75 resultados para Economically unfeasible


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This report, "Harmful Algal Bloom Management and Response: Assessment and Plan" reviews and evaluates Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) management and response efforts, identifies current prevention, control, and mitigation programs for HABs, and presents an innovative research, event response, and infrastructure development plan for advancing the response to HABs. In December 2004, Congress enacted and the President signed into law the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Amendments Act of 2004, (HABHRCA 2004). The reauthorization of HABHRCA acknowledged that HABs are one of the most scientifically complex and economically damaging coastal issues challenging our ability to safeguard the health of our Nation’s coastal ecosystems. The Administration further recognized the importance of HABs as a high priority national issue by specifically calling for the implementation of HABHRCA in the President’s U.S. Ocean Action Plan. HABHRCA 2004 requires four reports to assess and recommend research programs on HABs in U.S. waters. This document comprises two linked reports specifically aimed at improving HAB management and response: the Prediction and Response Report and the follow-up plan, the National Scientific Research, Development, Demonstration, and Technology Transfer (RDDTT) Plan on Reducing Impacts from Harmful Algal Blooms. This document was prepared by the Interagency Working Group on Harmful Algal Blooms, Hypoxia, and Human Health, which was chartered through the Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology of the National Science and Technology Council and the Interagency Committee on Ocean Science and Resource Management Integration. This report complements and expands upon HAB-related priorities identified in Charting the Course for Ocean Science in the United States for the Next Decade: An Ocean Research Priorities Plan and Implementation Strategy, recently released by the Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology. It draws from the contributions of numerous experts and stakeholders from federal, state, and local governments, academia, industry, and non-governmental organizations through direct contributions, previous reports and planning efforts, a public comment period, and a workshop convened to develop strategies for a HAB management and response plan. Given the importance of the Nation’s coastal ocean, estuaries, and inland waters to our quality of life, our culture, and the economy, it is imperative that we move forward to better understand and mitigate the impacts of HABs which threaten all of our coasts and inland waters. This report is an effort to assess the extent of federal, state and local efforts to predict and respond to HAB events and to identify opportunities for charting a way forward.


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The fish seed production in recent times has emerged as a cottage industry, with the development of controlled hatchery system. Two units of six buckets of vertical hatchery system i.e. Modern Carp Hatchery CIFE D-81 were installed in a private fish farm. 130.25 lakh spawn of Indian Major Carp (Cyprinidae) was produced during the 1988 season, with an average survival rate of 70%. The results support the viability of technology especially for the economically weaker section.


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This study examines the relative profitability of rice-fish culture and rice mono-crop production at Gouripur thana of Mymensingh district. The results of the study show that the rice-fish farming was economically more rewarding than the rice mono-crop farming, although both the farming activities were found profitable over cash as well as full costs. In addition to extra earnings from fish, the rice-fish farming produced significantly a higher yield of rice requiring very minimum extra cost for fish. Rice-fish farming also reduced variability in yield of and return from rice.


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Rate and pattern of spoilage of some of the economically important edible species of shell fishes Mytilus edulis (Mussel), Villorita cornucopia (Clam), Neptunus pelagicus (Crab) and Scylla serrata (Crab) have been discussed in this communication. Chemical indices used for objective evaluation of quality were water extractable nitrogen (WEN), non-protein nitrogen (NPN), free α-amino nitrogen (α - NH2 -N), glycogen, lactic acid and inorganic phosphorus in addition to the subjective tests. No significant difference in the spoilage pattern of the species during ice storage was observed and these species could be preserved in ice in organoleptic acceptable condition up to 8 days, 9 days, 8 days and 11 days respectively.


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Deterioration of water quality clearly indicated a moderate to severe coastal pollution around Mahim whereas a relatively healthy marine environment towards offshore was noticed. Foraminifera, polychaetes, crustaceans and pelecypods were the dominant macro faunal groups encountered in the area. The occasional inhabitants like pennatularians, nemertines, sipunculids, ophiuroids and fish larvae were mostly restricted to offshore regions. Biomass and population density of macro fauna were moderate and showed fluctuating trend. Similarity coefficients of foraminifera (0.89) and polychaetes (0.81) were high for offshore unpolluted stations (3 and 4) as compared to near shore coastal stations (1 and 2). Faunal diversity was relatively more in unpolluted zone. The diversity index (H) was more at station 3 for polychaetes (1.39) and at station 4 for foraminifers (0.54). In general, biomass was high during post monsoon excepting station 1 which was invariably under severe pollution stress throughout the study period. Foraminifera were abundant at sandy bottom while polychaetes preferred muddy (clayey silt) bottom. A noticeable ecological modification associated with faunal abundance and diversity were related to deteriorating marine water quality due to anthropogenic waste disposals. The prevailing water quality around Mahim is unsuitable for any kind of culture practices and also for harvesting economically important marine species.


