56 resultados para Relations of production


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Indian fisheries sector in view of its potential contribution to national income, nutritional security, employment opportunities, social objectives and export earnings, plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the country. Fisheries sector contributes 4.3% to the agricultural GDP and export earnings are presently valued at over INR 68 billion from a volume of 460,000 tons. In addition, it provides direct and indirect employment and dependency for over seven million people in the country. With an estimated production potential of 8.4 million tons, the present level of production in the country is 5.9 million tons with almost equal contribution from both marine and inland sectors. The estimated fisheries potential from the Indian exclusive economic zone was found to be 3.9 million tons. But in spite of the increased efforts in fish production, the catch stagnates around 2.9 million tons. The stagnation in catches, mainly due to the over exploitation of dwindling marine resources, forced the government to impart some management measures to regulate the fishery and for the sustenance of the marine resources. The monsoon trawl ban in fisheries was one of the major reforms, which had created a substantial increase in fish production in the past few years. The ban on trawling during monsoon season was introduced in Maharashtra, after a series of studies, from 1992 for a period of 65 days from 10 June to 15 August or Naralipoornima, whichever is earlier. A notable increase in production from the marine sector of the country occurred in the post-ban period. Nevertheless, it had created problems in employment, poverty and income distribution of fishermen during the ban period and was always a matter of unrest between mechanized and traditional sectors of fishing. The aim of this study was to understand the impact of the ban on monsoon trawling in employment pattern, poverty and income distribution of fishermen along the coast of Maharashtra. The study was conducted at the Versova fishing village, Mumbai, and provides reflections on the possible impact of monsoon ban in the livelihood and standard of living of the fishermen in the state.


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The paper deals with a technique to synchronize two crops, fish and makhana (Euryale ferox Salisb) in a pond. In such eco-friendly integration both crops are mutually benefited. Decomposed plant parts of makhana crop form organic matter that releases nutrients in the water to enhance plankton population. Organic detritus not only acts as food for bottom dwelling fishes (mrigal and common carp) but also provides a suitable substratum for the growth of zooplankton, insect larvae, nematodes and gastropods. Fishes contribute to the control of makhana pests. Their faecal matter acts as organic manure for makhana crop. Plankton population fluctuated between 1260 u/l to 4030 u/l in the control pond and 1630 u/l to 4722 u/l in the experimental pond. During the grand growth period of makhana crop (April to July) the dissolved oxygen content fluctuated between 5.02 mg/l to 6.68 mg/l in the covered areas and 6.04 mg/l to 6.92 mg/l in uncovered areas. Makhana leaves acting as blanket barrier over the water surface brought down the D.O. content in the covered areas of the pond. Free CO sub(2) content showed wider fluctuation in the experimental pond (25.2 mg/l to 30.9 mg/l) than in the control pond (25.1 mg/l to 28.6 mg/l). This could be due to decomposition of plant parts of the presiding crop lying as debris at the pond bottom. Autochthonous supply of nutrients enhanced the content of nitrogen, phosphorous and organic carbon in the soil of experimental pond. The experimental pond covering an area of 0.40 ha yielded 852 kg fish and 200 kg pops whereas the control pond covering the same area produced 777 kg fish only. The net profit per ha came out to be Rs.1,04,700 and Rs. 66,200 in integrated and non-integrated system respectively. Owing to crop diversification, the present integrated system was found to be more viable than the non-integrated system in terms of production and net profit.


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A study was conducted to examine the culture practices of freshwater giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii in some selected areas of Mymensingh. Based on a sample of 100 farmers from three different upazila, namely Phulpur, Gouripur and Ishwargonj in Mymensingh district, 94% of farmers cultured prawn with fish in their pond. Only 6% of farmers cultured prawn, fish and dike crops for higher economic return. The culture period is typically nine months; hatchery produced post-larvae were stocked from May to June and harvested from November to January. Per hectare production of prawn, 375 kg/yr was very low because the farmers followed simple culture method. Most of the farmers made a profit of Tk. 68,403/ha/yr and the major costs incurred were for purchasing prawn seed and feed. The culture of prawn in pond system is technically possible under different conditions though expansion of small-scale prawn farming mainly depends on reduction of production costs. Future targets could be integration of pond prawn culture with other agricultural activities especially dike cropping and rice production in the monsoon.


