105 resultados para Tehran


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The coastal districts, as an intersection of two perfectly different ecosystems of dry land and sea, is one of the most complicated and the richest natural system on earth. Considering these areas are constantly exposed to aggregation of water pollutants and also consequence resulting from construction and development activities, they are very vulnerable. Therefore, "sensitive Coastal areas" has become a common word in the related subjects to marine environment recently. The said title relates to the areas of the coastal lines which are vulnerable to the natural condition or human actions because of ecological, social, economic, educational and research importance, also they need particular supports. The southern coasts of Caspian Sea, In Iran prominent samples are of these sensitive areas which their environment are exposed to demolition and destruction intensely, due to increasing and uncontrolled development. The first stage of protecting and managing the coastal areas is identifying sensitive Coastal areas and broadening the Coasts. In this survey, we attempted to examine a definite area in the southern coasts of Caspian Sea. In Iran, by profiting from the world experiences and concluded researches in Iran especially the concluded studies by marine environment office and the Environment protection organization on the subject of determination criteria of the sensitive ecological districts. For this purpose (In Gilan Province) Boujagh national park district which is located in the mouth of sefidroud river and also is possessed of the special ecological and environmental features and distinctions. In this survey, first they said district is divided proportionally on the basis of using a grid system in order to identify the sensitive ecological districts and broaden the coast, and then the desired indices have been determined and scored by numeral valuation method in each unit and then analysis has been done by using of the geography information system (GIS) and final has estimated economic valuation of sensitive ecological areas that is presented in this essay.


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L-carnitine is required for the transfer of long-chain fatty acids from the cytosol to the mitochondrial matrix for 13-oxidation of them and ractopamine, beta adrenergic agonists, have potential stimulating lipolysis and altering rates of protein degradation and synthesis. Present study was carried out to improve lipid body oxidation and protein-sparing action of fish through addition of L-carnitine and ractopamine to diet of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1972. An eight-week feeding trial was carried out to evaluate the effects of supplementation of tree levels of L-carnitine tartrate (0, 1 and 2 g/kg) and two levels of ractopamine hydrochloride (0 and 10 ppm) on growth performance, fillet muscle fatty acid compositions and blood biochemical parameters in 288 juvenile rainbow trout (130 g) at 3X2 factorial experimental design. Ractopamine and 1 g/kg carnitine improved the specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and weight gain at the end of experiment. The protein and lipid contents of fillet muscle were affected by the inclusion of 10 mg/kg ractopamine in the diet, increasing crude protein and reducing crude fat (P<0.05) of fish fillet muscle. The highest protein and lowest fat contents of fish fillet were observed in diet that contains 2 g/kg carnitine plus ractopamine. Ractopamine and carnitine increased levels of albumin, total protein and globulin in fish blood serum, but carnitine increased triacylglycerol and cholesterol. Fatty acids compositions of fish fillet were also affected by ractopamine and carnitine. All fatty acids except for eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, were increased by dietary supplementation of ractopamine. Total saturated fatty acids were not affected by carnitine. Supplementation (P>0.05). However, total n-3 poly unsaturated fatty acids were reduced by carnitine supplementation. A significant interaction was observed between ractopamine and carnitine supplementation regarding the saturated (P<0.01) and n-3 poly unsaturated fatty acid (P<0.001) of fish fillet. This study shows that supplementation of 1 g/kg carnitine and 10 ppm ractopamine could improve performance of juvenile rainbow trout and their combination in diet results in protein increment, fat reduction and change in profile of fatty acids in fillet muscle.


