60 resultados para Interrill Erosion


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This report provides baseline biological data on fishes, corals and habitats in Coral and Fish Bays, St. John, USVI. A similar report with data on nutrients and contaminants in the same bays is planned to be completed in 2013. Data from NOAA’s long-term Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring program was compiled to provide a baseline assessment of corals, fishes and habitats from 2001 to 2010, data needed to assess the impacts of erosion control projects installed from 2010 to 2011. The baseline data supplement other information collected as part of the USVI Watershed Stabilization Project, a project funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and distributed through the NOAA Restoration Center, but uses data which is not within the scope of ARRA funded work. We present data on 16 ecological indicators of fishes, corals and habitats. These indicators were chosen because of their sensitivity to changes in water quality noted in the scientific literature (e.g., Rogers 1990, Larsen and Webb 2009). We report long-term averages and corresponding standard errors, plot annual averages, map indicator values and list inventories of coral and fish species identified among surveys. Similar data will be needed in the future to make rigorous comparisons and determine the magnitude of any impacts from watershed stabilization.


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This report describes the creation and assessment of benthic habitat maps for shallow-water (<30m) marine environments of the Guánica/Parguera and Finca Belvedere Natural Reserve in southwest Puerto Rico. The objective was to provide spatially-explicit information on the habitat types, biological cover and live coral cover of the region’s coral reef ecosystem. These fine-scale habitat maps, generated by interpretation of 2010 satellite imagery, provide an update to NOAA’s previous digital maps of the U.S. Caribbean (Kendall et al., 2001) for these areas. Updated shallow-water benthic habitat maps for the Guánica/Parguera region are timely in light of ongoing restoration efforts in the Guánica Bay watershed. The bay is served directly by one river, the Rio Loco, which flows intermittently and more frequently during the rainy season. The watershed has gone through a series of manipulations and alterations in past decades, mainly associated with agricultural practices, including irrigation systems, in the upper watershed. The Guánica Lagoon, previously situated to the north of the bay, was historically the largest freshwater lagoon in Puerto Rico and served as a natural filter and sediment sink prior to the discharge of the Rio Loco into the Bay. Following alterations by the Southwest Water Project in the 1950s, the Lagoon’s adjacent wetland system was ditched and drained; no longer filtering and trapping sediment from the Rio Loco. Land use in the Guánica Bay/Rio Loco watershed has also gone through several changes (CWP, 2008). Similar to much of Puerto Rico, the area was largely deforested for sugar cane cultivation in the 1800s, although reforestation of some areas occurred following the cessation of sugar cane production (Warne et al., 2005). The northern area of the watershed is generally mountainous and is characterized by a mix of forested and agricultural lands, particularly coffee plantations. Closer to the coast, the Lajas Valley Agricultural Reserve extends north of Guánica Bay to the southwest corner of the island. The land use practices and watershed changes outlined above have resulted in large amounts of sediment being distributed in the Rio Loco river valley (CWP, 2008). Storm events and seasonal flooding also transport large amounts of sediment to the coastal waters. The threats of upstream watershed practices to coral reefs and the nearshore marine environment have been gaining recognition. Guánica Bay, and the adjacent marine waters, has been identified as a “management priority area” by NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP, 2012). In a recent Guánica Bay watershed management plan, several critical issues were outlined in regards to land-based sources of pollution (LBSP; CWP, 2008). These include: upland erosion from coffee agriculture, filling of reservoirs with sediment, in-stream channel erosion, loss of historical Guánica lagoon, legacy contaminants and sewage treatment (CWP, 2008). The plan recommended several management actions that could be taken to reduce impacts of LBSP, which form the basis of Guánica watershed restoration efforts.


