66 resultados para Smithsonian-Chrysler East African expedition, 1926.


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Lake victoria is the second largest lake in the world.the lake is shatred between three East African countries (Kenya,Uganda and Tanzania) the lake basin is estimatedto have about 30 million people who depend on it as a source of fish for food,employment,income and recreation.the lake is transport locally and regionally is used for recreation and is recongnised internationally for its high fish species diversity of ecological and scientific value. This document in the first in a series to be produced on different fish production systems in Uganda and should stimulate discussions and comments to guide application of scientific findings into the policy environment.


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The monitoring of fish stocks as well as the magnitude, distribution and trends of fishing effort and fish catches is required for sound fisheries resources management. Conducting regular Catch Assessment Surveys (CASs) in Lake Victoria is one of the ways through which the partner states sharing the lake are generating information to contribute to the above process. The EU funded Implementation of a Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP) project for Lake Victoria through the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation (LVFO) is supporting the implementation of regionally harmonised CASs in Lake Victoria . The CASs under IFMP are following a statistical design laid down in Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) agreed by the three partner states of the East African Community sharing the lake. In the Ugandan part of the lake, the CASs are carried out at 54 fish landing sites selected in the eleven riparian districts sharing the lake. The National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NAFIRRI), Jinja; the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR), Entebbe; and the Districts of Busia, Bugiri, Mayuge, Jinja, Mukono, Wakiso, Kampala, Mpigi, Masaka, Kalangala and Rakai jointly conduct the surveys. The CAS enumerators are recruited from the fishing communities and work under direct supervision of subcounty Fisheries Officers. NaFIRRI seeks to continue strengthening the engagement of the Beach Management Units (BMUs) and other fisheries Co-management Institutions in fisheries data collection .


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Following the collapse of the East African Community on 30th June, 1977 Ugandan fisheries research employees who were stationed in Kenya and Tanzania were recalled by the Uganda Government. The return of these officers strengthened the staff position of the Department. Formally the Headquarters of the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization (EAFFRO), the institution was re-named the Uganda Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization (UFFRO) and the Uganda Government took up the full responsibility for running and maintaining the Department. The Annual report presents activities and achievements during the reporting period 1977.


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Invertebrates constitute a major link in energy flow culminating into fish production in aquatic ecosystems. In tropical water bodies relatively little research has been done on invertebrate ecology especially their role in fishery production. European scientists through periodic expeditions to Africa in the last quarter of the 20th century carried out the earliest research on zooplankton. Rzoska (1957) listed these early workers including Stuhlmann (1888), Weltner (1897) and Mrazek (1897-1898). Daday (1907), Verestchagin (1915) and Delachaux (1917) undertook further work during the early twentieth century. These earlyworks provide a useful basis for tracking community changes by comparison with modem investigations. Worthington (1931) provided the first quantitative account of the zooplankton of Lake Victoria along with information on diurnal vertical migrations, compared to a temperate lake. The establishment of the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation (EAFFRO) at Jinja in 1947 enabled investigations on the fisheries, algae, invertebrates and water quality aspects of the lake (EAFFRO Annual Reports 1947-1977) to be regularly carried out. Macdonald (1956) made the first detailed observations on the biology of chaoborids and chironomids (IakefJies) in relation to the feeding of the elephant snout fish, Mormyrus kannume. A detailed study of the biology of the mayfly, Povilla adusta Navas with special reference to the diurnal rhythms of activity was carried out by Hartland-Rowe (1957). The search to unravel the ecological role of aquatic invertebrates in the production dynamics of the lake has taken invertebrate research to greater heights through recent investigations including Okedi (1990), Mavut


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The beginning of the 20th century saw the discovery of Africa's vast natural resources. Not only did explorers "discover" lakes, rivers, forests and mountains but scientists and naturalists also "discovered what at that time were called new species of plants, fish and other animals. Thus scientific names were tagged to various species using the famed binomial nomenclature and immortalising the names of some of the people who first described those species. Africa of course abounds with thousands of different floral and faunal varieties and the early colonial scientists found the African environment lucrative fron the point of discovery of new species. This paper therefore attempts to descrihe the role science could only in the development and exploitation of one of Africa's renewable resources namely fisheries. This paper has attempted to expose the value of fish in human nutrition, provision of employment and uplifting of social and economic standards. The fishery resources of Africa are extensive and in the main not fully exploited. These resources like other natural resources are exhaustible although renewable. Efforts to exploit these resources must be encouraged but scientific planning and management of the resource is called for.