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Tripura is a densely populated small state with meagre water resources. 47.51% of the population is constituted by socio-economically backward, illiterate, orthodox, tribal and scheduled castes. Some of them are nomad and a majority of the rest of the population is refugees from Bangladesh, but almost 100% is fish eater. Settlement of tribes in villages, provision of nutritious food and employment therefore calls for proper utilization of every resource they have. The State is poor in water resources but recently has created 21,636.23 ha of new water area. Tripura is rich in pig population, besides poultry birds. Paddy is the main crop cultivated in arable lands. An integration of livestock raising and land based agriculture with pisciculture practices around mini barrages will help in solving the problems to a great extent. The paper is an attempt to outline the prospects of integration of aquaculture with animal husbandry and land based crop culture in Tripura State.


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Information on socio-economic framework of the fish farmer community forms a benchmark for policy formulation to develop this economically backward sector. Very few studies have been conducted on the socio-economic aspect of fish farming. Two districts of Assam, Darrang and Nagaon, were selected for this study where 120 respondents from each district were selected randomly. The characteristics representing the personnel and socio-economic attributes of the fish farmers are presented in this paper. The socio-economic status of fish farmers has to be improved by bringing the modern concepts of fish farming to the doorstep of farmers.


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Experimental trawling operations for bottom fish were first begun in 1920 and consisted of surveys of the continental shelf around Ceylon and the west and east coasts of India. These preliminary surveys showed that the continental shelf of Ceylon was either very poor in bottom fish or that the ground was so rough that trawling has proved to be economically not sustainable (Malpas, 1926). Although a considerable amount of trawling has been carried out using small-meshed trawls, there is no record of the details of the gear used or any account of the relative efficiency of the different designs of trawls used in the operations. Experimental operations were, therefore, carried out off 80 h.p. boats such as m.f.v. Canadian and North Star, to select the most effective gear for these boats. In more recent times experiments were also conducted to select the most effective trawling gear for the 11-Ton boats of the Ceylon Fisheries Corporation. The results are reported in this publication.


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A study on the status of fisheries and environmental impact assessment (EIA) was conducted on Bashundhara Baridhara Housing Project (BBHP), Dhaka, Bangladesh for prediction and measure the effects of housing project related development activities that have already been implemented and planned for future implementation. The project is still under development phase and so far allotted 10,000 plots of different sizes. The study shows that the original water bodies and natural fish production there from have greatly declined due to earth filling carried out for development of land for the housing. The physico-chemical parameters of the existing water body within the project area were found to be suitable for fish farming in the estate. A number of economically important fish species are found available in the existing lake. However, the natural fisheries resources of the existing lake is under great stress due to the changes made in the ecosystem, siltation, construction of building and dumping of house building and household waste materials. This has caused some important fish species of the lake to become critically endangered and vulnerable which have been documented in this paper. Appropriate regulatory and mitigating measures with respect to water management, disposal of construction garbage and other biomedical toxic substances far away from the water bodies are required to be taken to keep the water safe and suitable for fish production as well as for multipurpose use of the lake water.


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Currently our government and the private sectors are very much interested in the establishment of marine aquaculture. For the successful operation in aquaculture of finfishes and shellfishes, the basic requirement is the suitable diet, apart from proper environment. For the larvae, juveniles and adult stages of the culturing organisms the live Artemia is the ideal food. The aquaculturists the worldover are using live food for their culturing organisms, as the live food played an important role in the dietary management of aquaculture of finfishes and shellfishes (Sorgeloos and Kulasekarapandian, 1984), particularly during larval stages. The live nauplii of Artemia are used in aquaculture of finfishes and shellfishes due to being nutritionally balanced, non polluting, economically bearable, viable and readily acceptable to the culturing species. The adult Artemia is also used for feeding the aquarium fishes particularly so when there is a clear abundance of this resource which is cheaper and can economically compete with alternative artificial diet. By the use of Artemia the aquaculturists may obtain optimum growth and survival rate of the organisms. The life cycle of Artemia is very short, which is completed within two weeks especially during dry season in highly saline waters, the two weeks old Artemia starts producing cysts. These cysts become ready to harvest within a week.


