58 resultados para Forest biodiversity


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Biodiversity and distribution of benthic Foraminifera and Ostracoda in the continental shelf sediments of the Omman Sea was studied in order to indicating of the composition of benthic foraminiferal and ostracodal communities and determining of their relationship with the environmental factors of the Omman Sea. Sediment samples were gathered in winter 2006 from twelve stations ranging in depth from 30 to 103 meters. Environmental factors including depth, temperature, salinity, dissolved Oxygen and pH were measured with a CTD system during sampling time and grain size and total organic matter were measured in laboratory. From the overall 57 benthic foram species, there were 52 identified species belong to 25 genera of 16 families. The cosmopolitan foraminifer, Ammonia beccarii, was common in all sampling stations. The composition of benthic foram communities had a highly positive correlation with depth, salinity and total organic matter. From the overall 30 ostracod species, there were 26 identified species belong to 22 genera of 13 families. Diversity and aboundance of ostracoda of the Oman Sea decreased from east to west and from south to north but increased slightly in the northwest (near the Strait of Hormoz). Ostracoda of the genus Propontocypris were common in all sampling stations but the genera Cyprideis, Paradoxostom and Hemicytheridea were rare in the Oman Sea. Diversity and aboundance of ostracoda in northern regions were less than southern and were less than foraminifera too. The composition of ostracodal communities had a highly positive correlation with dept, salinity and grain size. Biodiversity and distribution pattern of benthic foraminifera and ostracoda were being different in various sampling stations, especially between northern and southern regions. Water depth, salinity and structure of the sediments were the most important abiotic factors controlling the distribution pattern of benthic foraminifera and ostracoda in the Omman Sea. None existence or rare observation of structural abnormalities and oil polluted individuals in the vicinity of all sampling stations, resulted to the "clean" benthic environment of the Omman Sea.


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Rapid biodiversity and socio-economic studies of the Gulf of Mannar were required as part of the process to propose the Sri Lankan side as a Biosphere Reserve. These included livelihoods; land use; infrastructure; biodiversity; agriculture; fisheries; archaeological and cultural significance; and development and environmental issues.


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In this project sampling was done from 9 stations in 3 depths during 5 seasons to separate, identify and examine the biodiversity of cyanobacteria. Another sampling also has been done to analyse all physical and physicochemical parameters, primary production and polluting agents such as heavy metals and oil hydrocarbons in water and sediments. Along with optimization of Oscillatoria to study the ability of producing natural substances, these cyanobacteria were analysed from the point of antimicrobial and mutagenic effects. To examine the relationships among analysed parameters, the regression test, analysis of varian and Post Hoc were used. As the result of this study 48 genus of cyanobacteria were pecognised among which 35.5% were croco ccales and 64.4% were Hermogonals. Oscillatoria was one of the Filamentous cyanobacteria which had antibacterial and mutagenic effects. The results of multicommunity consistency varians test, post Hoc and homogenous subsets show significant difference between biodiversity of cyanotbacteria in coral ecosystem, Mangrove and transite. The linear correlation coefficient between biodiversity of cyanobacteria and bioenvironmental agents were examined, but there was no continuous relation between these factors and biological biodiversity. In Surface layer there was a significant correlation coefficent at 0.048 and probability at 95% confidence interval. Also, the biodiversity is depended on oil pollution and heavy metals such as copper (Cu) and chromium (Cr).


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Green tiger prawn, Penaeus sentisulcatus is one of the commercial species of Persian Gulf, which is distributed from north to Strait of I Iormoze. Concerning its role in fisheries economic, various research projects on stock assessment, biology and aquaculture has been conducted. This research is targeted the identification of various populations of green tiger prawn in northern waters of Persian Gulf. The area has been divided to five regions from north to south named; Bahrakan, Boushehr, Tangestan, Motaaf and Strait of Hormoz. In each region, numbers of sampling stations trawled, and live shrimp species carried in containers equipped with air pump, to coastal laboratories in Boushehr and Bandar Abbass Fisheries Research Centers. Biometeric, morphometeric and merestic measures for 45 factars done, and peices of muscles, eye and ovary tissues dissected, and stored in liquid nitrogen. Protein extraction, and polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis by SDS-PAGE technique for tissues samples conducted. Data of 45 morphometeric and merestic characteristics analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA), and clustering analysis methods. The results of analysis showed that, the populations of Bahrakan and Mota.af regions are differentiated, while population of Boushehr and Tangestan regions were mixed, and named as a single population. The analysis of electrophoretic data also confirmed this result, and showed a distinct population in Strait of Hormoz. Therefore, this research illustrated four distinct populations for P. semisulcatus in northern area of Persian Gulf, named Bahrakan (north of Boushehr), Boushehr and Tangesta.n (adjacent), Motaaf and it's south, and Strait of Hormoz. Study of morphometeric characteristics of carapace factors, genital organs, antenna and life cycle of samples of different regions resulting identification of a subspecies, which is named Penaeus seinisuleatus persicus.


