53 resultados para Mode of occurrence


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Fisheries Frame surveys have been carried out on Lake Victoria biannually since 2000 to determine· the number of fishers, fish landing sites, facilities at the landing sites. Information on the composition fishing crafts, their mode of propulsion, fishing gears and the fish species they target is also collected. This information is used to guide development and management of the lake's fisheries. The results of the four surveys carried out since 2000 show that the number of landing sites has decreased by 24% from 597 in 2000 to 481 in 2006, mainly as result of reorganisation of landing sites into Beach Management Units (BMUs). The fish landing sites continue to have inadequate facilities to service the fisheries industry e.g. in the 2006 survey only 11.2% of landing sites had fish shades; <0.6% had cold rooms; 3.5% had electricity; and only 35.5% had toilet facilities. Similarly, only 11.4% of landing sites had portable water; 2.5% had jetties, 3.7% had 'fish stores; and 36% were accessible by all weather roads. There is need to improve facilities servicing fisheries at landing sites, with major emphasis on sanitary facilities, especially toilets and portable water. The BMUs should be sensitised to prioritise the construction and utilisation of public toilet facilities at their respective landing sites. The ultimate aim should be to have public toilets at all fish landing sites. The trend of the various indicators of fishing effort has continued upwards: The total number of fishers increased by 43.5% from 37,721 in 2004 to 54,148 in 2006 and the number of fishing crafts increased (43.9%) from 16,775 in 2004 to 24,148 in 2006 over the same period. The total number of gillnets increased by 28.6% from 458,597 in 2004 to 589,777 in 2006 and the number of long line hooks increased by 136% from 968,848 to 2,285,609. The number of fishing crafts using outboard engines also increased from 3,173 in 2004 to 5,047 in 2006 suggesting that more fishers were going far in search of fish. There is still a large number of illegal gears especially beach seines, which increased by 58.8% from 954 in 2004 to 1420 in 2006. Efforts to remove these very destructive gears should be stepped up. There was also larger increase in number of illegal gillnets <5 inch mesh size. These increased by 63% from 56,246 in 2004 to 91,740 in 2006 compared with 23.8% increase of gillnets ~5 inch mesh size. There were also large increases in the numbers of gillnets of 5 and 5% inch mesh size, which increased by 48% and 130% from 2004 to 2006 implying a trend towards use of smaller gillnet mesh sizes. The number of traps which are used in shallow vegetated areas, flood plains and river mouths to target tilapiines and riverine species decreased drastically from 5,361 traps in 2004 to only 499 traps in 2006, a decrease of 974%, a phenomenon attributed to the receding water levels which have left the shallow vegetated areas dry. A total of 17,475 fishing crafts, 72% of all fishing crafts, in the Ugandan part of the lake are still using paddles and the. number of parachute crafts is also still very high, (Le. 5,064) comprising a high proportion (21 %) of the total number of fishing. There is need to promote the use of large fishing crafts with sails or a combination of sail and outboard motor. The Mukene fishery in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria has remained underdeveloped with only 9% of all fishing crafts operating in this fishery. Also less than 2% of fishing crafts with sails or motor operate in this fishery which implies that it is limited to near shore waters. Effort should be made to develop this fishery as it appears to have high potential, especially in deep offshore waters which are hardly fished.


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A survey conducted to evaluate the present status of harvesting, transportation and marketing of freshwater SIS of Bangladesh showed that among the 56 to 73 species of small indigenous fish species (SIS), mola (Amblypharyngodon mola), dhela (Osteobrama cotio cotio), puti (Barbodes sarana), tit puti (Puntius ticto), tengra (Mystus vitatus), chapila ( Gudusia chapra), batashi (Pseudotropius atherinoides), buzuri tengra (Mystus tengra), katchki (Corika soborna), gol chanda (Chanda ranga), lamba chanda (Chanda nama), phul chela (Chela phulo) and lata (Channa punctatus) are the most common. But the abundance of the mola, puti, tengra, batashi and chapila are higher than the other SIS species. Puti was at the top of the list in percentage abundance (7-9%), followed by mola (7-8%), tengra 6-7% and chapila 5-6% in all the investigated areas. Three levels of market or marketing systems were observed in the distribution channel of fish trade: primary, secondary/higher secondary and final consuming markets. Primary market is the catching point in the rural area. In secondary market, the collectors bring the fish from primary market to the landing ghats, usually to the nearest thana market or at a place well linked by rivers, road and rail transport. On purchasing the fish from the higher secondary market, the paikars sell the fish to the retailers who take it to the final consumer market. Different types of crafts and gears are used for catching the SIS in Bangladesh. Monofilament gill nets (20%), traps and line nets (25%) and seine nets (25%) are the dominant gears in respect of the total catch followed by lift net (10%) and cast net (20%). A total of 10 types of gear are listed according to their mode of operation which used for catching SIS. The processors in consumer market received higher marketing profit followed by primary market and secondary market, respectively.


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The stomach contents of two length-groups of the catfish Mystus gulio collected from Vemblai Canal in Vypeen Island (Kochi) were examined by frequency of occurrence and points methods. Analyses using standard indices proved difference in diet composition between the two size-groups.


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The microhabitat breadth of Vamanapuram River fish community was studied in detail. The microhabitat variables selected were relative depth, focal point velocity, water column depth, mean water velocity and substrate. Puntius filamentosus had the highest breadth in three dimensions in both stream and river habitats showing a generalistic mode of resource utilization. Garra mullya, Labeo dero and Glossogobius giuris are specialists in the usage of microhabitat variables in the stream habitat while these are G. mullya, Etroplus maculatus and Aplocheilus lineatus in river habitat. Danio aequipinnatus showed extreme variations along focal point velocity variable in both habitats indicating an. opportunistic behaviour.


