100 resultados para Cottonseed meal


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Three studies on pig-duck-fish-azolla integration were conducted simultaneously in La Union, Philippines. Growth performance of pigs and ducks as affected by different levels of azolla meal in their feed, and that of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under varying stocking rates are presented and discussed.


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Zooplankton are an important food source for many species of fish. They can provide an inexpensive alternative to other commercial feeds. Zooplankton have several advantages, among them a faster growth and greater feed efficiency for some species. The flavor and texture of fish are also improved with zooplankton as feed. Further research is needed on the chemical composition of zooplankton, the development of zooplankton-based dry diets and the effects of the replacement of fish meal with zooplankton meal for commercial aquaculture species.


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Gravid Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, are available along the central coast of North Carolina during the fall and are harvested by the purse-seine fleet from the port of Beaufort. Virtually all of the catch, sexually immature fish included, is reduces to fish meal, fish oil, and fish solubles; however, minor quantities of roe from ripening female menhaden are extracted for local consupmtion. Routine and selective port sampling information was used to characterize the seasonal and biostatistical nautre of the roe menhaden catches at Beaufort. Fishermen recognize two size classes of roe Atlantic menhaden: "forerunners," which are usually the smallest and earliest adult menhaden encountered in the Fall Fishery, and "mammy shad," which are the largest menhaden harvested and produce the greatest roe yields. Roe is extracted from femal fish at various points along the reduction process stream and by several techniques. Vessel cremen and factory personnel extract menhaden roe for personal and local consumption. Undetermined quantities of menhaden roe are channeled into local retail seafood markets. Wholesale prices are about $20 per gallon of roe, while retail prices are about $5 per pound. Carteret County, North Carolina, is probably the only area on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts where menhaden roe is sold in retail seafood markets. The potential of extracting menhaden roe for foreign markets is discussed


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Thread herrings, Opisthonema spp., are small, nearshore, pelagic clupeid fishes that form dense, surface schools in tropical to subtropical coastal waters. Ecologically, thread herrings form an important forage base for many large, predatory fishes (Finucane and Vaught, 1986). Commercially, thread herrings are targeted by artisanal to moderate-sized seine fisheries off the coasts of Ecuador and Peru (Patterson and Santos, 1992), Costa Rica (Stevenson and Carranza, 1981), Venezuela, the continental margins of the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico, and near the islands of Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Trinidad (Reintjes, 1978). Most of the catch is reduced to fish meal and fish oil (Patterson and Santos, 1992), although minor quantities are used for human consumption (Reintjes, 1978).


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Four recognized species of menhaden, Brevoortia spp., occur in North American marine waters: Atlantic menhaden, B. tyrannus; Gulf menhaden, B. patronus; yellowfin menhaden. B. smithi; and finescale menhaden, B. gunteri. Three of the menhaden species are known to form two hybrid types. Members of the genus range from coastal waters of Veracruz, Mex., to Nova Scotia, Can. Atlantic and Gulf menhaden are extremely abundant within their respective ranges and support extensive purse-seine reduction (to fish meal and oil) fisheries. All menhaden species are estuarine dependent through late larval and juvenile stages. Depending on species and location within the range, spawning may occur within bays and sounds to a substantial distance offshore. Menhaden are considered to be filter-feeding, planktivorous omnivores as juveniles and adults. Menhaden eggs, immature developmental stages, and adults are potential prey for a large and diverse number of predators. North American menhadens, including two hybrids, are hosts for the parasitic isopod, Olencira praegustator, and the parasitic copepod, Lemaeenicus radiatus. Although the data are quite variable, a dome-shaped Ricker function is frequently used to describe the spawner-recruitment relationship for Atlantic and Gulf menhaden. Each of these species is treated as a single stock with respect to exploitation by the purse-seine reduction fishery. Estimates of instantaneous natural (other) mortality rates are O.45 for Atlantic menhaden and 1.1 for Gulf menhaden.


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With its genesis in New England during the 1800's, the purse seine fishery for Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, expanded south and by the early 1900's ranged the length of the eastern seaboard. The purse seine fishery for Gulf menhaden. B. patronus, is of relatively recent development, exploitation of the stock beginning in the late 1940's. Landings from both fisheries annually comprise 35-40% of the total U. S. fisheries landings, ranking menhaden first in terms of volume landed. Technological advances in harvesting methods, fish-spotting capabilities, and vessel designs accelerated after World War II, resulting in larger, faster, and wider-ranging carrier vessels, improved speed and efficiency of the harvest, and reduction in labor requirements. Chief products of the menhaden industry are fish meal, fish oil, and solubles, but research into new product lines is underway. Since 1955 on the Atlantic coast and 1964 on the Gulf coast, the NMFS has monitored the fisheries for biostatistical data. Annual data summaries of numbers-of-fish-at-age harvested, catch tonnage, and fishing effort of the fleet form the basis of routine stock assessments and annual catch forecasts to industry for the upcoming fishing season. After landings declined in the 1960's, the Atlantic menhaden stock has recovered through the 1970's and 1980's. Exceptional year classes of Gulf menhaden in recent years account for record landings during the 1980's.


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Basking sharks, Cetorhinus maximus, are frequently observed along the central and northwestern southern California coast during the winter and spring months. These large plankton feeding elasmobranchs, second in size only to the whale shark, Rhineodon typus, had been the subject of a small commercial fishery off California in the late 1940's and early 1950's for their liver oil, rich in vitamin A, and in later years for reduction into fish meal and oil (Roedel and Ripley, 1950). These fisheries were sporadic and did not take basking sharks in large numbers.