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The idea of mechanised fishing on Lake Victoria is not new. Trawling experiments have been carried out in the past by the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation (EAFFRO), the Lake Victoria Fisheries Service and the Uganda Fisheries Department. In 1950 it was recognised by EAFFRO that commercial possibilities existed in the exploitation of Haplochromis by this gear. However, it was not until 1966 that, by a happy collaboration of the Uganda Fisheries Department and EAFFRO, the vessel 'Darter' was converted into a stern trawler and serious and successful experimentation into trawl fishing commenced. Darter has continued to undertake trawling work ever since and this work was augmented by the arrival in 1967 of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project's vessel 'Ibis'.


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During 1975, two experimental fisheries resource surveys were conducted on lake wamala from 14th to 20th May and 10th to 16th July. The purpose of the experimental fishing on this lake was to provide information required to genrate enough scientific guidelines and advice for rational exploitation, management, development and utilization of the fishery resources in the lake.


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This report presents the results of the second (in 1975) fisheries resource survey for Lake Wamala conducted from 10th to 16th July 1975. The first similar survey covered the period 14th to 20th May 1975. The areas sampled consisted of the river-month areas, the papyrus-fringed inshore waters and the open dee offshore waters. In an effort to find the possible major causes of the decline in catch and seasonal disappearance of fish-hence a solution to the problem(s)-a second fisheries resource survey using multifilament nylon gillnets was conducted on Lake Kijanebalola during the period 17th to 21st July 1975. The first survey was similar and covered the period 21st to 27th May 1975.


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The purpose of this report is to describe very briefly the new program of catch assessment surveys in Lake Victoria. The CAS program, less than a year old is a joint venture of EAFFRO and the Fisheries Departments of the partner states, with assistance from FAO Statistician. The program arose out of the need to establish uniform statistically sound system of data collection in Victoria fisheries, has a topic of discussion at past meetings of the Fisheries Technical Committee.


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A statistical comparison of standing stock density estimates (Kg/hectare) from 26 UNDP/FAO 1%9 thru 70 and 63 EAFFRO 1976 bottom trawl surveys revealed the following; 1) Statistically significant differences between mean density values at 4 of 7 depths {4-9 to 30-39 m}. 2) The 1969 thru 70 UNDP/FAO Values were higher at the 4 levels. 3) No statistically significant menn density value differences at 3 depths (40-49 to 60-69 m), but decreased values for the 1976 EAFFRO survey at 40-49 and 50-59 m depth. It was concluded from these comparisons that no capital investment should be made into a trawler industry for fish meal production in the Kenya waters of Lake Victoria until further bottom trawl surveys can be conducted to either substantiate or disapprove these differences over the six year time span.


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Intensification of aquaculture production in Uganda is likely to result into disease out-breaks leading to economic losses to commercial fish farms and associated natural aquatic ecosystems. This survey assessed health profiles of selected commercial fish farms and adjacent natural aquatic ecosystemsto identify fish diseases and parasites affecting Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in aquaculture systems in Uganda. Fish farms encounter disease out-breaks that cause low survival rates (0 - 30%), especially catfish hatcheries. Health management issues are not well understood by fish farmers, with some unable to detect diseased fish. Current control strategies to control aquatic pathogens include use of chemotherapeutants and antibiotics. Bacterial pathogens isolated included Flavobacterium columnare, Aeromonas sp., Edwardsiella sp., Psuedomonus sp., Steptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Proteus sp., and Vibrio sp. A high occurrence of Flavobacterium columnare exists in both asymptomatic and symptomatic fish was observed. Parasites included protozoans (Ichthyopthirius multiphilis, Trichodina sp. and Icthyobodo sp.) and trematodes (Cleidodiscus sp. and Gyrodactylus sp.). Diagnosis and control of diseases and parasites in aquaculture production systems requires adoption of a regional comprehensive biosecurity strategy: the East African (EAC) region unto which this study directly contributes.


