survey gear and towing protocol and their impact on the continuity of the slope survey time series are discussed.
Mortality of diamondback terrapins, Malaclemys terrapin, in blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, traps has become a controversial bycatch issue in some areas. Traps with turtle excluder devices (TED’s) had increased sublegal (14.5%), legal (32.9%), and total (25.7%) blue crab catch per trap day (CPUE). There were statistically significant differences between total (P=0.0202) and legal (0.0174) CPUE for standard traps and traps with TED’s. The increased catch rates of blue crabs in traps with TED’s may be due to decreased escapement through the entrance f
A first assessment ofimportant East China Sea fisheries was carried out using data from 1956 to 1993. Two different data sets were available: 1) catch and effort data taken from landings and boat registrations and 2) catch and effort data from skipper's logs taken at sea. The two sets provided similar trends in CPUE over the study period. Stocks of high value, low volume species have been fished heavily and now produce very low landings or have been depleted (e.g. small and large yellow croaker). Some high volume and low value species have also been heavily fished (e.g. green filefish) while others (e.g. hairtail) are still producing high landings. Surplus production models were fitted to seven stocks. All showed considerable fluctuations in landings around MSY. The green filefish stock had an estimated MSY of around 160,000 tlyr at an effort of 2,500,000 kw and was depleted by a combination of excessive effort (around 4,000,000 kw in 1993) and marked fluctuations in landings (up to 70,000 tlyr above or below MSY). A sustainable policyfor managing ECS fisheries should address the effects ofboth effort and environmental variation.
China's marine aquaculture landings provide only 18% of its combined freshwater and amrine capture and culture landings, at a per-capita consumption of only 3.2 kg/yr out of a total of 18.1 kg/yr. We described development and some of the results of long-term mariculture and stocking/enhancement projects that have been underway for up to 20 years in the Hangzhou Bay area. Penaeus orientalis (also referred to as P. chinensis) stocking provided up to 400 t/yr, at a total cost-benefit ratio of up to 8 Yuan of landed shrimp per Yuan invested in shrimp stocking. Over 40 t of Penaeus orientalis were produced commercially in 1993, with proceeds being used to fund mariculture and fisheries research. Large scale edible jellyfish restocking is also underway, while semicommercial culture of abalone, Haliotis diversicolor, has been successful. Technical problems limitig mariculture have been solved successfully for some species.
During 1995 and 1996, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), conducted pilot studies to develop survey methodology and a sampling strategy for assessment of coastal shark populations in the Gulf of Mexico and western North Atlantic. Longline gear similar to that used in the commercial shark fishery was deployed at randomly selected stations within three depth strata per 60 nautical mile gridf rom Brownsville, Tex. to Cape Ann, Mass. The survey methodology and gear design used in these surveys proved effective for capturing many of the small and large coastal sharks regulated under the auspices of the 1993 Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) for Sharks oft he Atlantic Ocean. Shark catch rates, species composition, and relative abundance documented in these pilot surveys were similar to those reported from observer programs monitoring commercial activities. During 78 survey days, 269 bottom longline sets were completed with 879 sharks captured.
The Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council tasked the National Marine Fisheries Service with determining the extent, if any, of loss oft rawlable bottom in the Gulf of Mexico based upon fishing industry concerns. There are approximately 31 million hectares in the 21 shrimp statistical zones in the Gulf, approximately 23 million hectares of waters that are <35 fathoms (where most shrimp trawling effort occurs), and approximately 11 million hectares in zones 10-21, <35f athoms, which were examined. There are 31,338 known hangs, snags, artificial reefs, hazards to navigation, oil rigs, and similar obstructions which cause trawling to be unfeasible in these zones. There are several refuge (i.e. untrawlable) areas associated with the Alabama Artificial Reefs. Conservatively assuming 1 hectare for each known obstruction, coupled with the known area of each refuge, the estimate of total untrawlable bottom in zones 10-21 less than 35 fathoms in the Gulf is 185,953 hectares, or roughly 1.7% of this total trawlable area. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated the robustness of this assumption, with a range of 0.3-4.3% possible. In specific shrimp zones, untrawlable area is much less than 1% except in zones 10 (26%) and 11(2.5%), both of which possess a refuge. Other than the implementation periods of these refugia, no temporal trends were detectable with respect to the amount of untrawlable bottom.
Mexico has an oyster industry of substantial size, ranking about sixth in the world. In 1993, among the top ten oyster producers, Korea, Japan, the United States, China, and France ranked ahead of Mexico, while the Philippines, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand trailed it (Fig. 1). On its east coast, the species landed is the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, while on its west coast C. corteziensis, C. iridescens, and the Pacific oyster, C. gigas, are landed. During the last 10-15 years, annual production often was at least 50,000 t of shelled oysters, or nearly 1.5 million bushels (Anonymous, 1995), with the great preponderance (90%) coming from a series of lagoons connecting with the Gulf of Mexico along the east coast (Fig. 2) and the remainder produced on the west coast.
