67 resultados para Siegel, Jerry, 1914-1996


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This is the Salmonid & Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England & Wales 1996 produced by the Environment Agency in 1997. The principal aim of the Environment Agency in respect of fisheries is to maintain improve and develop fish stocks, the basic fisheries resource, in order to optimise the social and economic benefits from their sustainable exploitation. This report is the second collation of salmon and migratory trout catch statistics for England and Wales produced by the Environment Agency. For the years 1989-94, these statistics were published by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) and the years 1983-88 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Directorate of Fisheries Research in its Data Report series. The 1996 data, have been presented in a broadly similar format to those of 1995. This report makes a general review of different catches: Northumbria, Yorkshire, Anglian, Thames, Southern, Wessex, South West, Severn-Trent, Welsh and North West.


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This is the Water Level Management Plan for the Rostherne Mere by the Environment Agency. The purpose of the Plan is to provide a formal basis for managing the land drainage system and water supply system of the area in order to provide a sustainable balance between the conservation and agricultural interest in the area. No changes are proposed to present water level management or maintenance practices unless and until such changes are agreed by all parties. The report contains sections on description of Site, water level management, maintenance, nature conservation, agriculture, fisheries, archaeology, water quality and water resources, development adjacent to watercourses, contingencies and objectives of the Water Level Management.


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Historia de la Ciencia fue una materia ofrecida en 2003, por el curso de Posgrado en Ciencias Ambientales (PEA) de la Universidad Estadual de Maringá, PR, Brasil, dictada por la profesora Luiza Marta Bellini. Durante el curso de la misma, se discutía sobre la historia y filosofía de vida de los científicos que brillaron o, por el contrario, pasaron desapercibidos por la historia del pensamiento humano. Al final del término de la materia, se logró compilar un libro llamado Ecólogos e suas histórias: Um olhar sobre a construção das ideas ecológicas (Pelicice et al., 2010). El capitulo diez del libro, es un comentario sobre algunos pioneros que contribuyeron para el desarrollo de la Limnología fluvial en Sudamérica. Dos fueron tratados en ese capítulo, Harald Sioli y Juan José Neiff (ver Arenas‐Ibarra et al., 2010). Sin embargo, la idea principal del capítulo era incluir también a los doctores Argentino Aurelio Bonetto y Raúl Adolfo Ringuelet, pero cuestiones relativas al formato y espacio de cada capítulo, impidieron mantener la integridad original de éste y el mayor conocimiento de las contribuciones de estos dos destacados investigadores argentinos en tierras brasileras. Si bien esta omisión fue compensada en parte por el artículo de Arenas‐Ibarra & Souza‐Filho (2010) en el que se resaltan las figuras de Bonetto y Rzóska como precursores de la Limnología fluvial, quedó aún pendiente este reconocimiento por parte de los autores de este documento a Raúl Ringuelet. Con motivo de que en el transcurso de este año se cumplieron treinta años del fallecimiento del Dr. Raúl Adolfo Ringuelet, decidimos, por invitación de Hugo Luis López, publicar el material recopilado durante la materia cursada en la Universidad Estadual de Maringá (UEM, Brasil), actualizándola con nuevos datos proporcionados por Hugo López y Juan José Neiff. Este trabajo es una síntesis de las ideas de Raúl Adolfo Ringuelet, quien sin duda se encuentra entre los pioneros de la ictio‐limnología local y sudamericana.


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This is the report on the strategic fisheries stock assessment survey of the minor catchments in South West Cumbria 1996 with particular reference to salmonids, produced by North West Water in 1994. The 1996 Minor Catchment survey indicates variations in salmonid production within these catchments. Survey results indicate that production may be reaching its limit in certain areas whilst others are underachieving and others are unsuitable for salmonid production. Trout production within the catchments is higher and more widespread than that of salmon. Water quality levels vary considerably between catchments and intra-annually within individual catchments. The need for selective habitat surveys, with a view to habitat improvement schemes (H.I.S) is discussed. This report formed a basis for subsequent reports, thus, allowing data comparisons and analysis of production level fluctuations. It was the most extensive assessment of these catchments to date, taking into account comparisons with the new National Database on salmonid production in England and Wales.


