90 resultados para Classification of water bodies


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Viruses, which are characterised by a relative simplicity of chemical composition, are involved with all the groups of the animal and plant world. The discovery of viruses of lower organisms has special interest. Along with the already known viruses lysing bacteria and actinomycetes, viruses have been discovered in recent years which lyse algae. During investigations of water from water-bloom patches and of mud taken from zones of massive accumulation of blue-green algae in the Dneprovsk reservoirs, the authors obtained viruses lysing algae. The revealing of viruses producing lysis of blue-green algae, which one could use in the control of water-blooms, has the greatest interest. With this aim, samples of water were collected from various zones of water-bloom patches in the Kremenchug, Dneprovsk and Kukhov reservoirs. For viruses lysing algae we propose the name 'algophages'. Along with the existence of viruses of algae of the phage type, one cannot deny the possibility of the existence of viruses of another type, multiplying in the cells of algae and causing their virus illnesses.


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Recent research has shown that the biomass of bacteria in lakes and other water-bodies can attain significant values. The huge production of bacteria is brought about by their great rate of reproduction. In a series of cases their biomass exceeds the biomass of phytoplankton. Therefore in a study of the biological productivity of water bodies it is necessary to calculate the biomass and production not only of the phyto- and zooplankton, but also of bacteria.The authors uses different methods and formulae to to compare the time of one generation of the bacteria.


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Pisidium obtusale in the neighbourhood of Borka occurs in deep pools on upland bogs. The majority of water-bodies where this mollusc lives are temporary. Their bottoms are covered with sedges, and sometimes mosses occur. Evidently there is a marked attraction of P. obtusale to places overgrown by willow. In pools remote from scrub or woody vegetation it does not appear. Temporary water-bodies fill up with melt water in the middle or the end of April and finally dry up at the end of July or the beginning of August. Observations on the life cycle of P. obtusale started on 21 April 1966, following on the filling-up of the water-body by melt water. The findings of the study are presented in this paper.


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Cases of mutual exclusion of two species of organisms in nature are known in large numbers. In the majority, they make different demands on the environ- ment which makes co-occurrence impossible. Less frequent are those cases in which a definite activity of one species prevents the occurrence of the other in the same region. An experiment was carried out n order to establish if Chydorus sphaericus can co-occur with water-snails. It emerged that a substance soluble in water which is given off by snails is responsible for the negative effect on small crustacea.


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This paper tries to develop more generally some fundamental bases for the ecological study of freshwater plankton. A special attention is given to the phytoplankton associations which can be separated out and made into groups according to their dependence upon changing environments. Plankton formations in different types of water bodies (ponds, lakes and rivers) are studied.


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Oreochrimis niloticus (L.) was introduced to Lake victoria in the 1950s. It remained relatively uncommon in catches until 1965, when the numbers began to increase dramatically. It is now the third most important commercial fish species after the Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.) and Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin). Oreochromis niloticus is considered a herbivore, feeding mostly on algae and plant material. The diet now appears to be more diversified , with insects, fish, algae and plant materials all being important food items. Fish smaller than 5 cm TL have a diverse diet but there is a decline in the importance of zooplankton, the preferred food item of small fish, as fish get larger. The shift in diet could be due to changes which have occurred in the lake. Water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, which harbours numerous insects in its root balls, now has extensively coverage over the lake. The native fish species which preyed on these insects (e.g. haplochromines) have largely been eliminated and O. niloticus could be filling niches previously occupied by these cichlids and non cichlid fishes. The change in diet could also be related to food availability and abundance where the fish is feeding on the most readily available food items.


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The report describes the results of preliminary analyses of data obtained from a series of water temperature loggers sited at various distances (0.8 to 21.8 km) downstream of Kielder dam on the River North Tyne and in two natural tributaries. The report deals with three aspects of the water temperature records: An analysis of an operational aspect of the data sets for selected stations, a simple examination of the effects of impoundment upon water temperature at or close to the point of release, relative to natural river temperatures, and an examination of rate of change of monthly means of daily mean, maximum, minimum and range (maximum - minimum) with distance downstream of the point of release during 1983.


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A review article which discusses the ecology and management of common water plants in lowland streams, with an introduction containing a review of previous studies on the subject. The article covers the significance of seasonal growth, the significance of stand structure (particularly in relation to hydraulic resistence), an assessment of current river management, improvements to plant management techniques (in relation to cutting), and alternatives to the traditional techniques of river plant management. There are a number of accompanying figures.


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At the present time hydrobiological indicators are widely used for the control of surface water quality. Results of the applying of methods suggested at the 1st Soviet-American seminar (1975), development of improved methods and estimation of their usefulness for various conditions are presented in this report. Among the criteria permitting an estimation of the degree and character of changes in water quality and their connection with the functioning of river ecosystems in general, the biological tests of natural waters appears to be the most universal one and is being carried out in two main directions — ecological and physiological. This study summarises approaches in both directions.