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Plankton survey of Persian Gulf was conducted Hormozgan, Bushehr and Khoozestan provinces during 4 seasons in 1998. In generally 244 species were Identified in Iranian area of Persian Gulf that consisted of 124 species of Bacillarophyceae, 114 species of Dinophyceae, 5 species of Cyanophyceae, species of Chrysophyceae and 1 species of Euglenophyceae Result shows that the density and diversity of phytoplankton compare to last years (1976-1977) changed dramaticaly. the density of phytoplankton increased from east to west of Gulf and during the year were observed two major pike in late summer and late winter. Density and diversity of phytoplankton in Koozestan region were more than other rigion. Seasonal average of phytoplankton in Hormozgan, Bushehr and Khoozestan were 1413622, 1440411 and 2237437 number/m3 respectively. Zooplankton had related inversly to phytoplankton where with increasing Zooplankton, decrease in phytoplankton were observed. Phytoplanktonic density and diversity decreas profundly changed slightly during years ago where the blue green algae had prevalent presence at all regions and the diatoms density decreased. Density of phytoplankton increased from surface to depth zom but decreased under it, however at winter incraese of phytoplankton were observed to depth 50 meter. Statistical test shows that density of phytooplankton in different depths and regions has not significantly differences, also the seasonaly denity of phytoplankton had seasonaly significantly differences too. Tuky test and clustering analysis shows that Shanon wiener diversity index at Khoozastan an Bushehr are siginificantly diffrences.


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Surveys on seagrass taxonomy, distribution and extent were carried out in 14 locations within Myeik Archipelago and along the Rakhine Coast.


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The first fishery survey of Lake Victoria was conducted between 1927 and 1928 (Graham 1929). Atthat time, the lake had a diverse fish fauna and the fishery was dominated by two endemic tilapiine cichlids; Oreochromis esculentus (Graham 1929) and O. variabilis (Boulenger 1906). There were a number of other species such as Protopterus aethiopicus Heckel 1851, Bagrus docmac (Forsk.) 1775, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), Barbus species, mormyrids, Synodontis spp, Schilbe intermedius (Linn.) 1762 and Rastrineobola argentea Pellegrin, 1904 that were also abundant in the lake most of which made a significant contribution to the fishery (Graham 1929, Worthington 1929, 1932, Kudhongania & Cordone 1974). Haplochromine cichlids were represented by at least 300 species more than 99% of them endemic (Greenwood, 1974; Witte et al., 1992 a & b). The fishery of Lake Victoria was similar to that of lakes Kyoga and Nabugabo (Worthington 1929; Trewavas 1933; Greenwood 1965, 1966; Beadle 1962, 1981). There were also important fisheries on the inflowing rivers of Lake Victoria, the most important of which were Labeo victorianus and Barbus altianalis (Cadwallader 1965). The small sized species notably Rastrineobola argentea and haplochromines cichlids were not originally commercially exploited.


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This paper presents data and findings from focus group discussions in study communities selected by the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) in the Western Province of Zambia. The discussions focused on cultivated crops and vegetables collected from open fields and consumed as food. Participatory tools for agricultural biodiversity (agrobiodiversity) assessment were used to capture community perspectives on plant species and varietal diversity; factors influencing the availability and use of plants for food; unique, common and rare crop species cultivated in a community, identified through a four-cell analysis methodology; and core problems, root causes, effects and necessary actions to tackle them, using problem tree or situation analysis methods.


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Genetic biodiversity is the vaflatlOn among individuals within and between units of interbreeding individuals (populations) of a species. It includes inheritable and transmittable differences that occur between individuals andlor popuhitions of a given species through reproductive interaction. There exists enormous variability among individuals andlor populations of a species for most living organisms, and most of this variation is inheritable. differences among individuals arise through mutation and via recombination of genes during meiosis. These ifferences are then transmitted to successive generations through sexual reproduction and maintained in the populations through processes such as natural selection and genetic drift. Unfortunately much of this variation is normally threatened and often in danger of extinction because most focus in conservation of natural resources is put at saving species or habitats than varieties or strains of a species


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Biodiversity values provide objective data and advice from which policy makes could assess the conservation options and determine optimal policies that would balance the needs of conservation with the socia-economic needs of the people in the area.