60 resultados para load securing net
During the study period (August, 1993 to July,l994) the mean bacterial load in surface water was found to vary from 1.39 xl05 (July'94) to 3.llxl07CFU/ml (September'93), while that of botrom water ranged from l.Olxl06 (May'94) to 5.90xl07CFU/ml (October '93). The mean total number of bacterial load in body slime, liver and kidney was found to vary from 0.58xl03 (July'94) to 2.37xl07CFU/g (March'94),from 0.22xl03(July'94)to 9.64xl06 CFU/g (March'94) from O.l5xl03 (July'94) to 9.36xl06 CFU/g (March'94), respectively. Bacterial load in slime was significantly correlated with bacterial load in liver, bacterial load in slime was significantly correlated with bacterial load in kidney and bacterial load in liver was significantly correlated with bacterial load in kidney.
A portable type warp load meter has been developed for the use in fishing trawlers. The instrument enables to monitor the warp load in fishing trawlers accurately and easily without disturbing the routine fishing operations. The instrument can be used in several other places like cranes, bollard tests for marine engines, dry docks etc. especially when the operation has to be conducted easily without disturbing the load system. The information displayed in micro ammeter in the range 0 to 1000 kg can be fed to continuous recorders for detailed analysis and permanent records.
Previous authors observed the influence of temperature variations in movement of fishes and noticed better catches in bottom set nets during summer in Tungabhadra reservoir. The present account reports on similar observations in Gobindsagar reservoir.
Samples of tannin-containing preservatives used by fishermen in India for treating cotton nets were collected and qualitative and quantitative characterisation of the tannins made. The concentrations of different tannins required to impart optimum periods of preservation to the net were worked out and found to be 2% in 8 out of 10 materials studied.
Fixative behaviour of tannin belonging to three functional groups was stud1ed m deta1l using copper sulphate and potassium dichromate as oxidising agents.
Fishing operations were conducted off Kakinada using a 3 panel double trawl net with twin cod-ends to study the utility of the net in catching both bottom and off bottom fishes. The observations indicate that the net is effective in simultaneous catching of bottom as well as off-bottom fishes and separating them while in operation. The design details of the net and the particulars of the fishing operations conducted are presented.
This report briefly describes the microbial status and storage properties of fish raised under composite fish culture in sewage fed ponds.
Observations on the use of stick held drag nets for the removal of shore line fish, which adversely affect the growth of commercially important species in reservoirs, are presented.
A survey was made of the fishing gear (Gunja net) and methods used in the prawn fishery of the coastal waters of the Gulf of Kutch.
Comparative fishing experiments with frame nets of 0.4 and 0.5 hanging coefficients were conducted. Results indicate that net with hanging coefficient of 0.4 as more effective for better catch.
Oil sardines in prime condition were subjected to onboard chilling. Two lots were chilled in CSW (samples C and CI), a third lot was chilled in crushed ice (sample I) and a fourth lot left not iced on deck (Sample AI). Upon landing sample AI was iced and sample CI was removed from the CSW and iced. All the four samples were kept in a chilled room for storage studies. The fish chilled and stored in CSW recorded the least, and the fish subjected to delayed icing, the highest values for all the indices of spoilage namely, free amino nitrogen, trimethylamine (TMA) and total volatile base nitrogen (TVBN). The total psychrophilic bacterial number also showed a similar trend. The organoleptic assessment of the cooked samples revealed C I, CI, AI to be the order of preference throughout the storage. This assessment was found to hold good for the rest of the parameters as well. The CSW held fishes were found to be distinctly superior to the iced ones for the first five days of storage. Such a marked prevalence in quality for five days would suffice for the fish to fetch a premium in the market over other landings of the same fish whether chilled or not chilled. Chilling on board in CSW and icing the same after landings, did not show encouraging results.
Extimated catch of 6,484.9; 3,505.6 and 4,797.7 t of fishes were landed at Nawabunder in 'dol.' net during 1976-77, 1977-78 and 1978-1979 respectively. There has been an increasing trend in effort and decline in catch and catch rate. The catch rate came down from 174.8 kg in 1976-77 to 84 kg in 1978-79. The detailed studies on the catch composition revealed that the Bombay duck formed about 68.6-77% of the total catch. The other important constituents being Coilia dussumieri 1.5-9.2%, ribbon fish 3.0-6.5%, non-penaeid prawn, namely, Acetus indicus, Nematopalaemon tenuipes and Hippolysmata ensirostris together formed about 6.1-13.7% and penaied prawns 1.5-3.1% of the total dol net landings. In addition, quality fishes such as ghol, warn, pomfret and catfishes were also landed in considerable quantities. The landings of ghol are on the increase from 4.9 t in 1976-77 to 59 t in 1978-79. Large number of juveniles of economically important fishes namely, Harpodon nehereus, Pampus argenteus, Trichiurus lepturus and Ilisha filigera have been observed in the catch particularly during February-May. The destructive nature of the gear has been commented along with the suggestions for regulation of the fishery.
Fishing communities that have exploited the resource for generations constitute the main stakeholder groups in the fisheries of Lake Victoria. Several studies have examined Uganda's Lake Victoria fishing communities and characterised key stakeholders at community level over the last decade (SEDAWOG 1999a and b; Geheb 1997; FeSEP 1997; Kitakule 1991). The communities are made up of scattered settlements at the shores and on islands. The categories of people living in these communities include fishers who consist primarily of large numbers of male youths who provide labour to boat and gear owners. There are resident and non-resident fish traders who after securing their supplies at the beaches, depart for their market destinations. In addition, there are fish processors, mostly operating traditional and improved smoking kilns. Many other people, dealing in provisions and supplies also stay at the beaches, their activities depending on the level of fish catch. The fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda, include auxiliary livelihood activities such as boat building, net repairing and transportation; bait supply and beachside kiosks, video halls and retail shop business. Other economic activities are brick making, charcoal burning/wood trade, farming and livestock keeping.
An examination of the role of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication in the context of the small-sale fishery of Kerala, India.