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In accordance with the plan for joint Anglo-Soviet scientific and technical collaboration on environmental problems, the comparative evaluation of systems of hydrobiological analysis of the surface water quality started in 1977 at the Regional Laboratory of the Severn-Trent Water Authority in Nottingham were continued in the spring of 1978. The investigations were carried out under the auspices of the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Hydrobiological and hydrochemical samples were collected by Soviet and British specialists from the Kiev reservoir and the rivers Dnieper, Sozh, Desna and Snov. The possible approved methods to be adopted were evaluated from the samples using the phytoperiphyton, phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos against a background of hydrochemical characteristics.


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Restoration of water-bodies from eutrophication has proved to be extremely difficult. Mathematical models have been used extensively to provide guidance for management decisions. The aim of this paper is to elucidate important problems of using models for predicting environmental changes. First, the necessity for a proper uncertainty assessment of the model, upon calibration, has not been widely recognized. Predictions must not be a single time trajectory; they should be a band, expressing system uncertainty and natural variability. Availability of this information may alter the decision to be taken. Second, even with well-calibrated models, there is no guarantee they will give correct projections in situations where the model is used to predict the effects of measures designed to bring the system into an entirely different ”operating point”, as is typically the case in eutrophication abatement. The concept of educated speculation is introduced to partially overcome this difficulty. Lake Veluwe is used as a case to illustrate the point. Third, as questions become more detailed, such as ”what about expected algal composition”, there is a greater probability of running into fundamental problems that are associated with predicting the behaviour of complex non-linear systems. Some of these systems show extreme initial condition sensitivity and even, perhaps, chaotic behaviour, and are therefore fundamentally unpredictable.


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Esthwaite Water is the most productive or eutrophic lake in the English Lake District. Since 1945 its water quality has been determined from weekly or biweekly measurements of temperature, oxygen, plant nutrients and phytoplankton abundance. The lake receives phosphorus from its largely lowland-pasture catchment, sewage effluent from the villages of Hawkshead and Near Sawrey, and from a cage-culture fish farm. From 1986 phosphorus has been removed from the sewage effluent of Hawkshead which was considered to contribute between 47% and 67% of the total phosphorus loading to the lake. At the commencement of phosphorus removal regular measurements of phosphorus in the superficial 0-4 cm layer of lake sediment were made from cores collected at random sites. Since 1986 the mean annual concentration of alkali-extractable sediment phosphorus has decreased by 23%. This change is not significant at the 5% level but nearly so. There has been no marked change in water quality over this period. Summer dominance of blue-green algae which arose in the early 1980s after decline of the previous summer forms, Ceratium spp., has been maintained. Improvement in water quality is unlikely to be achieved at the present phosphorus loading.


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Like other rivers in the Paris area, the Oise is subject to important seasonal algal blooms. This eutrophication generates notable problems for the production of drinking-water from a treatment plant on the river at Méry. A mathematical model has been developed to simulate variation in water quality in a pre-treatment storage basin, and another model is currently being adapted to model the River Oise. Integration of the two models should provide a comprehensive tool for predicting variations of phytoplankton and water-quality parameters associated with algal blooms. This will be a decision-aid for optimizing control of the treatment process for providing potable water.


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The study of metallothioneins (MTs) has greatly improved our understanding of body burdens, metal storage and detoxification in aquatic organisms subjected to contamination by the toxic heavy metals, Cd, Cu, Hg and Zn. These studies have shown that in certain organisms MT status can be used to assess impact of these metals at the cellular level and, whilst validation is currently limited to a few examples, this stress response may be linked to higher levels of organisation, thus indicating its potential for environmental quality assessment. Molluscs, such as Mytilus spp., and several commonly occurring teleost species, are the most promising of the indicator species tested. Natural variability of MT levels caused by the organism's size, condition, age, position in the sexual cycle, temperature and various stressors, can lead to difficulties in interpretation of field data as a definitive response-indicator of metal contamination unless a critical appraisal of these variables is available. From laboratory and field studies these data are almost complete for teleost fish. Whilst for molluscs much of this information is lacking, when suitable controls are utilised and MT measurements are combined with observations of metal partitioning, current studies indicate that they are nevertheless a powerful tool in the interpretation of impact, and may prove useful in water quality assessment.


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Improvements in methods for the detection and enumeration of microbes in water, particularly the application of techniques of molecular biology, have highlighted shortcomings in the ”standard methods” for assessing water quality. Higher expectations from the consumer and increased publicity associated with pollution incidents can lead to an uncoupling of the cycle which links methodological development with standard-setting and legislation. The new methodology has also highlighted problems within the water cycle, related to the introduction, growth and metabolism of microbes. A greater understanding of the true diversity of the microbial community and the ability to transmit genetic information within aquatic systems ensures that the subject of this symposium and volume provides an ideal forum to discuss the problems encountered by both researcher and practitioner.