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From the 1940s until 2003, portions of the island of Vieques, a municipality within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, were used by the US Navy as a base and training facility, resulting in development and zoning history that differ in comparison to other Caribbean islands. The majority of former Navy lands are now under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior’s Fish and Wildlife Service as a National Wildlife Refuge, while a smaller percentage of land was transferred to the Vieques municipality and the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust. An analysis of the distribution and status of the marine resources is timely in light of the recent land transfer, increases in development and tourism, and potential changes in marine zoning around the island. To meet this need, NOAA’s Biogeography Branch, in cooperation with the Office of Response and Restoration and other local and regional partners, conducted Part I of an ecological characterization to integrate historical data and research into a synthesis report. The overall objective of this report is to provide resource managers and residents a comprehensive characterization of the marine resources of Vieques to support research, monitoring, and management. For example, knowledge of the spatial distribution of physical features, habitats, and biological communities is necessary to make an informed decision of the establishment and placement of a marine protected area (MPA). The report is divided into chapters based on the physical environment (e.g., climate, geology, bathymetry), habitat types (e.g., reefs and hardbottom, seagrasses, mangroves) and major faunal groups (e.g. fish, turtles, birds). Each section includes five subsections: an overview, description of the relevant literature, methods of analysis, information on the distribution, status and trends of the particular resource, and a discussion of ecological linkages with other components of the Vieques marine ecosystem and surrounding environment. The physical environment of Vieques is similar to other islands within the Greater Antilles chain, with some distinctions. The warm, tropical climate of Vieques, mediated by the northeasterly trade winds, is characterized by a dry season (December-April) and a rainy season (May-November), the latter of which is characterized by the occasional passage of tropical cyclones. Compared to mainland Puerto Rico, Vieques is characterized by lower elevation, less annual precipitation, and higher average temperatures. The amount of annual precipitation also varies spatially within Vieques, with the western portion of the island receiving higher amounts of rainfall than further east. While the North Equatorial Current dominates the circulation pattern in the Greater Antilles region, small scale current patterns specific to Vieques are not as well characterized. These physical processes are important factors mitigating the distribution and composition of marine benthic habitats around Vieques. In general, the topography of Vieques is characterized by rolling hills. Mt. Pirata, the tallest point at 301 m, is located near the southwest coast. In the absence of island wide sedimentation measurements, information on land cover, slope, precipitation, and soil type were used to estimate relative erosion potential and sediment delivery for each watershed. While slope and precipitation amount are the primary driving factors controlling runoff, land use practices such as urban development, military activity, road construction, and agriculture can increase the delivery of pollution and sediments to coastal waters. Due to the recent land transfer, increased development and tourism is expected, which may result in changes in the input of sediments to the coastal environment.


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The lengths of otoliths and other skeletal structures recovered from the scats of pinnipeds, such as Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus), correlate with body size and can be used to estimate the length of prey consumed. Unfortunately, otoliths are often found in too few scats or are too digested to usefully estimate prey size. Alternative diagnostic bones are frequently recovered, but few bone-size to prey-size correlations exist and bones are also reduced in size by various degrees owing to digestion. To prevent underestimates in prey sizes consumed techniques are required to account for the degree of digestion of alternative bones prior to estimating prey size. We developed a method (using defined criteria and photo-reference material) to assign the degree of digestion for key cranial structures of two prey species: walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius). The method grades each structure into one of three condition categories; good, fair or poor. We also conducted feeding trials with captive Steller sea lions, feeding both fish species to determine the extent of erosion of each structure and to derive condition-specific digestion correction factors to reconstruct the original sizes of the structures consumed. In general, larger structures were relatively more digested than smaller ones. Mean size reduction varied between different types of structures (3.3−26.3%), but was not influenced by the size of the prey consumed. Results from the observations and experiments were combined to be able to reconstruct the size of prey consumed by sea lions and other pinnipeds. The proposed method has four steps: 1) measure the recovered structures and grade the extent of digestion by using defined criteria and photo-reference collection; 2) exclude structures graded in poor condition; 3) multiply measurements of structures in good and fair condition by their appropriate digestion correction factors to derive their original size; and 4) calculate the size of prey from allometric regressions relating corrected structure measurements to body lengths. This technique can be readily applied to piscivore dietary studies that use hard remains of fish.


