54 resultados para Costa Brava


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Based on the proven existence of large pelagic fish resources in the southern coast of Mozambique, an experimental fishing trolling program has been designed to study the possibility of resources exploitation through the introduction of trolling technique on artisanal vessels (Project FAO/TCP/MOZ/5653). Although operational problems occurred, the program carried out during the year 1957, provided a collection of data and knowledge. It allowed the preparation of present paper, which could serve as an indicator for a possible implementation of this fishing method in the Mozambican artisanal sector. Sharing this study, the author expects to give a further contribution to the development of a greater pelagic fishery in the waters of Mozambique.


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La glaciaciones ocurridas en la región expusieron en diferente grado la actual plataforma continental Argentina (océano Atlántico sudoccidental). Este trabajo de divulgación científica da a conocer un modelo de evolución paleogeográfica de las costas de la Pampa y la Patagonia, y brinda la posibilidad de localizar temporalmente la formación de los principales rasgos costeros del extremo sur de América del sur. Se incluyen además otras lecturas sugeridas relacionadas al tema.


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Este trabajo de divulgación científica presenta la tendencia relativa del nivel medio del mar y su aceleración, para aquellas localidades de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina) de las que se dispone de series de alturas de marea que cubren por lo menos los últimos ciencuenta años. Este es el caso del puerto de Buenos Aires y el de Mar del Plata. Éstas dos localidades poseen características geográficas e hidrodinámicas distintas, por lo que resulta de mayor interés comparar los resultados obtenidos. Se discuten los mismos, y la evolución del nivel medio durante esta centuria.


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En diciembre de 1992, a varios metros de profundidad y adheridos a los pilotes del muelle Almirante Storni de Puerto Madryn (Prov. Chubut, Argentina), se observaron algunos ejemplares de un alga de gran tamaño no registrada entre la flora marina argentina. Se trataba de Undaria pinnatifida, una especie originaria de las costas de Japón, que arribó presumiblemente en forma accidental, trasladada por barcos. Progresivamente esta especie se fue dispersando a lo largo de las costas de la Patagonia Argentina, con indeseables efectos ambientales, sociales y económicos. Se incluye información sobre las características del alga, su adaptación a diversas condiciones ambientales, su dispersión mundial, el impacto ambiental en la región, además de un glosario y lecturas sugeridas.


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Catch and effort data and some biological characteristics of the deep water spiny lobster P. delagoae were presented.