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The food of Penaeus monodon collected from Makato R., from Sept 1977 to Jan 1978 is described with preliminary observations on its feeding habit and rate of foregut clearance. Feeding behaviour appears to be associated with the tidal phase. Foregut clearance rate is rapid, with 95% of food transported from the foregut 4 h after feeding. Frequency of occurrence and proportion of total food of various foregut contents are shown, as are dry weight, percentage mineral, organic and crude protein nitrogen from individual and pooled samples of gut contents, and foregut index in P. monodon collected during different phases of one tidal cycle.


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Changes in the total as well as major individual carbonyls of oil sardine during steam cooking, oven drying, sun drying and freeze drying are presented. Carbonyls extracted with hexane were converted to their 2:4 dinitro phenyl hydrazone (DNPH) derivatives and were separated into major classes by column chromatography on celite/magnesia. Individual carbonyls were then identified by capillary gas chromatography of the DNPH derivatives. Dehydration and heating increase the carbonyl production from highly unsaturated fish lipids. The carbonyls produced react with other muscle constituents leading to complex changes. The influence of the mode of dehydration on these different aspects and their net effect on flavour are discussed.


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Different forms of Bacillus probiotics was assessed in the earthen ponds on tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) culture. The experiment was designed with three different treatments depending on the mode of application (T1=oral probiotics; T2=spreading probiotics and T3=oral+ spreading probiotics). The shrimp was cultured for 120 days with the stocking density of 6-PL/m².Oral probiotics in the respective ponds were supplied with feeds. Whereas, spreading probiotics was applied to the pond water during pond preparation at 30, 60 and 90 days of culture period. Results of the experiment revealed that, all forms of Bacillus probiotic had effective role to keep the culture environment friendly in terms of mineralization of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus content in bottom sediment; holding of water transparency in a congenial state, increasing the density of planktonic biomass and boosting the THB-Vibrio ratio in water and sediment with insignificance (p>0.05) difference between different treatments. Whilst, spreading form of Bacillus pro biotic showed higher weight gain (27.58±1.18g), survival rate (70.75±8.54%) and production (1167.66±109.62 kg/ha) and expected lower FCR (1.81 ±0.06) values with significant difference (p<0.01) with others methods of application, indicated its superiority in tiger shrimp culture.


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Lar lake, with the international UTM specification of 39S 579680 3976567 & 39S 589930 3976184 is Situated in Lar national Park with an aerial distance of 55 Km of Tehran along Haraz road. The present research is carried out as part of a comprehensives Plan for assessment of bioresearches of Lar lake & the rivers flowing into it. This research includes examination of there benthic Samplings performed in Lar lake and each of the related rivers including Delichaee, Ab-e-sefid , Alarm & Lar (Kamardasht).Tubifex and Chironomus genus were found to have the highest frequencies of occurrence in the lake with %77.117 & %21.823 respectively followed by Chironomidae and Simulidae from the Diptera order which accounted for %72.328 and %13.812 occurrences in four rivers examined in the Study. The benthic biomass at various examined Sites and the average wet weight of the benthic biomass in station No one in the lake Was 17.397g and the figure for the examined site in Alarm was 20.242 g which were the highest level among Other examination stations the index for the abundance of species in Alarm river was greater than the rest of the examined rivers with 12.57. A sum of 354 Pieces of brown trouts was caught in the course of sampling which were closely investigated in terms of their digestive tract Content. It was identified that Daphniidae and Chironomus constituted the bulk of eaten items from the lake with %17.985 and %63.973 respectively. Meanwhile, Chironomidae and Simuladae were the most frequently eanten benthos by the fish with %81.47 and %7.93 respectively.The index for the relative length of gut was recorded at 0.49± 0.08 which is well indicative of the carnivorous diet of the fish.The index for the feeding intensity amounted to 138  83 showing that the one year old fish were of more feeding intensity.The coefficient of condition (K) was estimated at 1.02  0.142 for all the caught fish. The average wet weight of the benthos was 10.348 g per square meter which if extended to 700ha surface area of the lake, the total macrobenthic production in the lake would amount to 72730Kg of wet weight or 6510 Kg of dry weight. Since the Secondary Production of macrobenthos have always been double that of their biomass, it is reasonable to assume that the Secondary Production of macrobenthos amount to 145640 Kg by their wet weight and Since the energy transfer in the food chain of the lake from benthos to fish is 10 percent, the fish production Capacity Coming from benthic resources of the lake (Lar) would be 14.5 MT, half of which (7000-8000MT) could annually be harvested. Further more, the actual fish Production Capacity might exceed the projected level Since Daphnia, Rotifers and Ostracoda which belong to Zooplanktons, play a part in the natural diet of trout. Meanwhile, rivers Play a major role in fish nutrition and the annual fish production in Delichaee river is about 4481.8Kg while the figures for Ab-e-sefid, Alerm and Lar rivers are 2370.7 4848.7 and 2586.2 Kg respectively, that further increase fish Production in the area and every year half of these resources can be exploitable from the river & the lake.Nevertheless, due to ecological & biological importance of rivers and the probability of environmental Pollution, devastation of natural fish habitats & their nursery grounds, Sport fishing is not recommended at all.