181 resultados para lagoon of islands


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Microcohorts of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, were sampled with a cast net at fortnightly intervals in the Mar Muerto Lagoon, Southern Mexico. Shrimp recruited to the lagoon throughout the sampling period (January to August 1993). Mean growth rates of microcohorts ranged from 0.21 to 1.21 mm total length (TL) per day. Juvenile shrimp mainly between the sizes of 70 to 80 mm TL emigrated from the lagoon. Growth and the onset of emigration appeared to be related to water salinity.


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Length-weight relationship (LWR) parameters of 72 species of fishes and 15 species of cephalopods caught in the Balearic Islands demersal fishery are reported. This is the first compilation of LWR for these groups in the Balearic Islands.


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The present study reports the length-weight relationship of 11 species of baitfish from the pole and line fishery at Minicoy and S. delicatulus from the fishery at Agatti, Bangaram and Perumal Par.


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Thirty-five tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, have been reported caught in pelagic longline gearfrom 25 to 265 n.mi. off the Hawaiian Archipelago during December 1990-May 1993. Fifteen sharks were caught farther than 50 n.mi. offshore, indicating that tiger sharks do occur well offshore and removed from benthic topography. About 89% of the sharks were caught during October-March, while only 56% of the fishing effort occurred during that period.


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In the late 1980's and early 1990's, significant changes occurred in the fisheries of Hawaii. Expansion and diversification of pelagic fisheries and growth (including industrialization) of fisheries that, in at least some cases, had been largely recreational or artisanall ed to fear of overfishing and problems in allocation among fishery sectors. Combined with establishment of limited entry programs in Hawaii fisheries (bottomfish, longline, and lobster), this led to anticipation that similar growth might occur in Guam, the Northern Marianas, and American Samoa.


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The fisheries of Hawaii and other U.S.-associated islands in the Pacific Ocean are characterized by high diversity, both in the species exploited and the human cultures that exploit them. The commercial sector has undergone rapid growth in recent years, but recreational and subsistence sectors remain important. Information on these fisheries is generally not available in published form. This paper presents an overview and introduction to a volume of papers describing fisheries in the region, with the goal of making the information available to scientists and the general public. A great deal remains to be learned about the dynamics of these fisheries as well as the associated issues in biological research, fisheries management, and environmental protection.


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The precious coral fishery in Hawaii and the Western Pacific consists of one industry but two distinct and separate fisheries. The first is the harvest of black coral by scuba divers from depths of 30-100 m. The second is a fishery for pink and gold coral at depths between 400 and 1500 m and employs either a human-operated submersible that permits selective harvest or tangle net dredges which are nonselective. The modern history of these fisheries date from 1958 until the present. In this paper the ecology, life history. and management of the dominant species that make up these fisheries are reviewed. Research needs of the fisheries and the economic and future prospects of the precious coral industry are also described. At the present, the precious coral jewelry industry in Hawaii (all species) is valued at about $25 million at the retail level.


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A deep-water trapping survey in the Palauan archipelago, Western Caroline Islands, has revealed an abundance of the Japanese red crab, Chaceon granulatus. The recorded depth range (250-900 m) is similar to that of other geryonids, but the large numbers of females caught below 700 m is atypical. Mean yields in excess of 5 kg crabs plus 1 kg shrimp, Heterocarpus laevigatus, by-catch per trap-night were attainable at optimum depths. Chaceon granulatus is apparently a very large geryonid, with maximum weights of 2.02 kg and 1.51 kg recorded for male and female specimens, respectively. A range of body colors was observed: Orange-red shades appear to dominate the deeper waters (below 500 m) while yellow-tan colors are more abundant in the upper reaches. Preliminary evidence suggests that Chaceon granulatus is highly marketable, and the infrastructure in Palau is such that crabs could either be marketed fresh locally or airfreighted to Japan as a quick-frozen product. The high post-trapping survival rates observed indicate that maintaining crabs in live-holding tanks may be a feasible option. The large catches and quality of deep-water crabs taken suggests that the Palauan population of Chaceon granulatus may be able to support a small-scale fishery. It is not yet known whether this population is unusually large or whether these findings typify the deep forereef fauna of the region.


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Although selected aspects of the commercial fishery in the Virgin Islands have been documented since the early 1930's (Fiedler and Jarvis, 1932; Idyll and Randall, 1959; Hess, 1961; Swingle et al. 1970; Brownell, 1971; Brownell and Rainey, 1971; Sylvester and Dammann, 1972, and Olsen et al., 1978), fish corrals and their use have not been described. This account, based on personal observations made during 1985-86, summarizes commercial fishing methods in the Virgin Islands (U. S. and British), documents the use of fish corrals, and serves as an introduction to the methodologies of this harvesting technique. Interviews of commercial fishermen about how and when fish corrals are used provided information not available from direct observation. Local common names for gear type and fish species are shown in parentheses.


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Commercial catch and effort data were fit to the Leslie model to estimate preexploitation abundance and the catchability coefficient of slipper lobster, Scyllarides squammosus, in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). A single vessel fished for 34 consecutive days in the vicinity of Laysan Island and caught 126,127 total slipper lobster in 36,170 trap hauls. Adjusted catch of legal slipper lobster dropped from a high of 3.70 to 1.16 lobster per trap haul. Preexploitation abundance at Laysan Island was an estimated 204,000 legal slipper lobster, which was extrapolated to yield an estimate of 1.2 X 106 to 3.8 X 106 lobster for the entire NWHI slipper lobster fishery.


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Stands of Scalesia pedunculata in the Galapagos Islands often develop as single-aged cohorts following episodes of mass death and regeneration. We updated earlier studies on a stand that had regenerated soon after the 1982–3 El Niño event. We quantified stem size distribution and dispersion pattern in a 0.56 ha plot near Los Gemelos on Santa Cruz Island. The plot was dominated (95% of basal area) by S. pedunculata. The stem size distribution showed the increased mean and variance for diameter (since 1987 and 1991) expected of an aging stand. Stems averaged smaller than in 1981, just before the last mass mortality episode. Large S. pedunculata stems were regularly dispersed while smaller stems were clumped and negatively associated with larger stems, implying that intraspecific competition may be important in structuring the stand. CDF Contribution Number 1008.


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Two new populations and the host plant of the rarely encountered Galapagos endemic moth Epiplema becki were found on Isabela Island, on Wolf and Sierra Negra volcanoes, with a sighting on Darwin Volcano. The host plant is the native Duranta dombeyana (Verbenaceae). The habitats where all known specimens were collected were Scalesia forest with Duranta bushes. To ensure the conservation of E. becki, we recommend control of introduced species in its habitat. CDF Contribution Number 1010.