47 resultados para hillslope hydrology


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Oreochromis niloticus (the Nile tilapia) and three other ti1apine species: Oreochromis leucostictus, Tilapia zi11ii and T. rendallii were introduced into Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo in 1950s and 1960s. The source and foci of the stockings are given by Welcomme (1966) but the origin of the stocked species was Lake Albert. The Nile tilapia was introduced as a management measure to relieve fishing pressure on the endemic tiapiines and, since it grows to a bigger size, to encourage a return to the use of larger mesh gill nets. Ti1apia zillii was introduced to fill a vacant ,niche of macrophytes which could not be utilised' by the other tilapiines. Tilapia rendallii, and possibly T. leucosticutus could been introduced into these lakes accidently as a consquence of one of the species being tried out for aquaculture. The Nile perch and Nile tilapia have since fully established themselves and presently dominate the commercial fisheries of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga. The original fisheries based on the endemic tilapiines O. escu1entus and o. variabilis have collapsed. It is hypothesized that the ecological and limnological changes that are observed in Lakes Victoria and Kyoga are due to a truncation of the original food webs of the two lakes. Under the changed conditions, O. niloticus to be either playing a stabilizing role or fuelling nutrient turnover in the lakes. Other testable hypotheses point to the possible role of predation by the Nile perch, change in regional climate and hydrology in the lake basins.


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Lake Chilwa and its environs present a unique challenge to science for two reasons: 1. The welfare of its people and the fish and crops on which they depend on incomes as well as subsistence are dominated by the vagaries of the periodic rise and fall of the lake. Inyears of high level the lake provides a relatively good living for the people of the plain and the fish is a major source of dietary protein for the densely populated Shire Highlands. Fish catches and fish consumption decline in years of low lake level. Could knowledge of the biology of the lake and the hydrology of the lake basin assist in stabilizing the fishing industry? 2. The area is underdeveloped, with the traditional matrilineal way of life, but it has considerable potential for a fishing industry, for agriculture, for livestock, for bird preservation and tourism and possibly, at some future date, for minerals. How can these interests be reconciled and in what order should developments take place?