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Prey-size selectivity by Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) is relevant for understanding the foraging behavior of this declining predator, but studies have been problematic because of the absence and erosion of otoliths usually used to estimate fish length. Therefore, we developed regression formulae to estimate fish length from seven diagnostic cranial structures of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius). For both species, all structure measurements were related with fork length of prey (r2 range: 0.78−0.99). Fork length (FL) of walleye pollock and Atka mackerel consumed by Steller sea lions was estimated by applying these regression models to cranial structures recovered from scats (feces) collected between 1998 and 2000 across the range of the Alaskan western stock of Steller sea lions. Experimentally derived digestion correction factors were applied to take into account loss of size due to digestion. Fork lengths of walleye pollock consumed by Steller sea lions ranged from 3.7 to 70.8 cm (mean=39.3 cm, SD=14.3 cm, n=666) and Atka mackerel ranged from 15.3 to 49.6 cm (mean=32.3 cm, SD=5.9 cm, n=1685). Although sample sizes were limited, a greater proportion of juvenile (≤20 cm) walleye pollock were found in samples collected during the summer (June−September) on haul-out sites (64% juveniles, n=11 scats) than on summer rookeries (9% juveniles, n=132 scats) or winter (February−March) haul-out sites (3% juveniles, n=69 scats). Annual changes in the size of Atka mackerel consumed by Steller sea lions corresponded to changes in the length distribution of Atka mackerel resulting from exceptionally strong year classes. Considerable overlap (>51%) in the size of walleye pollock and Atka mackerel taken by Steller sea lions and the sizes of these species caught by the commercial trawl fishery were demonstrated.


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Lengths of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) consumed by Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) were estimated by using allometric regressions applied to seven diagnostic cranial structures recovered from 531 scats collected in Southeast Alaska between 1994 and 1999. Only elements in good and fair condition were selected. Selected structural measurements were corrected for loss of size due to erosion by using experimentally derived condition-specific digestion correction factors. Correcting for digestion increased the estimated length of fish consumed by 23%, and the average mass of fish consumed by 88%. Mean corrected fork length (FL) of pollock consumed was 42.4 ±11.6 cm (range=10.0−78.1 cm, n=909). Adult pollock (FL>45.0 cm) occurred more frequently in scats collected from rookeries along the open ocean coastline of Southeast Alaska during June and July (74% adults, mean FL=48.4 cm) than they did in scats from haul-outs located in inside waters between October and May (51% adults, mean FL=38.4 cm). Overall, the contribution of juvenile pollock (≤20 cm) to the sea lion diet was insignificant; whereas adults contributed 44% to the diet by number and 74% by mass. On average, larger pollock were eaten in summer at rookeries throughout Southeast Alaska than at rookeries in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea. Overall it appears that Steller sea lions are capable of consuming a wide size range of pollock, and the bulk of fish fall between 20 and 60 cm. The use of cranial hard parts other than otoliths and the application of digestion correction factors are fundamental to correctly estimating the sizes of prey consumed by sea lions and determining the extent that these sizes overlap with the sizes of pollock caught by commercial fisheries.


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In March of 2005, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Special Projects Office released "Population Trends along the Coastal United States: 1980-2008." This report includes population changes and trends between 1980 and 2003 and projected changes in coastal populations by 2008. Given the findings, pressure on coastal resources around the country will continue to rise, particularly in Florida. ... One of our most valuable coastal resources is seagrass, but human desire and need to live on the coast means that our habitat overlaps with suitable seagrass habitat. Seagrasses can be found in coastal areas around the world but are limited to relatively shallow, relatively clear water because of their reliance on light for photosynthesis. Seagrasses provide food for both small and large marine organisms, larval and adult stage. They provide shelter and habitat to a variety of commercially important fish and invertebrates. They baffle the water column and inhibit the resuspension of sediments. They prevent erosion and fix and recycle nutrients. The physical and ecological benefits of seagrasses make them very important to human welfare, but their light-limited coastal distribution makes them highly susceptible to anthropogenic influences.


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Abrasion, feeding, injection and immersion methods were used to evaluate the pathogenicity of five different strains of Aeromonas hydrophila viz. RG (rui gill), ML (mrigal lesion), SG (sharpunti gill), F1K (mrigal kidney), GFL (gold fish lesion) and Ah-19 (Aeromonas hydrophila-19, Ref. Strain) against C. mrigala H. Bacterial suspension containing viable cells of 7.5x 10⁵ per ml was found to be very effective in intramuscular injection and feeding resulting 100% mortality after 96hr of inoculation. The strain RG, ML and F1K produced scale loss with erosion of the skin surface with/without hemorrhagic lesion after 48hr of inoculation following abrasion method. The strains SG and Ah-19 resulting scale loss with erosion of the skin surface with/without hemorrhagic lesion after 72hr of inoculation following abrasion and injection methods. SG and F1K caused reddening in mouth region after 72hr of feeding inoculation, whereas RG resulted frank ulcers from eroded dermal layer exposing underlying musculature which was hemorrhagic after 96hr of inoculation by abrasion method.


