60 resultados para Oceanographic instruments


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Oceanographic, hydrologic, and climatic data collected during 1916-'87 in Puget Sound's Main Basin (~200 m x 5 km x 100 km) and approaches oscillate at low frequency between two regimes (I, II). The oscillation accounts for a large fraction of the interannual variability (41-75%) and the zero crossings between regimes span approximately a decade. ... The transition between regimes is accompanied by substantial changes in the horizontal pressure and density fields between the Pacific coast and the mixing zones leading to the Basin, as well as within the Basin itself.


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The mission of NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP) is to serve as the trustee for a system of marine protected areas, to conserve, protect, and enhance their biodiversity, ecological integrity, and cultural legacy while facilitating compatible uses. Since 1972, thirteen National Marine Sanctuaries, representing a wide variety of ocean environments, have been established, each with management goals tuned to their unique diversity. Extending from Cape Ann to Cape Cod across the mouth of Massachusetts Bay, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (NMS) encompasses 2,181 square kilometers of highly productive, diverse, and culturally unique Federal waters. As a result of its varied seafloor topography, oceanographic conditions, and high primary productivity, Stellwagen Bank NMS is utilized by diverse assemblages of seabirds, marine mammals, invertebrates, and fish species, as well as containing a number of maritime heritage resources. Furthermore, it is a region of cultural significance, highlighted by the recent discovery of several historic shipwrecks. Officially designated in 1992, Stellwagen Bank became the Nation’s twelfth National Marine Sanctuary in order to protect these and other unique biological, geological, oceanographic, and cultural features of the region. The Stellwagen Bank NMS is in the midst of its first management plan review since designation. The management plan review process, required by law, is designed to evaluate, enhance, and guide the development of future research efforts, education and outreach, and the management approaches used by Sanctuaries. Given the ecological and physical complexity of Stellwagen Bank NMS, burgeoning anthropogenic impacts to the region, and competing human and biological uses, the review process was challenged to assimilate and analyze the wealth of existing scientific knowledge in a framework which could enhance management decision-making. Unquestionably, the Gulf of Maine, Massachusetts Bay, and Stellwagen Bank-proper are extremely well studied systems, and in many regards, the scientific information available greatly exceeds that which is available for other Sanctuaries. However, the propensity of scientific information reinforces the need to utilize a comprehensive analytical approach to synthesize and explore linkages between disparate information on physical, biological, and chemical processes, while identifying topics needing further study. Given this requirement, a partnership was established between NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP) and the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) so as to leverage existing NOAA technical expertise to assist the Sanctuary in developing additional ecological assessment products which would benefit the management plan review process.


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This report presents the results of a two-year investigation and summary of oceanographic satellite data obtained from multiple operational data providers and sources, spanning years of operational data collection. Long-term summaries of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and SST fronts, Sea Surface Height Anomalies (SSHA), surface currents, ocean color chlorophyll and turbidity, and winds are provided. Merged satellite oceanographic data revealed information on: (1) seasonal cycles and timing of transition periods; (2) linkages between seasonal effects (warming and cooling), upwelling processes and transport; and (3) nutrient/sediment sources, sinks, and physical limiting factors controlling surface response for Olympic Coast marine environments. These data and information can be used for building relevant hind cast models, ecological forecasts, and regional environmental indices (e.g. upwelling, climate, “hot spot”) on biological distribution and/or response in the PNW.