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This report encompasses the time period 1 September 1973 through 31 July 1975. The research Officer's tour of duty officially terminated 30 September 1975, consisting of a regular 2-year tour of duty with three month extension of contract. During this time research into age and growth of several tropical species of fishes was conducted. In addition a closely related tagging program was initiated in order to determine both growth and movements of fishes. Lastly, some effort was directed towards aspects of the basic biology of several of the siluroid catfishes. This report delineates the relative effort into and success of the various research projects; presents results of research not previously offered, summarizes findings, and makes recommendations for future research endeavour. Two annual reports along with quarterly reports up to 30 June 1975 have been produced and are on file both at Headquarters in Jinja and the Kisumu Sub-station. These only will be referred to in some instances and built upon in others. Opinions offered, conclusions drawn and recommendation given within this report are solely those of the research officer employed in an official capacity for E.A.F.F.R.O.


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The level of Lake Victoria has, since 1961, reached a height which caused serious flood damage. Already the financial implications are considerable for Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. If further rises can be anticipated, expenditure on flood control measures to the tune of several million pounds sterling must be envisaged. If such rises should lead to uncontrolled discharge at the Owen Falls Dam site because of overshooting, downstream districts of Uganda and the Sudan may be seriously flooded. All this merits a thorough study, and any indication of the future behaviour of lake levels, even when associated with a low probability, must be taken into account. In these circumstances the Water Development Department of Kenya approached the East African Meteorological Department in November, 1964, on behalf of all parties concerned with the request to study the meteorological background of the Iake level variation, with a view to forecasting future behaviour.


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The Philippine Expedition of 1907-10 was the longest and most extensive assignment of the Albatross's 39-year career. It came about because the United States had acquired the Philippines following the Spanish-American War of 1898 and the bloody Philippine Insurection of 1899-1902. The purpose of the expedition was to surbey and assess the aquatic resources of the Philippine Islands. Dr. Hugh M. Smith, the Deputy Commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, was the Director of the Expedition. Other scientific participants were Frederick M. Chamberlain, Lewis Radcliffe, Paul Bartsch, Harry C. Fasset, Clarence Wells, Albert Burrows, Alvin Seale, and Roy Chapman Andrews. The expedition consisted of a series of cruises, each beginning and ending in Manila and exploring a different part of the island group. In addition to the Philippines proper, the ship also explored parts of the Dutch East Indies and areas around Hong Kong and Taiwan. The expedition returned great quantities of fish and invertebrate speciments as well as hydrographic and fisheries data; most of the material was eventually deposited in the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History. The fisehs were formally accessioned into the museum in 1922 and fell under the car of Barton A. Bean, Assistant Curator of Fishes, who then recruited Henry W. Fowler to work up the material. Fowler completed his studies of the entire collection, but only part of it was ever published, due in part to the economic constraints caused by the Depression. The material from the Philippine Expedition constituted the largest single accession of fishes ever received by the museum. These speciments are in good condition today and are still being used in scientific research.


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Upland stream systems have been extensively investigated in Europe, North America and Australasia and many of the central ideas concerning their function are based on these systems. One central paradigm, the river continuum concept is ultimately derived from those North American streams whose catchments remain forested with native vegetation. Streams of the tropics may or may not fit the model. They have been little studied. The Amani Nature Reserve in the East Usambara Mountains of north-eastern Tanzania offers an opportunity to bring these naturally forested systems to the attention of the ecological community. This article describes a comparison made between two lengths of the River Dodwe in this area. The work was carried out by a group of postgraduate students from eighteen European and African countries with advice from five staff members, as part of a course organised by the Tropical Biology Association. Rigorous efforts were made to standardise techniques, in a situation where equipment and laboratory facilities were very basic, through a management structure and deliberate allocation of work to specialists in each area.The article offers a summary of invertebrate communities found in the stream and its biomass. Crabs seem to be the key organism in both sections of the streams.