65 resultados para Recent Veterinary Graduates


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Because fish bioaccumulate* certain chemicals, levels of chemical contaminants in their edible portion must be closely monitored. In recent years, FDA has conducted several surveys designed to determine the occurrence and levels of selected chemicals or groups of chemicals in fish. Previous fish surveillance programs included the Mercury in Wholesale Fish Survey (FY 71), the FY 73 and 74 Comprehensive Fish Surveys, the Canned Tuna Program (FY 75), the Kepone and Mirex Contamination Program (FY 77), and the FY 77 Mercury in Swordfish Program. In addition, recent Compliance Programs for Pesticides and Metals in Foods and Pesticides, Metals, and Industrial Chemicals in Animal Feed have specified coverage of fish and fish products. Because of previous findings and the sustained high level of fish imported into the United States, a separate compliance program dealing solely with chemical contaminants in fish was initiated by the FDA Bureau of Foods in FY 78. The program includes all domestic and imported fish coverage except that directed by the Bureau of Veterinary Medicine for animal feed components derived from fishery products. The earlier surveys indicated that "bottom feeder" species such as catfish generally had the highest levels of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). For this reason, coverage at these species has been emphasized. Similarly, tuna has received special attention because it is the most prevalent fish in the U.S. diet and because of potential problems with mercury. Halibut, swordfish, and snapper also were emphasized in the sampling because of potential problems with mercury levels determined in previous years. The findings in this program were used in detecting emerging problems in fish and directing FDA efforts to deal with them. Care must be exercised in drawing conclusions about trends from the data because this Compliance Program was not statistically designed. Sampling objectives and sources may vary from year to year; thus the results are not directly comparable.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Observations show that global average tropospheric temperatures have been rising during the past century, with the most recent portion of record showing a sharp rise since the mid-1970s.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Observations of climate variables in the tropical Pacific region are examined for the period 1970-1994. We look at a variety of climate variables, including upper ocean temperatures, surface wind stress, precipitation, and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and find evidence for two distinct decadal-scale warmings in the tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere climate system during this period.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): In the mountainous western United States, winter weather has consequences for the entire year, especially with respect to the use of water. For most of the past 6-8 years, drought has been a persistent feature of the climate.


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A taxonomic key is presented of the Stomatopoda (family Gonodactylidae) of the IndoWest Pacific Region.


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An identification key is given for the Stomatopod family Lysiosquillidae occurring in the Indo-West Pacific region.


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A study of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from 19 stations in the neritic and oceanic regions off the Coromandel Coast, Bay of Bengal has been made using a multivariate statistical method termed as factor analysis. On the basis of abundance, 17 foraminiferal species, species were clustered into 5 groups with row normalisation and varimax rotation for Q-mode factor analysis. The 19 stations were also grouped into 5 groups with only 2 groups statistically significant using column normalisation and varimax rotation for R-mode analysis. This assemblage grouping method is suitable because groups of species/stations can explain the maximum amount of variation in them in relation to prevailing environmental conditions in the area of study.


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Although brackishwater prawn and fish culture was traditionally practiced for a long time in the country, efforts at sea farming are still in their infancy. During the past 15 years the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute has developed various technologies for sea farming of mussels, pearl oysters, production of cultured pearls, edible oysters, clams, prawns, lobsters, seaweeds and more recently sea cucumbers and top shells. The paper outlines recent developments in these areas as well as in others like sea ranching of marine prawns and pearl oyster, and scope for enlarging sea farming activities including development of artificial reefs in India.


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The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute has established a shellfish hatchery laboratory at its Tuticorin Research Centre with the objective of developing appropriate technology for the production of seed of commercial bivalves. A viable technology was developed for the mass production of the seed of Pinctada fucata, P. margaretifera, Crassostrea madrasensis, Perna indica, P. viridis, Anadara granosa and Meretrix meretrix. The hatchery facility and the technology, comprising brood stock conditioning, induced spawning, larval rearing and seed production are described. In the light of these developments the future outlook is appraised.


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Several technological advances have been made in tropical freshwater aquaculture during the last three decades. Hatchery production of carp seed was achieved in India and China towards the late 1950's. Channel catfish farming in the U.S. has grown phenomenally. Development of the technology of high density culture using artificial aeration and nutritionally balanced diets has revolutionized freshwater aquaculture, particularly in Israel. Culture of fishes in cages, pens and running water have helped to achieve very high production levels. Considerable research work has been done on fish nutrition during recent years. Investigations on sex control reveal that it is possible to produce a single sex progeny which is more desirable for culture.


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Mahseers (Tor khudree), at one time considered to be of single species, are now represented by 6 valid species distributed all over India. Studies on their food habits, ecology of spawning grounds, eggs, larval development and especially methods of artificial propagation have advanced in recent years. Transport of eggs of Tor khudree by air in moist cotton has been possible for easy distribution. Breeding of T. khudree not only by hypophysation, but even without it in small ponds by manipulation of flow of water, exercise and feed has also been possible. Fry and fingerlings of T. khudree are being distributed to many of the states in the country to help conserve the species.


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The presence of even very minute quantities of pollutants may become harmful either due to their direct effect on zooplankton or indirectly due to the transfer of the pollutants to other trophic levels through zooplankton. The recent trend in marine pollution studies is therefore to find out the effects of very minute quantities of these pollutants on marine zooplankton and the methods of their accumulation and transfer to the organisms of higher trophic level including man. A review of laboratory and field studies concerning the effects of pollutants such as hydrocarbons, crude oil, heavy metals, pesticides and heated waste water on the survival, breeding, movement, faecal pellet production, growth and development on marine zooplankton is presented.


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There are good possibilities for expanding the consumer sector in both the traditional and nontraditional marine products. Frozen shrimp continues to be the item of highest demand in foreign markets. Individual quick frozen (IQF) prawns which are indeed value added products and have already penetrated international markets elicit export incentive from development agencies like the Marine Products Export Development Authority. With the projected potential of 1.8 lakh tonnes of cephalopods against the current yield of 13,000 tonnes, there are good prospects of increasing exports of frozen squid and cuttlefish. The technology of packing fish in retortable pouches as an alternative to canning has now been perfected. Salted fish mince has good market potential in India and abroad.


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The paper contains a brief review of the studies on the life histories of Indian species of prawns chiefly belonging to the family Penaeidae. References to similar work carried out outside India are furnished where significant variations have been observed. The three main larval stages viz., Nauplius, Protozoea and Zoea (Mysis) and their important characteristics, including modes of locomotion, are described. The post-larval development of one species that has been studied in detail (Metapenaeus dobsoni) is indicated in outline. Some aspects of the bionomics of these prawns, especially breeding and migration, are also briefly dealt with in view of their relevance in their life cycle. An outline of the life histories of some Palaemonid prawns of both fresh water and marine habitats is added at the end and the need for well- planned investigations in regard to species of such economic value as Palaemon carcinus (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) is indicated.