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The extent of idle capacity in fish processing (freezing) plants estimated by stratified random sampling is reported. The estimates for 1978 and 1979 for the processing plants on the west coast of India were 76.9 % and 73.2 % respectively at the rate of 250 working days per annum and two shifts per day. The percentage error of estimates worked out to 6.04 for 1978 and 6.98 for 1979. Substantial under utilization of processing plants noticed in all the states accounts mainly to the non-availability of raw material (prawn), high cost of production and shortage of power.


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The extent of idle capacity in the fish processing (freezing) plants in the east coast of India estimated by stratified random sampling and the factors responsible for the same are reported. The estimates of idle capacity of fish processing plants in the east coast for the years 1978 and 1979 were respectively 75.9% and 72.5% on the basis of 250 working days per annum and double shift per day. The percentage errors of estimates worked out to 6.9 for 1978 and 4.7 for 1979. The corresponding figures were worked out on the basis of 200 working days also. Substantial under-utilisation of plants in all the maritime states in the east coast accounted mainly to non-availability of raw material, high cost of production, shortage of power, scarcity of ice and potable water during peak season and frequent labour troubles.


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The cost-benefit analysis of 23m and 22m trawlers operated from Visakhapatnam base is presented. The study indicated that the deep sea fishing in Indian waters is a profitable venture. The profit over capital investment for a 23m trawler worked out to about 18% whereas the same was about 10% for a 22m trawler. Catch per trawling operation, cost of production, productivity per man year, energy yield etc. establish the economic superiority of 23m vessel.


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Observations (76 nos) on height-length and whole weight-meat weight relations of mussels (Perna viridis), both wild and cultured were made. From the length of mussel the height can be worked out by the equations (logarithmic scale), 1. y = 0.360+0.988 x for wild; 2. y = 0.334+1.011 x for cultured, where x is the length (cm) and y is the height (cms). So also to any height the corresponding meat weight can be obtained by the regression equation. log w=-0.8178+1.9769 log H for wild variety (1) log w=-1.3049+2.8385 log H for culture-variety (2) where w is the meat weight (g) and H is the height (cm) of the mussel. Fourteen observations on size weight measurements of dams were made. The yield varied from 8.9 to 13%. The length-height relationship worked out for clams (Villorita sp) is y=0.485+1.005 x for length x and height y.


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Sixty one observations on length-breadth and whole weight-meat weight relations of India crab (Scylla serrata) were made. From the length of crab (cm) the whole weight (gm) can be computed by the equation: log W=-0.1708+2.3341 log L. Similarly for any given length (cm) the meat weight (gm) can be found by the relation, log w=-1.5745+3.0148 log L.


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Small indigenous fish species (SIS) play very important role in the diet of the people of Bangladesh. Until recently, the possibilities of culture them in consideration with the Indian major carp yet to be explored. In view of the above, an experiment on the polyculture of carps with SIS, bata (Labeo bata) was carried out to evaluate their production performance in the on-farm condition during 15 March to 15 September 2003. Three different stocking densities of bata with carp species were given. After six months of rearing, the productions obtained were 2,466±98 kg/ha, 2,395 ±88 kg/ha and 2,074±94 kg/ha from treatments-1, 2 and 3, respectively. The highest production was obtained from treatment-1, when compared with treatments-1 and 2. The contribution of bata in terms of production was 10.31% in treatment-1, while it was 13.36% and 14.38% in treatments-2 and 3, respectively.


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The growth of Skeletonema costatum in two artificial nutrient media was studied using various culture vessels. Skeletonema costatum was collected from the Cox's Bazar coast around the Bay of Bengal. Different growths stages i.e. lag phase, exponential phase, prestationary phase, stationary and death phase were observed during the culture period. The number of cells increased during the active division period and decreased after the beginning of the prestationary phase. The average densities of S. costatum in primary and secondary cultures were 0.55 x 10 super(6) cells mlˉ¹ and 0.93x10 super(6) cells mlˉ¹, respectively. In mass culture of S. costatum two, types of media were used. Highest cells densities of S. costatum cement tank culture were recorded 1.23x10 super(6) cell mlˉ¹ and 0.78x10 super(6) cells mlˉ¹ in their respective f/4 medium and commercial fertilizer medium. In the cement tanks culture fertilizer medium was found to be the best medium for mass culture of S. costatum in respect of production efficiency and culture stability.


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Invertebrates are some of the key food items for fish diets. They thus form an important fish food environment upon which the fisheries thrives in terms of production through dietary support. Invertebrates communities of Lakes Albert and Kyoga have been evaluated and considered the implications for diets and production of commercial fishes.