99 resultados para mozambique
A cruise aboard the vessel Cassiopeia was held from 14 to 22 November 2000. The objective to map the fishing areas, to study the variation of the catch, income, specific composition and length on wishbone Polysteganus coeruleopunctatus (cachucho) in relation to fishing areas, depth and immersion time of the fish pots. The total capture registered was 4.350,00 Kg for 1600 fish pots and 32 effectuated throws. The highest capture per throw was registered in the interval of depth between the 140 to 180 meters. Regarding the time of immersion, the better captures were obtained in the interval between 25 and 30 hours. The profits during this cross were for fish-trap (2, 71 kg), per throw 135,00 Kg and for immersion hour 6,07 kg. P. coeruleopunctatus (cachucho) was more abundant in number in Quissico, while in Zavora it was abundant in number and also in weight. Likewise, the cachucho was more abundant in number and weight in the captures of the fish pots submerged less than 24 hours, 100-140 meters depth. Cachucho catch under 100 meters depth was quite reduced (less than 1 %). The middle length of the cachucho captured during the cross was 275,7 mm. There were significant differences in the lengths of the cachucho accordingly to depth or fishing area. The smallest individual (fish) was captured by fish pots that were submerged more than 24 hours. The principal recommendations of the study refer to maintenance of the current fishing effort with regard to the number of fish pots, and explore the fishing areas on a rotating basis, to avoid the local effort, currently high.
This work reflects the activities of line and trap fishing in Southern Mozambique in 2000. The catch in line fishing has been estimated at 441 mt, according to the DNAP records. The same sources indicated that 1767 days were spent at sea and the estimated catch rate was 250 Kg per boaticlay. Most of the line fishing effort shifted away from Maputo and moved to Inhambane region. The monthly analysis of fishing vessels, stricter controls over catch and effort data submission, development of long-term research programme and the continuation of the on board sampling to improve the data collection are the recommendation for line fishing. The catch of trap vessels increases from 30mt in 1997 to 172 mt in 2000, during which the total number of traps increased from 25 to 300. During this time the number of fishing days has remained relatively constant, as well the soak time. These data sets are thus not compatible with each other, reflecting an increase in daily catch from 243 Kg to 791 kg. The species composition is mainly dominated by P. coeruleopunctatus, C. puniceus, C. nufar and E. andersoni.
This work refers to the same biological aspects of Chrysoblephus puniceus (marreco), Polysteganus coeruleopunctatus (cachucho) and Cheimerus nufar (robalo). It shows the progress in the biological study of the three species, pointing out at the same time the few discrepancies, which still need to be resolved.
The dependence of Mozambique on its marine resources is highly significant. There is a need for a plan of action for sustainable use of these important resources, for the benefit of the nation. In this document, some aspects are included, that can be important to take into consideration for a sound action plan for the lin fishery of Mozambique.
An account is given of the activities of the Institute during the year 1995, including also reports of various projects carried out by staff members, which concerned the following: pre-recruitment ecology of the freshwater sardine (Limnothrissa miodon) in Lake Kariba (Zimbabwe); hydroacoustic surveys of kapenta abundance in Lake Kariba and Lake Cahora Bassa (Mozambique); angler's tigerfish catches, tigerfish studies and gillnet sampling; inshore fish population studies in Lake Kariba; catch/effort data recording system; fishermen's training towards the establishment of a Fisheries Co-management approach on Lake Kariba; and, enforcement and compliance with fisheries regulations within the inshore fishery on Lake Kariba.