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The study deals with a series of experiments to investigate feeding and excretion in three species of bivalves: Perna viridis (Linné), Marcia cor (Sowerby) and Cassostrea gryphoides (Gould) from Manora Channel, Karachi. Bivalves were fed with suspensions of Ankistrodesmes labelled with P³². These animals showed a considerable variation in the average filtration rates depending upon species and the body lenght. Exceptionally high content of the P³² introduced with Akistrodesmes, got excreted as pseudofaeces and faeces within first three days following its absorption as a meal. The assimilated P³² is partly released as faecal material and its major proportion is directly transferred to the solution. As expexted the gonad and kidney are the main organs found responsible for excretion as comared to other body parts. Although, the assimilated P³² is mostly concentrated in the digestive glands, the results also show a significant presence of P³² in the gonads. Accumulation of P³² was the least in the foot.


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A comparative study on the effect of different types of drying on the nutritive value of the proteins in the different fishmeals of known history was made. From the observations, it is clear that the mode of drying has got little or no effect on the nutritive value of the meal as revealed by the chemical indices of available lysine and pepsin digestibility, provided enough precautions were taken to avoid scorching during drying process. Sun dried meals are in no way inferior to the meals prepared by hot-air, steam or vacuum drying.


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A 10-weeks culture trial of mud crab, Scylla serrata in brackish water earthen pond was conducted in different stocking densities. The aim of the experiment was to identify a suitable stocking density for optimum production. There were three treatment as 5000 crab lings/ha, 10000 crab lings/ha and 15000 crab lings/ha of each with three replications. The initial mean weight of crab lings were same (5.5 ± 0.13 g). The experimental month was June '95 to August '95. The size of each pond was 500 m². To maintain good water quality water was exchanged in every spring tide. The salinity during the experiment were 2-18ppt. Prepared feed of about 32% protein consisting fish meal, MOC rice bran and wheat flour was used at 5% of their body weight. In terms of production, survival rate, growth and carapace width, the stocking density having 10000/ha showed the best (P


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Growth and mortality rate of Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus) under five different dietary conditions were studied in fifteen floating net cages in ponds of the Bangladesh Agricultural University Campus, Mymensingh. Growth rate was found to vary under different dietary conditions. The feed with mixture of 25% rice bran, 5% wheat bran, 30% linseed oil cake and 40% water hyacinth leaf meal exhibited the highest growth rate. The gain of log of body weight per unit increase of log of total length was significant. Significant survivals of the fishes were found.


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Feeding experiments were conducted for 21 days to study the effect of live food (Tubifex sp.) and three prepared supplemental feeds on the growth and survival of 13 day old magur (C. batrachus) fry. It was observed that the growth of fry varied significantly (p<0.05) with different diets. The best growth was shown by the fry fed with Tubifex sp. followed by those fed with the diet containing yeast (30%), milk powder (30%) and chicken eggs (30%). The poorest growth rate was given by the fry fed on yeast (45%) and fish meal (45%). There was no significant difference in survival rates and condition factors among the fry fed with live food and prepared feeds.


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An experiment was carried out for a period of 20 days using 7-day old Clarias batrachus larvae of initial total length of 7.4 ± 0.49 mm and weight of 2.9 ± 0.83 mg. Three artificial diets were used for the study having three replication of each. Among these, diet-I was formulated using 20% fish meal (FM), 30% powdered milk and 30% boiled egg yolk (BEY), diet-II using 27% FM, 20% Baker’s yeast (BY), 30% BEY and 3% agar and diet-III using 20% FM, 20% BY and 45% whole egg. The larvae fed on diets-II and III showed significantly (P<0.05) better length and weight gain than those of the larvae fed on diet-I. The larvae fed on diet- III showed the best survival rate (70%). However, the condition factor of the larvae fed on diet I was significantly better than those of the larvae fed on other two diets. The results of the study showed that C. batrachus larvae could be successfully reared with diet containing 45% whole egg, 20% yeast and 20% fish meal.


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An experiment was conducted for a period of 28 days using 7-day old C. batrachus larvae of initial total length (±S.D.) of 7.4 ± 0.49 mm and weight (±S.D.) of 2.8 ± 0.75 mg. Five test diets viz. diets I, II, III, IV and V were prepared. Diet I was formulated using 30% fish meal (FM), 20% soybean meal (SM) and 20% Baker's yeast (BY), diet III using 15% FM, 20% SM, 15% cotton seed meal and 30% BY and diet IV using 20% FM, 30% BY and 30% powdered milk. The remaining two diets (diets II and V) were prepared using minced clam meat (96%) and BY (90%) respectively as the sole source of protein. Three replications were used for each treatment. The larvae fed on diet II exhibited significantly (P<0.05) better length gain and specific growth rate (SGR) than those of the larvae fed on diet III and there was no significant difference among the length gain and SGR of the larvae fed on diet I,II,IV and V. The larvae fed on diet II also showed significantly better weight gain and survival than those of the larvae fed on other diets. There was no significant difference between the condition factor of the larvae fed on diet II and IV. However, the larvae fed on diet II showed better condition factor than those of the larvae fed on other diets.


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P. monodon juveniles prefer natural food than artificial feed in their initial stage of rearing. However, the percentage preference towards artificial feed increases as the days of culture/average body weight increases. Consumption of artificial feed was high during evening meal (1700h) and low during night meal (2200h). The index of intestine fullness was high (8.4±0.7) during initial stage of rearing, compared to that of final stage of rearing (4.9±0.4), probably due to low nutritional value of intake material and low water depth at initial stage. At all stage of rearing omnivorous feeding habit was established and no evidence of diet periodicity in feeding activity was observed.