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The Crown-of-Thorns starfish Acanthaster planci is a predator of coral and has been responsible for the widespread destruction of coral reefs. In Sri Lanka this starfish was first reported by Clarke in 1915. Recently skin-divers reported that Acanthaster planci was present in very large numbers in the coastal waters off Trincomalee, especially on the coral formations around Pigeon Island. It is well known that the multiplication of the starfish to plague proportions is a serious threat to the coral reef formations round the Island. If it were allowed to continue its depredations the entire coral reef belt round the Island might be destroyed in a short time. The monsoon waves would then convert the dead coral to rubble. In the absence of a barrier against the advancing waves during the monsoon it would also lead to serious erosion of the shoreline. The coral reef fish would also disappear with the destruction of the coral formations. On account of these considerations it was decided to conduct a survey of the Crown-of-Thorns starfish in eastern coastal waters in order to estimate the magnitude of the population of the starfish in these waters.


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Health status of juvenile silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and silver barb, Barbodes gonionotus were investigated in three fish farms following different farming conditions through clinical and histopathological examinations for a period of nine months. Here the fishes and water quality parameters were sampled on monthly basis. Among the water quality parameters, water temperature has a distinct effect on fish health observed during the winter season. Different clinical signs like scale loss, dermal lesion, fin erosion were observed, while histopathologically necrosis, pyknosis, inflammation, haemorrhage, hypertrophy, vacuoles, missing of gill lamellae and clubbing were evidenced in the investigated fishes. The study showed that pathological symptoms were mainly increased during the winter season and H. molitrix exhibited severe pathological symptoms in compare to B. gonionotus during the investigation. It was also found that fishes of BAU farm was comparatively in the best condition, while, the fishes of other farms were severely affected during the experimental observations. In addition, disease like Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS), protozoan disease and suspected bacterial colonies were clearly evidenced in the fishes of Government and NGO fish farms.


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Geo-morphology, ecology and fish production of the 92 rivers of Rajshahi division have been presented in this paper. Fifteen rivers are dead and 11 rivers have severe erosion problem. Siltation has increased in 66 rivers and depth has decreased in 11 rivers. Sixty nine rivers are suffering from low flow conditions. Fish diversity has decreased in 20 rivers while fish production has declined in 75 rivers. A total of 31 fish species have extinct, 25 species are under threat of extinction and 43 species have low production. Siltation and pollution are the major causes of fish habitat loss. Recommendations are made to protect and conserve fish habitat and riverine fisheries of Rajshahi division.


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The marine environment of Pakistan has been described in the context of three main regions : the Indus delta and its creek system, the Karachi coastal region, and the Balochistan coast. The creeks, contrary to concerns, do receive adequate discharges of freshwater. On site observations indicate that freshwater continues flowing into them during the lean water periods and dilutes the seawater there. A major factor for the loss of mangrove forests as well as ecological disturbances in the Indus delta is loss of the silt load resulting in erosion of its mudflats. The ecological disturbance has been aggravated by allowing camels to browse the mangroves. The tree branches and trunks, having been denuded of leaves are felled for firewood. Evidence is presented to show that while indiscriminate removal of its mangrove trees is responsible for the loss of large tracts of mangrove forests, overharvesting of fisheries resources has depleted the river of some valuable fishes that were available from the delta area. Municipal and industrial effluents discharged into the Lyari and Malir rivers and responsible for land-based pollution at the Karachi coast and the harbour. The following are the three major areas receiving land-based pollution and whose environmental conditions have been examined in detail: (l) the Manora channel, located on the estuary of the Lyari river and serving as the main harbour, has vast areas forming its western and eastern backwaters characterized by mud flats and mangroves. The discharge of industrial wastewater from the S.I.T.E. and municipal effluents from the northern and central districts into the Lyari has turned this river into an open drain. This, in turn, has caused a negative impact on the environment of the port, fish harbour, and the adjacent beaches. (2) The Gizri creek receives industrial and municipal effluents from the Malir river as well as from several industries and power stations. The highly degraded discharges from the Malir have negatively impacted the environment in this creek. (3) The coastline between the Manora channel and Gizri creek where the untreated municipal effluents are discharged by the southern districts of Karachi, is responsible for the degraded environment of the Chinna creek, and also of the beaches and the harbour. The Balochistan coast is relatively safe from land-based pollution, mainly because of the lack of industrial, urban or agricultural activity, except the Hingol river system where some agricultural activities have been initiated.


