126 resultados para fauna e flora
Morphological observations of the dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella are given and a key to the difference in types provided. Illustrations are included.
During recent years in connection with the industrialisation of the Kola Peninsula, the study of this district in the botanical respect, in particular the study of the microflora of various bodies of water, began to advance markedly. This article describes the algal flora of the Kola Peninsula. Morphological descriptions are given for three Tetraspora: Tetraspora simplex, Tetraspora tenera, Tetraspora imperfecta. Chlorophysema aduata is also described, and short descriptions of further algae found in the Kola Peninsula are given.
Short identification key and morphological description of the mature larvae of Philopotamidae, Limnophilidae (genus Apatania) and Sericostomatidae
This report to the Thames Water Authority and Central Water Planning Unit is on research carried out in conjunction with the Stage 1 Group Pumping Test of five boreholes in the upper Lambourn Group for a period of three months in September, October and November 1975. The aim of the study was to assess the ecological effects of the pumpin g of five bore-holes in the upper Lambourn. That is, to determine how the seasonal sequence of ecological events in the river differed from what would hav e occurred had no pumping taken place. Since this 'experiment' has no control it is not possible to make a direct assessment. Nevertheless, by careful monitoring of ecological events before, during and after the pumping it is possible to document changes in th e river and by reference to the data already available for the Rive r Lambourn, normal seasonal changes in the flora and fauna can be separated from changes which may be attributable to the pumping and subsequent events.
This is the Coleopteran Fauna of ERS on the river Dane, Cheshire: a survey report produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. A comprehensive survey of the Exposed Riverine Sediment (ERS) on the River Dane, Cheshire was undertaken between mid-April and mid-June 2003. 6 locations were selected and subsequently examined to determine the importance of the constituent invertebrate fauna. Appropriate sampling techniques (i.e. pitfall trapping, hand searching and excavations) were directed towards the target group (Coleoptera). All adults from the chosen taxa were identified to species level. The relative value of the fauna was assessed using species richness, conservation status, fidelity score and a site quality index.
This is the Water Quality Monitoring in the Mersey Estuary report produced by the Environment Agency in 2001. This report focuses on the Water Quality Monitoring Programme held in the Mersey Estuary. Since the mid-1960s water samples have been collected at approximately monthly intervals along the length of the estuary between Warrington and New Brighton and in later years further off-shore. This data-set provides an invaluable resource to determine how the very large capital spending of recent years has resulted in the dramatic improvements in water quality that we are now able to record. Initially, the interest was focused on parameters such as dissolved oxygen, BOD, nutrients and suspended solids. Over the last decades, as analytical methods have improved, toxic metals and persistent organic compounds have been included in the routine monitoring programme at a limited number of sites. Moreover, with the introduction of the European Water Framework Directive monitoring programmes it was an opportune time to review the Mersey monitoring strategy. This revised monitoring programme required data from several other components (water, sediments, flora, fauna, fish and birds. This report also contains information about Routine monthly surveys, Special surveys, Chloralkali Directive, UKNMP, British Geological Survey, EDMAR and NERC Environmental Diagnostics Thematic Programme.
Prosiguiendo con la tarea de rescate de documentos realizada por ProBiota, tenemos el privilegio de editar en este número la obra A través de la Selva de Esteban Laureano Maradona. Hablar de esta figura, llamado por los indígenas Piognak que significa ‘Dr. Dios’ en pilagá, es mencionar a un ser humano generoso y solidario entregado totalmente al bien común. Un hombre que, además de su ejercicio profesional, se dedicó a la investigación cientifíca de la vida y cultura de los pueblos originarios, así como de la flora y fauna de la región ,colaborando con las comunidades locales en aspectos económicos, culturales, y sociales. No es nuestra intención realizar una sintesís de su vida ya que lo han realizado otros autores, pero si mencionar que, si bien recibió honores y reconocimientos en su larga vida, su figura no es conocida cabalmente en diversos niveles de la sociedad. Esto es una tarea que se debe llevar adelante desde diferentes frentes y una de las primeras sería,como menciona Wikipedia, la edición de algunos de sus 20 libros que se encuentran sin ser publicados, y esperan que el Congreso de la Nación Argentina cumpla con la resolución de 1994 de editarlos y donarlos a bibliotecas públicas del país, como fue el legado de su autor. Esperemos que los que tienen esta responsabilidad movilicen sus esfuerzos personales e institucionales para cumplir con el deseo de una persona que dio todo lo que podía dar sin esperar nada a cambio.