57 resultados para Overview


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Each summer between 1976 and 1984 research was conducted on the Quelccaya Ice Cap with one central objective, to recover an ice core to bedrock from which an approximate 1000 year climatic history for tropical South America could be reconstructed. In 1983 that central objective was accomplished by recovering one core 155 meters in length containing 1350 years and a second core of 163.6 meters containing more than 1500 years of climatic history. ... The most significant climatic event in tropical South America over the last 1500 years was the "Little Ice Age" which is recorded between 1490 to 1880 A.D. in these ice core records. Records from the summit of the Quelccaya Ice Cap show that during the "Little Ice Age" period there was (1) a general increase in particulates (both insoluble and soluble, starting around 1490 A.D. and ending abruptly in 1880 A.D.; (2) an initial increase in net accumulation (1500-1720 A.D.) followed by a period of decreased net accumulation (1720-1860 A.D.); (3) more negative delta-O-18 values beginning in the 1520's and ending around 1880 A.D. The "Little Ice Age" event is evident as a perturbation in all five ice core parameters.


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For more than 25 years all sea turtle products have been prohibited from international commerce by the 170-member nations of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Sea turtles continue to be threatened by direct take (including poaching) and illegal trade despite multi-national protection efforts. Although take may contribute significantly to sea turtle decline, illegal take is difficult to measure since there are few quantified records associated with legal fisheries and fewer still for illegal take (poaching). We can, however, quantify one portion of the illegal sea turtle trade by determining how many illegal products were seized at United States ports of entry over a recent 10-year period. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) oversees the import and export of wildlife and wildlife products, ensuring that wildlife trade complies with United States laws and international treaties. Additionally, the USFWS has legal authority to target suspected illegal wildlife activity through undercover and field investigations. In an effort to assess the scale of illegal sea turtle take and trade, we have conducted a 10-year (1994 – 2003) review of the law enforcement database maintained by the USFWS. This database tracks the number and type of wildlife cases, the quantity of seized products, and the penalties assessed against violators. These data are minimum estimates of the sea turtle products passing through the United States borders, as smuggled wildlife is oftentimes not detected.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Time scales extracted from high-resolution proxy records and observations indicate that the spectrum of climate variability exhibits significant power in the range of decades to centuries superimposed on a red-noise continuum. The classical view of climate variability is based on the concept that observed fluctuations have their origin in periodic forcings on the same time scale. ... Instead, it is proposed that these fluctuations are linked to interactions within and between the different climate system components.


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An account is given of the different types of gears and craft used to catch the pelagic and demersal fish in the inshore and estuary waters of Karwar, India. The main types of craft used during the fishing season September-May are: rampani boats, yendi boats, out-rigger boats, plank-built and dug-out canoes; important gears include: rampani, yendi, shore-seines, gill nets, boat seines, drift nets and hook and lines. Mechanized fishing, introduced during the sixties and seventies, included trawling and purse-seining. The types of gears used by the traditional fishermen depend on local conditions, seasons and distance covered from the shore. The major share to the total landings of fish in Karwar coast is brought mainly by the mechanized craft.


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A review is made of the environmental features of Karwar coastal waters, describing the currents, waves, inshore water hydrology and bottom features of the bay. The intertidal and the estuarine environment are described, considering various environmental stress factors. Future prospects regarding man's effects on the environment, such as development projects, are discussed briefly.


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Although fish culture itself is an age-old tradition in Taiwan, it was in the 1960s that the first successes on artificial propagation were achieved, with several species of Chinese carps and tilapias. The first marine fish to be bred in captivity was the grey mullet; it was first induced to spawn in 1968. Various other species have since been added to the list of propagated marine fish. The characteristics of the marine fish hatchery industry in Taiwan are outlined, considering both the outdoor pond and indoor tank systems. Future prospects are very good; Taiwan now exports marine fish larvae and fingerlings to many of its Asian neighbours and there are some 60 marine fish species for which commercial larval production is possible.


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Genetic biodiversity is the vaflatlOn among individuals within and between units of interbreeding individuals (populations) of a species. It includes inheritable and transmittable differences that occur between individuals andlor popuhitions of a given species through reproductive interaction. There exists enormous variability among individuals andlor populations of a species for most living organisms, and most of this variation is inheritable. differences among individuals arise through mutation and via recombination of genes during meiosis. These ifferences are then transmitted to successive generations through sexual reproduction and maintained in the populations through processes such as natural selection and genetic drift. Unfortunately much of this variation is normally threatened and often in danger of extinction because most focus in conservation of natural resources is put at saving species or habitats than varieties or strains of a species


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The limnological investigations in Uganda freshwaters which were started in the 1920s looked into: the origins, the changing geological and climatic factors which gave rise to the characteristic inland waters; the primary production; the constituent small aquatic organisms and their ecology; and their bordering swamps. Most of them were formed immediately after the formation of the great Western rift valley. Almost all the inland waters in Uganda are typical tropical freshwaters which, because of their relative shallowness, experience rather frequent wind stirrings and therefore nutrient circulation which would make them relatively productive. Many physical, biological and chemical factors come into play to finally determine this. The present investigations continue to bridge the gaps which were left and also to collect the baseline data needed to later manage, monitor and control any possible pollution risks.