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Three spatial structure groups of radionuclides in U and Th series, 210Pb-excess and 137Cs, and 40K were found based on analyzing temporal and spatial datum of their content by factor analysis with oblique rotation in Nhatrang bay. U and Th spatial structure with their contours decreased toward the offshore, ran longshore and divided seawater of bay into two parts with strong gradient on both sides. Inside part located from center of Nhatrang bay toward the seashore with three main deposit centers of their contents higher than 23 Bq/kg.dry for 238U and 40 Bq/kg.dry for 232Th, indicated unstability of shoreline. Almost sediments coming from river extended toward the offshore, were stopped and transported toward southeastern. The outside part was less than above mentioned content. The boundary line between two parts superposed with the constantly limit line of turbid plume in the rainy season. Direct influence of the continental runoff was limited by the 9 Bq/kg.dry contour of 238U, 19 Bq/kg.dry contour of 232Th. Longshore current was a predominant process whereas lateral transport as sifting and winnowing process of finer grains in sediments of Nhatrang bay. Areas that had very low content of 137Cs and 210 Pb-excess adjoining shoreline showed areas being eroded. Accumulation of 137Cs and 210 Pbexcess nearby river mouth characterized for fine compositions of sediments controlled by seasonal plumes and sites further toward the south indicated finer materials transported from river and accumulated in lack of hydrodynamic process. Near shore accumulation of 40K revealed the sediments there originated from bed erosion.


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The article presents the impact of mangrove conversion on fisheries and on coastal areas. The mangrove areas which serve as nursery grounds for important species of fish and crustaceans are also rich feeding ground for many species from various trophic levels. Thus, the destruction of mangroves could affect the availability of fry and broodstock and, consequently, aquaculture production and fisheries. While in coastal areas, the destruction of mangroves increased the risk of coastal erosion from storm surges and winds, accelerates the erosion of riverbanks, exposes acid sulfate soils, leading to poor production and mass mortality of stocks, and affects the freshwater supply through salt intrusion upstream among others.


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Lake Victoria is the second largest lake in the world (69000km2) by surface area, but it is the shallowest (69m maximum depth) of the African Great Lakes. It is situated across the equator at an altitude of 1240m and lies in a shallow basin between two uplifted ridges of the eastern and western rift valleys (Beadle 1974). Despite their tropical locations, African lakes exhibit considerable seasonality related to the alteration of warm, wet and cool, dry seasons and the accompanying changes in lucustrine stratification and mixing (Tailing, 1965; 1966; Melack 1979; Hecky& Fee 1981; Hecky& Kling,1981; 1987; Bootsma 1993; Mugidde 1992; 1993). Phytoplankton productivity, biomass and species composition change seasonally in response to variations in light environment and nutrient availability which accompany changes in mixed layer depth and erosion or stabilization of the metalimnion / hypolimnion (Spigel & Coulter 1996; Hecky et al., 1991; Tailing 1987). Over longer, millennial time scales, the phytoplankton communities of the African Great Lakes have responded to variability in the EastAfrican climate (Johnson 1996; Haberyan& Hecky, 1986) which also alters the same ecological factors (Kilham et al., 1986). Recently, over the last few decades, changes in external and or internal factors in Lake Victoria and its basin have had a profound inlluence on the planktic community of this lake (Hecky, 1993; Lipiatou et al., 1996). The lake has experienced 2-10x increases in chlorophyll and 2x increase in primary productivity since Tailing's observations in the early 1960s (Mugidde 1992, 1993). In addition to observed changes in the lake nutrient chemistry (Hecky & Mungoma, 1990; Hecky & Bugenyi 1992; Hecky 1993; Bootsma & Hecky 1993), the deep waters previouslyoxygenated to the sediment surface through most of the year are now regularly anoxic(Hecky et al., 1994).