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Invertebrates constitute a major link in energy flow culminating into fish production in aquatic ecosystems. In tropical water bodies relatively little research has been done on invertebrate ecology especially their role in fishery production. European scientists through periodic expeditions to Africa in the last quarter of the 20th century carried out the earliest research on zooplankton. Rzoska (1957) listed these early workers including Stuhlmann (1888), Weltner (1897) and Mrazek (1897-1898). Daday (1907), Verestchagin (1915) and Delachaux (1917) undertook further work during the early twentieth century. These earlyworks provide a useful basis for tracking community changes by comparison with modem investigations. Worthington (1931) provided the first quantitative account of the zooplankton of Lake Victoria along with information on diurnal vertical migrations, compared to a temperate lake. The establishment of the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation (EAFFRO) at Jinja in 1947 enabled investigations on the fisheries, algae, invertebrates and water quality aspects of the lake (EAFFRO Annual Reports 1947-1977) to be regularly carried out. Macdonald (1956) made the first detailed observations on the biology of chaoborids and chironomids (IakefJies) in relation to the feeding of the elephant snout fish, Mormyrus kannume. A detailed study of the biology of the mayfly, Povilla adusta Navas with special reference to the diurnal rhythms of activity was carried out by Hartland-Rowe (1957). The search to unravel the ecological role of aquatic invertebrates in the production dynamics of the lake has taken invertebrate research to greater heights through recent investigations including Okedi (1990), Mavut


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The Victoria and Kyoga lake basins form the major aquatic system of this study (Fig. I). The two lake basins share a common evolutionary history and have similar native fish faunas (Graham 1929, Worthington 1929). The two main lakes have also had similar impacts by introduction of Nile perch Lates niloticus and therefore these two lakes can be considered to be similar for ichiogeographical purposes. These lake basins have many satellite lakes isolated from one another and from the main lakes Victoria and Kyoga by swamps and other barriers. Some of these satellite lakes still possess stocks of endemic fish species which are almost extinct from the main water bodies. It was therefore considered that understanding of these lakes would contribute to the knowledge base required to solve some of the problems experienced in Lake Victoria and Kyoga especially the loss in trophic diversity arising. The study was carried out in these two main water bodies (Kyoga and Victoria) and on other satellite lakes e.g Wamala, Kachera, Mburo, Kayanja and Kayugi in the Victoria lake basin and lakes Nawampasa, Nyaguo, Agu, Gigate, Lemwa and Kawi in the Kyoga lake basin (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6).


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The Victoria and Kyoga lake basins had a high fish species diversity with many fish species that were found only in these lakes. Two Tilapiines species Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis variabilis were the most important commercial species in these lakes and were found nowhere else on earth except in the Victoria and Kyoga lake basins (Graham 1929, Worthington 1929). Lakes Kyoga and Nabugabo also had endemic haplochromine species (Worthington 1929, Trewavas 1933, Greenwood 1965, 1966). As stocks of introduced species increased, stocks of most of the native species declined rapidly or disappeared altogether. The study was carried out on Lakes Victoria and Kyoga, River Nile, some selected satellite lakes from the two basins namely Lakes Mburo, Kachera, Wamala, Kayanja, Kayugi, Nabugabo, Victoria, Victoria nile and River Sio(Victoria lake basin). Lakes Kyoga (Iyingo), Nawampasa, Nakuwa, Gigati, Nyaguo, Agu, Kawi and Lemwa (Kyoga lake basin). Species composillon and relative abundance of fishes were estimated by detennining the overall average total number of each species encountered. A trophic consists of species using the same food category. Shannon-Weaver Index of diversity H (Pielou, 1969) and number of trophic groups, were used to estimate the Trophic diversity of various fish species in the lakes. Food analysis has been done on some fishes in some of the sampled lakes and is still going on, on remaining fishes and in some lakes. Generally fish ingested detritus, Spirulina, Melosira, filamentous algae, Planktolyngbya, Microcysists, Anabaena, Merismopedia, Spirogyra, higher plant material, rotifers, Ostracodes, Chironomid larvae and pupae, Choaborus larvae, Odonata, Povilla, Insect remains, Caridina, fish eggs and fish. Eight trophic groups were identified from thes food items ingestes. These included detritivores, algae eaters, higher plant eaters, zooplanktivores, insectivores, molluscivores, prawn eaters, paedophages and piscivores. Trophic diversity by number of trophic groups was highest in Lake Kyoga (6) followed by lakes Kayugi, Nabugabo, River Nile and Mburo (3) and the lowest number was recorded in kachera (2).


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The Uganda waters of Lake Victoria comprise an area of 28,500 square kilometres with a shore line of 2,380 kilometres extending from the Uganda/Tanzania border in the west to the Uganda/Kenya border in the east. A large part of the Uganda waters of the lake is less than 60 metres deep, waters deeper than 60 metres being on the eastern side of the lake. Thus the Uganda part of the lake is tilted towards the east. A number of rivers drain into the lake from the north and the River Nile flows out of the lake towards the Mediterranean Sea. The Ssese, Kome, Buvuma and Busoga Islands form a very distinctive feature of the lake. These are perhaps the remaining high hills which survived the drowning of the northern valleys during the formation of the lake. In fact, in T. P. O'Brien's book 'The Prehistoric Uganda Protectorate (1939)', Solmon gives a critical summary of the work on the formation of Lake Victoria and shows that the northern part of the lake has numerous drowned valleys, a feature which provides varying habitats for particular species of fish and which may have an effect on the species composition reflected in the catches in different areas along the northern shore of the lake. It is interesting to note that although Lake Victoria as a whole has a number of rivers draining into it, Halbfass (1923) calculated and found that 76 per cent of the water entering the lake is precipitation on the lake surface.


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The purpose of this present study therefore is to provide and update the AES Nile Power EIA baseline information on the ecology of the river ecosystem prior to the construction of the dam. The study is intended to provide a basis for evaluating the impact of the project on the river environment, the biological resources associated with it and fisheries socia-economics and the vector/sanitation status. This report presents the findings of the first sampling regime which was conducted between the dates of 6th-13th April 2006 and compared with the AESNP Environmental Impact Assessment findings of the second quarter carried out during 5th-14th April 2000.


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An ecological survey of the fisheries of Lake Baringo, Kenya was carried out between August, 1972 and August, 1973. The bionomics and population structure of T. nilotica is described. Sampling was done with multifilament gillnets of graded mesh sizes from 51 mm to 178 mm in approximately 12.5 mm increments. The Lake was divided into three sampling and ecologically different zones - the south, central and north zones. The size range of T. nilotica of both sexes caught was between 5 and 27 cm (mode 16 cm) with a mean length of 16.07 cm. For all the collections, males dominated (55.3%) and a higher proportion of males were caught in January, August and November. The smallest mature male and female was 9 and 10 cm respectively. Males grow faster and mature at larger sizes than females. 50% of all males and females mature at 17.4 and 16:4 cm respectively. The periods of intense spawning were between August and October and January to April. The Tilapia were feeding best in central and north zones and the feeding intensity was reduced in January. Two endoparasites Contracaecum sp. and Clinostomum sp. were isolated from the Tilapia. The "condition" of the fish was better in the north than in the other two zones.