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In a survey on 524 specimens from 18 different species belonging to the Carangidae family collected from The Persian Gulf, otolithes (Sagittae) are extracted from under gills region. After washing, their morphometric parameters measured. These parameters are otolith length, width, weight and length of antirostrum, width and length of rostrum, width in right and left sagittae. In addition to the otolith outline, mode position and mode opening of the Sulcus acusticus was examined. Data indicate correlation between most of the parameters (P<0.05). This shows correlation between total length and weight of fish, otolith length and weight of otolith in most of specimens. There was correlation in most species between otolith length and total length of studies fishes, otolith weight and weight of fish, otolith weight and total length, otolith length and weight of fish, length of right and left otolith. Otolith had very diveres outline types (fusiform, sagitiform, lanceolated, iregular). There were most of variety about status dentates in dorsal margin and ventral margin of the otolith. As result of this analysis it is possible to identify species from the Carangidae family by the otolith characters.


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Rutilus frisii Kutum is one of the most precious fish in the Caspian Sea. Investigation of the various aspects of its biocharactristics. Including its parasite fauna and ecological aspects are of prime importance. In this study the farmed kutum fry were on the focus of investigation in various seasons of the year and prior to their being released in the sea. This included also the study on the kutum spawners caught both from liver and the sea. The results were that 17 external and internal parasite species were distinct within different organs which were further identified down to genus and species. The single celled parasites identified included Ichthyophthirius multifilils, Chilodonella hexastica, Chilodonella pisicola, Trichodina sp Along with the monogene parasites that included Paradiplozoon chazaricum, D. rarissimus, D. turaliensis, D. nybelini, Dactylogyrus frisii. Meanwhile Diplostomum spathaceum constituted the single eyed parasites and the intestinal termatode were Aspidogaster limacoides, Asymphyoldora kubanicum as well as Bothriocephalus gowkongeniss as the sestads. The nematodes defrentiated were Raphidascaris acus, Dioctophyma renale, and Eustrongylides excisus followed by Lernaea cyprinacea as a crustacean. In this study, infestations by single celled parasites, crustaceans and sestod were found to be present only among the farmed kutum fry which varied in terms of percentage and intensity of infection as well as the parasite species and season of the year. The highest percentage of infection among kutum fry and spawners in both fresh water and in the sea during all seasons belonged to monogene parasites (33%). This was up to 100% among spawners. Infection caused by nematodes was exclusively detected among riverine spawners (7.5-5%) and the infection by Asymphyoldora kubanicum and Aspidogaster limacoides among Spawners caught at Sea and rivers varied within different seasons of the year. The infestation of Metacercer diplostomum spathaceum among kutum fry was 12% which compared to spawners was in slightly higher level. The study could identify Dioctophyma renale for the first time in the country and Eustrongylidis excisu was also detected among Rutilus frisii kutum.


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This study investigated the pathological changes of heart and bulbus artrius of rainbow trout breeders in several group of ages and density. The aim of study was to consider the process and the intensity of the heart and bulbus arteriosus damages in accordance to gender, age and stocking density of trout in three fish culture center (Zarghezel, Niyak in Haraz Region,Mazandaran and Espiran in Tabriz city environs). In field research, the all records the feed and feeding type, rate of mortality, stocking density of spawners and per spawners fishes, water chemical and physical specification was screened. Stocking density was considered as the most important stressor. 10 fish specimens from 7 weight groups (less than 90g, 90 to 300g, 300 to 500 g, 500 to 1000g, 1 to 3 kg, 3 to 5 kg, over 5 kg), totally 210 specimens were sampled and heart and bulbus arteriosus were taken. Samples were fixed in 10 % formalin and transferred to pathology laboratory of veterinary faculty of Tabriz Azad University. Histopathological slides and H&E staining were prepared from these samples. In total, 47 male and 73 female samples showed cardiovascular injury (29 cases in extensive system, 41 cases in semi intensive system, 50 cases in intensive system). The most important was damages, edema and hyperemia in spongy layer of atrium and ventricle muscles, but degeneration the muscle fibers, moderate edema , minor vascular damage. Hemorrhage as the effect of severs vascular damage, thrombus, sever inflammation, sever degeneration in muscle fiber, necrosis and fibrose were further pathological changed. The results of this study showed that the severity of damage increased by increasing the age (weight) of fishes. This situation was seen in all three culturing system (extensive system, semi intensive system, recirculation system). Histopathological changes is obviously seen in samples over 500g, therefore the damages were found to be important (P<0.05). Pathological effects and its severity in recirculation system was significantly high (P<0.05). Comparison with two other culturing system, histopathological changed in heart and bulbus arterius between male and female was significantly different.