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This study examines the relative profitability of pond aquaculture (polyculture and monoculture of silver barb) under BRAC supervision in Trishal Upazila, Mymensingh district in Bangladesh. The results of the study showed that polyculture was economically more rewarding than monoculture, though both the farming activities were profitable. Production function analysis proved that inputs such as fingerlings, fertilizer, feed and manure had positive impact on output. Human labor and insecticides were over used. The coefficients had expected signs and were found to be very significant.


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The aquaculture sector has been playing an increasingly dominating role in Indian fisheries scenario since the last two and half decades. Introduction of induced breeding and composite fish culture (CFC) technologies has changed the freshwater aquaculture sector in India. Institutional support has been one of the most crucial aspects in all fisheries development programs, more so in the Indian context where most of fish farmers are socially and economically weak. The innovation of CFC technology in freshwater aquaculture sector in the early seventies generated the need for adequate and effective institutional support to farmers. Under the freshwater aquaculture development program, the Fish Farmers Development Agencies (FFDA) have been established at district level to provide technical and extension support to the farming community besides arranging ponds on lease and supply of seeds. In addition to above, FFDAs are also expected to arrange loans from banks and provide subsidies. Thus, FFDAs are meant to provide institutional support to fish farming community in the country. In view of the above, an effort was made to study the adequacy and effectiveness of institutional support provided by the FFDA, Mirzapur for the development of aquaculture in Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh {U.P.), India. Study reveals that leasing of ponds for fish farming has been favourable to economically weaker sections of societies while bank loan accessibility is more for those having relatively higher economic status. Though the FFDA, Mirzapur performed well in providing training to potential fish farmers and creating awareness about fish farming, its effectiveness could not be equally seen in seed supply.


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The study has been undertaken in Kerala State in India with an overall objective of analyzing the bio-economic conditions of commercially exploited marine fishes for assessing their sustainability in the context of existing management practices. Maximum sustainable yield, maximum economic yield and open access levels of yield and effort were analyzed using Gompertz-Fox growth model. The study concluded that the fishing effort exceeded the economically optimal levels and there is unnecessary wastage of money, manpower and fuel in the fishing industry. The study stressed the urgent need for capture fisheries management in the State which at present follows an open access fishery where regulations exist only in the form of seasonal closure in the monsoon season.


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The production of fish and net economic return in pangasiid catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) monoculture and polyculture with silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) in farmers' ponds were assessed. The experiment was arranged in three treatments each with three replications. The ponds were stocked with 30,000 fishes per hectare. In treatment 1 (T1) pangasiid catfish only, in treatment 2 (T2) pangasiid catfish and silver carp at the ratio of 1:1, and in treatment 3 (T3) pangasiid catfish and silver carp at the ratio of 2:1 were stocked. At harvest, production of fish was found significantly (p<0.05) different among the treatments, highest in T1 and lowest in T2. Though the total biomass production and total economic return was significantly highest in T1 than in T2 and T3, the net economic return was lowest because of the required highest input costs especially for supplemental feed and fingerlings, resulted the highest cost per unit yield (CPY in Tk/kg) in T1. Highest cost for supplemental feed required in T1 was due to highest quantity of feed required for the highest number of pangasiid catfish stocked in that treatment. The findings of the present study suggest that though monoculture of pangasiid catfish give higher fish biomass production but polyculture with silver carp is environmentally good and economically profitable.


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Aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production sector globally, with production projected to double within the next 15–20 years. Future growth of aquaculture is essential to providing sustainable supplies of fish in national, regional and global fish food systems; creating jobs; and maintaining fish at affordable levels for resource-poor consumers. To ensure that the anticipated growth of aquaculture remains both economically and ecologically sustainable, we need to better understand the likely patterns of growth, as well as the opportunities and challenges, that these trends present. This knowledge will enable us to better prioritize investments that will help ensure the sustainable development of the sector. In Indonesia, WorldFish and partners have applied a unique methodology to evaluate growth trajectories for aquaculture under various scenarios, as well as the opportunities and challenges these represent. Indonesia is currently the fourth largest aquaculture producer globally, and the sector needs to grow to meet future fish demand. The study overlapped economic and environmental models with quantitative and participatory approaches to understand the future of aquaculture in Indonesia. Such analyses, while not definitive, have provided new understanding of the future supply and demand for seafood in Indonesia stretching to 2030. The learning from this research provides a foundation for future interventions in Indonesian fish food systems, as well as a suite of methodologies that can be applied more widely for insightful analyses of aquaculture growth trajectories in other countries or regions.