In this paper we estimate nominal and standardized shrimping effort in the Gulf of Mexico for the years 1965 through 1993. We accomplish this by first developing a standardization method (model) and then an expansion method (model). The expansion model estimates nominal days fished for noninterview landings data. The standardization model converts nominal days fished to standard days fished. We then characterize the historical trends of the penaeid shrimp fishery byvessel configuration, relative fishing power, and nominal and standardized effort. Wherever possible, we provide comparison with previous estimates by the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA.
The U.S. tropical tuna purse seine fleet has fished the central-western Pacific Ocean under the South Pacific Tuna Treaty since 1988. The 1996 fishery was the poorest since the start ofthe Treaty. Fishing effort declined due to the financial collapse of a large fishing enterprise. Catches reached record lows for yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, and skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, and continued a declining trend that started in 1995. Catch rates also decreased to the lowest levels since 1991. Whether this declining trend in catch rates is due to reduced availability of fish caused by cyclic ocean environmental changes affecting vulnerability or to reduced abundance from excessive fishing pressure is not yet known and needs to be assessed.
In August, 1991, an entanglement event was observed in the High Seas Driftnet area in the North Pacific. This description of an entanglement of Lagenorhynchus obliquidens is the first such documented report of dolphins entangling while bowriding. One of the entangled dolphins was rescued from the driftnet.
Simulations based on a yield-per-recruit model were performed to analyze the impact ofg rowth overfishing on brown shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, and to assess the effects of a closed season inshore and offshore of the Mexican States of Tamaulipas and Veracruz. Closure of both the inshore and offshore fisheries could enhance cohort yield by more than 300%. Cohon yield enhancement would be only about 60-80% if only the offshore season were closed. The closed season of 1993 gave better results as it covered a larger part of the brown shrimp peak recruitment period. Catch per unit of effort (CPUE) after closure in 1993, compared with 1994, was 2.4 times higher than the mean CPUE of the month. Total annual offshore yield increased 72% in 1993 (3,800 metric tons (t)) and 10% in 1994 (506 t) with respect to the mean annual offshore catch during the 10-year period prior to the 1993 closure. Simulation results could help identify alternatives that permit the coexistence of the inshore and offshore fisheries while maintaining high profitability of the brown shrimp fishery.
An observer program of the shark drift gillnet fishery off the Atlantic coast of Florida and Georgia was begun in 1993 to define the fishery and estimate bycatch including bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, and sea turtles. Boats in the fishery were 12.2-19.8 m long. Nets used were 275-1,800 m long and 3.2-4.1 m deep. Stretched-mesh sizes used were 12.7-29.9 cm. Fishing trips were usually <18 h and occurred within 30 n.mi. of port. Fishing with an observer aboard occurred between Savannah, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla., and off Cape Canaveral, Fla. Nets were set at least 3 n.mi. offshore. Numbers of boats in the fishery increased from 5 in 1993 to 11 in 1995, but total trips decreased from 185 in 1994 to 149 in 1995. During 1993-95, 48 observer trips were completed and 52 net sets were observed. No marine mammals were caught and two loggerhead turtles, Caretta caretta, were caught and released alive. A total of 9,270 animals (12 shark, 21 teleost, 4 ray, and 1 sea turtle species) were captured. Blacknose, Carcharhinus acronotus; Atlantic sharpnose, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae; and blacktip shark, C. limbatus), were the dominant sharks caught. King mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalIa; little tunny, Euthynnus alleteratus; and cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus, were the dominant bycatch species. About 8.4% of the total catch was bycatch. Of the totals, 9.4% of the sharks and 37.3% ofthe bycatch were discarded.
Catch rates and sizes of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, were compared in traps with 2.54 cm (1.0 inch), 3.81 cm (1.5 inches), and 5.08 cm (2.0 inches) square mesh, 2.54 by 5.08 cm rectangular mesh, and 3.81 cm hexagonal mesh. Catch of legal blue crabs by number was significantly greater in the traditional hexagonal mesh trap than in all other trap types. Sublegal catch by number was highest (34.1-63.3% of total) in the 2.54 cm and 3.81 cm square mesh and rectangular mesh traps and lowest in the 5.08 cm square mesh trap. The hexagonal mesh trap had significantly lower catch rates of sublegal blue crabs than all other trap types except the 5.08 cm square mesh. Mean size of blue crabs by trap type exhibited an inverse pattern to that shown by catch of sublegal crabs. The most effective trap to maximize legal catch and minimize sublegal catch was the 3.81 cm hexagonal mesh trap followed by the 5.08 cm square mesh trap.
Oyster landings in the United States and Canada have been based mainly on three species, the native eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, native Olympia oyster, Ostreola conchaphila, and introduced Pacific oyster, C. gigas. Landings reached their peak of around 27 million bushels/year in the late 1800's and early 1900's when eastern oysters were a common food throughout the east coast and Midwest. Thousands of people were involved in harvesting them with tongs and dredges and in shucking, canning, packing, and transporting them. Since about 1906, when the United States passed some pure food laws, production has declined. The causes have been lack of demand, siltation of beds, removal of cultch for oyster larvae while harvesting oysters, pollution of market beds, and oyster diseases. Production currently is about 5.6 million bushels/year.