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Using water quality management programs is a necessary and inevitable way for preservation and sustainable use of water resources. One of the important issues in determining the quality of water in rivers is designing effective quality control networks, so that the measured quality variables in these stations are, as far as possible, indicative of overall changes in water quality. One of the methods to achieve this goal is increasing the number of quality monitoring stations and sampling instances. Since this will dramatically increase the annual cost of monitoring, deciding on which stations and parameters are the most important ones, along with increasing the instances of sampling, in a way that shows maximum change in the system under study can affect the future decision-making processes for optimizing the efficacy of extant monitoring network, removing or adding new stations or parameters and decreasing or increasing sampling instances. This end, the efficiency of multivariate statistical procedures was studied in this thesis. Multivariate statistical procedure, with regard to its features, can be used as a practical and useful method in recognizing and analyzing rivers’ pollution and consequently in understanding, reasoning, controlling, and correct decision-making in water quality management. This research was carried out using multivariate statistical techniques for analyzing the quality of water and monitoring the variables affecting its quality in Gharasou river, in Ardabil province in northwest of Iran. During a year, 28 physical and chemical parameters were sampled in 11 stations. The results of these measurements were analyzed by multivariate procedures such as: Cluster Analysis (CA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA), and Discriminant Analysis (DA). Based on the findings from cluster analysis, principal component analysis, and factor analysis the stations were divided into three groups of highly polluted (HP), moderately polluted (MP), and less polluted (LP) stations Thus, this study illustrates the usefulness of multivariate statistical techniques for analysis and interpretation of complex data sets, and in water quality assessment, identification of pollution sources/factors and understanding spatial variations in water quality for effective river water quality management. This study also shows the effectiveness of these techniques for getting better information about the water quality and design of monitoring network for effective management of water resources. Therefore, based on the results, Gharasou river water quality monitoring program was developed and presented.


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Chalcalburnus mossulensis from the cyprinidae family is one of the indigenous fish in Gheshlag Lake of Kordestan-Iran. Ligula intestinalis is one of the infective parasites of this fish. In this study, the effect of this parasite on some biological aspects of this fish like weight, length, PI, CF, GSR, blood sex steroid hormones and gonadal tissue, was investigated. During one year, by seasonal sampling, 144 fish sample from mentioned species were collected using trap net. By considering the scale sample, the fish with the same age were separated and tested as the point of infection with the parasite. By biochemical and histopathological investigation of fish blood and gonad tissue, it was clear that increase in infection rate of fish, caused decrease in biological parameters. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the means of sex steroid hormones (17-B Estradiol and Testostreone) of infected and non-infected fish and this parameter was significantly lower in infected ones. This significant difference also was seen between the means of male and female gonads maturation steps of infected and non-infected samples. The reason for lack of maturation of gonads tissue is infection by Ligula intestinalis. Also in gonads of infected fish, abnormal degenerative changes like MMC (Melano-Macrophage Center), hemorrhage and necrosis were seen that were not reported by other researchers. So the spread of this parasite in different water sources should be consider as the point of the maintenance of native species and cultivated fish.


