52 resultados para insect infestation


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An investigation was conducted into the food and feeding habits of Synodontis nigrita from the Osun River near Epe, Lagos, Nigeria. The food items in the stomach of the S. nigrita covered a wide spectrum, ranging from various types of plankton to invertebrates and plants. A seasonal variation was also noted in the stomach contents of S. nigrita over the period of investigation. The predominant food items found in the stomach were Polycystis spp., Closterium spp., Oedogonium spp., plant tissues, insect parts and detritus. This suggests that S. nigrita is an omnivore.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): We argue that the most important climatically-driven terrestrial ecosystem changes are concentrated in annual- to decadal-scale episodic events. These rapid ecosystem responses to climate change are manifested as regionally synchronized disturbance events (eg, floods, fires, and insect outbreaks) and increased drought-caused plant mortality rates.


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The food and feeding habits of an air-breathing fish, Heteropneustes fossilis were studied from an eutrophic lake, Hussainsagar, Hyderabad, (Andhra Pradesh, India), during 1981-1983. The major preferred items of food were insect larvae, insects, ostracods, plant material and gastropods. Due to the mixed feeding habits of both plant and animal matter, this species is considered as an omnivorous feeder. Bryozoans were recorded for the first time in the diet of H. fossilis.


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An investigation on the infestation of monogenetic trematodes of Barbodes gonionotus was conducted during the period from July '97 to June '98. Host specimens were collected from local fish farms and also from local fish markets of Mymensingh. Samples of P. ticto and P. sarana were also examined. Two species - Dactylogyrus lampam (Lim and Furtado 1986) and Dactylogyrus siamensis (Chinabut and Lim 1993) the Thai parasites were recorded from B. gonionotus and D. lampam, from our indigenous fish P. sarana. Two species of Gyrodactylus were also recorded from B. gonionotus. Both prevalence and intensity of infestation were moderate in B. gonionotus. Prevalences were recorded higher in larger fishes and mean intensity in intermediate size group fishes. Infestations were higher in winter months. Adaptations of the foreign parasites in Bangladesh waters, their transmission in local fishes and invasion of the local parasites to this exotic fish have been discussed. Suggestions have also been made to protect the introduction of new species in our waters.


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Paddy fields can be broadly classified on the basis of land situations viz. Upland - Shallow water (10-30 cm), Medium land-medium deepwater (30-100 cm) and Low land-deepwater (above 100 cm). Three major systems of paddy-cum-fish culture, viz. (A) high yielding paddy varieties (H.Y.V) and air-breathing fish under Upland, (B) H.Y.V./local paddy and Tilapia/common carp under Medium land and (C) deepwater paddy and major Indian carps under Low land situations have been successfully investigated in the farmers' fields and at the Research Stations (1982-92). Effects of low-cost artificial feeding on growth, yield and management practices of different types of fish showed a considerable increase of rice and fish yields and a decrease in insect-pest incidence. Under Upland situation, short duration H.Y.V. in combination with fast-growing air breathing fish was studied thrice a year (summer, winter & autumn seasons). Combined rice and fish culture produced highest yields in all the seasons than in the control.


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Three nematodes, two acanthocephalans and three cestodes were collected by dissecting 15 species of fish. Of these parasites only Hedruris sp. a larval nematode is responsible directly for the death of fish, since it is found in predatory species a reduction of these might prove of considerable consequence to fish, production. Bothriocephalus gowleonensis, a cestode probably introduced from China with Chinese carp, was recorded in an indigenous carp Puntius sarana. This parasite causes heavy mortality in grass carp in China and is a potential danger to local species. A single crustacean parasite was recorded. It is likely that they are widespread. No protozoa were recorded but there can be little doubt that they occur in local freshwater species and may be of considerable importance in fisheries. Several predators (insects, fish and other vertebrates) were recorded and are doubtless of considerable importance. However, the role of parasites and of predators (especially fishes) in relation to the productivity of fisheries can hardly be assessed at present and needs further study. A study of the fauna found at the shallow edges of 21 irrigation reservoirs showed an abundance of fauna in the low-country reservoirs whilst the up-country reservoirs had a poor fauna. The fauna showed insects, crustacea and mollusca in this order of abundance. The presence of insect and molluscs feeding fish in our fauna shows that these rich sources of food are being utilised.


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The present study deals with the chemical, algal and faunal characteristics of the stream system at Horton Plains, the highest plains in Ceylon (altitude 2'225 m). The cultivation of seed potatoes and subsequent use of fertilizers have caused extensive silting and severe eutrophication of the stream systems. Since there are no indigenous fish, the trout Salmo gairdnerii has been introduced and it is the only fish found in these streams. The commonest fauna in the streams are crabs (Paratelphusa sp.), shrimps (Caridimr sp.), Simulium sp. and Chironomus sp. Their increase in number is probably correlated with increase in organic and detritus matter. The most important food items of the trout are the crabs living abundantly in the stream, insect larvae and terrestrial insects were also commonly found in the guts. Records of stocking and taking of trout in the Horton plains streams have shown that now less trout are taken relatively to the numbers stocked. This decrease may be possibly due to the eutrophication of the stream and also due to the possible use of pollutants in connection with the cultivation of seed potatoes.