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We employed ultrasonic transmitters to follow (for up to 48 h) the horizontal and vertical movements of five juvenile (6.8–18.7 kg estimated body mass) bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the western North Atlantic (off the eastern shore of Virginia). Our objective was to document the fishes’ behavior and distribution in relation to oceanographic conditions and thus begin to address issues that currently limit population assessments based on aerial surveys. Estimation of the trends in adult and juvenile Atlantic bluefin tuna abundance by aerial surveys, and other fishery-independent measures, is considered a priority. Juvenile bluefin tuna spent the majority of their time over the continental shelf in relatively shallow water (generally less then 40 m deep). Fish used the entire water column in spite of relatively steep vertical thermal gradients (≈24°C at the surface and ≈12°C at 40 m depth), but spent the majority of their time (≈90%) above 15 m and in water warmer then 20°C. Mean swimming speeds ranged from 2.8 to 3.3 knots, and total distance covered from 152 to 289 km (82–156 nmi). Because fish generally remained within relatively con-fined areas, net displacement was only 7.7–52.7 km (4.1–28.4 nmi). Horizontal movements were not correlated with sea surface temperature. We propose that it is unlikely that juvenile bluefin tuna in this area can detect minor horizontal temperature gradients (generally less then 0.5°C/km) because of the steep vertical temperature gradients (up to ≈0.6°C/m) they experience during their regular vertical movements. In contrast, water clarity did appear to influence behavior because the fish remained in the intermediate water mass between the turbid and phytoplankton-rich plume exiting Chesapeake Bay (and similar coastal waters) and the clear oligotrophic water east of the continental shelf.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): A high resolution, AMS carbon-14-dated sediment record from the Sulu Sea clearly indicates the Younger Dryas climatic event affected the western equatorial Pacific. Presence of the Younger Dryas in the tropical western Pacific indicates this climatic event is not restricted to the North Atlantic nor to high latitudes, but is global in extent.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Clipperton Atoll (10°18'N, 109°13'W), lies within the eastern Pacific elongated warm water pool centered at 10°N and is situated at the boundary of the North Equatorial Counter-Current (NECC) and westward-flowing eddy currents moving away from Central America. ... Fifteen coral cores were collected from massive heads of Porites lobata in April 1994 for the purpose of reconstructing oceanographic and climatic conditions at this open ocean site in the eastern Pacific.


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Situated as it is on the north-western section of the Indian Ocean, the Cochin littoral has played a very significant role in the history of India. Despite being an extremely interesting region from the point of view of oceanographic studies, the Indian Ocean in general has been one of the least scientifically known regions of our planet.


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The primary objectives of this data summary are to display features of the distribution of hydrographic and chemical parameters in the Mozambique Channel in a form which will be useful for oceanographers, and to serve as a basis for the processing of more recent data obtained since 1977.


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Oceanographic research carried out in the Delagoa Bay (Mozambique) area in January 1982 confirms the presence of a cyclonic eddy influencing a total area of approximately 150 km x 80 km between the Mozambique Current and the 200 m isobaths. The bottom topography seems to play a major role in the generation of the eddy. Comparison with results of investigations carried out in the area from 1957 to 1980 suggests that the eddy is quasi-stationary.


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In September-December 1982 a fisheries research cruise was carried out at the Sofala Bank by the SRTM "Sevastopolsky Rybak". Oceanographic investigations have been conducted in association with the fisheries research. Three coverages were made of the Sofala Bank each lasting for slightly less than three weeks. This will allow for three descriptions of the oceanographic conditions in the area, with some reference being made to variability. This paper is just a preliminary report of those investigations.


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To manage and process a large amount of oceanographic data, users must have powerful tools that simplify these tasks. The VODC for PC is software designed to assist in managing oceanographic data. It based on 32 bits Windows operation system and used Microsoft Access database management system. With VODC for PC users can update data simply, convert to some international data formats, combine some VODC databases to one, calculate average, min, max fields for some types of data, check for valid data…


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Catching methods and ways to improve them have been engaging the attention of fishermen from time immemorial. This was done mostly by trial and error methods, as most of the earlier investigations were primarily directed towards solution of biological problems related to fisheries. In recent years several fisheries laboratories have taken up studies on the working principles of many gears such as trawls, gill nets, round haul nets etc. with the aid of instruments developed for the purpose. The purpose of this article is to review the progress made in this field and in the development of telemetering instruments and continuous data acquisition systems.


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Overview from member countries of oceanography and large scale dynamic processes affecting the Bay of Bengal