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The objective of this study was to study leukocytes characteristics of Acipenseridae of southern Caspian Sea stained by cytochemical stains in order to classify these cells more accurately. The samples were taken from Sturgeon propagation centers and International Sturgeon Research Institute in the north part of Iran. 10 fish were selected randomly from each age group (fingerling, 1, 2, 3 to 11 years) and blood samples were taken from caudal vein using syringes with no anticoagulant. Blood smears were prepared immediately and fixed by methanol. The smears then stained using cytochemical staining according to the Sigma-Aldrich instructions. Neutrophils were positive for Sudan Black-B(SBB), Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and Peroxidase (PER) but negative for choloroacetate esterase (CAE). Eosinophi is stained positively for PER and SBB and weakly for PAS, acid phosphatase (ACP), CAE and a-naphthyl acetate esterase (a-NAE). Basophil was absent in the studied blood smears. Lymphocytes were positive for ACP but weak for PAS, CAE and a-NAE. Monocytes stained positively for B-glucoronidase (BG) in Acipenser persicus 5 and 11 years group, in Acipenser stellatus 1 and 2 years group, in Acipenser gueldenstaedtii 1 year group, in Acipenser nudiventris 9 year and in Huso huso 7 year group and stained weakly for a-NAE.


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This study was carried out to isolate and determine bacterial agents in outer lesions of sturgeons in Shahid Dr. Beheshti sturgeon propagation and rearing center in Gilan province. Five species of sturgeons were studied from viewpoint of lesions. A number of 167 specimens of Beluga, 76 specimens of Persian sturgeon, 27 specimens of Russian sturgeon, 42 specimens of stellate and finally 23 specimens of ship had bacterial lesions in different outer parts of their bodies. After sampling and purification, bacterial cultures and biochemical tests were done. After the isolation of bacteria from lesions, Edwardsiella tarda was selected by means of PCR. To obtain molecular acceptance, a pair of E. tarda special primer, forward primer ETa2-351 and reverse primer (Edwsp-780r) were reproduced. A number of 12 E. tarda DNA sample were identified by PCR. After molecular diagnosis, Persian sturgeon challenged with E. tarda for determination of pathogenesis. Challenge method was done by means of injection of different dilutes of E. tarda into dorsal muscle. Sampling of hematopoietic organs (kidney, spleen and liver) were carried out and located in Boin's fixator to perform pathology survey. Also, in order to survey of existence and effect of E. tarda, sampling of kidney for bacterial culture was done by molecular and biochemical methods. Results showed that the most lesions in all five species belonged to abdominal surface. Skin and scutes of this part were involved in comparison with other parts. Also, It was removed some samples from lesions to pathological survey. Microscopic observations showed some levels of destruction of epidermis layers, necrosis of dermis cells and destruction of muscular layer of skin. On the other hand, invasion of inflammatory cells and haemorrhagic in dermis were clear. Based on biochemical results, Aeromonas sobria, A cavia . A. hydrophila , Acinetobacter lowffii , A.baumanni , A.cakoaceticus, Pseudomonas putida , P fluorescens , P.aeruginosa , Serratia marcescens , Escherichia coli , Enterobacter aerogenes , Edwardsiella tarda , Proteus mirabilis , kelebsiella oxytoca and Staphylococcus sp. were isolated from outer lesions. Results of PCR confirmed that E. tarda was before and after challenge in 200 bp range. LD50, 96h was determined 1.2 x 10^5 (CFU/ml). Pathological experiments showed lesions in the kidney, including hemorrhages, degeneration of glumeruli and tubular epithelia, degeneration and necrosis of interestitium tissue, accumulation of protein casts in the tubular lumen. It was observed haemorhages, engorged blood vessels, congestion of sinusoids, increased of melanine, melano macrophage centers, degeneration and necrosis of hepatocytes in the liver. In the spleen, it was recorded congestion, degeneration, necrosis changes in the white and red pulpa, blood engorged and detachment of ellipsoid wall.