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Bream (Abramis brava orientalis) is one of Cyprindae the Caspian Sea and its basin which has a special ecological, biological and economical role. Stock of this fish in the Caspian Sea has reduced during several years for different reason the over fishing, different industrial, agriculture, urban pollution and destroy of the spawning habitat. So that fishery company decided to recover the stock of this fish by the way of artificial reproduction of a Bream couple hunted from south coast of the Caspian Sea (Iran) and setting the fingerling to the rivers and inflow wetlands of the Caspian Sea.This activity has due to 20 tons Bream annual fishing in the Iranian South coast of the Caspian Sea (Gilan province coast and Anzali wetland), The artificial reproduction has decreased Bream population diversity of Caspian sea and Anzali wetland.So it has been declined to improve Braem population diversity by the entrance of Azerbijan republic Bream and encounter to the Caspian sea Bream. Meanwhile there is Bream in the Aras Dam Lake which had been forgotten by the Fishery Company of Iran .For this reason specifications morphometric, meristic and inter species Molecular Genetic have been surveyed in Anzali wetland,Southern coast of Caspian Sea ,Aras Darn Lake and Azerbijan republic during 2003-2005. According to the research on specifications of Morphometric and Meristic of Anzali wetland(120 species),Southern coast of Caspian Sea(90 species), Aras Dam Lake(110 species) and Azerbijan Republic(125 species)has Morphometric and Meristic differences. So that average weight and total length of Anzali wetland Bream respectively was 167 g and 23/76 cm, 102 g and 27/62 cm in Caspian Sea , 461 g and 3 5/38 cm in Aras Darn Lake and 3 4189 g and 15/21 cm in Azerbijan republic (We forced to use 1 year Bream of artificial reproduction in Iran). Also variation coefficient average Morphometric, Morphometric specification Ration and meristic in Anzali wetland Bream was 17/45, 21/56 and 4/63, in Caspian Sea bream 22/58, 15/27 and 3124, in Aras Dam lake Lake 17145. 1.5/27 and 3/57 and Azerbaijan republic Bream 22/29, 19/66 and 4/22. Also Bream of these four regions in general status had Morphometric significant differences based on One Way ANOVA Analysis. Meanwhile Anzali wetland Bream with Caspian Sea Bream from 41 Morphometric surveyed factors in 33 factors, with Aras Darn Lake Bream in 41 factors, with Azerbkjan republic Bream in 41 factors,Caspian Sea Bream with Aras Darn Lake Bream in 36 factors,with Azerbijan republic B ream in 40 factors and A ras Dam L ake Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 38 factors had significant statistical differences. These four regions Bream had differences according to the Morphomertric specification ration based on One Way ANOVA Analysis. Also Anzali wetland Bream was surveyed with Caspian Sea Bream from 37 factors i n 27 factors, Anzali wetland Bream with Aras Dam 1ake in 37 factors Anzali wetland Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 32 factors,Caspian sea bream with Arsa Dam Lake Bream in 26 factors, Caspian Sea Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 29 factors and Aras Dam Lake Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 34 factor had significant statistical differences. Based on Meristic factor of four regions bream in 16 surveyed factors in 10 factors had meaningful differences according to the One Way ANOVA Analysis. While Anzali wetland Bream was surveyed with Caspian Sea Bream from in 3 factors,Anzali wetland Bream with Aras Dam lake in 8 factors,Anzali wetland Bream with Azerbijan republic B ream in 6 factors,Caspian Sea bream with Arsa Dam Lake Bream in 6 factors,Caspian sea Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 3 factors and Aras Dam Lake Bream with Azerijan republic Bream in 8 factor had significant statistical differences.Meanwihle based on Factor Analysis and Discriminant Breams had differences. Also according to the resrarchs Anzali wetland Bream in 0+ age group till 5+ (6 age groups),Caspian Sea bream in 1+ - 5+(5 age groups),Aras Darn Lake Bream in 1+ - 7+ (7 age groups) and Azerbijan republic Bream for Morphometric and Meristic studies in 1+age group and for molecular Genetic reaserch were in 8+and 9+ age groups. According to the research 4 ecosystems Bream in status of same age, Aras lake Bream were bigger according to weight and length.Also in this research genetic diversity between four population was researched by PCR-RFLP technic on a piece of mitochondrion genome with the length of 3500bp contain of tRNA-leu,tRNA-glu,ND5/6,Cytb. Between 17 used enzyme. 4 enzyme, Dral, Bc11, Haefll and Banff showed diversity in totally 6 composite haplotype was detected. Maximum nucleotide diversity by the value% 0/58 in Azerbijan republic Bream by all haplotype. Aras darn Lake Bream had 2 haplotype and nucleotide diversity of %0/35.Anzali wetland and Caspian Sea Bream had no diversity. Statistical analysis by the usage of Monte Carlo with 1000 repeat showed significant differences between Azerbaijan Bream and other Bream(P<0/0001) but there was no significant difference between 3 regions Bream(P>0/5).


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Este estudio está orientado a identificar correctamente las especies comerciales, evitar los errores que surgen como consecuencia de confundir las especies en los muestreos utilizador en los trabajos de bioestadística y por ende en la estimación del efectivo de las poblaciones. Los peneidos comerciales del litoral Atlántico de Sudamérica son fáciles de reconocer, con excepción de los representantes del género Penaeus, que en algunos casos puede ofrecer ciertas dificultades debido a la similitud en la morfología externa. Se espera que este estudio sea una contribución útil a biólogos pesqueros, pescadores y técnicos que tienen una actividad relacionada con la pesca. Hasta el presente existen sólo siete especies de camarones de la familia Penaeidae de valor comercial en aguas de Colombia, Guayanas, Venezuela, Brasil, Uruguay y Argentina.