188 resultados para Size-Ramsey numbers


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Three types of prototype (Lege) traps with different numbers of entrance valves were evaluated in River Rima, north western Nigeria. The traps contained 4,6 and 8 valves, tagged 4-V, 6-V and 8-V respectively. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with one factor each replicated three times. Data collected on fish diversity, number, biomass and sizes were subjected to descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results of the catch composition showed close diversity index of 0.86 for 6-V, 0.80 for 8-V and 0.60 for 4-V Lege traps. However, the number (41%) and biomass (48%) of fish caught in the 6-V Lege trap were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those caught in the other traps. There was no definite trend in the sizes (length and girth) of fish caught in the traps. On the basis of species diversity, and the number and biomass of fish caught, the 6-V Lege showed preference for adoption than the other two traps. However, further studies are recommended on the appropriate mesh size net for the trap in line with the provisions of fisheries edicts


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The fishery of Lake Victoria became a major commercial fishery with the introduction of Nile perch in 1950s and 1960s. Biological and population characteristics point to a fishery under intense fishing pressure attributed to increased capacity and use of illegal fishing gears. Studies conducted between 1998 to 2000 suggested capture of fish between slot size of 50 to 85 cm TL to sustain the fishery. Samples from Kenya and Uganda factories in 2008 showed that 50% and 71% of individuals processed were below the slot size respectively. This study revealed that fish below and above the slot has continued being caught and processed. This confirms that the slot size is hardly adhered to by both the fishers and the processors. The paper explores why the slot size has not been a successful tool in management of Nile perch and suggests strategies to sustain the fishery


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The authors present quantitative information on the shrimp resources of Sierra Leone waters. Four of the nine species present have been studied, of which Paenaeus duorarum notialis is dominant in the fishery. Synoptic surveys were undertaken in June 1977, and March 1978, to determine the abundance of the shrimp stock on the inshore shelf. The temperature-salinity-depth curves for the fishing ground show the existence of three water masses. The majority of fish caught were sciaenids, with some sparids also being taken. Detailed discussion of distribution and abundance of individual species of shrimp is given. The surveys have shown that the Banana Islands are the most productive shrimp grounds in the country, and the authors believe that they can support a viable shrimp industry for several years to come at present rates of exploitation


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This paper attempts to review the literature on Gammarus and examine how it allocates its internal resources when producing eggs. There is an extensive literature on the fecundity of freshwater species but almost nothing is known about the sizes and energy contents of the eggs. More is known for saltwater species, in which the mean number of eggs per brood is inversely proportional to mean egg size and directly proportional to the female's body size. Theoretical aspects of egg size, numbers and reproductive effort are examined, along with the relation between sizes of eggs, broods and female body size. The reproductive effort and breeding cycles of both saltwater and freshwater species are reviewed, and reproductive strategies assessed.


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Until now observations on the temporal variation of size of freshwater copepods have not provided much information. Other observers only mention in passing this or that phenomenon from which it is possible to deduct termporal variations. In this study Cyclops strenuus s.l., a freshwater species of fairly wide distribution, is studied in two water bodies. The author studies the systematic, placing of inhabitants described as C. strenuus Fischer in both locations, their annual life cycle, and their annual size variations.


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As is known, copepods play an important role in the nutrition of fish. Therefore with a view to facilitating research on the study of the quantitative side of feeding, there have recently appeared a considerable number of papers devoted to the development of methods for determining the wet. weight of these crustaceans. For the further facilitating of research in the nutrition of fish it would be of great interest to clarify the problem, is there not some kind of rule in the growth of the crustaceans during metamorphosis, and if there is such a rule is it not possible, to determine the length of the larvae at each stage, not by measuring them, but by using the formulae derived on the basis of these rules. This article examines the growth curves of different species of freshwater Copepoda, obtained on the basis of experimental observations in cultures or by way of measurement of mass material at all stages of development in samples from water-bodies. The authors study in particular the ratio of the mean diameter of the eggs to the mean length of the egg-bearing females.


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Detailed descriptions of the early development of the striped bass, Roccus saxitilis (Walbaum), with emphasis on variation in size and morphology, sequence of fin formation, changes in body form, and attainment of the full complement of maristic numbers, are presented and illustrated for the first time. The egg is spherical, transparent, non-adhesive and relatively large. It is pelagic and buoyant, although it sinks in quiet fresh water. When unfertilized, it averages 1.3 mm, in diameter, but is 3.4 mm. when fertilized and water-hardened. The granular yolk sac, green when alive and whitish-yellow when preserved, averages 1.2 mm., and the single amber-colored oil globule is about 0.6 mm. in diameter. Newly hatched striped bass prolarvae, which range from 2.9-3.7 mm. in total length, are relatively undeveloped and nearly transparent, with no mouth opening, unpigmented eyes, and a greatly enlarged yolk sac with the large oil globule projecting beyond the head. When 5-6 mm. long the yolk sac and oil globule are assimilated and the postlarvae I show advanced development of the internal anatomy. Although the fish is still transparent, scattered melanophores are found on the head and body and chromatophores in the eyes and the ventro-posterior edge of the body. Postlarvae transform to young between 7 and 10 mm. in length when the finfolds are lost except in the dorsal, anal and caudal regions. The largest fish in this group possess a well-formed skeleton with a full complement of 25 vertebrae. Between 10 and 20 mm. in length all fish are fully transformed, muscular tissue renders most of the internal structure obscure, and the myotomes, which generally correspond in number with the vertebrae, are no longer visible. At fish lengths of 20-30 mm. scales are found on all specimens, and with the exception of the pectoral fin-rays, a full complement of meristic structures is present in all other fins. At this stage the body is pigmented uniformly with small spots. Linear regressions between several dependent variables and the , independent variable of standard length indicate that the rate of development of head, eye. and snout to anus lengths is proportional to the length of the larvae and young. Body depth and standard length are non-linear among newly-hatched larvae. Hatchery-reared striped bass demonstrated a slow rate of growth, and were regarded as "stunted," when compared to growth rates observed in another study and field collections. Observations were also made on abnormal eggs and teratological larvae and young. Blue-sac disease is tentatively identified and described for the first time in larvae and pugnosed larvae and young are also described for the first time in striped bass.