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Lake Ovan with about 9 hectares is regarded a semi-shallow lake with an average depth 5.2 meter. It is situated in Ghazvin Province, with a 1910 m high in mountainous regime. A monthly sampling was done at 3 stations studying the physicochemical and biological parameters in water and sediment at the Lake for a year. The temperature annual was measured 12.3°C and other parameters are pH as 8.8, oxygen 10, with total mean phosphate and nitrate as 0.14 & 0.8 mg/lit respectively. The chl.a mean was also measured 1.94 mg/lit. The ratio of N to P was calculated as 1:59, indicating a limiting factor for growth. Considering the trophic statues of the lake taking into account as above parameters, it is a mesotrophic lake with medium trophy. Altogether, 53 phytoplankton species were identified mostly diatoms, green algae and cyanobacteria. Although, 14 zooplankton species were identified with daphnia dominating the group. Macrobenthoses were also surveyed and 11 families were identified comprising mainly by Annelids, Gastropod, Bivalves and Insect Larvae. Other organisms were 2 dominate water plant including Phragmites australis covering at the edge of the lake and potamogeton sp in the inner parts, and also 2 fish species, common carp and Pike Perch. The diversity Shannon—Wiener index was calculated for main taxa groups with all figures lower than 3. Regarding the fish potential production of the lake based on Bramic & Lemke and morphoedophic index, it was calculated to be 20.4 kg/ha fish and a total of about 150 kg for the entire lake.


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Nowadays, risks arising from the rapid development of oil and gas industries are significantly increasing. As a result, one of the main concerns of either industrial or environmental managers is the identification and assessment of such risks in order to develop and maintain appropriate proactive measures. Oil spill from stationary sources in offshore zones is one of the accidents resulting in several adverse impacts on marine ecosystems. Considering a site's current situation and relevant requirements and standards, risk assessment process is not only capable of recognizing the probable causes of accidents but also of estimating the probability of occurrence and the severity of consequences. In this way, results of risk assessment would help managers and decision makers create and employ proper control methods. Most of the represented models for risk assessment of oil spills are achieved on the basis of accurate data bases and analysis of historical data, but unfortunately such data bases are not accessible in most of the zones, especially in developing countries, or else they are newly established and not applicable yet. This issue reveals the necessity of using Expert Systems and Fuzzy Set Theory. By using such systems it will be possible to formulize the specialty and experience of several experts and specialists who have been working in petroliferous areas for several years. On the other hand, in developing countries often the damages to environment and environmental resources are not considered as risk assessment priorities and they are approximately under-estimated. For this reason, the proposed model in this research is specially addressing the environmental risk of oil spills from stationary sources in offshore zones.


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The general purpose of this study is to investigate the degree of heavy metal accumulation in hard and soft tissue of sea urchin, and determining these tissues as the most suitable bioindicator for lead and cadmium in the environment of the sampling stations. The way of doing this assessment was MOOPAM. Samples were prepared and classified according to sea urchin organ (soft tissue, hard tissue, Tube feet, Test, Lantern Structure and spines) and then lead and cadmium were measured in them. Result of this study shows that hard tissue is a better index of lead and cadmium than soft tissue. The result of bioaccumulation of lead in the related tissue was found to be in the following order: Soft tissue=21, hard tissue=28.1, Test=20.8, Lantern Structure=20.5 and spines=23.9. The result of bioaccumulation of cadmium in the related tissue was found to be in the following order: Soft tissue=9. 7, hard tissue=5.01, Test=4.2, Lantern Structure=4.06 and spines=5.53.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate benthic macro-invertebrates species diversity as bio-indicators of environmental health in Bahrekan bay (in the Northwest of Persian gulf). Seasonal sediments sampling along 5 transects, 15 stations at 4 replicates (3 replicates for macrobenthos and 1 replicate for sediment analysis) was done from November 2008 to August 2009 by 0.025 m2 Van Veen grab sampler. Physical and chemical parameters of water, grain size analysis, %TOM and Ni and Va concentrations of sediments were assessed through four seasons. Macrobenthic communities after staining and sorting, using stereomicroscope have been identified. Their density in every station and every season calculated. For using of AMBI index, identified macrobenthos according to their sensitivity to stressors and pollutants, categorized into 5 ecological groups and for using of Bentix index categorized into 3 ecological groups. The diversity indices and indicators that showing ecological status were calculated. Also, the differences between physiochemical parameters of sea water, sediments TOM% and grain size, diversity indices in stations and seasons were recorded (P=0.05). The correlation coefficient determined for all parameters. According to the results of grain size analysis, bottom grain size categorized as clay. Highest percent of TOM was belong to autumn (36.39±.075) and lowest was belong to summer (19.01±0.51). Also there was positive correlation (p=0.01) between %TOM and %Clay that showing sediments with lowest size containing highest amounts of organic matters. Ni concentrations in sediments (87.80±21.25)mg/kg showed the amounts over than standards levels but Va concentrations in sediments (53.54±17.60)mg/kg showed the amounts lower than standards level. The highest density of macrobenthos was recorded for summer (8254±485) N/m2 and the lowest density was recorded for spring (3775±172)N/m2. The highest annual density was belong to mollusca (81%) and then polycheates (13%), Others (4%) and crustaceae (2%). The highest diversity was recorded for winter (Simpson index: 0.13±0.01, H':3.47±0.06) and the lowest diversity recorded for autumn (Simpson index: 0.16±0.01, H':3.17±0.06). in all stations, the highest amount of Shanon index was belong to T2S3 station in summer (4.11± 0.32) and the lowest amount was belong to T1S1 station in autumn (2.42± 0.41). The annual mean of Simpson diversity index: (0.15 ±0.04) and Shanon diversity index (3.36±0.03), illustrated that macrobenthos in Bahrekan bay have a good variation. The results of Brilluin and N1 (Number of equally common species) indices confirm the results of Simpson index. For study on the regions that diversity has a little difference between stations, with use of Ni index, the degree of differences could be better ono recognizable. According to the results of AMBI index in all seasons (autumn: 0.46±0.03; summer: 0.22±0.01; annual mean:0.31±0.01) and standards (0.0


