767 resultados para Fishery technology


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Ice-storage study of blood clam (Anadara granosa) meat in direct contact and out of contact (in 200 gauge polyethylene bag) with ice was taken up to assess the amenability of the meat to icing. Changes in moisture, total protein, non-protein nitrogen, α amino nitrogen, total volatile base nitrogen, glycogen, free fatty acid, peroxide value, total bacterial count and coliform count were followed every day. The raw and cooked meat were also subjected to organoleptic evaluation. The study showed that the clam meat can be ice-stored in very good condition out of contact with ice in polyethylene packets for 4 days and in direct contact with ice for 2 days.


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Three dry pelleted feeds incorporating fish meal, fish silage or a mixture of colocasia leaf powder and fish meal were formulated for use in carp culture. The diets formulated were tested for water stability and also for changes in their quality parameters over storage of three months. The different pellets showed satisfactory water stability. The variations recorded in the proximate composition during the period of storage did not bring about any drastic change in the overall keeping quality of the feeds. Therefore, the three formulated feeds are considered suitable for use in the culture of carps.


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An experimental procedure along with a method of analysis to judge the suitability of an individual to be included in a taste panel is described. The procedure is based on comparison of the organoleptic scores assigned by the individual to pairs of fish samples whose qualities are known and a set of physical measurements of the same samples. Fisher's Exact Probability Test provides a criterion for the judgement.


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The beche-de-mer industry in India is a cent percent export oriented industry being confined to south east coast in Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar in Tamil Nadu. Chemical quality of 180 trade samples of beche-de-mer of four sizes collected from the beche-de-mer curing centres of Ramanathapuram district was studied. Moisture ranged from 6.2 to 24.4% and sand content from 0.11 to 20.42% for all grades. Mean values of sand content are for grade 1=3.47%, grade 2=4.50%, grade 3=3.68%, grade 4=6.87%. Sodium chloride was almost constant for all grades at 5.7%. TVBN values ranged from 10 to 78.4 mg%. 44 laboratory samples of different grades were prepared following trade practice and examined for chemical quality. Mean moisture values are for grade 1=13.4%, grade 2=12.44%, grade 3=12.62%, grade 4=12.08% and mean values of sand are for grade 1=0.70%, grade 2=0.90%, grade 3=1.16%, grade 4=2.15%. The percentage of shrinkage of the animals ranged from 56% to 60% for dried beche-de-mer of 7.5 cm size and above.


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The paper describes the development of an electronic instrument to measure the torque developed on the propeller shaft of fishing vessels at various speeds of the propeller. By measuring the torque, it is possible to determine the actual power transmitted from the engine gear-box unit to the propeller so that propeller efficiency can be evaluated and the optimum size of the propeller for a specific engine and vessel can be determined.


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The preventive effect of fumarate, maleate, tartrate and oxalate on the denaturation of frozen rohu actomyosin at -20°C in 0.7 M KCl for 7 weeks was examined using an in vitro test model. The rate of denaturation was followed by estimating percentage salt extractability, Ca²+ ATP-ase activity and the clearing response test. Fumarate, maleate and tartrate showed cryoprotective effect for higher concentration of pre-rigor rohu actomyosin of 10 mg/ml and 20 mg/ml. At actomyosin concentration of 6 mg/ml, maleate and tartrate showed some preventive effect whereas fumarate enhanced denaturation. Oxalate showed poor cryoprotective action. Post-rigor rohu actomyosin was preserved frozen without denaturation to a greater extent than pre-rigor actomyosin.


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Discriminant functions were worked out for adoption or non-adoption of five improved practices in fish curing. Four variables measured quantitatively formed the basis for discrimination. In four out of five equations, the selected variables were found to discriminate significantly between the adopters and non-adopters.


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The effect of betel leaf (Piper betle Linn.) extract on control of autoxidation of fat in dry fish has been studied. Oil sardine has been selected for experiments since it contains very high amount of fat. The treatments were given with 5% (w/v) betel leaf extract in water at different stages of salt curing. FFA, PV and TVN values of the samples were determined periodically to assess the keeping quality and autoxidation. The sample, prepared by dipping the fish in the extract immediately after salting and then drying as usual, was found to have better keeping qualities.


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Results of experiments carried out on canning edible oyster (Crassostrea madrasensis) meat from farmed as well as wild specimens are discussed. The canning yield of meat was 15% higher from farmed oysters compared to wild specimens. The meat from wild oysters was highly slimy and therefore required an additional pre-treatment of washing in brine containing acetic acid to prevent formation of lumps of meat in the can causing problems for proper heat penetration while processing.


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Influence of colour of webbing on the catch of gill nets for commercially important hilsa (Hilsa toli and Hilsa ilisha) and pomfret (Pampus argenteus and Parastromateus niger) has been studied in the coastal waters off Veraval. Among the colours tested yellow and white are recommended for hilsa and pomfret gear. Influence of fishing depth, surface water temperature and turbidity on catch are also discussed.


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Marine polychaetes, collected from the Vellar Estuary exhibited arylsulfatase activity. Lumbriconeries sp. Polydora sp. Monojis sp. and Heteromastus sp. were selected for this study. Of these, Heteromastus sp. showed maximum enzymatic activity and it has been chosen for the enzyme kinetic studies such as pH, optimal temperature, period of incubation and the effect of DDT. Enzyme activity showed single peak at pH 6.2 possibly indicating the presence of one type of arylsulfatase. Maximum activity was attained after 12h of incubation at 29°C. DDT has an inhibiting effect on the arylsulfatase activity even at the concentration of 10 p.p.m. and the activity was completely lost at 100 p.p.m.


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Fresh sole fish (Cynoglossus macrolepidotus) was quick frozen at -40°C and stored at -18°C. Shelf life was evaluated by following biochemical, bacteriological and organoleptic changes occurring during storage. Rapid decrease was noted in the water extractable nitrogen and salt soluble nitrogen fractions. Samples of frozen sole fish remained in acceptable condition for 20 weeks.


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Live clams collected from their natural beds were depurated by starving them in water. Water from their natural environment, potable water from municipal water supply and sodium chloride solution made up to the strength of natural brackish water as well as all these chlorinated at 5 p.p.m. level were used. The acid insoluble ash could be brought down to insignificant level by depuration in natural water for a period of 16-18 h. Bacterial quality of the meat also could be improved by this method. Chlorination of the system at the end of depuration further improves the bacterial quality of the meat.


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Cutlets have been prepared from the minces of lizard fish (Saurida tumbil), threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus), jew fish (Johnius dussumieri) and miscellaneous fish. The storage characteristics of cutlet (both raw and flash fried) at 4°C, -8°C and -20°C were studied. Cutlets prepared from the minced lizard fish showed the highest acceptability. Flash fried cutlets were found to be superior in quality compared to raw cutlets. The raw cutlet had storage life of 6 days, 11 weeks and 19 weeks at 4°C, -8°C and -20°C respectively and flash fried cutlets had a shelf life of 22 weeks at -20°C.


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To bring out the relative efficiency of various types of fishing gears, in the analysis of catch data, a combination of Tukey's test, consequent transformation and graphical analysis for outlier elimination has been introduced, which can be advantageously used for applying ANOVA techniques, Application of these procedures to actual sets of data showed that nonadditivity in the data was caused by either the presence of outliers, or the absence of a suitable transformation or both. As a corollary, the concurrent model: X sub(ij) = µ + α sub(i) + β sub(j) + λ α sub(i) β sub(j) + E sub(ij) adequately fits the data.