Aquatic agricultural systems in developing countries face increasing competition from multiple stakeholders operating from local to national and regional scales over rights to access and use natural resources—land, water, wetlands, and fisheries-essential to rural livelihoods. A key implication is the need to strengthen governance to enable equitable decision-making amidst such competition, building capacities for resilience and transformations that reduce poverty. This paper provides a simple framework to analyze the governance context for aquatic agricultural system development focused on three dimensions: stakeholder representation, distribution of power, and mechanisms of accountability. Case studies from Cambodia, Bangladesh, Malawi/Mozambique, and Solomon Islands illustrate the application of these concepts to fisheries and aquaculture livelihoods in the broader context of intersectoral and cross-scale governance interacti
The West Indian Ocean is rich in biodiversity and marine resources. This paper gives an overview of fisheries development and resource management in the region. There are many shared issues that must be addressed within countries and at the regional level. These are illustrated by examples from three countries. In Mozambique the issues of lack of information about artisanal fisheries, excessive harvesting of juveniles and conflicts between artisanal and commercial sectors are highlighted. Elements in addressing this include targeted research and decision-making support tools. The challenges faced in Somalia stem primarily from the political instability that contributed to an absence of sound fisheries policy. An example of a highly participatory process to develop the policy provides a model for other countries. In Tanzania, the issue of dynamite fishing was addressed by local communities initiating a program to promote wise use of the resources. There is a clear opportunity for better collaboration and greater integration of fisheries research and management on a regional basis. There is also much to be learnt by the sharing of experiences between countries. This has been initiated by some recently launched regional cooperation projects, but there are still many challenges facing this region.
Solomon Islands has a population of just over half a million people, most of whom are rural-based subsistence farmers and fishers who rely heavily on fish as their main animal-source food and for income. The nation is one of the Pacific Island Counties and Territories; future shortfalls in fish production are projected to be serious, and government policy identifies inland aquaculture development as one of the options to meet future demand for fish. In Solomon Islands, inland aquaculture has also been identified as a way to improve ood and nutrition security for people with poor access to marine fish. This report undertaken by a Worldfish study under the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems explores the e potential role of land-based aquaculture of Mozambique tilapia in Solomon Islands as it relates to household food and nutrition security. This nutrition survey aimed to benchmark the foods and diets of households newly involved in small homestead tilapia ponds and their neighboring households in the central region of Malaita, the most populous island of all the provinces in Solomon Islands. Focus group discussions and semistructured interviews were employed in 10 communities (five inland and five coastal), four clinics, and five schools.
Included in the project MONAP GCP-MOZ/006/SWE "Fishing development in inland and coastal waters in Mozambique", a tuna fishing experimental program was carried out in coastal waters of Mozambique, using a catching method with rods and live baits. In order to explore this method and demonstrate the collaboration needed, the present paper has been thought for those interested in an overview of the work to be carried out.
All the data that the Instituto de Investigaçā Pesqueira was able to collect relating to by-catches of shrimps are presented. The by-catches of shrimp are almost entirely comprised of fish with commercial value. In this paper the author analyzes data for areas separated according to yields obtained.
The fish smoking is a traditional process in most african countries and has been gradually improved to the light of changes in forms, techniques and materials. In Mozambique, in particular, this method is not as developed as expected, because it has more advantages in wetlands during rainy seasons, where there is no shortage of salt and in order to give a special taste to the dry fish. In many parts of the country, mainly in coastal areas, the smoking process is made manually by families: a small fire with any type of wood, close to a small amount of fish on a stick, tilted on fire in order to take smoke and heat for several hours. This process is used in the south (Inhaca Island), in central and northern regions (Beira, Nampula) and was also seen in Niassa Lake. This paper presents a program aimed at the application of existing knowledge about fish smoking process and at technology improvement.
This disclosure brochure prepared by the IIP Aquaculture Department is an adaptation of the manual "Freshwater fish farming: how to begin" published by FAO in 1979. Written in simple language and provided with numerous diagrams, the text has been set according to conditions and characteristics of Mozambique.
The small-scale fishery is a traditional activity and enrolled in social and cultural practices of the coastal communities and some places of the inland waters of Mozambique. Scope for development, major constraints in the small-scale fisheries and best practices are examined.
After 1975 a large inventory work of fisheries resources began in Mozambican waters. The tuna stocks, for instance, were virtually unexplored. After 10 years roughly, the oceanographic investigations led to the temporary localization of the most favorable areas for longline fishing or surface gears.
In this study the author provided a synthesis of the most relevant aspects of fisheries in Mozambique and Indo-Pacific Region, discussed at the “Seminario sobre avaliaçāo de mananciais de atum na regiāo indo-pacifiqa-jacarta” held in Jakarta from 20 to 22 August 1984. Tens of documents belonging to the Department of Documentation and Information of the Fisheries Research Institute of Maputo and containing valuable information on the tuna fishing in Indo-Pacífic Region were studied in preparation of this seminar.