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Anemone fishes are a group of 28 species of coral reef fishes belonging to the family Pomacentridae, subfamily Amphiprioninae and all have an obligate symbiotic relationship with sea anemones. Two species of these small ornamental fishes have been identified in the Persian Gulf including Amphiprion clarkii and A. sebae. The phylogenetic relationship between Amphiprion species of the Persian Gulf was studied by collecting 15 samples from three Iranian islands, Larak, Farur and Kish. DNA was extracted from each sample and a part of mtDNA was amplified. Two pairs of primers were designed to amplify a final target of 400 by nested-PCR. Each amplicon was sequenced, aligned and genetic diversity among samples was investigated by phylogenetic analysis. Results show that there is no significant genetic variation among A. clarkii individuals; however, A. sebae individuals from Larak were different from other fishes of the same species. Most probably this is due to the ability of A. clarkii to be symbiotant with all 10 species of host sea anemones which enables it to spread its own population in the 3 islands. However, A. sebae is observed to be symbiotant only with one host in the sea, therefore, has one option that reduces its distribution.


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In this project, have been studied to determine the appropriate model to spatial, temporal and diversity of demersal fishes in the Sea of Oman, including Trichiuridae, Nemipteridae, Haemulidae, Arridae, Synodontidae, Batoidfishes, Carangidae, Scianidae, Carchariniformes and Serranidae. This research became operational from catch data during 2003 to 2013 (in 2007, due to the lack of ship failed). Processing and calculations was evaluated by using the software Excel, SPSS, Arc GIS and table curve 3D highest biomass and abundance was showed in strata A and C and 10-30 m depth layers was showed the best condition biomass. In other words, highest biomass was showed in the eastern region in the Oman Sea than the central and western regions. Batoidfishes and Trichiuridae had the highest biomass .Depth factors was showed a significant correlation with the biomass. Scianidae, Serranidae and Haemulidae were showed a large decline. Synodontidae was showed a very large increase. The largest of Shannon index belong to central and western region of the Oman Sea. The highest Shannon index was showed 10-20 and 50-100 m, respectively. The Distribution maps based on the biomass was analyzed by using Arc GIS software. So that were identified in the first time in a ten-year period and carefully catch stations any economic of aquatic group. In conclusion, the depth can be found in the pattern of distribution, abundance and diversity of fish from away the beach so that follow specific pattern.