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This is the report on the River Ehen salmonid fishery - current status and a summary of fisheries work during the period 1993-1996, produced by the Environment Agency North West in 1997. This report draws together a number of investigations and surveys undertaken following the 1993 Strategic fisheries survey of the River Ehen. It specifically details the historic catch data available for this catchment for both salmon and sea trout and examines the current stock levels based on this data. Concerns over sea trout stock levels are raised and a detailed examination of the possible limiting factors involved is included. Information from surveys on the River Keekle is analysed with reference to its potential for sea trout production both currently and with the proposed clean up on Oatlands tip. Salmon production in the historically acidified River Liza sub catchment is examined along with ways of boosting production further following recent reductions in acidic episodes. Future and current issues and actions required in the catchment are listed along with the responsible party and estimated costs involved.


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This is the Report of 1996 survey of Trout Beck with particular reference to spawning gravel quality and invertebrates as a food source for salmonids produced by the Environment Agency North West. Whilst the main River Derwent is quite a high profile salmon fishery, Trout Beck is not a significant fishery in its own right, but serves to maintain the genetic integrity of the wild populations of trout and salmon in the catchment by providing a unique habitat. This survey addressed the invertebrate food availability, and additionally looked at the substrate to try to determine whether the bed type might actually be unsuitable for spawning, especially in view of the previously mentioned silt inputs.


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Over the past one hundred and fifty years, the landscape and ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest coastal region, already subject to many variable natural forces, have been profoundly affected by human activities. In virtually every coastal watershed from the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Cape Mendocino, settlement, exploitation and development of resou?-ces have altered natural ecosystems. Vast, complex forests that once covered the region have been largely replaced by tree plantations or converted to non-forest conditions. Narrow coastal valleys, once filled with wetlands and braided streams that tempered storm runoff and provided salmon habitat, were drained, filled, or have otherwise been altered to create land for agriculture and other uses. Tideflats and saltmarshes in both large and small estuaries were filled for industrial, commercial, and other urban uses. Many estuaries, including that of the Columbia River, have been channeled, deepened, and jettied to provide for safe, reliable navigation. The prodigious rainfall in the region, once buffered by dense vegetation and complex river and stream habitat, now surges down sirfiplified stream channels laden with increased burdens of sediment and debris. Although these and many other changes have occurred incrementally over time and in widely separated areas, their sum can now be seen to have significantly affected the natural productivity of the region and, as a consequence, changed the economic structure of its human communities. This activity has taken place in a region already shaped by many interacting and dynamic natural forces. Large-scale ocean circulation patterns, which vary over long time periods, determine the strength and location of currents along the coast, and thus affect conditions in the nearshore ocean and estuaries throughout the region. Periodic seasonal differences in the weather and ocean act on shorter time scales; winters are typically wet with storms from the southwest while summers tend to be dry with winds from the northwest. Some phenomena are episodic, such as El Nifio events, which alter weather, marine habitats, and the distribution and survival of marine organisms. Other oceanic and atmospheric changes operate more slowly; over time scales of decades, centuries, and longer. Episodic geologic events also punctuate the region, such as volcanic eruptions that discharge widespread blankets of ash, frequent minor earthquakes, and major subduction zone earthquakes each 300 to 500 years that release accumulated tectonic strain, dropping stretches of ocean shoreline, inundating estuaries and coastal valleys, and triggering landslides that reshape stream profiles. While these many natural processes have altered, sometimes dramatically, the Pacific Northwest coastal region, these same processes have formed productive marine and coastal ecosystems, and many of the species in these systems have adapted to the variable environmental conditions of the region to ensure their long-term survival.


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From 1992 to 1996, 153 bottlenose dolphin stranded in South Carolina, accounting for 73% of all marine mammal strandings during this period. The objectives of our study were to evaluate data from these strandings to deter-mine 1) annual trends in strandings, 2) seasonal and spatial distribution trends, 3) life history parameters such as sex ratio and age classes, 3) seasonal trends in reproduction, and 4) the extent to which humans have played a role in causing these strandings (human inter-actions). The results showed that 49% of the bottlenose dolphin strandings occurred between April and July; the greatest number of strandings occurred in July (n=22). There was a significant seasonal increase in the distribution of bottlenose dolphin strandings in the northern portion of the state from November to March. Bottlenose dolphin neonates stranded in every month of the year, except March and October, and represented 19.6% of the total number of strandings with known length (n=138). Fifty-five percent (n=15) of bottlenose dolphin neonatal strandings occurred between May and July. Bottlenose dolphins determined to have died as the result of human interaction accounted for 23.1% of the total number of bottlenose dolphin strandings (excluding those for which a determination could not be made).Incidents of bottlenose dolphin entanglements in nets accounted for 16 of these cases.