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This study was conducted to look into the relationship between mouth size and the total length of larval fish, and the growth in total length of larval fish in one or within a one-year period. Study material was gathered in the South China Sea, the Bay of Bangkok and the Vietnamese coast. This translation focuses on methods and conclusions of the original (longer) paper.


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This brief paper describes the significance of seasonal variation in clutch-size of the copepod Arctodiaptomus bacillifer in alpine lakes of high altitudes (Val Bognanco). Seasonal dynamics of the zooplankton of these lakes was studied during summer and autumn of 1968 and 1969and results are summarised.


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The number and size composition of gillnets, fishing grounds, and the quantity and composition of fish catches were related to the size of fishing boat. The overall number of gillnets per boat increased from 20.9 + or - 2.3 nets in 5-6 m long boats to 88.6 + or - 11.8 nets in 11-12 m long boats. The proportion of large mesh sizes, + or more than 127 mm, also increased from 40% in 5-6 m long boats to 100% in boats longer than 10 m. Fish catches are related to the size of boat and this should be considered when formulating management guidelines of the lake's fishery. Promotion of large fishing boats 8 m or longer and restriction on the number and/or mesh size of gillnets of smaller boats could increase ecological and socio-economic benefits.


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Measurements were taken of size distribution of P. d. notialis collected off Sierra Leone over a period of six months from October 1977 to March 1978. From the frequency distribution curves it is observed that the curves for male shrimps show only one or two major modes, which show prominence between 12.5 and 14.1 cm of total length. Females mostly exhibited size groups with three or four different length ranges and occasional occurrence of 1 to 5 modes. These size groups were observed to show continuous changes. No one group could be said to be permanent. The point of entry into the fishery of male shrimps was found to be at an average total length of 10.5 cm, while females did so at 11 cm. Sex ratios in the different samples were usually 1:1 but in one case the males were more numerous by 2:1 and in four other samples females were significantly preponderent. These departures from the 1:1 ratio may have been artificially created by sorting of the catches on board the ships.


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The angling season for non-migratory brown trout, in the Environment Agency (EA) North West Region, runs from March 15th to September 30th. Each year, large numbers of farm reared brown trout are stocked into the rivers of the North West Region's Central Area. In 1994, approximately 20,000 brown trout were introduced into the River systems of the Lune, Wyre and Ribble by local angling clubs and fishery owners. Most of these fish were stocked at a length greater than that defined by local byelaws as the takeable size (200mm). Introductions are made to supplement the existing wild brown trout populations within the river and increase the probability of an angler catching a fish. Stocking with fish of a sufficient length allows the successful angler to remove the catch for their own use. In this way, stretches of the rivers are effectively managed as "put and take" fisheries for brown trout. A number of brown trout fingerlings are also introduced each year by angling clubs and fishery owners. These are stocked with the expectation that the fish will survive in the river to grow, over-winter, and eventually attain a takable size with an increased degree of "wildness". The lower cost of fingerlings, as opposed to trout of a takable length, makes their introduction more attractive to angling clubs since a greater number can be stocked for a given cost. Although the practise of stocking brown trout has occurred for many years in the Central Area, there is little information of its success in terms of increasing anglers catches, or the survival offish introduced. This study was initiated to determine the recapture rates by angling of brown trout following their introduction into a river fishery. The information gained from this study can then be used to give guidance to angling clubs and fishery owners on the optimal strategies for stocking fish.


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The multi-annual climatic event, El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is an important factor in the population dynamics of coastal marine species in the Galápagos. The Galápagos sea lion, Zalophus wollebaeki, suffered an apparent population decline of about 50%, considering both mortality and movements away from study sites during the 1997-98 El Niño. This change was in part due to changes in the availability of sardines of the Family Clupeidae, its main prey. These declines resulted partly from elevated mortality (35%) in sea lion colonies, particularly among pups, juveniles (< 1 year old), and dominant males and as a result of movements of adults elsewhere (15%), presumably where there were alternative prey and better environmental conditions.


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Maternal effects on the quality of progeny can have direct impacts on population productivity. Rockfish are viviparous and the oil globule size of larvae at parturition has been shown to have direct effects on time until starvation and growth rate. We sampled embryos and preparturition larvae opportunistically from 89 gravid quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) in Southeast Alaska. Because the developmental stage and sampling period were correlated with oil globule size, they were treated as covariates in an analysis of maternal age, length, and weight effects on oil globule size. Maternal factors were related to developmental timing for almost all sampling periods, indicating that older, longer, and heavier females develop embryos earlier than younger, shorter, or lighter ones. Oil globule diameter and maternal length and weight were statistically linked, but the relationships may not be biologically significant. Weight-specific fecundity did not increase with maternal size or age, suggesting that reproductive output does not increase more quickly as fish age and grow. Age or size truncation of a rockfish population, in which timing of parturition is related to age and size, could result in a shorter parturition season. This shortening of the parturition season could make the population vulnerable to fluctuating environmental conditions.