127 resultados para predator-prey relationships


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Cannibalism is thought to be an inf luential top-down process affecting walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) recruitment in the eastern Bering Sea (EBS). In summer, many age-1 pollock occupy the same depths as those of adult walleye pollock, making them vulnerable to cannibalism. We examine factors that inf luence the occurrence and amount of cannibalism, as well as the abundance and co-occurrence of predator and prey walleye pollock. Large walleye pollock were generally found in deeper waters and avoided cold temperatures; whereas, age-1 walleye pollock were found in broader bottom depth and temperature ranges. The occurrence of cannibalism was highest in the area where predator and prey walleye pollock co-occurred and the amount of cannibalism was highest on the middle and outer EBS shelf. Both the occurrence and amount of cannibalism were influenced by location, bottom temperature and bottom depth, and the abundance of prey walleye pollock. The abundance of both large and small walleye pollock decreased during the 1982–2006 survey period in the EBS and, hence, the occurrence and amount of cannibalism also decreased. The occurrence and amount of cannibalism observed in the diet samples from the summer survey were good indicators of year class strength, as estimated by the stock assessment model. There was more cannibalism of age-1 walleye pollock when predicted recruit abundance was highest, indicating that summer cannibalism on age-1 walleye pollock, a top-down process, does not control walleye pollock recruitment in the EBS.


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Priors are existing information or beliefs that are needed in Bayesian analysis. Informative priors are important in obtaining the Bayesian posterior distributions for estimated parameters in stock assessment. In the case of the steepness parameter (h), the need for an informative prior is particularly important because it determines the stock-recruitment relationships in the model. However, specifications of the priors for the h parameter are often subjective. We used a simple population model to derive h priors based on life history considerations. The model was based on the evolutionary principle that persistence of any species, given its life history (i.e., natural mortality rate) and its exposure to recruitment variability, requires a minimum recruitment compensation that enables the species to rebound consistently from low critical abundances (Nc). Using the model, we derived the prior probability distributions of the h parameter for fish species that have a range of natural mortality, recruitment variabilities, and Nt values.


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The parameters of the length-weight relationship of the form W = aLb are presented for 51 species of commercially important marine fishes and shellfishes caught along the southern coast of Karnataka, India. Samples from commercial (trawl, purse seines, gill nets) and artisanal gears were taken during August 1999 to May 2001. The ‘b’ value ranged between 1.942 and 3.616 with a mean of 2.80, standard deviation of 0.32, and mode of 3.


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Length-weight relationships and condition factors are presented for Indian major carp Catla catla, Labeo rohita, L. calbasu and Cirrhinus mrigala (Cyprinidae) in a reservoir of Bangladesh (Kaptai Lake).


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Parameters of the length–weight relationship of the form W=aLb are presented for 45 demersal fish species caught on the upper continental slope of the Caribbean Sea off Colombia. The b values varied between 2.13 and 4.97, with the mean b = 3.042 (95% CI, 2.887- 3.196).


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The parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship of the form W=aL super(b) are presented for 37 fish species, belonging to 17 families, caught during a demersal trawl survey over the period December 1995 to March 1998 in the Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia


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The parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship of the form W=a L super(b) were computed for 46 species caught in a series of demersal trawl hauls over the period 1995-1997 in the Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia.


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The parameters a and b of length-weight relationships of the form W = a L super(b) were estimated for 45 fish species sampled in the Oti, Pru and Black Volta rivers, Ghana. Also, the slope and intercepts of regressional enabling standard to total length conversions were estimated for each of these same species. The estimates of b, which ranged from 2.35 to 3.27 have a mean of 2.98, with a s.e. of 0.036. These results are complemented with a brief discussion of the need for data summaries such as presented in this article.


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Parameters of the length-weight relationship are presented for 85 fish species from the marine and estuarine regions of the central Brazilian coast (latitude 13° to 23° S). Three different methods were used. A non-linear iterative process using the quasi-Newton algorithm yielded a better fit for all data sets analyzed. The length-weight allometry coefficient b estimated from standard length data tended to be lower than from total length data. The difference between these estimates was significant for some species.


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A total of 140 sets of parameters (a and b) of the length-weight relationships (LWR) of the form W=aL super(b) are presented for fishes caught in Cuban waters. These parameters cover 94 species of fish belonging to 43 families. Most of the parameters were compiled from 107 sets of published and unpublished studies. Twenty-five sets of parameters were from personal communications through colleagues in Cuba, while the remaining eight sets were estimated by the authors from unpublished data.


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Length-weight relationships were computed for 42 species of coral reef fishes from 14 families from the Alacran Reef (Yucatan, Mexico). A total of 1 892 individuals was used for this purpose. The fish species were caught by different fishing techniques such as fishhooks, harpoons, gill and trawl nets. The sampling period was from March 1998 to January 2000.


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Length-weight relationships of 73 fish populations, covering 20 families, 28 genera and 40 species inhabiting freshwater ecosystems in Nigeria, were estimated (73 cases) or assembled from the literature (20 cases), and tested for difference between ecosystem types, There were no significant differences in the exponent of these relationships between lotic and lentic systems.


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Length-weight relationships (LWR) of 76 fish populations, distributed among 11 families, 18 genera and 22 species, inhabiting coastal (marine/brackish water ) ecosystems in Nigeria were estimated (39 cases) or assembled from the literature (37 cases). The mean exponent (b = 2.912) is significantly less than 3. While the frequency distribution of a was positively skewed, that of b was approximately normal. The mean a and b data are also presented by fish genera and families.


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Parameters of the exponential body length (L)-fecundity (F) relationship of the form F=a.L super(b) are presented for 47 populations and 26 species of Nigerian fishes. Estimates of b varied between 1.563 (Ilisha africana) and 5.771 (Barbus callipterus) with a mean of 3.054 (s.d. = 1.024). The maximum sizes of fish populations examined did not significantly influence the relative magnitudes of b. The parameters Alpha and Beta of the linear length-fecundity relationships of the form F = Alpha + BetaL are also presented for five fish populations. Estimates of Beta ranged from 243.5 (Chrysichthys walkeri) to 1,334,895 (Tilapia mariae).